#baby pagan


Some questions and thoughts for you.

I’m watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the topic of souls seem very big in this show.

It appears that the soul is the piece of a person that in inherently good, innocent and pure. Without it the person becomes violent and evil.

What do you think a soul is? Do you believe in the soul?

My personal beliefs is the the soul is our mind. It is our being. It is the connection of the magical stream through the universe and our biologically earthly bodies. It is neither good nor bad. It encases all of our experiences and memories. When we die that piece of us returns to the universe and enters the collective mind of the universe. It will be dissolved, experience absorbed and be remade into a new one.

Send some positivity ✨️

My cat is in alot of pain and we just got home from the ER vet. We are doing a watch of him tonight.

A single bird wing found outside.

I’m starting to do some nesting.

And interior decorating.

I need some help here witch friends.

My therapist suggested that some of my issues I have could be… spiritual? She said that I might be sensitive to energies or vibes to things from the other place. I’m not sure. I’ve never explored that and I don’t know how.

Does anyone know where to start? Or would be willing to listen to my experiences and give me some advice?

Honestly I just need to know if I’m crazy or not.

Baptism is the ceremony where parents and a priest bless a baby in the name of the Christian God and signifies that the child will be brought up Christian.

 Wiccaning, also known as paganing and saining, on the other hand is what happens when a baby is blessed with protection, health, and happiness. There is no obligation or strings attached that bind you to any one religion or practice, and wiccaning can be adapted to any religion. 

“The Wiccaning is a magickal ceremony for the parents to seek wisdom and guidance, and set their own intentions as they responsibly guide their child in understanding of our world.“ - Michelle 

This ceremony is done like so:

  1. Create a traditional altar, adding items such as a special garment and a special amulet for the child to wear that will grant them protection throughout life. Other than that, add the basics such as tributes to each element, gods and ancestors, and whatever tools you may use to create your sacred space
  2. Create a sort of a temple by casting a circle around the altar. This is around when you would light the candles and incense and whatever else
  3. Next, the parents of the child will carry it to the altar while any attending guests will form a circle around them
  4. There are certain words that should be said here, but it largely varies per group and intent, so just do your research and practice a script beforehand
  5. Finish the ceremony by closing the circle however it is traditionally closed 

There is a separate wiccan ceremony of induction called an initiation, and it requires having been studying for a year and a day after declaring ones dedication to the craft. After the initiation, there is more study and practice required of course, but the initiation is a proclaiming to anything and everything that you are a regularly practicing witch.

Wiccanings may also be merged with naming ceremonies, in which the only change would be in the words the parents speak. In this, they will do the ceremony specifically on the tenth day after the baby’s birth.

image and other info -http://kitchenwitchuk.blogspot.com/2015/03/wiccaningnaming-ceremony-by.html




My friends and I made our own Discord Server for just pagans! It’s new, so it’s a bit empty, but I’d love to fill it up!

Open to all Greek Pagans, witches, and newbies to Paganism!


soothing scrub

this little scrub is great to use in the shower after work or after dealing with any other stressful event i.e meeting up with toxic family, running errands, etc! it helps soothe that hectic feeling and provides a healing and comforting energy

what you’ll need;





rose quartz helps this process move along and charges up the spell perfectly if you have some on hand! i like to charge the scrub with it as i’m grinding everything up and/or hold it over my chest with the scrub sitting on it for a moment, but literally none of this is necessary i don’t even do it every time i just use it for a little kick when i need it

just mash everything up together neatly and methodically, meditate on the state of mind you’d like to work towards and how you’d like to feel. then take your scrub and work it clockwise over your heart and work those intentions in, after that just scrub all over and proceed how you normally would! i usually end up curling up in bed under a fluffy sheet right after this scrub, it always makes me feel so cozy and safe <3

Remember to get a good nights rest and to do your shadow work before you sleep as well as put out your candles you lovely lovely being


And may you remember your dreams

and hopes

and asipirations

as your soul connects to the moon

and you’ll wake up with the best feeling

that your alright, 

and lil pieces of yourself still in space

making harmony with the sky

you had a long day, you did what you could, celebrate it *mwah*



Just a quick post about altar setups and some ideas, your altars do not have to look like these, these are just ideas, do at your hearts content. 


The Pentagram(s) are very important in witchcraft as it represents many things, however, it’s also equally as important to recognize what they mean and the differences between them. 

