

What a great Monday! ✨

• Woke up late but choosing to see it as: I got to sleep in.

• Ran my 4 mile (9:30 pace) run instead of the 6 miles I had scheduled because of the time crunch. It was a great run and I added in some arms and core after, which I have been meaning to incorporate more so ‍♀️

• It was a beautiful day all day! Sunny the whole time I was running and for most of my work day!! ☀️

• Work was busy busy busy, lots of driving and running errands but had a chance to play at the park and pick flowers too

• Behind on my school schedule for the week plus a busy weekend ahead means it’s gonna get crazy. I did get 2 hours of solid studying done tonight though! Hoping I can get back on track rather swiftly.

How was your Monday!? Anything exciting happen? Feeling good about the week ahead?

Let me know! ✨

Hey pals! Just gonna log my runs here for the past 2 days! I’ve been super busy so I don’t have any cute pics or long posts! Hope you are all having an amazing week!

Tuesday: Ran with my BF, he wanted to do hills because he is training for a triathlon my runs are usually equal part up and down hill this run was mostly up hill and it killed. I ran a 9:30/mile 3 miles. Felt ok about it.

Wednesday: I had to be at work at 8:30 and did not have time to run in the morning, I got off st 4 but had class at 6:30, I headed to the gym and did 30 minutes of the treadmill and 15 on the stairclimber. Pretty chill and just happy that I am squeezing runs into my busy schedule.

Here’s a picture of me post run, and my ugly dinner! Happy Monday.‍♀️ I cannot even describe how badly I did not want to run today. I had to push my run back to after work because I work early all week due to spring break. First I decided that I was going to run on the treadmill cause I didn’t want to run in the rain, then I went home and decided I would just run 3 miles, then I thought about doing a HIIT workout and no run and then I just ran and it was amazing! I ran 6 miles at 9:30/mile pace and it didn’t even feel heinous it felt almost conversational. I have been running consistently for 3 weeks now and I’m already seeing drastic improvements in my cardio. My 6 mile pace goal was 10:00/mile and I ran 9:30 with out even trying. Running is awesome and makes me feel really good!!!

FriYAY post!! Was a super chill day! I was gonna post a what I eat in a day but forgot to photograph my meals lol. Today’s run was a treadmill 6 miles at 10/mile pace. Pretty much just trying to get in more easy miles for the week. Hope everyone is having a great weekend! Mine has been full of studying and coffee shops. ✨

Lil Thursday post for ya! Thursday was great I ran a 9:00/mile 3 miles and felt super good, it about a 30s faster than my goal half marathon pace. Being able to try out different pace on my runs has been great because it helps me to understand what different paces feel like. ‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️Other than that great run, I also went to the museum of history and industry here in Seattle for work! I went two times yesterday and it was a beautiful day on lake union!! We watched the ducks and saw a few sea planes take off. All in all it was great!! ✨

Wednesday! (Little late posting this but oh well ‍♀️) I ran 4x mile repeats 8:30/8:00/8:30/8:30 I was trying to hit 8:00 minutes on every mile because that’s my goal 5k pace but I was a little tired and wasn’t pushing myself to meet the pace. Still happy that I got out and did it! Rest of my day was just ok, really not great. I’m glad that I have running to get me through shitty days!

Hey dudes! Hope your Tuesday has been great, mine has been pretty good. ✨I went and saw Broods last night at the Neptune Theater and they were amazing but I am an early to bed type of person so it was a little to late for me to be out on a Monday night! #grannyforlife I still somehow managed to drag my butt out of bed and run though! ‍♀️ I got in 3 slow miles, 28 minutes, 9:20 per mile. My goal was 8:00 a mile but I was so freaking tired so I took it easy on myself and was honestly just stoked I made it out there this morning! As for the rest of my day it involved 2 different park visits, picking flowers, chatting up the ducks, and riding bikes! Now I’m about to check out some used ski gear which I’m super excited about!!

