#source misfits


Jax, about the Legends: I think I speak for all of us when I say we’re irresponsible and incompetent. We’re practically handicapped!

submitted by @mezzkiVarric: Come on, Barry, you’re good at this stuff. Think of something.Colesubmitted by @mezzkiVarric: Come on, Barry, you’re good at this stuff. Think of something.Colesubmitted by @mezzkiVarric: Come on, Barry, you’re good at this stuff. Think of something.Colesubmitted by @mezzkiVarric: Come on, Barry, you’re good at this stuff. Think of something.Colesubmitted by @mezzkiVarric: Come on, Barry, you’re good at this stuff. Think of something.Cole

submitted by @mezzki

Varric: Come on, Barry, you’re good at this stuff. Think of something.
Cole: Who’s Barry?
Varric: …You are.
Inquisitor:His name is Cole.
Varric:I thought it was Barry. Sorry, man.
[later that week]
Varric: (in combat) Save me, Barry!!

Post link

Sokka, attempting to flirt: Would you like to see my penis?


Zuko: Okay…

Zuko: Yeah…?

Zuko: Fuck Yes!

Sokka: Alright… but we’ll just maybe have a few drinks first… y’know…

Sokka, briefing the gaang on the plans for Sozin’s Comet the night before: Okay, so, that’s what we’ll do, if you’ve go any questions, just ask.

Zuko: If a platypus bear and a tiger shark had a fight, who would win?


Sokka: If you’ve got any relevant questions, just ask.


Sokka: But if it’s on dry land, I’d bet on the platypus bear.