The Pentagram 

In the late 1800’s Eliphas Levi wrote: The Pentagram signifies the dominion of the mind over the elements, and the demons of air, the spirits of fire, the phantoms of water, and the ghosts of earth are enchained by this sign. Equipped therewith, and suitably disposed, you may behold the infinite through the medium of that faculty which is like the soul’s eye, and you will be ministered by legions of angels and hosts of fiends. The Pentagram represents the 5 elements: Earth, Air, Wind, Fire, and Spirit. The way you draw the Pentagram can either invoke or banish whatever element in question. Each element has a different way to invoke or banish 

The Inverted Pentagram

   The Inverted Pentagram is still connected to the elements, but now spirit is always at the bottom, showing the material world ruling over spirit. It is meant to show the power of the individual, and not the powers of a divine, or dogmatic system. This symbol is generally thought of as satanic, but it has been used in other forms of magick, and is not always satanic, or inherently evil.

The Pentacle 

The Pentacle embodies all of the previously mentioned powers of the pentagram, but it is now unified, and protected by a circle. Allowing the elements to work together to focus their energy in a more harmonious way. This symbol is used to represent Wicca, and other Pagan faiths. The pentacle can also represent male, and female energy mixing together in a symbiotic relationship. The pentacle being the male energy, and the circle being the female energy. 

The Inverted Pentacle

 The inverted pentacle shows the unity of the elements inside the individual power, and it’s still a powerful protection talisman. The rest of its meaning, and energies are pretty much a mixture between the inverted pentagram, and the pentacle.

The Chaos Pentagram

The chaos pentagram is a pentagram with its main head pointing to the right. I believe it originates from the Liber AOM a chaos magick manuscript though it is quite hard to find information about. It’s used in this freestyle non-dogmatic results based magical path which is ideal for practitioners to base their arts upon, along with excellent speculations concerning magic, science and nature of universe/reality.

 The Goat of Mendes

The Goat of Mendes is an inverted pentacle esque symbol that is trademarked, copyrighted, and used by the Church of Satan. It depicts five Hebrew letters that spell out the word leviathan on the outside of each point of the inverted pentacle, then encircled by another circle. This is one of the main symbols of satanism. The Goat of Mendes is also called Sigil of Baphomet, Sabbatic Goat, and Mendes Pentacle. The meaning is the same as the inverted pentacle, but this one is more for Satanists, because it takes on certain energies of entities Satanists work with.

Sources: https://wolfofantimonyoccultism.tumblr.com/post/148321333606/pentagram-the-pentagram-is-a-five-pointed-star

Just about every religion incorporates sacred objects into its observance and practice. Whether it’s special vestments worn by religious officiants, statues of deities honored at shrines, candles, amulets, chalices or other symbolic items, people have been creating and utilizing physical artifacts—or “tools”—in order to create and maintain spiritual energy and focus in their ritual practices.

Athame: Used for directing energy and casting rituals

Wand: Used to direct energy and casting circles 

Chalice: Used to hold ceremonial drink 

Boline: Used for rituals and harvesting/cutting herbs

Incense: Used to cleanse

Censer: Used to burn incense pods

Scourge: Was used to whip witches as initiation into covens but now is used in     some ritual poses by the Priestess and Priest when they do the “Osiris” pose with their arms crossed in front of their chests holding the athame and the scourge.

Cingulum: Used like a belt, can symbolize ranking via color, but is mainly used to measure the circle for casting 

Besom: Used to sweep negative energies 

Cauldron: Used to burns herbs and incense, can be used to make spells

Jewelry: Used upon intention, ex. pentacles on necklaces for protection and ring magick. 

Spear: Used as a ritual tool for Odin

Stang: Used for directing energy and assistance on spiritual path

Bell: To stop and start a ritual 

Offering Dish: Used to offer our offering to our deities 

Hat: Symbolizes the witch herself and her knowledge, fedora like hats are used more often to give off the same look

Crystals: Can be used for healing and magick, each crystal has a different property 

Oils: Used for spells and baths

Resin: (Pine) used to wake the circle

Mortar and Pestle: Used to grind up herbs

Rune Sticks: Used by oracles, usually thrown and read

White Stick: Grants invisibility and protection

Silver Spoon: Used to dig up dirt

Scrying Mirror/Bowl: Used to receive visions and messages

Gazing Ball: Used to scry as well

Hollow Glass Orbs: Used to ward off the home of witches spells, evil spirits, and ill fortune 

