#srsly my feminism









the stereotype that women talk more than men is infinitely amusing to me because men are literally incapable of shutting the fuck up

i hope this post gets popular enough that i hurt a man’s feelings

It’s not a stereotype it’s a proven fact you femanazi piece of shit.

lmao there it is 

You wanna talk proven facts? This shit’s been done, son: researcher Dale Spencer in Australia used audio and video tape to independently evaluate who talked the most in mixed-gender university classroom discussions. Regardless of the gender ratio of the students, whether the instructor was deliberately trying to encourage female participation or not, men always talked more—whether the metric was minutes of talking or number of words spoken. 

Moreover, men literally have no clue how much they talk. When Spencer asked students to evaluate their perception of who talked more in a given discussion, women were pretty accurate; but men perceived the discussion as being “equal” when women talked only 15% of the time, and the discussion as being dominated by women if they talked only 30% of the time.

Spencer’s conclusion, if I may parahprase: you only think we talk too much because you’d rather we were silent.

Don’t fuck with me, asshole, I’m a scientist.




if he thinks rape jokes are funny go on a romantic boat ride with him and leave him in the middle of the fucking ocean to die

Sometimes Cosmo’s spot on.

forumgamer: Remember, folks: humiliation/objectification is fine and dandy in the bedroom if both pa


Remember, folks: humiliation/objectification is fine and dandy in the bedroom if both partners enjoy it. Keep it there, please, and off the streets.

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I literally do not give a fuck if me calling myself feminist makes me automatically unattractive to some gross ass group of men (and women ugh) who think it’s cool to act like cavemen*.  I’m more than done with tiptoeing around delicate little feelings just so some dude will still want to put his dick in me wtf

*(the hair dragging thing is cool though, js)

dumbbigtittedslut wrote something that really made me think a lot about my consensual misogyny play/misogyny kink. Before I go into my navel-gazing, I wanted to make sure to say that this is super well-written and, if I was in a different place with my kinks, would have turned me on like whoa. DBTS, you’re an excellent writer.

As I wrote in an earlier post, I haven’t been doing much consensual misogyny lately. I’m not entirely sure why, but I think a large part of it is that the person I did the most intense play of that kind with was MLAM, and we basically stopped playing together. The Super Sadist and I also played with consensual misogyny, but in a very different way than I did with MLAM, with a different focus, and we’ve both gotten busy. The Marxist poked at that button, and did so well, but we don’t play anymore. Legolas and I are both into it, and we still use it, but, again, in a different way than I engaged with it with MLAM. It’s definitely not an all-consuming context that seeps into most things I do.

I’ve been realizing (and this post really drove the point home) that in addition to not doing very much of it, I also haven’t been getting turned on by it or masturbating to it, which, of course, plays back in to not doing it as often with others. I’m sure one reason is the simple fact that I haven’t been playing that way, and have been engaging lots of other kinks that draw my focus, like the death threats, violence, pregnancy risk/forced pregnancy, weapons, gaslighting, being owned, abuse fantasies/abusive relationship kink, etc. Some of those do draw from consensual misogyny and have threads of it running through, especially the pregnancy risk/forced pregnancy, ownership, and mentally/emotionally/physically abusive relationship kinks, but they aren’t quite the same.

Another part of it is that there were aspects of misogyny kink that always made me a little uncomfortable (especially people I don’t “know”/follow reblogging my stuff and adding their own comments, and even more so when they have no disclaimers in their info), and without people helping me to push past that, or use it against me, the discomfort has increased, and not in a sexy way. I always saw playing with misogyny as something I did as part of my feminism, taking the fucked up parts of society and turning them to my purposes, taking away their power. When I’m not actively participating by writing things myself, having a partner encourage me to write/think/speak about it or within the context of it, having a partner, or someone I know or at least whose tumblr I enjoy say and do things to me, or having someone give me a misogyny kink context to consume things from, it feels much more like I’m just seeing trying to be edgy, run of the mill sexists writing things. That’s not hot; it’s icky and kinda boring.

