#snk levi


Levi said: “F*ck you Marleyans, I’m protecting this kid”

(their interaction with Hanji was CUTE!)

An ode to the Scouting Legion in Marley 

Song: Let it Rock by Kevin Rudolf

  • ?? 進撃の巨人 世界で最高のアニメ、とりわけリーバイスこん !! ️ ^_^メ 最高 ♥︎% 私と彼は猿をソロにします ela/dela.

  • !? あなたの心はあなたの体 ❕ には大きすぎます ♥︎ だからあなたはその 中に収まらないのです. ★ ~

  • Hmm… Levi? Shit I think I fell in love __ . ♥︎ ♡ レヴィと私は家を掃除して幸せになります <33 私の快適さ、私の美しい!

⚔️⛓ Levi Ackerman Icons ⛓⚔️

S3 Ep 54

screencaps and edits by me

Captain Levi,

I often wonder, just how many nights have you laid awake with visions of blood stained hands and the deafening screams of your comrades? And just how many nights do you plan to spend like this, wide awake and flinching at the slightest of sounds.

I don’t know how you do it but damn, all this pain, all these nights and you still haven’t let your heart turn into something ugly; you always survive no matter if you want to or not and you wear your survival like a badge. You live even though you’ve got no one left to live for. They take it as a fact that even if the whole lot dies there’s one soldier who will survive, he always has, right? He has to. He’s Humanity’s strongest afterall. You walk in the walls and everyone has their eyes on you, what do they see? Strength? Power? Pride? Survival? They feel that you’re invincible, completely bulletproof. God, if they only knew that humanity’s strongest ain’t nothing but a broken broken man who can’t even get a decent nights sleep because of the sheer trauma that never seems to subside. A clean freak who cleans till his hands bleed raw, why though? Is it really as simple as you not liking filth or are you trying to get rid of the crimson from your nightmares? Are you trying to cleanse yourself of all the sins you think you have to atone for? Do you too think like the commander did? Do you wonder if you’ve been locked out of heaven too?

How could you be when you’re one of heavens own? A man with an endless potential and reasoning for evil but a choice to be and do good instead. A kid left on the brink of death and a man who just can’t seem to die. It’s not your choice that you survive when everyone you’ve ever cared for never does but it’s your choice to live with it nevertheless and show how survival, as inescapable as it is, can still be beautiful. And damn if it isn’t a choice with no regrets.

I’ll always always look at you at the depths of my despair, captain. Cause if you can breathe still, then anyone can.

Live long, soldier.

Hello everybody!

I wanted to tell you about a post that left me somewhat sad. The owner of the post criticized a scene from Hange and mainly the voice actress Park Romi in a very hateful way saying:

“I wish she actually read the manga and undestood the character or at least she stopped trying so hard to sound like she smoked 20 packs of cigarrettes”

I just found it very sad that that person despite being a Hange stan could not see the incredible performance of Park Romi and the dedication and love she has towards Hange.

So I wanted to do an appreciation post for Hange’s voice and the amazing Park Romi.

Park Romi was asked at the 2015 Otakon at the Baltimore convention Center in Baltimore :

Fan:of all the characters of aot, is there someone you want to trade places with?

Romi-san: of all the characters? Hange. (with her hand on her heart) Hange Zoe. I love her. Hange zoe! (She was speaking in english btw)

One of my first favorite things about Hange was their voice.

I understood right away why Park Romi was chosen to voice Hange. Miss Romi is a seiyuu who has worked in the industry since 1995. In her career, most of her characters are strong and powerful women outside the typical stereotypes of Japanese voice actresses (tender, sweet, high-pitched voices).

Characters like Nana Osaki (Nana) Teresa (Claymore) Pakunoda (hunter x hunter) Alma (Radiant) They represent Miss Romi’s career very well.

But one of the things that I like the most about Miss Romi being chosen for Hange is the great presence of male characters in her filmography. Edward Elric (FMA) Toshiro Hitsugaya (Bleach) Tao Ren (Shaman king) Ganta Igarashi (Deadman wonderland)

Park Romi’s deep, low, husky and elegant voice not only demonstrates Hange’s maturity and intelligence but also contributes even better to the free interpretation of Hange’s gender.

(Also I personally find husky voices very attractive)

I have seen many people say that they don’t like Hange’s voice in the original language because it “sounds like an older woman” And I try to be respectful cause it’s their opinion, but it really pissed me off. I don’t see people complaining of how most woman in anime sound like 12 year old kids

Anyway, just appreciate the seiyuus’s performances. Many suffer from anxiety and health problems, all in order to do their job well and also for us to enjoy our anime. Isayama is present during the recordings and chose many of the actors. Please, appreciate all this work and be respectful.
