

A gem among tarot spreads I lay down these days, it gives the similar feeling as interpreting astrological natal chart - you’re going to uncover huge volumes of information - patterns, life themes, biggest challenges and soul mission, 

it gives a shivering feeling of presence of your \ your querent higher aspect in the time you’re doing the reading, really - it feels like stars and planets are reflecting in the cards, and messages, no matter how difficult and uncomfortable on the surface, come from the level of calm and assuring energy - all is well, girl, this is why you’re here - to make that impossible real, and you’ll do that, just because you’re here means you will.

I like rearranging the cards to the end of reading to create the picture of my querent’s path - I place challenges and limiting patterns of past on one side, deep wishes and all the beauty which seems so unrealistic now on another side - and tools and ways to grow and explore in the middle. It’s nice to see the path!

The positions of Soul spread correspond with 12 astrological houses:

1 - House of Self: personality, ambitions, drives

2 - House of money and possessions: value system, material possessions, financial attitudes

3 - House of communication: the way you communicate and learn, siblings and neighbors

4 - House of home: your parents, your roots, your domestic life and family

5 - House of creativity and sex: creativity, your sexual nature, fun, social life

6 - House of service and health: job, responsibilities, work relationships, health

7 - House of partnership and marriage: work and romantic relationships, how you blend your personality with others

8 - House of death and regeneration: spiritual transformation, inheritance, psychic powers, occult knowledge

9 - House of mental exploration and long-distance travels: spirituality, religion, morals, higher education, long-distance travels

10 - House of career and public standing: public image and career, material success in life

11 - House of friend and hopes and wishes: friendships, hopes, goals and wishes

12 - House of secrets, sorrows and self-undoing: your inner self, dreams, the past, subconscious, karma

Better to pull the cards for this spread in the evening,

and don’t forget to supply yourself with favorite tea - it’s going to be rather long reading.