Like I said, the context MLAM created was a heady thing, and I feel the urge to see if I can recapture some of those intoxicating feelings. If it works, great, if not, that’s cool, too. I’ll talk to some partners about it, of course, ask if they’ll use more misogynistic language when they talk to me, see if they’re interested in having me be polite to men who say stupid shit to me or, at least, ask their permission before flaming them, and/or do other things that create more of a context outside of just playtime. I’m not expecting, and don’t necessarily even want, it to be like it was with MLAM, but having a consensual misogyny headspace I can slip into and use to contextualize other kinks is a useful thing. It’s not urgent, and before/as I’m doing that, I’ll do some of my own work making misogyny hot again.

There are a number of things I can do myself. I’m going to try to write more captions and have more fantasies that draw from my misogyny kink. I’ll especially try to use the language that used to really get me going. Fucktoy, cunt, bitch, fuckhole. Talk about the fact that what I’m for is to be used by men, that all women are for that, some just are smart enough to know that fact. Remind myself that I should be grateful for anything a man is willing to do to me, whether it’s fuck my cunt or as, use my mouth, cum all over my face, or even just use me as a urinal. Keep in mind that I’m a fucktoy for the pleasure and entertainment for all men, and especially for the men who own me or use me on a regular basis. Admit that I deserve all the pain and punishment and suffering those men generously inflict upon me.

Hell, it’s already working a bit. Writing this last bit did indeed make my fuckhole clench.

I don’t think I’ve mentioned this yet, but I’ve basically made Reaction Junkie theI don’t think I’ve mentioned this yet, but I’ve basically made Reaction Junkie the

I don’t think I’ve mentioned this yet, but I’ve basically made Reaction Junkie the manager for my barely used okcupid account. He responds to people, trolling them when they’re awful enough. This time, he decided to offer some advice, in what I thought was a pretty gentle way. Of course, the guy did not handle that well.

In my okcupid profile picture, I’m looking totes adorbs wearing an LGBTerrific shirt with a rainbow on it and, over that, an open rainbow flannel. (Also a miniskirt and awesome teal tights and adorable chucks.) Y'all how cute I am, and who doesn’t like rainbow? Well, this guy, apparently.

I do say I’m interested in casual sex, but I also say I’m not interested in hookups or one night stands, and that I only want to have sex with/play with people who I would be friends with.

My favorite parts about this exchange are:

1.“Fucking rainbow bright”-How is that an insult?! That’s a pretty fantastic combination of words, and I may have to start going by it as a nickname. If my tumblr gets deleted, I’m totally having that as my next one. Also, he sent that message like 7 minutes later, which means he was still mad.
2.The idea that guys who want relationships apparently hate flannel and rainbows-What is that about? I could get if he was saying I wouldn’t get attention from men because I seem like a dyke (although that’s still dumb, and also, hello, not just into dudes), but what about flannel and rainbows implies I’m not relationship material? Will someone please explain!?
3.“Fucke”-This makes me think of old timey spelling, like shoppe, and that pleases me to no end. I may have to start spelling it like that.
4.The fact that he messaged me wanting to to text, and as soon as I rejected him, I’m cheap, unclean, and need to shave my faceClassic sour grapes. You don’t want me? OH FINE THEN YOU’RE UGLY AND FAT AND NO ONE WILL EVER WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH YOU AND I’M GOING TO GO HATE MASTURBATE TO YOUR PICTURES NOW BYE
5.The fact that he implies he’s a lousy fuck-I believe him 100%
6.The suggestion to shave my mustache-Huh? I mean, yes. I have hair on my upper lip, like how mammals do. But it’s fine and blond, like all my hair, and none of my pictures are closeups of my face or have enough resolution that you could see the hair. Someone has some weird bullshit sexism going on about hair.

There was more to this conversation. Let me know if y'all want me to post some of it.

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