
artisticdragonlady:Howell has a new rugby team — It’s mr. and mrs. nose@dilwica this one’s for you!


Howell has a new rugby team — It’s mr. and mrs. nose

@dilwica this one’s for you!

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25/May/2016Today I transplanted the remaining snapdragons and give some to mom’s friend. The 3 upper25/May/2016Today I transplanted the remaining snapdragons and give some to mom’s friend. The 3 upper25/May/2016Today I transplanted the remaining snapdragons and give some to mom’s friend. The 3 upper25/May/2016Today I transplanted the remaining snapdragons and give some to mom’s friend. The 3 upper25/May/2016Today I transplanted the remaining snapdragons and give some to mom’s friend. The 3 upper25/May/2016Today I transplanted the remaining snapdragons and give some to mom’s friend. The 3 upper25/May/2016Today I transplanted the remaining snapdragons and give some to mom’s friend. The 3 upper


Today I transplanted the remaining snapdragons and give some to mom’s friend. 

The 3 upper pics are dahlias, shirleys and millet seedlings, and in the center there is an hydrangea that my brother gave mom for mother’s day. There is another one but it was already damaged when he gave it to her, so I’m taking care of it.

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19/May/2016My little greenhouse on the balcony! In the purple seedbed there is basil, look how much 19/May/2016My little greenhouse on the balcony! In the purple seedbed there is basil, look how much 19/May/2016My little greenhouse on the balcony! In the purple seedbed there is basil, look how much 19/May/2016My little greenhouse on the balcony! In the purple seedbed there is basil, look how much 19/May/2016My little greenhouse on the balcony! In the purple seedbed there is basil, look how much 19/May/2016My little greenhouse on the balcony! In the purple seedbed there is basil, look how much 19/May/2016My little greenhouse on the balcony! In the purple seedbed there is basil, look how much


My little greenhouse on the balcony! In the purple seedbed there is basil, look how much it has grown from the last post! In the brown seedbed there are some sweet williams that wilted since I couldn’t water them in 3 days and these pots doesn’t retain well the humidity… it’s a pity. On the other hand, the snapdragons are doing great! On the white/green seedbed there are the small ones, I planted the big ones in another pot (the brown pot in the 2nd pic), I plan to give some to my aunts since I have a lot, or planting some at grandpa’s garden if we go there soon.

In front of them you can see a pair of tomato plants that I could rescue after that excessive heat dried most of them. It isn’t in the pic, but today I put a tiny pot with some of my cockatiels millet in it, just out of curiosity. On the right there are 2 schlumbergeras that already are growing some buds, I hope they bloom soon!

The rose bud opened, but it’s edges are turning pink, is that normal? The adenium is getting fatty and it’s leaves are growing slowly, on the other hand, the lemon/mandarine is growing quickly! I put it into that yellow pot so it has more space. 

Today I planted some seeds I bought the day I took the rose and clematis home, nasturtium (tropaeolum minus), shirley (papavero ornamentale), pansies (viola wittrockiana) and zinnia (zinnia elegans). I also ordered some seeds online, I’ll show you them when I recive the package!

Here are some of the other plants I’m taking care of:

Grandpa’s delphinium:


Since I started taking care of it, it has grown a lot! Also new tiny delphiniums are growing next to it. I’d be very happy to see it blooming, since it’s a memento. And a lot of sprouts are growing in that pot, I don’t know if they are also delphinium since so far they look like bulb’s leaves… Look at them closer:


This is a calla lily I bought for mom some years ago. A new plant is growing next to it but I think it’s actually a chrysanthemum, since it’s leaves look alike and there is actually a chrysanthemum growing next to it:


Also, could you help me identifying these plants? Mom has had them for a while but doesn’t know their name:

This one looks like a succulent to me, a friend gave it to her that many years ago that I’d bet it’s older than me…


There is this other one next to it whose name we don’t know:


She also has this ones inside, and an hydrangea that my brother gave to her last weekend. Do you know their names?


She has another one on the other balcony but I’ll ask about it on the next post, this one is already quite long! If you know their names I’d love to know!

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26/Apr/2016There are a lot of sprouts growing up!In the purple seedbed there is basilThe green one h26/Apr/2016There are a lot of sprouts growing up!In the purple seedbed there is basilThe green one h26/Apr/2016There are a lot of sprouts growing up!In the purple seedbed there is basilThe green one h26/Apr/2016There are a lot of sprouts growing up!In the purple seedbed there is basilThe green one h26/Apr/2016There are a lot of sprouts growing up!In the purple seedbed there is basilThe green one h26/Apr/2016There are a lot of sprouts growing up!In the purple seedbed there is basilThe green one h26/Apr/2016There are a lot of sprouts growing up!In the purple seedbed there is basilThe green one h26/Apr/2016There are a lot of sprouts growing up!In the purple seedbed there is basilThe green one h


There are a lot of sprouts growing up!

  • In the purple seedbed there is basil
  • The green one has snapdragons (there are 3 big ones and you can see a lot of little ones in the soil)
  • In the brown ones there are sweet williams
  • Look at this! Remember that misterious pot called “Lemon & mandarin ???” there is something growing up there! I wonder which of them?
  • There is a rosebud opening beside the yellow rose
  • Can you help me identifying this one? Mom had this pot on the balcony, and I started taking care of it after installing the greenhouse (along with some other plants she had there) and after watering it regularily it has grown a lot! She isn’t sure if it’s a plant or just some weed. Do you know what is it? [Edit: mom says it some kind of tall blue flower that grew in grandpa’s garden, maybe delphinium?]

I should put the tomato plants in bigger pots and tie them properly, they are growing quickly! I should give some of them to my aunts because if all of them grow fine I won’t have that much space for them…

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Inktober Day 12 - DragonDid you know that this is what snapdragon seedpods look like!? I think tha

Inktober Day 12 - Dragon
Did you know that this is what snapdragon seedpods look like!? I think that’s pretty metal of them.

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Pocket design for my suit jacket.

It was my first time trying free machine embroidery so there were a few trials that I didn’t end up using / liking. Learning from these, I chose to put daffodils on the pockets as they symbolise change. I was heavily inspired by the work of Mandy Pattullo — reworking old, worn fabrics to create something new and beautiful. I gathered scraps of fabric from the textiles department and layered them together, using bondaweb and stitch to secure in place. (Second pocket is not properly shown but the process was the same).

The only bad thing about the pockets is that all of the fabric made them super heavy! This meant that they pulled the jacket down in a bit of a weird way, but an ironing helped.
