
I‘m holding you in wholeness. I‘m honoring your fear, your pain, your anger, your despair. I‘m prese

I‘m holding you in wholeness. I‘m honoring your fear, your pain, your anger, your despair. I‘m present with you for whatever is coming up these days.
I‘m envisioning a safe container for everyone, holding space for this collective ceremony like so many beings around the globe. We‘ve got this! ♥️

Yes it might be scary that you suddenly have to face your demons and deepest fears. That our sense of security and personal freedom is being taken away. Trust. Let this guide you to your inner intelligence, to true inner freedom and security that is not depending on anything else.

What is blocking this inner peace? What outer circumstances have been patching the core issues? What stories have you been telling yourself that are now falling apart?
Let go. It’s time that we all let go and integrate the shadows.

The darkness is being brought to the light. A tremendous amount of trauma and karmic wounding is coming up to be cleared. What is happening IS all in divine alignment. Everything is collapsing for us to birth a new reality. Systems are crashing so that new earth can emerge. The shift is here! We have been talking about ascension for so long - this is one of the divine catalysts. This truly is a healing process for us all.
It might be hard to believe but you came here knowing you would be part of this. There is no coincidence that you are here right now. Thank you for showing up, thank you for your courage, thank you for doing the work

Spring equinox supporting this process of rebirth and rebalancing. Stay centered, ground yourself, connect to your heart ♥️

Let’s nourish the frequency of this all working out best case scenario ✨ What are positive outcomes you already see unfolding? What are you grateful for right now in this situation?

#ascension #spiritualawakening #newearth #shadowwork #corona

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We are collectively purging so much fear and terror with this virus situation and to me it seems lik

We are collectively purging so much fear and terror with this virus situation and to me it seems like a big global CEREMONY. So I can’t help but be excited as accompanying and facilitating deep transformations is what I deeply love ⚡️
Let’s allow this crisis to be the epic catalyst it can be. It is already happening!! We are preparing for a massive shift on this planet and this is just one very aligned phase of it all.

This week the sun is in the gate of crisis - which is also connected to COMPASSION. These turbulences are a call for humanity and empathy. And it always starts within!

Look at what is truly being triggered by this fear around? Where are you blocking harmony, freedom, safety and peace in your life? If our structures and systems are collapsing we get the chance to reflect on why we are relying on those for fake security? How can we harmonize and unify our being to create unity in the world?

It’s all about healing that inner fragmentation. Recollecting the suppressed aspects. Integrating the shadows we neglected for so long. Allowing for emotions to come up to be transmuted. BUT NOT GETTING TRAPPED IN THE LOWER VIBRATIONAL ENERGY.
Anchor yourself in your heart, root yourself in Gaia’s core and nurture a higher perspective on the current events. THIS JUST AS ANYTHING IS HAPPENING FOR US. We are not the victims of this situation. In fact we came here to be part of it and do what is needed to clean up this human mess and redefine HUMANNESS.

There is this post ceremony bliss… a deeper level of peace and equilibrium and love after doing that deep inner work - I promise it is on the way. But let’s get our hands dirty first and really use the potential of this moment.

#energyupdate #globalceremony #spiritualawakening #shadowwork #coronavirus #lightworker

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 Literally flying these days ✨✨✨Still on the post retreat high and madly in love with the experien

Literally flying these days ✨✨✨

Still on the post retreat high and madly in love with the experience I’m creating right now - or that is being created through me.
Fell asleep with a smile on my face and woke up with butterflies
Oh it’s been a while - a long one tbh. And yet it’s unlike anything ever before because the experience of life I’m having has changed so so much…

It’s a really wonderful thing to wake up, realize what you truly are and especially what you are not, to really go through this dying process of letting go of identity and do the shadow work to reclaim the parts of your human you once rejected.
I cleaned up so much within me in the past year and I’m left with SO much space in this being that is being filled with blissful energy now, filled with love that taste so sweet and healing and delicious and ahh Suddenly it really is all a dance.
It was messy, it was brutal, it was turbulent, it was scary - but it was more than worth it.
What a transformation, what a journey, what a fun adventure. And what a joy to die and then come back to life in this human realm, understand more of this game - and play recklessly.
So that’s what I’m doing right now.

I know that many are going through their dark night right now, that the world is being shaken. And it seems frightening. But it is all happening in divine alignment. It’s all going according to plan.
Your essence is eternally safe. Let go of what was actually never truly “you”. Surrender. Love yourself as much as you can in this process… and get excited for the playtime coming once you untethered.
We are remembering. We are dying to truly live. We are preparing for something big.

