#severe deppresion


I am currently in recovery and it has been really hard to stay off this site.


someone had said something about my ED and I honestly dont know how I feel. One day I’ll starve and the next I’ll eat the proper recovery amount.

I dont know if I’m going to relapse or not and its scaring me.

I’m healthy right now, but…

I could be skinny and it’s all I have ever wanted.

  • *help.me.i.dont.want.to.feel.*

I hate that I dont have any courage or strength to do anything I want. I cant starve myself because I’m not strong enough, I cant talk to my boyfriend about how I’m feeling. I can even make a move on him because I’m to scared he’ll say no. Even though he never has. I’m not strong enough and it kills me inside.


I feel like I’m going to explode. Every emotion in me is spinning out of control like a tornado stuck inside my body.i want to scream and cry and yell at everyone, at someone. But I cant. Not even a single tear will come out. And it hurts soo much…


Today is going great!

I’m at 115.5lbs today.

All I’ve eaten so far is a banana, half an apple, and 10 grapes! With a cup of green tea.

I’m at 244 calories minus about 500 +or- calories burned already.

And it’s already 7 pm!

  • Slowly.getting.skinny

I’m going to be one of those healthy ana’s! I just spent like $100 on fruit. Both fresh and frozen. So from now on I’m going to live off of smoothies and fruit.


I want to binge again….

please make me stop..


When people start to realize something is wrong so you’ve got to step up and act like you are all right and do all your chores because if you continue to ignore them they will look even harder. And see that you’re actually dying inside.

