

After working for most of the day. We needed to MOVE so we headed to the park for sprints, frisbee and a few speed drills including this one: 40 m back pedal straight to 40 m sprints!

We forgot how much fun this kind of movement is and how great it feels!

#sprints #speedwork #liveyourfitness #recess #playtime #movemore #getoutside #agility #showertime #fitcouple #happycouple #coupleworkout #fitfam (at Charleston, SC On The Ashley River)

#sprints    #agility    #recess    #fitfam    #showertime    #liveyourfitness    #speedwork    #movemore    #coupleworkout    #getoutside    #fitcouple    #happycouple    #playtime    
Today’s handstand workout was tossed into my sped work:1 mile run (7.40 pace average) 60s Ho

Today’s handstand workout was tossed into my sped work:

1 mile run (7.40 pace average)
60s Hollow hold
8 Handstands


They’re def getting better day by day and I’m loving the challenge!

#speedwork #handstands #womenwhoworkout #toneituptuesday #thistimefitness #loveyourbody #wod #workoutmotivation #balance #liveyourfitness #fitquickies (at This Time Fitness Studio for Women)

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