#scott tracy



Previous: C17

If you’d like to be tagged for updates for this story or any others then please let me know. Alternatively this fic can be read in it’s entirety over on Ao3 or FFNet - creativegirl29 @janetm74@drileyf@katblu42@ak47stylegirl@psychoseal@misstb2@dragonoffantasyandreality@weirdburketeer@alexthefly@burningcowboyhoagietaco@thundergeek59

Chapter 18: Torment

Story under the cut - chapter contains whump Also mentions/references to physical and mental torture.

The Hood signalled to someone off screen who then made their way over to Virgil, with a large bucket of water and placed it in front of him, the man then made his way behind the camera. “Now, I know Jeff that one of your sons is a former Olympic Swimming Champion, I’ve seen all the news reports about him… I believe his name is Gordon.” Gordon was now on his feet glaring at the screen. “Now, I know that this boy here isn’t that son… So, I thought it would be interesting to see how well his brother had taught him to survive when being held under water.”

The Hood nodded to the man who was holding Virgil’s arms. The man kept a hold of Virgil’s hands with one hand and then grabbed his hair with the other and pushed Virgil’s head into the bucket of water and held him down.

… …

Virgil tried to recall everything Gordon had ever told him about holding your breath under water, not that he had really listened, he had usually drifted off into his own world when Gordon had started one of his water safety lectures. ‘Right, stay calm… Breathe in… Don’t panic!’ Virgil said to himself as he felt his head being pushed down and held firmly under the water. After two minutes, he was brought back out of the water and he breathed out, trying his best to remain calm. The man pushed Virgil down again into the water and held him there, and once again Virgil managed to keep himself calm enough to last the two minutes he was being held down for. ‘Damn!’ Virgil thought as he was pulled up out of the water again. ‘If I ever get out of here I need to start listening to Gordon… Oh God! I must be delirious…’ The man pushed Virgil down into the water again and after another two minutes Virgil was brought back up and he breathed out.

… …

“That’s it Virg, you can do this… I know you can!” Gordon whispered, when he saw his brother manage the dunking.

“Longer!” The hood yelled at the man who then forced Virgil’s head down into the water again.

The two-minute mark passed by and Gordon looked at the image of his brother. “It’s too long.” He said nervously, as he looked at his dad and his other brothers. “He’s never held his breath much longer than this.”

They all watched in horror as Virgil began struggling desperately against the man’s grip. Eventually the man lifted him back up, he allowed Virgil to cough up the water, and then pushed him back down again. After doing this several times the Hood eventually signalled to the man who then pulled Virgil back out of the water and threw him onto the floor.

… …

Virgil coughed up the water he had swallowed, trying his hardest not to throw up. Glancing up Virgil was gripped with fear as one of the other men picked the bucket of water up and emptied the contents on top of him, causing Virgil to shudder with the shock to his system. Watching the man move away, Virgil quickly looked at his chain and noticed it was now closer to him, he tried to put his hand out to grab it, but he was once again dragged back up on his knees and his hands were wrenched backwards and held behind him. Virgil lifted his head, wondering what his next torment would be. He didn’t have to wait long to find out when the man, who had emptied the water on top of him, returned with the four other men and they quickly began to surround him. Virgil tried to struggle free, but it was hopeless due to the strength of the man holding him, and his already weakened state. He then saw the Hood give a signal to the man who had been holding him, the man dropped Virgil to the floor with a thud and followed through with a sharp kick to his back.

… …

Scott, John, Gordon, Alan and Jeff were all on their feet staring at the screen and screaming for the men to stop as they watched Virgil’s beating unfold. Their cries were silenced when Virgil became still, and the Hood signalled for them to finally stop. They looked on as the Hood signalled for them to move away, he then went and checked Virgil’s pulse. The Hood frowned and glared back at the camera. “Still alive… Well, for now!” The Hood made his way behind the camera, leaving Virgil lying on the floor.

… …

Virgil had tried to keep fighting but he knew it was impossible as he felt the full force of each blow connect with various parts of his body. Hoping that the men would stop if he was unconscious, Virgil decided to stop moving and closed his eyes. He was surprised to find his idea had worked when the beatings stopped, and the men walked away, he then felt the Hood check for his pulse, say that he was still alive and then also move away. He opened his eyes carefully, not wanting the Hood or any of the other men who were in the room to realise that he was still awake. He could feel the pain surging through him and he could feel the darkness calling his name. Nevertheless, he knew what he needed to do. Glancing in front of him, Virgil could see his chain was still on the floor and thankfully it hadn’t been knocked too far away. Virgil looked up at the camera and prayed that his family could see what he was about to try and do.

… …

Jeff sat with his head in his hands, Alan had dropped to the floor and was crying bitterly, and was now being held by a shaking John and Gordon. The rest of the household sat shaking, crying and unable to look at the screen. Scott had been the only one who had continued watching, unable to take his eyes of his brother’s apparent unconsciousness. Scott exhaled with relief when he saw Virgil’s eyes open, causing everyone else to observe what was happening.

… …

Virgil looked at the other men and the Hood, he could see they were involved in a deep conversation, and were unaware of what he was doing. Looking back at the chain, Virgil reached his arm out, and although he could feel an intense pain from doing so, he tried to make his fingers grasp the chain.

… …

Brains had switched the transmission link back on and was watching it intently. Alan, Gordon and John were now back on their feet and standing next to Scott and their father. Each one of them silently hoping and praying that Virgil would be successful.

… …

Virgil felt his fingers clutch the chain as he pulled it towards himself. Grasping it in his hand, Virgil began to try and get the edible transmitter out.

“What are you doing boy?” The Hood screamed at him, bringing his foot down on top of Virgil’s hand.

Virgil yelped with the pain and pulled his hand to his chest, dropping the chain in the process.

“What is it about this chain.” The Hood growled, as he bent down picked up the chain and flung it across the room. “Now, stay still.” The Hood snapped, as he made his way back over to the other men.

