#serving my purpose

Some girls, like me, aren’t naturally inclined towards domesticity. I would pout, whine, argue

Some girls, like me, aren’t naturally inclined towards domesticity. I would pout, whine, argue, dawdle, and do a bad job with the housework. My husband tried everything he could think of to get me to fulfill this part of my wifely duties. He asked nicely, tried to bribe me, yelled at me, beat me, threatened me, even bought me a cute little outfit. Nothing worked. I just yelled right back at him, suffered through the beatings, and threw the clothes back in his face, wearing my sweats and t-shirts when I made my half-assed attempts to clean.

Finally, he left me in the stocks for two nights. Exposed, vulnerable, and unprotected. I lost count of the number of people who used my cunt and ass. No one listened to my begging or my hollow threats of vengeance. They just laughed and pointed out that I’d been a negligent wife, hadn’t kept the house as my husband wanted, hadn’t been obedient. And now I was getting just what I deserved.

Now I happily clean the house without him even needing to ask. Beyond that, I wear the French maid outfit he so generously bought me and strive to be sexy even while I’m just cleaning. I know that I’m lucky to have him and I want to always be pleasing to the eye. I’ve learned my place and feel so good about serving my purpose as a wife and as a woman. He has a clean house and a much more pleasant wife.

We’re both so much happier now.

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Daily Picture Assignment #76 I belong to Reaction Junkie. He’s my owner and I’m his prop

Daily Picture Assignment #76

I belong to Reaction Junkie. He’s my owner and I’m his property.

My purpose is to please and entertain him. My purpose whatever he says it is. It’s whatever he wants me to do in that moment. If he wants to use my holes (or gives me to other to use) and treat me like a fucktoy, then my purpose is to be a fucktoy. If he wants me to focus at work and do a good job, then my purpose is to be a productive professional. If he wants me to bring him water and do his laundry and cook him dinner and clean the apartment, then my purpose is to do service.

I am whatever he wants, no matter if he’s directly using me or if it’s something that turns me on. The very fact that Reaction Junkie wants me to behave in a certain way or do certain things should be motivation enough, a turn on in and of itself, regardless of the particular behavior or activity at hand.

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Daily Picture Assignment #6[1.19.2015] A picture from this winter. I spent the evening wearing these

Daily Picture Assignment #6


A picture from this winter. I spent the evening wearing these shackles and cooking for Reaction Junkie. Out of all of the things he tells me to do, service-type tasks are the ones I push back on and whine about most. There are two main reasons for this.

For one, unlike the impact we do, or the more specific d/s-focused play we sometimes do, these things aren’t, except for cooking, very fun. The instructions and the tasks usually aren’t sexy or kinky in and of themselves. They’re straightforward orders to do things that just need to be done. Quotidian domestic tasks.

The other reason, which is just as, if not more, important, is the fact that, in contrast to the planned scenes we do at happy hours or parties, and the spontaneous “because we’re both in the mood” fun we have, these orders are often given at inopportune times. I might be grumpy from work, or tired, or having a rough time with depression or jealousy. I might even be mad at Reaction Junkie himself.

So, I resist and complain about these kinds of instructions because they aren’t fun or entertaining, and because I’m not always in the mood when they’re given.

Neither of those things should matter. I shouldn’t be doing what he tells me because it’s fun or sexy. I should be doing what he tells me simply because he’s telling me to do it. The instruction or the task needn’t be enjoyable or pleasurable. I should get pleasure knowing that I’m doing what my owner wants me to do. 

As for not being in the mood, that should be irrelevant. I belong to Reaction Junkie. When he gives me an instruction, how I feel is immaterial. Even (especially) if the reason I’m not in the mood is that I’m upset with Reaction Junkie, I need to push past that and remember that he owns me. Possessions don’t get to decide if they “feel” like serving their purpose. I owe him my obedience no matter what.

Submissive and barefoot in the kitchen may not be every woman’s place, but it’s certainly mine.

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