Monday runday. Monday was great I woke up late but still got my 5 miles in, my time was 48 min and 9:30/mile. Technically Monday is the first day of classes but I don’t have class till Wednesday so I’m chilling. Took the kids to the zoo today and it was a lot of fun! Here’s to a week of great runs and happiness. ✨

FriYAY! Late posting for yesterday, but I was great, ran a super chill 5 miles at 10:09/mile pace and then had a super chill day at work just hanging at the park and throwing rocks in the water. ✨ I hope y’all have a great refreshing and relaxing weekend!

☀️Thursday☀️ here’s me soaking up the sun on my lunch break in my llama socks. Also a picture of the running log I’ve added to my bujo! I like keeping track of my runs analog style but I had been doing it in the notes on my phone, it’s nice to have another reason to journal, I love filling it’s pages! As for today’s run it was a great tempo 3 miles (9:30/mile) I felt super good I sprinted it out at the end though and that made me a little nauseas lol. Feeling so pumped and motivated this week. Trying to prepare my self for how little time I’m gonna have when school starts up on Monday!!

Happy hump day! ✨ I had to wake up extra early to go to the dentist this morning. Almost didn’t go because I truly hate needles so much and did not want to do it. Honestly though it was worth it in the end because I got to laugh at my half immobile face until the lidocaine wore off. After the dentist I was able to squeeze in 3x mile repeats at the track. My times were: 7:30, 7:45, and 8:30. I hate speed work but I also *really* want to improve my race times! Also the park where I run on the track has an amazing view of Ranier, plus pretty blossoms are popping up all over Seattle! ✨ Here’s to making it half way through the week!

Today was a great day! I started off with a 5 mile run, and the pace was amazing for me. 9:30 may seem slow to some but I used run a 9:30/mile 5k so 5 miles at that pace is really good. It has also been beautiful all day so I have been soaking up the vitamin D and feeling really good.

Monday Monday Monday. ✨Fave day of the week! Set up my April layout a little early and it is quite cute. Did a easy 2 mile run this morning and a 20 min stationary bike work out. Still a little sore from the half marathon on Saturday but it felt good to move my body. Here’s to a productive and positive week!✨

5 miles its been a rough past few days with midterms and graduation coming so soon but it’s ha

5 miles its been a rough past few days with midterms and graduation coming so soon but it’s hard to be stressed when the weather is this beautiful. Just gotta keep putting one foot in front of the other ☺
#health #upstateny #newyork #upstate #mountains #railtrail #trailrunning #running #run #runner #igrunners #igfitness #weather #college #senioryear #graduation #nature #beautiful #happyday #runhappy #runfree #keepgoing #determination #lovetherun #nomeatathlete

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I decided that I’m going to start training for a full marathon!! 26.2 miles I’m coming f

I decided that I’m going to start training for a full marathon!! 26.2 miles I’m coming for you!!!
#health #fitness #fitfam #igfitness #igrunners #motivation #determination #runner #run #progress #training #marathon #marathontraining #runner #run #proudmoments #active #workout #lifestyle #longdistance #lovetherun #training #happy

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This last week marked my 2 year anniversary of getting back to taking care of my physical health. Ba

This last week marked my 2 year anniversary of getting back to taking care of my physical health. Back then I couldn’t run .25 miles without dieing. Running is only part of my cross training, but it’s special to me.

I really believe that investing the time physically gives me the energy to handle my hectic schedule the way meditation and prayer help me stay balanced emotional, mentally, and spiritually.

Still so much work to do, including my love affair with french fries and Dr. Pepper, but I’m grateful for the incredible people that have inspired me and taught me so much along the way.

#runner #running #goals #activelife #mexicanrunners #milestone #run (at Lady Bird Lake Hike and Bike Trail)

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Disscipline isn’t appealing some days, like when I got the completely unnecessary refill on my

Disscipline isn’t appealing some days, like when I got the completely unnecessary refill on my giant Dr. Pepper.

I know that sticking to my schedule is best, but this cold makes it hard to find motivation. Even if I’m not too excited to get started running on a cold day like today, I never regret a run.

#viewsfrommyrun #runner #atx #Austin #austintx (at Lady Bird Lake Hike and Bike Trail)

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