Pendulum: Used for divination 

Witches Spoon: Special spoon used for tea

The Garter: Used by high priestess to symbolize the head of the coven and her level 

Skull: Used for protection and used to call the ancestor of which the skull belonged to (can be replaced with a handful of soil)

Talismans: Used to symbolize what we want to push towards, also protection

EDIT:@twilightmagick said this and i completely forgot to add it in at the bottom YOU DONT NEED TOOLS AS A WITCH you are the magick, tools only serve to help you out and please don’t buy new tools they can be expensive go to your local thrift or you can make your own tools if you so please but yeah thank you to the person that pointed this out

I am a powerful being
I am at one with the Earth, the Universe and the Divine 
I am on the path to connect with my highest self
My former selves are letting go 
I am a model of greatness

Who is my ‘highest self’? What steps can I take to get to my highest self? Are my priorities in life aligned for what my highest self says my priorities are?

Just a daily reminder to drink water, eat food, take your meds and go drink some tea


Take a look in the mirror,

What do you see, 

I see a strong person,

Ready to take on the world, 

or your to-do list, 

or simply your morning routine,

chin up darlings,

your so deserving of your wishes *mwah*


- Z

So now that we’ve grown a bit as a community and as a family (again im still freakin out thank you so much!!) what do y’all think I should focus on moving forward? any ideas or suggestions im completely open to! I heard of deity reveals which I can also do if y’all would want that(?) But its all completely up to you!! I’d love to hear from y’all❤️



The Clairs are physic abilities that we have, now we don’t have all of them although it’s possible to train them, it is hard though. 

Clairvoyance means clear seeing.
This is when visions past, present and future flash through our mind’s eye, or third eye, much like a daydream. Many of us are highly visual and able to understand an idea best when we see it written or sketched out as an image on a computer screen or on a canvas. Visual people often choose to be artists, builders, photographers, decorators, designers and so forth. If this sounds familiar, your clairvoyance is most likely a dominant sense.

Clairaudience means clear hearing.
This is when we hear words, sounds or music in our own mind’s voice. On rare occasions, spirit may be able to create audible sound, though this takes a tremendous amount of focused energy. Some of us best retain and comprehend information when we hear it spoken aloud. Our natural talents tend to lie in our auditory faculties, often making us gifted musicians, singers, writers and public speakers. If this feels right to you, clairaudience may be a leading sense for you.

Clairsentience means clear feeling.
This entails feeling a person’s or spirit’s emotions or feeling another’s physical pain. Many of us are clairsentient without consciously being aware of it. When we get a strong “gut” feeling, positive or negative, about someone we just met or when we get the “chills” for no apparent reason, we may be tuning into the emotional energy of a person or a spirit around us. When we are highly sensitive and are in tune with not only our own feelings, but also the feelings of others, this makes us natural healers and caregivers. We often feel inspired to pursue careers as doctors, therapists, counselors, nannies and teachers. If this is you, clairsentience is at the top of your senses list.

Clairalience means clear smelling.
This is being able to smell odors that don’t have any kind of physical source. Instances of this could include smelling the perfume or the cigarette smoke of a deceased relative, used as a sign of their presence around us. When our sense of smell is strong and distinct, we may find that certain smells connect us to past memories or we may be drawn to working as a florist, a wine taster or a perfume fragrance creator.

Clairgustance means clear tasting.
This is the ability to taste something that isn’t actually there. This experience oftentimes comes from out of the blue when a deceased loved one is attempting to communicate a memory or association we have with a particular food or beverage that reminds us of them. If we have a heightened sense of taste, this would make us natural chefs, bakers or food critics.

Claircognizance means clear knowing.
This is when we have knowledge of people or events that we would not normally have knowledge about. Spirit impresses us with truths that simply pop into our minds from out of nowhere. An example of this would be a premonition: a forewarning of something that will happen in the future. Claircognizance requires tremendous faith because there’s often no practical explanation for why we suddenly “know” something. Many philosophers, professors, doctors, scientists, religious and spiritual leaders and powerful sales and business leaders tend to be highly intuitive and seem to just know the facts with a sense of certainty. If this is you, consider claircognizance as one of your dominant senses.