Virgil lifted his head and watched the Hood walk away, he then opened his hand revealing the edible transmitter, looking directly into the camera, he dropped the transmitter into his mouth and swallowed it!


If you’d like to be tagged for updates for this story or any others then please let me know. Alternatively this fic can be read in it’s entirety over on Ao3 or FFNet - creativegirl29 @janetm74@drileyf@katblu42@ak47stylegirl@psychoseal@misstb2@dragonoffantasyandreality@weirdburketeer@alexthefly

Previous: C14

Chapter 15: Night Watch.

Jeff looked at Brains hoping his son was on to something.

“I’ll check to see if it’s been activated.” Brains hit a few buttons on his computer and after a few moments looked back at Jeff and Scott. “Right, I can see here that Virgil’s transmitter is still viable, but it’s not been activated… If you are right Scott then it’s probably still in his chain, and unfortunately Virgil hasn’t been able to get to it and use it.”

“So, can you do anything from here to get it to activate?” Scott asked, praying he was onto something.

“Well… Err… I’m afraid that unless Virgil swallows it then there is no way we can use it to track his location.” Brains answered.

“And there’s no other way you can activate it?” Scott questioned, the desperation now evident in his voice.

“Unless the trackers circuit board receives an electrical input then I’m afraid not.” Scott and Jeff both felt themselves deflate. Brains looked at them, wanting to keep their hopes alive he added. “I’ll keep checking the transmission feed… Just in case.”

“Thanks Brains.” Jeff replied.

“I really thought that would help.” Scott said sadly.

“I know son… For a moment, I did too.” Jeff guided Scott to the pile of blankets and pillows that were piled on the floor. “Now, come on Scott. I want you to try and get some sleep.”

“But dad.”

“No buts… Sleep!”

Scott grabbed a pillow and blanket and sat himself down, leaning against the sofa, Jeff sat down on the floor next to Scott and held him, stroking his head softly until he fell asleep.

Gordon made his way into the lounge with a hot chocolate in his hand while munching on a sandwich. He stopped and looked at his dad stroking a sleeping Scott’s head. “His he okay?” The last time I saw him I thought he was on to some sort of big breakthrough.”

Jeff glanced up at Gordon and beckoned him to come and sit down. Gordon sat down carefully on the settee so as not to disturb Alan, who was still sleeping soundly. “He remembered that Virgil kept his edible transmitter in his chain.”

“Oh, yes… Scott mentioned that the other day when we were in Virgil’s room.” Gordon added. “So, can Brains get it to work?”

Jeff shook his head. “No, not unless Virgil activates it himself.”


“Here,” Jeff said, passing Gordon a blanket and pillow. “Try and get some sleep.”

Gordon grabbed the blanket and pillow from his father, finished his drink and sandwich, covered himself with the blanket and sat watching John and Brains working away, until he found himself drifting off to sleep.

2 hours Later:

Jeff woke to find himself leaning against the sofa, his oldest son was curled up in a tight ball next to him and was fast asleep, while Gordon and Alan were both passed out on the settee. Rubbing his tired eyes, Jeff stretched his aching legs, and stood up and made his way over to both Brains and John who were still working away at the computer. “Any luck.” Jeff asked quietly, so as not to disturb his sleeping sons.

John turned to face his dad, his face was pale and the bags under his eyes were evident. “No dad. Nothing. We… We can’t even get past their tracking system.”

“Boys, why don’t you leave this for a few hours and try and get some sleep.”

“Dad… But… Virgil… He… He might not have a few hours.” John replied, tears appearing in his eyes.

“I know son… I know… But you’re not going to be any help to him in this state.” Jeff checked his watch and continued. “Now, we’ve got about 10 hours until the Hood contacts us back, so come and get some sleep… Even if it’s only for a short time. Hopefully fresh eyes will be able to help.”

“Dad, I’m not stopping!” John snapped, turning back towards the computer.

“John Glenn Tracy, I’m not asking you again.” Jeff demanded. “Now stop what you are doing and get some sleep, that goes for you too Brains!”

Brains stopped what he was doing and nodded. “I’ll head to my own room. I’ll let you and the boys have some time together.”

“Thanks Brains.” When Brains had made his way quietly out of the room, Jeff guided John out of his chair. “Now son, are you going to join us all and get some sleep?”

John shrugged his shoulders and looked down at the floor. “Suppose so.”

Jeff shook his head, steered John to the sofa and made him sit down on the floor next to a sleeping Scott. “Now come on you… Sleep!” Jeff said sternly as he placed a warm blanket over John and handed him a pillow. John made a huffing noise, made himself comfortable, shut his eyes and fell asleep within seconds. Jeff smiled as he took in the sight of his four sons sleeping soundly. Turning to his desk he picked up one of the many photos he had of Virgil and made his way over to the sofa. He sat down on the settee next to Alan and Gordon and pulled the remaining blanket over himself. Clutching the photo tightly in his hands, Jeff looked at it intently. “Night son,” he whispered, feeling the tears slide down his face. “Don’t worry, you’ll be home soon!” Jeff clutched the photo to his chest and drifted off to sleep.

Next: c16 - Hope


Season 4 of Stranger Things dropped and instead of watching it I finished off this monster


Thunderbird 1 plastic model came to my house.


As requested by @janetm74 my next drawing is Scott!

Tagging other (TOS) Scott fans as well @dragonoffantasyandreality@willow-salix@uniwolfcorn@flyboytracy@ak47stylegirl (I probably missed a lot of people but I don’t really know about everyone so feel free to tag people yourself or to let me know)

When Virgil gets bored

Jeff: Launch Thunderbird 1!

Gordon: We can’t.

Jeff: Why not?

Scott: Apparently the paint hasn’t dried yet.

Thunderbirds characters with Discord quotes said by yours truly.

Part 3

The last one is my favourite.

