#sanders sidecanons

I want Patton to give Logan this tie and he wearing it for a whole week without any kinds of regret

I want Patton to give Logan this tie and he wearing it for a whole week without any kinds of regret

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The fact that it’s Patton’s decision alone to decide what’s right and wrong in Thomas eyes concerns me, because once Patton decides its not worth it to be nice anymore, there is literally nothing from stopping Thomas to start a random genocide (apart from maybe Virgil)

“Having Deceit for a boyfriend is like having a cat: he lives for snuggles, never comes when I call him, has glow in the dark eyes and leaves dead bodies on my doorstep.”


Edit: Not it looks better with introduction card and everything! ^^I tried to do a danganronpa-ish s

Edit: Not it looks better with introduction card and everything! ^^

I tried to do a danganronpa-ish sprite of Logan and am actually quite proud of this, so yeah…

Meet Logan! Ultimate astrologist!



-Tries to be taken seriously

-Son of an influencial family

-Not taking anyone’s shit

-Tries to be intimidating but couldn’t really hurt a fly

-Wants friends but doesnt know how to socialize because he studied space his whole life

-Determined to make a groundbreaking discovery and be remembered for eternity by everyone

Let me know if I should make sprites of the other sides and Thomas as well! ^^

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Logan is a great inventor, but the names for his inventions couldn’t be worse if he tried.

Patton: *Looking at ‘Road Work Ahead’ sign with blank stare*

Patton, yelling to the heavens: “IT MUST BE A SIGN!”

Analogical Au where Virgil is a curious witch, that has no idea how anything works and accidentally summons Logan, an ancient god, that now can’t leave until he fulfills Virgil’s deepest wish, which is problematic, because Virgil has no idea what his deepest wish is.

Hijinks ensue of a god trying to act normal while trying to find out Virgil’s biggest wish and at the same time squinting accusingly at every lamp in the room, trying to figure out how they got parts of the sun and put it in those ceramic shells.

Logince au where Logan is a blind artist. He loves the challenge of expressing his emotions despite his inability to see, but painting makes it possible for him to show things he cannot express.

Roman is an author, Logan’s roommate and best friend and is always completely astonished, just completely awestruck, because the paintings are beautiful and the colours are so vibrant, Roman almost cannot believe that Logan cannot see the beauty he creates.

So he writes stories based on Logan’s paintings and portraits, even whole books, and reads them to his best friend, allows Logan’s mind to wander and to just imagine how it would look like. Roman focuses mainly on sounds and smells and feelings and not so much on sights in his stories, which is something unique and very popular among his fans. 

Logan also has a service dog, Patton, and Roman has a crow friend that visits him from time to time and demands food before bringing him cool stuff like jewelry. That’s Virgil.

Logan: “Hey, you! Aren’t you-”

Deceit, disguised as Patton: “Ehm, no, I’m not. You are confusing me with someone else. Goodbye!”

Logan: “Hold it right there, Deceit.”

: “So, you saw through my disguise, huh?”

Logan: “What are you talking about? How couldn’t I recognize you? You are just so… you!”

Deceit:“Yeah, but I had to at least try to fool you! I have a reputation to uphold!“


Virgil: *Wears skirt*

Deceit: “Don’t you find that skirt leaves a bit too much… exposed?”

Virgil: “I’m sorry?”

Deceit: “Oh, no, it’s just… when you don’t pay attention, it could-”

Virgil: “Fly up like this?”

Deceit: “AUUUUUUGHHHH!!!!- oh… uh… you were… just joking, aha… don’t scare me like this…. *weak laughing*”

Patton: “H*ck!”

Roman: “…Why’d you censor the word heck?”

Patton: “Because it’s a bad fucking word, Roman!”

Roman: “How messed up would it be, if you jumped in a ball pit… and it’s just tomatoes painted different colours?”


Roman: “ON WHAT?!”

Easter Bunny Roman is probably mighty busy painting all of those eggs and hiding them for the others to find, isn’t he?

What if there, some day, will be a Sanders Sides episode where they can all hear everybodys thoughts but no one can focus, because one voice is constantly screaming and all of them are trying to figure out who it is and Deceit is no help because he keeps blaming all of them at least once, even himself.

And it turns out that Deceit was right, it weere the thoughts of all of them screaming.

And the moral would be that it okay to let it all out. Don’t just scream in your thoughts, it’s not gonna help you with that. Sometimes it’s okay to just scream and let it all out.


Logan occasionally makes music, but it always lacks the certain magic that masterpieces have. That’s when Roman comes in, creates an orchestra or whatever it needs to play the song and then they think about the missing piece to make it a masterpeace.

Concept: Superhero! Virgil who calls himself “Virgilante”.

Virgil: *Minding his own business*

Virgil: “AGH!”

Patton: “Virgil! Are you okay?!”

Virgil: “Oww…”

Patton: “BLOOD! Virgil, you’re bleeding! Quickly! Prepare for a transfusion!”

Virgil: “Patton, no! I just fell down! Please don’t overreact! PATTON!”

So, the count of the sides teleporting the others to another location should be the following:

Thomas: 5 Times (Taking on Anxiety, Accepting Anxiety ½, Nostalgia ½)

Logan: 1 Time (The debate video between Virgil and Logan)

Roman: 2 Times (The video with the mind palace, can lying be good?)

Deceit: 1 Time (Am I a bad person?)

I don’t think Patton or Virgil ever teleported the others to somewhere, correct me if I’m wrong. ^^

Patton: “Virge! Can you fetch me something from the basement?!”


*In the basement*

Virgil: “Dark in here…”

Virgil: *spots switch*

Virgil, grinning :”Oh boy, time for another round of my favourite game of ‘Is this actually the lightswitch?’ .”