Erebus: The Darkness


Erebus was one of the oldest ancient Greek gods. He was one of the sons of the first goddess Chaos or Khaos. In mythology, his most common mistress was the goddess Nyx.

Erebus was the father of many gods and goddesses, including Aether, Hypnos (Sleep,) and Thanatos (Death). 

Erebus was the Greek god of the Underworld and his name meant “place of darkness between earth and Hades.” His name was often used to refer to part of the Greek Underworld where the spirits of the dead pass after the leave the living bodies. This place was also sometimes called Tartarus. 

Erebus was credited with finishing the Underworld after the gods created Earth. He did this by filling in the empty places with dark mists. Nyx used Erebus’ dark mists to bring night to earth. The Greek poets referred to this as the “Veil of Night.” In some stories, Erebus, Nyx, and Hemera are referred to as spirits rather than gods. 

What emotion do you need to feel? What emotion do you try to keep controlled and hidden? Why? Do you believe all emotions need to be felt? Why? Are you afraid of feeling those certain emotions? Why?

Just a daily reminder to drink water, eat food, take your meds and go drink some tea


It’s time to start the day

maybe with some tea

or coffee

as you stir clockwise thrice

and counter-clockwise thrice

and tap your spoon thrice more

and enjoy your coffee 

as you whisper “so mote it be”

sorry I haven’t been on my sister took up more time than I thought she would but regardless I LOVE YOU *mwah*




An Introduction toHekate

Hekate, Goddess of Magic, Witchcraft, the Moon, Necromancy, is believed to be not just a Goddess of the Underworld, but the living world as well. She also has dominion over crossroads, hidden knowledge, home protection, herbs, plant medicine and flowers. According to the Ancient Greek text by Hesiod, Theogony “Hecate, whom Zeus, Cronus’ son, honored above all others: he gave her splendid gifts - to have a share of the Earth and the barren sea, and from the starry sky as well she has a share in honor, and is honored most of all by the immortal gods.”

From what we can see historically, Hekate was a Goddess that was highly revered and given reign over three realms by the God of Gods. Hekate is well known to be as the triple goddess due to her association with the waxing, full and waning moon, but also some equate Hekate to the Mother, Maiden and Crone figure. She is a powerful Goddess, yet she also is a kind Goddess that will aid you in your path that you have chosen as a witch. Some of the main things you can focus on when working with Hekate when just starting off is

  • Finding your path
  • Protection of your home & loved ones
  • Communion with the dead
  • Spirit work
  • Shadow work

Associations with Hekate you may find when calling on her when beginning to build a relationship with her are items such as,

  • Keys
  • Torches
  • Lanterns
  • Black dogs
  • Crossroads
  • The Moon
  • The Crone
  • Snakes
  • The colors black & purple
  • The #3
  • The tarot card “The Moon”
  • Strophalos Wheel

There are superstitions that when Hekate is near dogs will begin to bark for what seems to be no reason.

Once you begin to see signs that Hekate is responding to you and is willing to engage, a great thing to do would be to leave an offering at a crossroads during the New Moon. Rituals, offerings and spellwork during the New Moon is the perfect time to connect with Hekate since that is the phase of the moon associated with her. Some examples of offerings you can leave at the crossroads are,

  • Mead
  • Wine
  • Cakes
  • Mediterranean fruits
  • Locally sourced fruits
  • Keys
  • Bones
  • Plants, such as Mugwort
  • Blood

You can also honor Hekate on the last day of the month or on the Night of Hekate, which is November 16th every year.

Lastly, an important step to making that initial connection with Hekate is creating an altar dedicated to her. On your altar you can have a statue of her or something that symbolizes her, plants associated with her and even  images of animals associated with her. Some colors you can use to decorate your altar are,

  • Purple
  • Black
  • Orange
  • Yellow-Orange
  • Red-Orange

Use these scents of incense at your altar such as,

  • Cinnamon
  • Honey
  • Myrrh
  • Mugwort
  • Lime
  • Lemon Verbena
  • Queen of the Night

Finally, some great crystals and gems that Hekate would love to have at her altar include,

  • Sapphire
  • Silver/Gold
  • Moonstone
  • Black Tourmaline
  • Black Onyx
  • Hematite
  • Smoky Quartz

Hopefully  this introduction helps give you an idea of who Hekate is and how to begin following her. Thanks for reading!