(I wonder which son he is referring to ✌)


A little TOS fic. I have never directly posted a fanfic on Tumblr like this before. I usually just post a link. But I thought I would give it a shot.

I think you guys might like this :)

Alan = an idiot
Scott = useless as per
Virgil = tired of being the only one with common sense


Alan furiously rubbed his hands over his arms. Couldn’t Scott step on it? He was unavailingly jumping around at the abandoned bus stop he was waiting at. Earlier on, he was walking up and down the street to keep warm. Untimely, the sun had fully set and it was now completely dark outside. The street was entirely empty except for the bus stop and the one street light accompanying it, which formed the only source of light. So when Alan was walking around, he had failed to notice that he had moved closer to the edge of the sidewalk and he had stepped with one foot of it, lost his balance, and fallen on his behind in the freezing snow. After that embarrassing fiasco, he had decided to stay within the light of the lonely streetlight. He rubbed his behind for the 100th time, trying to stimulate the blood flow and warm up a little, but he knew it was pointless.

He exhaled in frustration and watched his breath condensate in the air. He knew it had been only half an hour since he had called Scott to come pick him up but it felt like an eternity. During the phone call, Alan had tried to persuade Scott to come as fast as possible without giving too much away as to why exactly he was slowly turning into a human popsicle. However, Scott was curious about the specifics of Alan’s peril when he had tried to make it clear that Scott had to make haste, and the youngest Tracy had reluctantly admitted that he may be a little underdressed for waiting outside in the cold. When he hung up, he thought he had convinced Scott to hurry up but with not a single car in sight, Alan was reconsidering that conclusion.

The sheer wave of relief that washed over him as he recognised Scott’s car approaching could not be described. He had been standing outside in the cold, in the snow for almost an hour now. The car halted a few metres away from the bus stop. Alan jumped up from the uncomfortable metal bench and shivered once again as he started walking towards the car, still hugging his own body with his arms. The door to the passenger seat opened and Virgil stepped out. Alan halted in his tracks. Shit. He could deal with one older brother scolding him and most likely making fun of him, but two? This was going to be a tough ride home. 

Virgil shook his head as Scott stepped out of the car on the driver’s side. He seemed to somewhat enjoy the spectacle that was his frozen sibling. Alan suppressed a grimace since he recognised that Scott’s faint smile indicated that he was going to be teased on the way home. Alan kept his gaze down and continued his walk of shame to the vehicle. Scott had left the motor running and Alan was eager to get inside and warm up. He had hoped to ride shotgun so he could use the seat heating that was not available on the backseat and warm his frozen arse, but with Virgil present he had to let go of that idea.

His plan was to just avoid eye contact with his eldest brothers and quickly jump in the back of the car but Virgil walked up to him before he could reach the car and blocked his path. He did however hold out a thick coat that Alan gratefully accepted and quickly slipped his arms into. He didn’t even bother with taking the jacket he was already wearing off first. 

“Scott tried to explain it to me”, Virgil started, “but I still don’t get why the hell we are here picking up your frozen butt.”

Alan sighed and tried to suppress a shiver. The coat was helping but he had been out here for a while and was frozen to the core. He realised he had failed to suppress his shiver when Virgil disapprovingly instructed; “zip that coat up.”

Alan figured it was the easiest to simply obey and his icy numb fingers fumbled with the zipper. He had lost almost all feeling in them and he kept losing his grip on the zipper.

“Fuck’s sake” Virgil grumbled and he grabbed hold of the coat and pulled Alan closer.

“Virg-” Alan started to protest but Virgil simply slapped his hands away from the zipper and swiftly pulled it up.

Scott was softly snickering from the side of the car. His door was still open and he was casually leaning against it.

Alan shot him a pissed look. “Did you bring him on purpose so the two of you could make fun of me?”

“No,” Virgil answered. “He brought me because he was also my ride home.”

“Can we just go?” Alan complained.

“No. I want to know why we had to take a detour and why you are on the verge of hypothermia.” To emphasise his determination to get all the details, Virgil crossed his arms and kept blocking Alan’s way to the car. 

“I wouldn’t be hypothermic if Scott had driven a little faster.” Alan said directly to his eldest brother.

“Hey, they didn’t cancel the bus for no reason.” He threw his hands up in the air as an indication that he had nothing to do with the current situation. “Traffic is a nightmare.” Scott defended himself.

“Traffic problems are not what got you here.” Virgil pointed out and directed the conversation back to Alan.

Alan grumbled.“I didn’t know the bus was going to be cancelled due to the snow.”

“Yeah Scott explained that. What I don’t understand is why you are dressed like it’s a nice spring day instead of winter.” The second eldest Tracy sibling gestured to Alan’s snow soaked Converse and light jacket. “Did Dad let you leave the house like that?”

At the mention of Jeff, Alan pulled a sour face. Virgil noticed. “Oh God, what happened this time?” 

“It’s not my fault” Alan immediately jumped in to attempt to preserve his dignity.  “Dad told me to put a coat on!”

Virgil gaped at him for a few seconds. “How on earth is not listening to dad, not your own fault?!”

Alan crossed his arms and pouted, annoyed that his brother did not see things from his perspective; “You didn’t hear the voice in which he said it. He was practically asking me not to listen to him.”

Virgil groaned as he facepalmed. Scott had to hold on to the car door with both hands to keep himself from falling into the snow. He was laughing so hard he started wheezing.

“I don’t even have the words. Are you ever going to act like the adult you are?”

“Exactly!” Alan aggressively gesticulated with his arms. “I am 18 years old, Dad should stop telling me what to do.”

“He wasn’t telling you what to do.” Virgil tried to mediate. “He was informing you about the weather.”

“I can come up with the idea to put on a coat if it’s cold outside myself. He was telling me what to do.” Alan firmly kept his ground. 

“Well apparently he still has to!” Virgil exclaimed as he pointed to Alan. 

Alan crossed his arms. “I was going to put a coat on but then he told me to put one on so I didn’t to prove to him that I am an adult that can make my own decisions.” 

