#scorpio reading



for water signs ♓️♋️♏️

-> where to focus your energy.

disclaimer: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES, AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is my personal interpretation and it may not be fully resonating and accurate for every person.

♏️ SCORPIO - knight of swords

  • there may be big changes coming your way this week. focus on finding your drive to succeed - be fast thinking, take action, and allow your ambition to come out. it can be a sign that you need to be assertive in order to what you want.

♓️ PISCES - five of wands

  • there may be energy of competition, fights or resistance surrounding you over the next week, but you have the potential to rise about the chaos. encourage change, but always take the mature, peaceful road when dealing with people.

♋️ CANCER - ace of pentacles

  • focus on opportunities presented to you, relating to career, education, and self-growth. this card can be a “green light” to go after the dreams you have been wanting to manifest. it represents a fresh start, as well as a strong foundation and stability.

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personal tarot readings shop.(etsy)

love to you


monthly check-in tarot spread✨

-> what to focus on

-> your challenge

-> advice and guidance


cards: page of wands, two of pentacles, king of cups

  • you could benefit from focusing on facing your fears and following your inspirations. page of wands is a person who is isn’t afraid to try new things, and they are full of excitement about the opportunities and potential coming their way. it doesn’t matter if you don’t have a solid plan, or haven’t figured out how to make everything work yet. a path is calling to you.
  • you may struggle to find a balance in your life over the next few weeks. there could be a lot going on and you may feel the chaos and stress more than usual. your challenge may be manage all these responsibilities or tasks you have, and creating more of a flow in what you’re doing.
  • you’re being guided to take control of your emotions instead of allowing them to control you. have a mature approach to situations and avoid drama. find the balance between using your intelligence to make wise decisions, and using your intuition. it also highlights the power of compassion, and being kind and caring towards others.


cards: seven of swords, six of swords, ten of pentacles

  • you may be focusing on getting out of something these next few weeks. for some of you, there may be a person who is lying or deceiving you, and this card may be asking you to avoid them or their drama. for others it may be a negative situation that you want to run away from. either way you’re being reminded to be careful and pay attention to warning signs.
  • a challenge for you may be moving forward. perhaps you have been in a rocky or unstable kind of period in your life, and you are wanting to be in a place of peace and harmony, but you’re struggling to get there. work on letting go of whatever is holding you back, and you will succeed. you are in a time of transitioning from one phase to another.
  • believe that you can reach a point of accomplishment and true happiness in your life. pentacles are a sign that this relates to finance and career for most people. you could benefit from your goal being to find stability in your life, a career path you enjoy, and to surround yourself in abundance whether that’s of money and possessions or of love and family. you’re already blessed - remember to be in a place of gratitude what you have now instead of a place of wanting.


cards: seven of pentacles, ten of cups, the chariot

  • you’re focusing on doing the work so the results can come when they are meant to. if you commit and have determination, you will be able to achieve a lot in the upcoming weeks. remember to treasure your time and energy, as in avoid wasting it on things that won’t offer value. your rewards may come slowly, but they will come.
  • this card is about happiness and feeling like you have everything you want, however it is in the challenge position. you may be struggling with finding pure joy right now. perhaps you are in a bad place mentally, or you may just be unsure of what would really make you happy. cups can also represent relationships, so there may be some conflict or disagreements to resolve.
  • you’re being encouraged to conjure the willpower and determination to move down this path. you’re on a journey right now and there may be a lot of difficulties and challenges, but you have the ability to push through and end up where you need to be. if there is anything you feel guided to do, this a sign that you can be successful if you are focused and driven.


cards: nine of cups, the devil, nine of pentacles

  • this shows that either your focus may be finding happiness - that is your goal and you are slowly stepping towards it, or you may be feeling quite satisfied and content with where you are in life over the next few weeks. it’s about dreams coming true and wishes being fulfilled - so whether that is where you are, or where you are headed, it will be significant to you in the near future.
  • the devil indicates that your challenge is fighting an addiction, obsession or negative behaviour of some kind. perhaps there is something you are dependent on, but the universe is reminding you that you are capable of freeing yourself from this thing that is holding you back or weighing you down.
  • you’ve pulled two nines, which in tarot can signify that you are near the end or close to a point of completion or achievement. nine of pentacles encourages you to be independent, which could relate to the last card and breaking free from addiction/dependencies. whether this means focusing on self love, care and yourself, or working hard to be financially secure and stable - it’s about being content and proud of where you are and what have you have achieved.


affordablepersonal readings.

