#secret trio

 Secret Trio - Prologue page 6This here is some big hints at the villain(s) that will be the main an

Secret Trio - Prologue page 6

This here is some big hints at the villain(s) that will be the main antagonists of the story. Any guesses on who they could be? Of course I won’t say anything to confirm or deny XD

In case you can’t read it, it says:
“Love decay, shadows rise, evil will be released”

Straight up I don’t like how this turned out. This is a dream sequence, and thus I was going for an abstract/trippy look. So I went way out of my comfort zone trying out new things with digital art. This page took a lot longer to come out because I kept fiddling with it. In the end, I’m not a huge fan of the final product, but I knew I’d be working on it for eternity if I didn’t just go “f*** it” and posted the darn thing lol. If anyone has some good digital art tips please let me know. Constructive criticism is always welcome!
Got lazy and used font from 1001fonts.com instead of making my own because omg I hate drawing font ^-^;

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Secret Trio - Prologue Page 5 Woo it’s the first look at our main boys!! I won’t be foll

Secret Trio - Prologue Page 5

Woo it’s the first look at our main boys!! I won’t be following the exact canon designs for them, and instead will be drawing them with my own personal flair. Most side characters though will just be following canon most likely.
I tried something new with the text for this page. Not sure how I feel about it, but the basic bubble just wasn’t catching the vibe I wanted. Writing for Clockwork himself is a bit of a struggle, simply because, at least in my universe, Clockwork is more of a god then a ghost. I suppose he could be like that in canon too, but we never spent enough time with him to find out.

This was originally gonna be the last page of the prologue, but I got three more I’m gonna slap on instead. I was having a hard time fitting them in smoothly, but they definitely need to be present for the story! So… onwards!

As a side note, I’ve been away from home the past couple of days. So I didn’t have my reliable sister to look over this page first before I posted it. So hopefully it ain’t ugly af lol

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Secret Trio - Prologue Page 4 Finally some actual characters make an appearance! I hope I captured C

Secret Trio - Prologue Page 4

Finally some actual characters make an appearance! I hope I captured Clockwork well. I had difficulty keeping him consistent from panel to panel but hopefully he looks alright. I know he’s a popular character. And as a creative liberty, I will be keeping Clockwork in his young adult state instead of having him constantly shifting. I feel it wouldn’t translate as well to comic book form and would end up just confusing people.

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Secret Trio - Prologue Page 3 Woooo actual panels today! Don’t get used to it though because t

Secret Trio - Prologue Page 3

Woooo actual panels today! Don’t get used to it though because there is only one more page featuring panels in this prologue. But panels will be the norm for the rest of the comic so don’t worry.
Drawing the interior of Clockwork’s lair was difficult because we really don’t have a lot of references to work with. Hopefully I was creative enough with what I had to work with. And just to clarify, that is a statue of the Grim Reaper, not the actual spirit himself. Clockwork has Grim Reaper stuff both on the inside and outside of his lair, which I never noticed before! Veeerrrryy interesting

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Secret Trio - Prologue Page 2Most of the prologue is going to be these full spread sheets, but once

Secret Trio - Prologue Page 2

Most of the prologue is going to be these full spread sheets, but once the actual comic gets started it’ll have the more usual paneled structure.

Constructive criticism is always welcome!

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 Secret Trio - Prologue Page 1So it begins!Now, just to warn ya’ll; I’ve never made a

Secret Trio - Prologue Page 1

So it begins!
Now, just to warn ya’ll; I’ve never made a comic like this before. So things might be rough at the beginning while I figure things out. I swear the colors look better on my tablet! Constructive criticism is always welcome.

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 Introducing my version of the sub-fandom, Secret Trio! I’ve had this comic in the works for a

Introducing my version of the sub-fandom, Secret Trio! I’ve had this comic in the works for awhile now, and I finally have the story in a place I feel comfortable enough to start drawing it out. I may be too little too late in the long run, but hopefully they’re still some ST fans out there! And hopefully this comic will bring in some new people too for this little fandom!
This comic is a cross-over between the shows Danny Phantom, American Dragon, and 9th Grade Ninja! I recommend having seen all three shows in full before reading my comic! (Because there will be hecka spoilers)

I have all the pages sketched out for the prologue and I’m gonna try and ride this motivation train for as long as I can!

Although my comic has nothing to do with @thickerthanectoplasm‘s, I must give credit to them for fueling my drive to make my own version of this tale. I probably wouldn’t be in the fandom without they’re beautiful comic and I highly recommend checking out theirs!

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Ya’ll probably thought I forgot about my Secret Trio comic! Well you thought wrong!

The story is written! Drawing has begun!

Continuing on my road of style studies, here’s…. Secret Magic Trio!This time I just had fun tContinuing on my road of style studies, here’s…. Secret Magic Trio!This time I just had fun tContinuing on my road of style studies, here’s…. Secret Magic Trio!This time I just had fun tContinuing on my road of style studies, here’s…. Secret Magic Trio!This time I just had fun tContinuing on my road of style studies, here’s…. Secret Magic Trio!This time I just had fun t

Continuing on my road of style studies, here’s…. Secret Magic Trio!

This time I just had fun trying out ones I like drawing in: JLee style, Rapunzel series, my own various styles

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lol I realized I posted a preview of this image and intended to post the full cover once I was done lol I realized I posted a preview of this image and intended to post the full cover once I was done

lol I realized I posted a preview of this image and intended to post the full cover once I was done w a project that never came to light, which was to reformat Age-Accurate Secret Trio into print size and then do a preorder for a VERY limited run.  Buuuuuuuuuut then I found out that reformatting that many pages and redoing the text and all that was boring as FUCK so I never did it rip

if anyone wants to take it on you can have a free book and a free art from me LOOOOL

Now available on webtoons!

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