#sapphic blog


Currently in the mood for soft domesticity like cooking together, drinking tea/coffee in comfortable silence, making the bed while she’s in the shower, kissing her before going to work…

Every time I listen to this song I imagine dancing with a girl in our apartment and laughing together, neither of us wanting to be anywhere else in that moment

Imagine a girl sitting between your legs, leaning against you as you run your fingers through her hair, and watch a mindless movie, which ends with you both asleep and cuddled up together

Imagine those moments where you see her sitting on the couch in the living room, staring out the window as light from the late afternoon sun pours in, falling perfectly on her. She looks away from the window and looks at you, which makes the contemplative frown on her brow fade away and a loving smile grace her lips

I’m back and with a renewed passion for yearning!

I’m making this brief return to tell you guys about something that happened.

So, I was obviously feeling a bit down from my breakup, and my mum noticed. I was doing relatively alright until she asked what was wrong and if I was okay. So I just broke down a bit and she comforted me.

This woman straight up said: “So you two broke up.”

Keep in mind, I’m not out to her and she wasn’t even supposed to know I was dating someone. After I collect myself, I say: “I don’t still need to come out, do I?”

She laughed so hard she was sitting on the floor with literal tears streaming down her face. And you know what she said next? She said: “I may act oblivious, but I’m not stupid. You should see the way your eyes light up whenever you talk about your ‘friend’.”

Me, half-joking: “I’m sorry, I just don’t like men in that way.”

My mum: *jokingly* “you’re not really gay, you just haven’t found the right man, yet.” *can’t take herself seriously and snorts*

So that’s how I came out to my mum.

Note: my mum was joking on the last part, she’s totally supportive.

Can’t wait for those days where we can just have a lie in and lay in bed, all cuddled up, a little longer than usual. When we get up we’ll drink our morning tea or coffee and slowly make our way through the morning, just the two of us with a companionable silence in the air. I want to spend those calm days with her, only her, with not a single worry on our minds, and a sort or peace in the atmosphere that comes with truly finding your home.

Imagine experiencing life with them… waking up in each other’s arms, eating breakfast together, buying groceries together, watching the rain start to fall… I can’t wait for all those moments

I recently learnt about he/him lesbians and I’m making this post to form a greater understanding of this part of the community and perhaps educate someone else.

To my knowledge, people who use he/him pronouns can be lesbians because pronouns don’t equal gender. It’s just a form of their gender expression. So someone who is a woman can use any pronouns.

If any he/him lesbians would like to add on, correct me or share their own stories, that’d be great! I’d love to learnt more.

Mentally, I’m lying in bed on a rainy day with a girl in my arms, listening to the soft pitter patter of the rains drops tapping the window while we cuddle.

yes im making playlists full of love songs for a girl that doesn’t exist, what are you gonna do about it?

happy lesbian visibility week! just a reminder that the wlw community wouldn’t be the same without the influence and beauty of lesbians. you are so loved and important and being a lesbian is such an amazing experience that no one else can understand the beauty of.

date idea this or that !

  1. drive in cinema or motorcycle ride
  2. roller skating or roadtrip
  3. fancy ball or frog catching
  4. dragon slaying or playing animal crossing irl
  5. sleeping in or window shopping
  6. art museums or aquariums
  7. hello kitty cafe or mothman hunting
  8. summoning z̶̧̰̜̬̫͍̻͓͈̳̤̠̈́̂̆̉̍́͒ǎ̷̧̲͍̆̀l̷͍̯͙͖͍̳̻̣͓̕g̶̖̪̊̐́o̴̝̙̹̓͑̈́͊͌̄͠ͅ or having a picnic
  9. getting into a life threatening situation where heartbreaking sacrifices are made and it ends bitersweetly or
  10. making tiktoks or voice acting random videos

you know, a big aspect of wlw tumblr is being all soft for women and dream about picking flowers and living in cottages.

but that’s just not true 100% of the time. sometimes wlw want their breaths to get heavy, have their heart rate shoot up, push someone against the wall and make out w them, get straight up horny. that’s okay! be gay!! fuck women!! screw the notion that wlw have to be soft all the time!!

ah, what I’d do to live in a studio ghibli film with the girl of my dreams, spending each day fighting witches or befriending talking cats


domestic sweetness!!!! getting groceries together, buying home decor together??? making traditions??? cooking dinner while badly singing along to the radio??? making each other breakfast in bed??? leaving notes around the house for each other??? i’m so soft,,,,


Day 17, and third October in a row, of me blasting ‘we fell in love in October’ and my parents still think I’m straight