love to all


✨(all signs tarot reading)✨

disclaimer: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES, AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is my personal interpretation of them and it may not be fully resonating and accurate for every person.


ten of pentacles

you may find yourself in a place of success and abundance with your career and finances. or you could definitely benefit from making this a key focus right now. for some of you, you may receive money unexpectedly. it can also be a sign to make sure things and people around are secure and taken care of.


nine of cups

you will likely find yourself in a situation that makes you feel quite emotionally fulfilled and content. it’s sign that your dreams are starting to come true. there could also be something you are taking for granted, and this a reminder to be grateful for what you have.


the moon

things are probably feeling unclear or uncertain for you right now. you may even be fighting a battle of some kind, likely with your own thoughts and emotions. it’s a reminder that the truth always comes out, and anything that needs to be revealed to you will be when the time is right.


the empress

you’re radiating energy of love and compassion. there is likely abundance and opportunity for growth coming your way. give your attention to whatever you want to blossom. nurture it and it will grow. you can manifest anything.


five of cups

you could be looking at the negatives right now. maybe you are focusing on disappointments, losses, or what you don’t have. when really there are amazing things in your life that you aren’t seeing. it can be a sign that your blessings may be in disguise.


two of cups

there may be a connection you should focus on developing. whether it’s a friendship, a coworker or something romantic - there is opportunity for you to help each other a lot. there will be mutual respect, feelings and rewards. if you are finding it hard to trust people, you may find that putting in the effort will be rewarding.


the tower

the universe is reminding you that when there’s a significant change in our lives it’s because it’s necessary for a future event, person or opportunity. even losses and negative situations - we only experience them because we wouldn’t have the left it ourselves or so we can grow and move forward.


three of wands

this shows that you have passed the stage of new ideas, and you are starting to put yourself plans in action. you have even inspired. you know what you are passionate about, even if you are waiting for something. it’s good to have patience, but reminder that the sooner you behave as if you already have your desires, you will be radiation the vibration and attract it back to you.


the fool

you’re likely in a stage of new beginnings. it’s the start of a new cycle for you. you’re being guided to have confidence and bravery in the choices you make. chase adventure - jump on opportunity for experiences and take actions that may seem bold or like risks. that kind of nature may help you right now.


the high priestess

you’re already one of the most intuitive signs and this card is often about intuition. perhaps there is something your higher self is trying to tell you and you would benefit from listening. this also could be a very spiritual time for you. maybe you are experiencing an awakening or change of perspective. if anything is feeling unclear, whatever you need to know will reveal itself.


the hermit

you may be in a period of your life where you are needing to spend time away from others. there may be some toxicity around you to get away from, or you could just benefit from looking within, and taking time to reflect. there may be lessons within past events you have experienced. you also may need to take a step back in order to see the bigger picture.


knight of swords

often knight cards can represent a specific person. in this case, someone who is very direct with their thoughts and feelings. they are also quite intelligent and even rebellious or brave in their actions. they seize the moment and jump on opportunities. it may be you or someone else. maybe you should spend time with this person, or allow these parts of you to come out right now.

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affordablepersonal readings.



monthly tarot reading

-> what is coming your way this month? what will be a main theme for you?


aries, leo, sagittarius

the star - you will have a lot of time for healing this month. maybe even something specific that will help you is coming your way, whether that’s a person, advice or a technique you can use in your life. if you have been feeling a bit lost, you will regain your sense of purpose and belonging. you’re likely finding your hope, and perhaps are starting to put your faith into something.


taurus, virgo, capricorn

three of wands - you’re making progress this month. maybe you have been at a bit of a standstill or are waiting for something. this is a sign that you can be courageous and confident enough to leave your comfort zone and make the bold actions that may be needed for you to grow and move forward. you’re going ahead with your plans and you are being supported by those around you.


cancer, scorpio, pisces

queen of wands - you’re surrounded in fire energy this month, whether you are radiating confidence and excitement, or you are feeling passionate and inspires. you‘ll notice people are drawn to and attracted to your vibration at this time. maybe you’re even feeling more social, outgoing and optimistic. you’ve put in the effort and you’re coming into alignments with your dreams.

AIR SIGNS ♒️♎️♊️

aquarius, libra, gemini

seven of swords - you may be either running away from something, or getting away with something. there is some kind of energy of avoidance for you this month. maybe you feel like you have to do something you don’t want to do or there’s a situation you want to escape - it could even be a deceitful person. you will likely benefit from being cautious at this time and paying attention to warnings and signs around you.

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affordablepersonal readings shop.

love to all