“Freezing your arse off out of spite is making adult decisions?!”

Scott once again doubled over, clutching the car door.

Virgil turned his head in Scott’s direction. “You know, as the oldest you should be handling this instead of pissing your pants.”

Scott, who had tears streaming down his face, was incapable of answering and vaguely waved his free hand to Virgil.

Virgil rolled his eyes. “Just get in the damn car, I am too tired for this. Dad can deal with this himself.” He gave Alan a little push in the directions of the backseat. Alan huffed and janked open the door to the backseat. 

Scott wiped the tears from his face and managed to drag himself back in the driver’s seat. He was still laughing and Alan figured he would continue to do so for most of the ride home.

“You know, you don’t have to tell dad about this.” Alan pointed out as Virgil buckled himself up again.

“Hmmm.” Virgil answered. “I am not going to lie to dad about this but I may not have the energy left to explain this to him when we get home.”

Alan smiled a little. That was the great thing about Virgil, he always had your back. Alan turned to the driver’s seat. “Scott?”

Scott was still grinning. “I don’t know yet. I’ll think about it.”

Alan let himself fall back against the seat disgruntled.

He missed Scott glancing at him in the rearview mirror with a look of sympathy on his face as he put the car in reverse.

Alan just stared out of the window to the darkness outside. Yup, he had once again managed to royally screw things up for himself.

Just reblogging this so I can add the link to AO3 for it.


A little TOS fic. I have never directly posted a fanfic on Tumblr like this before. I usually just post a link. But I thought I would give it a shot.

I think you guys might like this :)

Alan = an idiot
Scott = useless as per
Virgil = tired of being the only one with common sense


Alan furiously rubbed his hands over his arms. Couldn’t Scott step on it? He was unavailingly jumping around at the abandoned bus stop he was waiting at. Earlier on, he was walking up and down the street to keep warm. Untimely, the sun had fully set and it was now completely dark outside. The street was entirely empty except for the bus stop and the one street light accompanying it, which formed the only source of light. So when Alan was walking around, he had failed to notice that he had moved closer to the edge of the sidewalk and he had stepped with one foot of it, lost his balance, and fallen on his behind in the freezing snow. After that embarrassing fiasco, he had decided to stay within the light of the lonely streetlight. He rubbed his behind for the 100th time, trying to stimulate the blood flow and warm up a little, but he knew it was pointless.

He exhaled in frustration and watched his breath condensate in the air. He knew it had been only half an hour since he had called Scott to come pick him up but it felt like an eternity. During the phone call, Alan had tried to persuade Scott to come as fast as possible without giving too much away as to why exactly he was slowly turning into a human popsicle. However, Scott was curious about the specifics of Alan’s peril when he had tried to make it clear that Scott had to make haste, and the youngest Tracy had reluctantly admitted that he may be a little underdressed for waiting outside in the cold. When he hung up, he thought he had convinced Scott to hurry up but with not a single car in sight, Alan was reconsidering that conclusion.

The sheer wave of relief that washed over him as he recognised Scott’s car approaching could not be described. He had been standing outside in the cold, in the snow for almost an hour now. The car halted a few metres away from the bus stop. Alan jumped up from the uncomfortable metal bench and shivered once again as he started walking towards the car, still hugging his own body with his arms. The door to the passenger seat opened and Virgil stepped out. Alan halted in his tracks. Shit. He could deal with one older brother scolding him and most likely making fun of him, but two? This was going to be a tough ride home. 

Virgil shook his head as Scott stepped out of the car on the driver’s side. He seemed to somewhat enjoy the spectacle that was his frozen sibling. Alan suppressed a grimace since he recognised that Scott’s faint smile indicated that he was going to be teased on the way home. Alan kept his gaze down and continued his walk of shame to the vehicle. Scott had left the motor running and Alan was eager to get inside and warm up. He had hoped to ride shotgun so he could use the seat heating that was not available on the backseat and warm his frozen arse, but with Virgil present he had to let go of that idea.

His plan was to just avoid eye contact with his eldest brothers and quickly jump in the back of the car but Virgil walked up to him before he could reach the car and blocked his path. He did however hold out a thick coat that Alan gratefully accepted and quickly slipped his arms into. He didn’t even bother with taking the jacket he was already wearing off first. 

“Scott tried to explain it to me”, Virgil started, “but I still don’t get why the hell we are here picking up your frozen butt.”

Alan sighed and tried to suppress a shiver. The coat was helping but he had been out here for a while and was frozen to the core. He realised he had failed to suppress his shiver when Virgil disapprovingly instructed; “zip that coat up.”

Alan figured it was the easiest to simply obey and his icy numb fingers fumbled with the zipper. He had lost almost all feeling in them and he kept losing his grip on the zipper.

“Fuck’s sake” Virgil grumbled and he grabbed hold of the coat and pulled Alan closer.

“Virg-” Alan started to protest but Virgil simply slapped his hands away from the zipper and swiftly pulled it up.

Scott was softly snickering from the side of the car. His door was still open and he was casually leaning against it.

Alan shot him a pissed look. “Did you bring him on purpose so the two of you could make fun of me?”

“No,” Virgil answered. “He brought me because he was also my ride home.”

“Can we just go?” Alan complained.

“No. I want to know why we had to take a detour and why you are on the verge of hypothermia.” To emphasise his determination to get all the details, Virgil crossed his arms and kept blocking Alan’s way to the car. 

“I wouldn’t be hypothermic if Scott had driven a little faster.” Alan said directly to his eldest brother.

“Hey, they didn’t cancel the bus for no reason.” He threw his hands up in the air as an indication that he had nothing to do with the current situation. “Traffic is a nightmare.” Scott defended himself.

“Traffic problems are not what got you here.” Virgil pointed out and directed the conversation back to Alan.

Alan grumbled.“I didn’t know the bus was going to be cancelled due to the snow.”

