

heyy so my main account is @cherry-flavoured-poison<3

cause I just realised that all my mutuals probably don’t realise I followed them back :(

GUYS I DID IT, I actually fucking did it, I wanted to reach my goal weight by Christmas and I did it!!!!<<<<33333

Aaaahhhhh I just needed to tell someone <3

Thank god for those diet pills man. I barely ate anything during Thanksgiving!! All I had was like to small pieces of ham and a couple spoonfulls of cream corn then I went to work and probably burned most if now all the cals!!

I’m also starting adhd meds that r suppose to make me lose helllllla weight so ya cant wait for that~

Hey my pretty people my name is Belle this is just a stupid blog to get my feelings out

Sw: 222lbs

Cw: 175lbs

Gw1: 180lbs

Gw2: 160lbs

Gw3: 140lbs

Gw4: 116lbs

Ugw: 100lbs

Me crying in the grocery store bc I saw all the food I knew I can’t eat. Bc I know I will fast a unhealthy time and puke everything out I eat. Just chasing a body goal I will never reach but it’s the only way I don’t hate myself. Knowing I will cry in the shower still wearing a big sweater bc I can’t see myself.

My dad wondering why I cry while starring at some mac and cheese

Soo I’ve been sick all day because of not eating and my man is stressed that its morning sickness but I dont want to tell him that its because I haven’t really eaten.


I am currently in recovery and it has been really hard to stay off this site.


someone had said something about my ED and I honestly dont know how I feel. One day I’ll starve and the next I’ll eat the proper recovery amount.

I dont know if I’m going to relapse or not and its scaring me.

I’m healthy right now, but…

I could be skinny and it’s all I have ever wanted.

  • *help.me.i.dont.want.to.feel.*

I love that feeling.

☆☆ not mine☆☆

Hi everyone!! Still not fully back into fasting and exercising as much as I was. Trying to just think positive and find motivation. I would like to be 130 by July. I know I can do it! We got this. Put good into the world and get good.

My first time fasting in a long time. So far at 19 hours. Let’s see how long I can go!

Anyone wanna talk? I’m having troubles getting back into fasting and tracking what I’m eating. I could use some motivation and help.

Recently I’ve been eating horribly. I’m moving away from home in Tuesday and I can’t stop stress eating. I feel disgusting and ugly. I just want to be pretty.

Just weighed myself! 143 pounds! I’m freaking OUTTTT! also I drank so much last night idk how I didn’t gain but I also haven’t eaten in two days so oops.

I have a dentist appointment on tuesday (christmas eve) and I can’t eat any solid food for 4 days after! Sooo, I don’t gotta get christmas eve dinner or christmas dinner and leftovers christmas miracle

nothing better then getting sick and dropping from 135.4 to 123.7
