#star trek the original series

Front cover for Town Mook’s 1982 Super-Visual Magazine, Issue #8, devoted to the third part of a “co

Front cover for Town Mook’s 1982 Super-Visual Magazine, Issue #8, devoted to the third part of a “complete visual guide of Star Trek,” something of a treasure trove for fans in Japan at the time. It’s laden with episode images and synopses for the Original Series, a guide to Star Trek: The Animated Series, material about the making of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, and a preview of Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan. There’s even a full-color guide to the guest stars of Star Trek, with a heavy focus on the women.

If I were less precious about the magazines I spent over $40 on, I’d break the spine on this 110+ page guide to scan it, but, alas, I am not less precious about my expensive Japanese magazines. 

Scanned from my personal collection

Post link
A quick and dirty Spock lighting study. Am absolutely begging filmmakers to bring back this tos styl

A quick and dirty Spock lighting study. 

Am absolutely begging filmmakers to bring back this tos style lighting it looks so good!

Post link

Sorted caps, Star Trek The Original Series, S1. HERE.

  • Charlie X - Robert Walker, Jr. #3,200
  • Christopher Pike - Sean Kenney #9,800
  • James Kirk - William Shatner   #63,000
  • Leonard McCoy - DeForest Kelley #29,300
  • Mr. Spock - Leonard Nimoy #50,000
  • Scotty - James Doohan #5,400
  • Nyoto Uhura - Nichelle Nichols #7,000
  • Sulu - George Takei #6,800
  • Nurse Chapel / Number One - Majel Barrett      #4,800
  • Yeoman Janice Rand - Grace Lee Whitney #5,000
  • Harry Mudd - Roger C. Carnel   #2,100
  • Klingon - John Melicos & others. #4,500

This content is free for anyone to use or edit however you like; if you care to throw a dollar or two my way for time, effort, storage fees etc you are more than welcome to do so via my PAYPAL.  Please like or reblog this post if you have found it useful or are downloading the content within.  If you have any questions or you have any problems with the links or find any inconsistencies in the content, etc. please feel free to drop me a politely worded message via my ASKBOX (second icon from the top on my theme!)

Star Trek fam, please stop recommending newbies skip episodes! Especially the “bad” ones.

Who says what’s bad, anyway? The charm of Trek is its mix of philosophical, cheese, science, fluff, battle, love, adventure, and ham. We all have our preferences, but too—we all need different things, at different times.

The fun of Trek is seeing what happens next. Which category will this episode fit into? And is this an episode where I’ll finally learn this reference, that joke?

Let people have the whole experience!


1 second of every star trek tos episode enjoy

We’re back to talk about Star Trek Discovery with our pals Charlie Jane Anders and Trace Dominguez! We had some mixed reactions but we all agree: everything is better with a cat

Spones headcanon. Their love (part 3)

Part 1

Part 2


If McCoy was bashful in the normal universe, I think in the Mirrorverse even more so. Not because of his personality, but because of what Spock represents. In the beginning of their relationship, Bones dares very little, occasionally patting him on the shoulder or back. When he feels more confident, maybe a hug, but not too tight. Spock is the one who keeps everything going, he accepts McCoy’s touches, although he would like them to be more. He often caresses him in private, but there isn’t much physical contact either, it’s more like verbal affection. Their relationship takes longer to develop than in the normal universe because it isn’t until later that they fully trust each other.

(Click for better quality)

Spock and McCoy having a little chat

Once Bones discovers that it’s serious, he’s encouraged to give him little kisses, to sit beside him and snuggle into his arms in private. He realises that he really likes him and would like things to go faster, but he gives it time, doesn’t want to spoil it, and is still afraid of upsetting Spock and making him leave the relationship. Spock sees an improvement in McCoy’s attitude and becomes more affectionate verbally, not so much physically. It still gives him a bit of decorum to be around him, and as much as he wants to move on to “the next phase”, he doesn’t force anything.