“Yeah Scott explained that. What I don’t understand is why you are dressed like it’s a nice spring day instead of winter.” The second eldest Tracy sibling gestured to Alan’s snow soaked Converse and light jacket. “Did Dad let you leave the house like that?”

At the mention of Jeff, Alan pulled a sour face. Virgil noticed. “Oh God, what happened this time?” 

“It’s not my fault” Alan immediately jumped in to attempt to preserve his dignity.  “Dad told me to put a coat on!”

Virgil gaped at him for a few seconds. “How on earth is not listening to dad, not your own fault?!”

Alan crossed his arms and pouted, annoyed that his brother did not see things from his perspective; “You didn’t hear the voice in which he said it. He was practically asking me not to listen to him.”

Virgil groaned as he facepalmed. Scott had to hold on to the car door with both hands to keep himself from falling into the snow. He was laughing so hard he started wheezing.

“I don’t even have the words. Are you ever going to act like the adult you are?”

“Exactly!” Alan aggressively gesticulated with his arms. “I am 18 years old, Dad should stop telling me what to do.”

“He wasn’t telling you what to do.” Virgil tried to mediate. “He was informing you about the weather.”

“I can come up with the idea to put on a coat if it’s cold outside myself. He was telling me what to do.” Alan firmly kept his ground. 

“Well apparently he still has to!” Virgil exclaimed as he pointed to Alan. 

Alan crossed his arms. “I was going to put a coat on but then he told me to put one on so I didn’t to prove to him that I am an adult that can make my own decisions.” 

“Freezing your arse off out of spite is making adult decisions?!”

Scott once again doubled over, clutching the car door.

Virgil turned his head in Scott’s direction. “You know, as the oldest you should be handling this instead of pissing your pants.”

Scott, who had tears streaming down his face, was incapable of answering and vaguely waved his free hand to Virgil.

Virgil rolled his eyes. “Just get in the damn car, I am too tired for this. Dad can deal with this himself.” He gave Alan a little push in the directions of the backseat. Alan huffed and janked open the door to the backseat. 

Scott wiped the tears from his face and managed to drag himself back in the driver’s seat. He was still laughing and Alan figured he would continue to do so for most of the ride home.

“You know, you don’t have to tell dad about this.” Alan pointed out as Virgil buckled himself up again.

“Hmmm.” Virgil answered. “I am not going to lie to dad about this but I may not have the energy left to explain this to him when we get home.”

Alan smiled a little. That was the great thing about Virgil, he always had your back. Alan turned to the driver’s seat. “Scott?”

Scott was still grinning. “I don’t know yet. I’ll think about it.”

Alan let himself fall back against the seat disgruntled.

He missed Scott glancing at him in the rearview mirror with a look of sympathy on his face as he put the car in reverse.

Alan just stared out of the window to the darkness outside. Yup, he had once again managed to royally screw things up for himself.



I really shouldn’t.

Sorry, Virg.

Oh, and a language warning, sorry.


“Virgil, no!”

Scott grabbed his brother, but as always, he was no match for the anger-fuelled strength of those heavy lifting muscles and Virgil dragged him towards their group of rescuees, heels digging furrows into the dirt. “Goddamnit, Virgil, stop!”

But his brother wasn’t listening.

Scott had no idea what had set him off. Setting Virgil off was rare enough before coffee, on the job…it…birds had more teeth.

“Gordon! Get over here and give me a hand.”

He used his height as leverage to pull the man back, but Virgil snarled and attempted to shake him off.

He almost succeeded.

Gordon appeared, wide-eyed and grabbed at Virgil’s other side.

“Let me go!” His brother tried to throw both of them off and almost succeeded.

It was Scott’s turn to snarl. He flung himself in front of his brother and forcibly brought him to a halt. He had never seen so much anger on the man’s face. “Thunderbird Two!”

Virgil hissed between his teeth, but brown eyes finally latched onto Scott’s and he watched as sanity clicked into place.

Thank god.

“Talk to me, Virgil.”

“I’m sorry, Scott, that was my fault.” John’s voice was unusually tense. “I shouldn’t have told him.”

In Scott’s arms, Virgil suddenly went limp. “Fuck, fuck, fuck! Fucking assholes.” His brother turned and shook both of them off and stormed back towards his ‘bird, cursing the entire way.

Gordon stared at Scott, eyes still wide. “What the hell?” Virgil wasn’t one for profanity most of the time.

“What was that all about, John.”

“I’d rather not say.” John cleared his throat. “I will report at debrief.” And his space brother closed the connection.

“John?” Scott punched his comms. “Thunderbird Five!” But there was no answer.

Scott pressed his lips together and Gordon joined him in packing up the pod they had used to pull the tourist bus off the side of the mountain and trundling it into Two.

There was no sign of Virgil.

When International Rescue took off, it was Two that took the lead, his brother obviously still agitated and accelerating to match.

It wasn’t until all their rockets had been packed away in their hangars and their uniforms replaced by harmless cotton and flannel that John told him exactly who they had saved today and the legislation those people were responsible for and exactly what that legislation meant for young girls, young transpeople and society in general.

Scott’s mind locked up, caught between his core beliefs and reality.

Gordon snarled beside him.

But it was Virgil’s quiet sob as Grandma held him, that brought the truth home.

Everyone was worth saving.

Didn’t mean it didn’t hurt.


Oh Virgil… I can’t blame you for that one little bit, but I’m still so sorry it hurt. ::hugs both Virg and Nutty::

Why do I get the impression that EOS might be about to make her feelings known…?


Have some fluff!

Keep reading

What a completely perfect read on a hot day like today. I love the images you paint of all of them enjoying themselves - floating, fishing, letting their hair down (literally, in Kayo’s case). A gorgeous, relaxing, cheeky and completely wonderful bit of fluff. ❤️


“Scott! You’re not even trying!” Gordon shouted across the room from where he had been scrolling through his phone.

Alan’s head popped up. “At what? What’s he doing?”

