#rule of wolves


Morning Doodle: Lunch

Artist Notes: Had a packed weekend, so just a quick doodle today!

Morning Doodle: One hell of a week

Artist Notes: I’m back! Currently undergoing model rigging and technical tests, so you just get a quick mood doodle today.

I am currently writing a review of Nina’s portion of King of ScarsandRule of Wolves, so the following sentiment may be repeated in a future post.

I wish the Fjerdan plotline had centered on Rasmus. Rather than withholding the fact that he was an engineer to the very end of the novel, this could have been explored as a foil to Nikolai.

Two Fjerdans princes. Two engineers. One wants to bring peace and prosperity to his country through education and technology, the other wants to conquer his neighbor and prove his worth as an absolute authority.

“He doesn’t like to feel weak,” said Hanne.

“No one does. But he can’t just be kind when he’s feeling strong.”

- Rule of Wolves, Ch. 22

I think this is one of the most profound lines Bardugo has written in the Grishaverse, as well as a reoccurring flaw in both her “villains” and her “heroes.”

Nina decided to try a different approach. “Perhaps she was wise to. I’ve heard Nikolai Lantsov is quite the leader, beloved by rich and poor alike.”

“Oh yes,” said Hanne, catching on. “He fought in the wars himself. As infantry, not an officer! And word has it he’s also an engineer—”

“He’s a coarse fool without a drop of Lantsov blood in him,” Rasmus snapped.

“Hard to prove, though,” said Nina.

“But we have his whore mother’s letters.” - Rule of Wolves, Ch. 13

Sometimes, I think all the characters in this series have forgotten that Tatiana is a Fjerdan princess. Nikolai may not have a drop of Lantsov blood, but the fact that he has Grimjer blood should interest Rasmus Grimjer far more.

Nikolai may be a bastard, but he is still a royal Fjerdan bastard.

And then, of course, there were the dead. Kings and queens and favored retainers had been buried on the White Island since before the Ice Court had been built around it, and Nina could hear their whispers. An army awaiting her command. - Rule of Wolves, Ch. 10

Bardugo is such a tease.


Fascinatingly, the worship of Djel has even more components of Catholicism than the Ravkan religion.

“Wellmother,” said Brum, his voice icy, “you may have the ear of Djel, but so do the drüskelle. You will think more carefully the next time you come to my home to accuse my daughter.”

The Wellmother rose. She looked indomitable, not remotely chastened by Brum’s words. “I serve the spiritual well-being of this country,” she said. “The Apparat, a heathen priest, is beneath this roof. I have heard tales of heathen worship in this very town. I will not be swayed in my mission. Still,” she said, and smoothed the woolen skirts of her pinafore, “I am glad Hanne has finally found her way. I will hear her confession before I go.“ - Rule of Wolves, Ch. 4

“And I will hear Mila Jandersdat’s as well.”

Nina couldn’t hide her surprise. “But I was only a guest of the convent. I was never a novitiate.”

And do you not have a soul, Mila Jandersdat?”


So if Madame Prune Pit wanted her to make up a few good sins, she’d be happy to entertain her for a quarter of an hour.

“I’ll go first,” she said to Hanne, and cheerfully followed the Wellmother into the small receiving room that had been selected for her confessional.

It was narrow, with space for little more than a writing desk and a small sofa. The Wellmother took a seat at the desk and lit an oil lamp.

“The water hears and understands,” she murmured.

“The ice does not forgive,” Nina said in traditional reply.

Fascinatingly, the worship of Djel has even more components of Catholicism than the Ravkan religion.

“Wellmother,” said Brum, his voice icy, “you may have the ear of Djel, but so do the drüskelle. You will think more carefully the next time you come to my home to accuse my daughter.”

The Wellmother rose. She looked indomitable, not remotely chastened by Brum’s words. “I serve the spiritual well-being of this country,” she said. “The Apparat, a heathen priest, is beneath this roof. I have heard tales of heathen worship in this very town. I will not be swayed in my mission. Still,” she said, and smoothed the woolen skirts of her pinafore, “I am glad Hanne has finally found her way. I will hear her confession before I go.“ - Rule of Wolves, Ch. 4

The Grisha areRavka.

- Jarl Brum(Rule of Wolves, Ch. 2)

This line almost justifies this man’s continued existence. Almost.


The king grinned. “Manners, Tolya. If they want to send me to hell, I’m going to at least say a proper goodbye.” His jacket was torn, his clothes stained with blood. He had never looked less like the boy who had courted her. He had never looked more like a king. “This is not your country. I have no right to command you, so l ask you. Fight for me. Fight for every Grisha, for every soldier, for every child who wishes to see his mother again, for every father who wishes to rest his head at night without fear of what may come tomorrow, for every artist, and carpenter, and stoneworker, and farmer who were meant to do more with their lives than carry a gun in their hands. Fight for all of us.”

I needed to draw my favorite fictional white boy again. Nikolai belongs to Leigh Bardugo. Please do not repost.


Nina decided to try a different approach. “Perhaps she was wise to. I’ve heard Nikolai Lantsov is quite the leader, beloved by rich and poor alike.”

“Oh yes,” said Hanne, catching on. “He fought in the wars himself. As infantry, not an officer! And word has it he’s also an engineer—”

“He’s a coarse fool without a drop of Lantsov blood in him,” Rasmus snapped.

“Hard to prove, though,” said Nina.

“But we have his whore mother’s letters.” - Rule of Wolves, Ch. 13

Sometimes, I think all the characters in this series have forgotten that Tatiana is a Fjerdan princess. Nikolai may not have a drop of Lantsov blood, but the fact that he has Grimjer blood should interest Rasmus Grimjer far more.

Nikolai may be a bastard, but he is still a royal Fjerdan bastard.