/// wearing an all sustainable outfit via @zalando #getthelook #ascension #spiritualawakening #shadowwork

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Already preparing for the next adventures… In a few days I’m off to the next plant medicine r

Already preparing for the next adventures… In a few days I’m off to the next plant medicine retreat I’m cohosting and then I have two more weeks left until my Iboga initiation which really is such a big milestone I have been looking forward to and preparing for months.
I’m not really planning anything after that because I know what a massive experience it will be that needs proper integration afterwards… There are only a few things I’m committing to for the time after and one is the retreats I’m planning for you guys! ♥️

One project I’m currently contemplating is a week long immersion on Ibiza this summer. A deep dive into all those practices & subjects I am passionate about.
As I want to make sure what we are creating is in alignment with what you need (and your calender) I would love to have your feedback. I linked a little survey in my bio!
Thanks for your help

I am so excited about everything that has been happening since I decided to really step into service and can’t wait to journey with you!
#plantmedicine #shamanichealing #spiritualawakening #shadowwork #ascension

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I could fill a book with the experiences I made since I left my home last Friday to go to Berlin&hel

I could fill a book with the experiences I made since I left my home last Friday to go to Berlin…

My unexpected adventure of receiving the Kambô medicine three days in a row, of course going all in once again… Dealing with this deep process, the physical symptoms and energetic storm while being in the middle of this crazy city which is always intense for me.

Feeling like I’m literally being ripped apart while being in public… Crashing at my friend’s beautiful sanctuary and a rainbow of emotions flowing through me Laughing from the deepest place of my being, screaming, crying, groaning with pain and dissolving in pure bliss.

Being at the right time and place twice to jump in and help one of my mentoring clients in two emergency situations

So many impressions and experiences that left an imprint on me, that taught me, that made me grow and crumble in the right places.
None of this was really planned but happened as I’m surrendering to the flow of life. Trusting. Questioning. Resisting. Only to surrender even more ♥️

Oh I’m grateful. So very grateful for this magical rollercoaster ride. For so many new insights and deep realizations. For my beautiful medicine friend who held space for me with so much devotion and kindness and the right amount of Amazonian force. For Alisa’s place that became my safe space in the last few days. For nourishment in form of food, candles, bathtub cries, essential oils, palo santo, playing the piano and dancing. I’m beyond grateful for my soul friend accompanying me through all of this from far away.
Deeply grateful for how much I’m constantly learning that’s fertilizing and inspiring the work I’m doing… For all that’s been and all that’s to come - while only this moment here is where I want to be ✨

Soo much more to share…but for now just a big warm hug and so much love to you ♥️
#kambomedicine #shamanicwork #spiritualawakening #shadowwork

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Become the story you’ve been hiding from, let the rain fallEmbrace your thunder, your lightning an

Become the story you’ve been hiding from, let the rain fall

Embrace your thunder, your lightning and the tense silence in between.
Love every moment of your creation, whether it’s soft or turbulent, scary or exciting. Become the waves you try to surf and the wind in your sails.

Whatever is present in your journey at this moment, allow it to be. Fully. Don’t stay separate from it. Reconcile. Integrate. Accept. This is just another catalyst for you to make peace with the parts you rejected long ago, the emotions that were too intense to feel.

You are ready. This moment was divinely orchestrated for you to explore more aspects of your being ♥️ I’m sending you so much love today and every day ✨✨✨ If you are going to bed alone tonight, wrap your arms around your own body or put your hands on your chest and give thanks. You are right where you need to be and you have so many reasons to be grateful to yourself
#valentinesday #selflove #shadowwork #ascension #lightworkers #spiritualawakening

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 I‘m feeling tender tonight. Touched by everything that’s going on. So many explosions around me, so

I‘m feeling tender tonight. Touched by everything that’s going on. So many explosions around me, so much heat and death and intensity.

I have been holding space a lot and certain things my loved ones are experiencing are moving me deeply. Still holding it together but ready to collapse into another mini death soon. Grateful for any opportunity to burn any emotional density and birth a deeper level of trust, a higher level of consciousness
And yet I’m also observing it all from a place of curiosity and even excitement, seeing and feeling the massive potential these situations entail - knowing that it will be revealed in time.

Since the 12th of Jan with the Saturn / Pluto conjunction in Capricorn it has been INTENSE. But ultimately this energy is affecting us in a way that allows for deep transformations and alignment with truth. TRUST WHAT IS HAPPENING IN YOUR LIFE RIGHT NOW ⚡️✨

You might feel the need to retreat from what’s happening around you to ground yourself and process. You can totally take that step back and create the setting you need to regenerate.
Don’t be afraid to get out of a situation that is not serving you. Don’t stay in a currently toxic environment to keep something going, out of fear what will happen next or to get certain outcome = Ego attachment. Don’t be afraid to express authentically- but it can be helpful to first process your emotions alone or with someone you feel really safe with. (Especially if you have emotional authority in your human design, this is really important.)
Take the steps needed to get some rest and stillness. And collapse if you need to - I’m here with you ♥️

#ascension #spiritualawakening #permissionslip #energyupdate #shadowwork // @chris.zielecki

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What emotion do you need to feel? What emotion do you try to keep controlled and hidden? Why? Do you believe all emotions need to be felt? Why? Are you afraid of feeling those certain emotions? Why?