“It’s what he’s not doing!” Gordon clarified, frowning

“Yeah, well what’s that?” Alan matched him frown for frown.

“His dating profile, he was meant to be making an effort, but look at this.” he thrust his phone in his face causing Alan to pull his head back sharply. Once his eyes had adjusted he scanned the words in front of him.

“Lie to me and watch how fast I lose interest….” Alan read out. “Wow that’s one hell of a tagline!”

Scott just shrugged and casually strolled down the stairs, making it very clear that he had no intention of changing a single word. 

“Give it here!” Alan snatched at the phone. “The least we can do is hack in and change that photo.”

“You can do that?” Gordon asked, even as he relinquished the device.

“Piece of piss!” a few second later Alan did some little jazz hands, “done”

When Gordon looked at the profile picture again he snorted with laughter. “Good choice, I particularly like the bunny ears!”

Oh Scotty… Anyone who can deal with these two’s shenanigans must be worth at least a coffee date!







Parker jr promised Scotty that she would take him to see maverick yesterday. But as she is off all weekend didn’t want to go to our cinema and instead said we would go to Weston to watch it, then go and play on the beach. So we got to go on the train!!! I love the train!!!!

But when we got there they wouldn’t let us watch the movie . Some technical issue with the staff tickets so Parker jr had to find a way to cheer up Scotty as he was crying. So we went down to the beach and Parker jr let me play on the waltzers - that was super cool. They spun round really really fast!

Then we went to the beach and Parker jr said I could go and see the donkeys!!!!!! And I got me a slush puppy to drink

But Scotty was still sad, so I buried him in the sand to cheer him up (which for some reason didn’t work ‍♀️)

So we went and had some lunch instead

And had a play in the arcade! Scotty won a prize - which I forgot to take a photo of - so he’s happy now

And Parker jr has said she will take him to see maverick asap @drileyf@janetm74@mrmustachious@cg29@tbirds@soniabigcheese@ak47stylegirl@alexthefly@heckincuddlies@inertplanetary@rachfielden-xo

The beach looks so much fun, we’ve never been to one and would love to go at some point. Hope Scott gets to see his film soon

Lot’s of hugs from us and @cg29

@tbirds you should definitely go to a beach! It is the best thing ever! Trust me!!!!!

Scotty has just finished watching the movie now we are having lunch. Had to go for the vegetarian option as they had no vegan choices

That food looks yummy Glad Scott got to see his film x

And then we had dessert

One last update!!! Scotty has now Been to see maverick!!!!!

Yay!!! So glad he got to see it in the end. What did he think of it?

And yippee for beach fun and games! We had a day out at the seaside yesterday too - it looks like you had just as much fun as we did.

gumnut-logic: Whump warning + sleep paralysis-o-o-o-“Why do you do this?”The voice was familiar, but


Whump warning + sleep paralysis


“Why do you do this?”

The voice was familiar, but not. Or rather, it was a familiar voice that was warped by pain, hoarse and hurting.

“Why do you have to push just that little bit more?”

And it was quiet, little more than a whisper in the dark.

Scott shunned it and skittered away. It hurt to hear the hurt in that voice.

“It’s Dad.” The words were barely there and Scott had to strain to hear it. “I know it’s Dad. And sometimes I hate him for it. Because of what he does to you.”

That forced his attention. Hate Dad? How could the voice possibly hate Dad? The voice loved Dad as much as Scott did. So, so much.

“I know you won’t listen. Probably won’t even understand. Deny it if you do.” A sigh. “But you are scaring the shit out of me, Scott. You’re doing all of this for Dad as if he is some goddamned messiah or something. And each time, you’re risking more.” There was a strangled sound. “I’m trying to keep up…god, I am trying…to keep one step ahead of you, but I can only save you so many times and then one day…”

A rustle of fabric.

“Please don’t do this to me.” That was almost a sob and it had Scott clawing at the darkness, desperate to reach his brother and provide the reassurance needed.

But he couldn’t move. He couldn’t speak. His brother needed him, but he couldn’t respond.

The voice stopped after that for a long time. There was sound, but it was just more fabric and muffled breath that was more distress than anything else.

It made Scott struggle harder. What happened? Why couldn’t he move?

What had upset Virgil? Because it was Virgil sitting beside him. Each shaky breath he heard, proved that.

Virgil, please.

“I can’t do this without you, Scott. I don’t want to.” Another wretched breath. “Please…stop. Please.”

Scott realised he had a hand, because suddenly the grip on it was tight. Rough calluses, familiar with warmth, were clinging to him.

He tried to grip in return, but nothing.

What the hell was wrong with him?!

Hair brushed his fingertips. It was soft and slightly damp, a familiar texture lacking the usual hair product. It was enough information for Scott to visualise his brother post-shower, hair drying into the soft curls Virgil hid from the world.

His forehead touched to the back of Scott’s fingers.


Scott realised he must have been injured. Probably a rescue. What rescue was information he could not recall, but the thought did prompt him to locate the rest of his body.

He encountered medicated fog. There was muffled pain in his left leg. Hell, all down his left side.

Virgil was on his right.

Virgil was always on his right.

John on his left.

His younger brothers behind.

He was the eldest. Their leader.

But not right now.

Right now, chances were he was in hospital, injured, and more a source of worry for his family than anything else.

And he still couldn’t move. Couldn’t reach out to his brother to reassure him that everything was going to be okay.

“You know, sometimes I wonder what Dad said or did to you that inspired such loyalty and sacrifice. What set you on this hell-bent mission to be so much like the great Jeff Tracy.” A rough swallow. “He’s Dad, Scott. Our father. He’s not you and you’re not him. You will never be him!” The words were spat out. “I don’t want you to be him! I want you to be you.” An exhaled breath. “I want you to be happy.” An inconsolable sound. “To be safe.”

The fingers wrapped around his twitched a little tighter.

“Mr Tracy!”

