

To anyone who doesn’t know how a vaccine works and would like to, this is how! (But oversimplified)

The vaccine basically contains a fake virus (or a disarmed virus), but your body thinks it’s the real virus. When it is injected into your body, your body will think it’s the real thing despite it actually only being a fake virus. Because it thinks it’s the real virus it fights it like it would any other sickness and creates antibodies. These antibodies are what fight and kill the virus. Antibodies continue to live in your body after they kill the virus. (This is why you have an imunity to sicknesses after you get over it). Anyway, now that your body has fought off the fake virus, you have the antibodies to kill the real virus!! So, if you are vaccinated, you will be resistant to the virus if you catch it because you already have the antibodies to fight it off!

The disarmed virus in the vaccine does not effect you in anyway except to promote the creation of antibodies. It will not make you sick like the actual virus.
