#incorrect atla quotes



Toph: Sokka has no survival or preservation instincts. I think he was built without them

Zuko: That can’t be true

Toph: Watch this

Toph, to Sokka: Hey, asshole! Race you downstairs!

Sokka: [jumps out the second story window]

Katara calls Jet a bully (More from the Mae Whitman edits series)


Sokka:[throwing rocks at Suki’s window]

Suki: You have a phone for a reason!

[loud thump]


Suki: [opens window] dID YOU JUST THROW YOUR PHONE??

Sokka, writing the poster looking for Appa: to the theif who stole the Avatar’s sky bison—

Katara: it’s thief.

Sokka: pretty sure it’s theif.

Aang: i before e, except after c.

Sokka: oh okay, i’ll fix it then.


Zuko, reading a poster he picked up from the streets of Ba Sing Se: what the fuck is a thceif—

Sokka, attempting to flirt: Would you like to see my penis?


Zuko: Okay…

Zuko: Yeah…?

Zuko: Fuck Yes!

Sokka: Alright… but we’ll just maybe have a few drinks first… y’know…

Sokka, briefing the gaang on the plans for Sozin’s Comet the night before: Okay, so, that’s what we’ll do, if you’ve go any questions, just ask.

Zuko: If a platypus bear and a tiger shark had a fight, who would win?


Sokka: If you’ve got any relevant questions, just ask.


Sokka: But if it’s on dry land, I’d bet on the platypus bear.

Zuko, explaining bending to Sokka: Look, sometimes you just gotta accept that there are things in this world you don’t quite understand.

Sokka: Oh sure, most things i don’t understand.

Zuko: Wait—

Sokka: Like yoghurt.

Zuko: What—

Sokka: How does it know how to stop being milk?



Zuko, walking off: Uncle, how does yoghurt kn—

Sokka: sometimes i wish i could bend something, even if it’s just once :(

Zuko: idk my sexuality definitely hasn’t been straight since the minute i met you, so