Scott startled. But it became immediately obvious that the Tracy being referred to was Virgil as soft shoes hurried over.

“You are not supposed to be up. You put too much weight on that injury and you could do further damage.”

There was a groan from the side of the bed. “I just need to sit with my brother.”

“Your brother is healing and no doubt would not want you injuring yourself further on his behalf.”


The pain in Virgil’s voice had Scott clawing at the darkness.

“Sir, the doctors were adamant, not to mention your grandmother. You are lucky to be alive and they would like to keep you that way. Now back to bed.”

The hands holding Scott’s tightened enough that if it wasn’t for whatever medication was in his system, he’d be feeling that enough to yell. His fingers were rammed up against that forehead again, hair teasing their very tips.


He did his best to return that grip, to let Virgil know he was heard. To reassure a distressed little brother. But nothing…nothing! He wanted to scream. It was his job to look after his brothers and being able to hear but unable to help was the stuff of nightmares.

“Mr Tracy, your brother is very ill, but he is improving. He will get better. Please, look after yourself, if not for you, then for him.”

There was hot breath against the back of Scott’s arm as the smallest of whimpers tickled the hairs on his forearm.

And then his hand was gently placed back on the sheet and let go.


Don’t leave me.

The thought escaped before he could countermand it.

Virgil was obviously injured. The groan at the scrape of a chair and hurried footsteps told him that much. The nurse muttered gentle encouragement as his brother grunted with obvious effort.

A bed creaked.

Virgil was safer in bed.

But Scott was left by himself, unable to move or speak or even open his eyes, and the combination of fear for his brother and fear for himself and the inability to do anything for either of them set his heart racing. Panic began to set in.

“Rest, Mr Tracy. Everything will feel better for sleep.”

Soft footfalls stepped efficiently on linoleum, and came closer to Scott. His heart thudded in his ears.

There was a tug at his left arm and a soft tut-tut from the nurse.

Something cold crawled up his arm and wrapped around his heart and his thoughts, disconnecting them. He lost the feeling in everything and oblivion took him.


Oh Virg… God, Nutty.

This is such powerful stuff. Every punch of emotion hitting Scott hit me as well, right in the chest. And it’s such a gorgeous hurt. Thankyou for the wonderful feels.

Post link




After 42 hours awake (it was a rescue give me a break) I had a dream that my doggo Skipper and I were spies on a mission to discover a smuggling ring intent on bringing camembert into the states.

We found them because Skip and I are the best at discovering things, but then we partied with them instead of turning them in.

So there I was with crackers and camembert, and I’d run out of one and need to get more of the other. And then I’d have an excess of the other thing and need to even it out again, but I never did.

And you know… now that I think about it the smugglers might have been the fae. Because that’s definitely how’d you’d trap me in a fairy circle and hold me for eternity. Via cheese.

Doesn’t even need to be the fancy kind

I can vouch for that ‍♂️

*wipes away a proud tear* I’ve finally brought one of you up well enough that the Fae want you.

I present to you;


Hope you like them. ₍˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶₎.*♡







Random thoughts, but i like the idea that Scott has reddish toned brown hair. I don’t know why, I just like the idea of Scott having somewhat auburn hair

Like if Scott spend a decent amount of time in the Sun, his hair becomes more of an auburn colour. Basically John isn’t the only one in that family with the red hair genes.

(Scott’s are just a bit more subtle lol )

Actually, imagine as a teenager/kid Scott had lighter, more auburn hair! Like not red like John but still a lot lighter than he has as an adult.

Imagine a young teenage Scott feeling somewhat self conscious about his hair, (because school kids are brutal) and wanting his hair to darken like his dad’s.

Because Scott is always trying to be like Jeff, which is probably why he styles it the way he does

But yeah, Scott with varying degrees of reddish brown hair


I’ll take that and raise you a beard that grows in red despite the dark hair on his head

We should write some words about that


(Johnny would have to play too )

@gumnut-logic@ak47stylegirl * glares at the both of you *

If he’s anything like my husband…

Blonde as a child but dark brown now.

His beard is what I call ‘tartan’ - brown and blonde and red in patches.

Lots of red!

I’m not telling!

* folds arms across chest *

Is no one going to mention the hair dye? It’s not just to hide the greys!

Oh I love how this post about a random thought I had just exploded

Random thoughts, but i like the idea that Scott has reddish toned brown hair. I don’t know why, I just like the idea of Scott having somewhat auburn hair

Like if Scott spend a decent amount of time in the Sun, his hair becomes more of an auburn colour. Basically John isn’t the only one in that family with the red hair genes.

(Scott’s are just a bit more subtle lol )

Actually, imagine as a teenager/kid Scott had lighter, more auburn hair! Like not red like John but still a lot lighter than he has as an adult.

Imagine a young teenage Scott feeling somewhat self conscious about his hair, (because school kids are brutal) and wanting his hair to darken like his dad’s.

Because Scott is always trying to be like Jeff, which is probably why he styles it the way he does

But yeah, Scott with varying degrees of reddish brown hair





I can only take a guess at what Virgil was insinuating by sending me this, but I am NOT overly emotional by 5:30

* folds arms across chest *

::raises an eyebrow::

I find it interesting that you immediately assume I’m referring to you.


//falls to the ground laughing//

Oh! You-haha-did-haahha-that to yourself @scott-flyboy-tracy ! Haha!

//ribs begin to ache from laughing so much//

Good one @vgtracy!

gumnut-logic: “Why don’t you ever listen to me?!” He’d done it and he’d done it proper. “I told you


“Why don’t you ever listen to me?!”

He’d done it and he’d done it proper.

“I told you it wasn’t safe. I told you not to go in. But no, you know better.”

Oh, yes, he had done it proper. He hadn’t heard Virgil go off the deep end like this since high school and the time Gordon had decided to not be where he was supposed to be at school pick up and the three hours of terror that followed.

Admittedly, Scott had been just as angry at the time. It was a whole new perspective to be on the receiving end.


“No, Scott. I’ve had it. You obviously don’t trust my judgment. You think you know better. Well, newsflash, hot shot, you don’t!”

Oh, yes, this was going to go on for some time.

So, he kept his mouth shut. It would be worse if Virgil realised that not only had his jet pack run out of fuel, but it had dropped him from quite a height. Without warning…he must speak to Brains about that. Fortunately, he had rolled down a slope and into an underground lake.

Unfortunately, the slope had been jagged and torn up his uniform somewhat.  There was likely some bruising.

And the lake had been damned cold.

Keep reading

Wow, Virgil is not happy lol

Post link




In the Gym - Part Two

Scott isn’t having much luck with his workouts, as he is constantly being interrupted.


“I’m borrrred, ” Alan whined.

“Go find something else to do,” came the response.

“Like what exactly?”

Scott stopped midway through his warm ups and had barely even worked up a sweat.

“That video game you’ve been bugging us about.”

“Oh … that.”

Scott noted the tone in his baby brothers voice.

“Not to your liking then?”

“Meh, too easy. I finished it in two levels. That games creator needs firing.”

“Why don’t you create your own game?”

“Nah … boring.”

“I’m sure John would be happy to help.”

“Too busy, I asked.”

“There’s always homework.”

Alan laughed.

“Yeah, right. If I remember rightly … I graduated not so long back.”

“How about Gordon?”

“Nah, too wrapped up with hisgirlfriend.”

Scott had to smile about that one. Since they finally got together and made it ‘official’, Gordon had been a bit preoccupied. But their relationship didn’t affect his focus. Once a rescue was on its way, he was professional throughout.

“How about Virgil?”

“Tried that, he told me to buzz off because I wouldn’t sit still for his portrait. And Kayo is visiting her dad, Brains is on holocall with Moffie, discussing fractals and bosons. You know how those two nerds are, once they get going.”

“There’s always grandma.”

Alan made a horrified face.

“Can’t I just hang with you?”


A nod

“In the gym?”

Another eager nod. Scott reached out to feel Alan’s forehead but he ducked away with a ..


“Just checking to see if you’re feeling okay.”

“I’m fiiine, what’s the big fuss? Geez, you’re worse than Virgil.”

Scott sighed.

“That’s true, by now he’d have had the med scanner out and checking your vitals. But seriously, are you feeling okay?”

Alan perched on the bench and sighed, picking at the lace on one of his well worn sneakers.

“Just … bored, that’s all.”

Scott cast a critical eye over his skinny little brother, pretty certain that those spaghetti limbs of his could do with a bit of toning.

“How about the treadmill?”


“Well … there’s the rowing machine.”

“Pfft, seriously?”

Scott kept suggesting each piece of exercise equipment, only to be nixed at every step. And it was a fully stocked gym, with practically everything you need to keep fit.

“So … what do you suggest then? Marco Polo in the pool?”

“Nah, you don’t play it right … and that’s for kids.”

“I give in.”

“There’s is one more thing Scotty. Pretty please. Virgil let’s me do it.”

Scott rolled his eyes. He should have known this was coming up.

A sigh.

“Okay, fine.”

Alan squeaked and bounced to his feet, before poofing into a golden retriever puppy. He waited until Scott got into position, before climbing up onto his back and sitting there.

“Press ups … or plank?”

Alan yawned and replied sleepily.

“Don’t care, as long as I’m here with my big bro.”

Scott smiled, his dimples deepening slightly.

Yeah, that’s right kiddo

“Planking it is, but be prepared, as I’m not half as strong as Virgil.”

“Yeah yeah whatever.”

And with that, puppyAlan promptly fell asleep and started snoring.

Reblogging to main and written in the early hours of the morning. So no editing at all, just something straight out of the old noggin

I may die of the cute!!

❤️ I have no words! ❤️ Allie just wants to hang out with big bro

(I used to do the exact same thing with my big sister @m-calculus when I was a kid; just hanging out in her room, it was great )


Characters: Scott, Tracy Family

Look what I found on my hard drive this morning, whoops.  I know my muses have currently fandom-hopped, but I do intend on finishing this one day, it just might take a while.  This chapter marks the end of the introductory arc, at least.  Sorry it took me so long to get it out!

Reminder that there’s now a discord server for all my fics, including this one!  If you wanna chat with me or with other readers about stuff I write (or just be social in general), hop on over and say hi!

<<<Chapter 14

Other-Virgil suggested heading to the lounge first, and sure enough, the entire family were in there. Scott suspected they’d been waiting, despite the way they were scattered across the room.  Other-Alan was with Tin-Tin on the balcony, while Other-Scott and Other-Gordon appeared to have pulled out another chess set from somewhere.  Mrs Tracy was knitting by the window, and Not-Dad was on one of the sofas, reading an aviation magazine.  Only Other-Brains and Other-Kyrano were absent, not including Other-John presumably still up on Thunderbird Five, and as Scott and Other-Virgil entered the room, all eyes landed on them.

“Say, are they done?” Other-Gordon asked eagerly.

“Yes, they are,” Other-Virgil told the room at large, heading over to the desk.  Everyone floated over, chess game, magazine and knitting abandoned in a palatable curiosity.  Scott hung back as the four drawings were laid out on the desk, already knowing what they looked like and undeniably curious how this family would react.

“Say,how old is this Alan?” Other-Alan demanded, and Scott mused ruefully that he could probably have predicted that the younger blond would be the first to comment.  “He looks like a child!”

“Let me see,” Not-Dad demanded, and Scott watched his sons move around until the older man was standing by the desk.  “He does look young.  Is he still in school?”

Keep reading

Ahhhh, the long awaited update! so good! Love the TOS boys reactions to baby TAG Alan, plus Gordon getting ideas

Every part of this was worth the wait ❤️



Kat: so lastly…you mentioned biologically…do you have news for us?

Scott *laughs*

::giggles madly::

Yeah, do you Scott?