Spock and McCoy giving each other a Vulcan kiss

I put a “Keep reading”:

Some time later discovering themselves, they start with gentle caresses on their arms and hair. That is what they need in their everyday life, something to alleviate the horror of their universe, something to forget about injustice and violence. It helps them a lot to get to know each other better, to find out what they like, to talk about the future, etcetera. For the first time, they feel happy and comfortable. McCoy sees that Spock is not a bully and Spock realises that Bones is not just a sentimentalist. In short, they trust each other well.

McCoy giving Spock a hug

As their relationship prospers, they share more time together and dare to deepen in their emotions. However, their verbal language is more developed than physical contact. On one terrible day, when they are very tired of their society, they decide to sleep together. They discover that it’s very comforting for them to cuddle, and then they start to attach more importance to physical contact than before. Of course, they hide it from everyone.

Spock and McCoy sleeping together

On the issue of who is the big spoon and the little spoon, in this case I think, without doubt, that Spock is the big spoon. This time it’s not so evenly matched, because McCoy lets himself be handled a lot, and even though Spock is quite soft with him, McCoy likes it. There are times when Bones is dominant, but they’re fewer.

Spock and McCoy kissing

Por cristinardvaya

Spones headcanon. Their love (part 2)

Part 1


I think McCoy is embarrassed to show his affection at first. He doesn’t know if Spock will take a hug, a touch or a kiss. He knows that Spock has been raised as a Vulcan and not as a human, and he’s not sure if he’ll like that sort of thing. He’s also a little embarrassed to question, and asks permission every time he wants to hug him or do any of those things. He knows about romantic relationships, since he had been in several ones, that is to say, he has the experience, but he doesn’t know how to use it with Spock.

The Vulcan knows that Bones must be given his private space, and he verifies it when he sees that even when they are together, the doctor does nothing. And although Spock would like to casual touch him more often, he stops doing so, which makes McCoy insecure.

(Click for better quality)

Spock and McCoy holding hands

Once they have been together for a while, they decide to talk about it and discover that they both want to show their affection, but thought the other didn’t want to. Little by little they start to hold each other in their arms, caress each other’s shoulders, hair, face… all this in private. And they trust each other more to talk about all their insecurities in the relationship.

McCoy giving a kiss to Spock’s cheek

This post is longer, I put a “Keep reading”:

As their love grows, McCoy becomes more affectionate, he treats Spock especially well and Spock appreciates it. They dare to do more things, like sleeping at night together. But they don’t tell anyone, they are both introverted people and don’t feel comfortable showing it to more people. McCoy, when he’s in need of affection, lets Spock hold him, play with his hair, all with gentleness. And when it’s the other way around, Bones floods the Vulcan with kisses.

Spock and McCoy cuddling. Spock is holding McCoy, who is asleep

Who is the big spoon? I think they take turns, but I wouldn’t know who is more dominant. There would be several reasons to think it’s Spock (in many fics it’s him), but I think it would be pretty evenly matched. On the one hand, I think it’s McCoy because he has the most experience, but on the other hand, I imagine him asking Spock to be the dominant, so that’s why I say there’s a balance. Maybe, after a while, there will be one of the two who is a bit more dominant, and then I think it could be Spock.

Spock and McCoy kissing


Part 3

Por cristinardvaya

more curly hair spock bc i’m obsessed w him

curly hair spock, my best friend

jim kirk is 100% the type of guy to pull a loose thread even when he knows he shouldn’t

a drawing of three romulans dressed in wild west cowboy gear, they still have their blue romulan sashes (scarves?) from the original seriesALT
a passage from chapter two of 'the price of the phoenix'; "The Romulan guards in their incongruous black levis and low-strung six-shooters looked at him balefully"ALT

no one told me there was cowboy romulans in the price of the phoenix

yall are too stuck in spirk brainrot omg


mccoy listened to blue oyster cult when he was a young lad in med school and you can’t tell me otherwise

i’ve been wanting to redraw that surreal promo pic of our boys since i first saw it lol

i’ll be putting this up on my store at some point! i’ll try to post about it when it’s up ✨




Star Trek can make as many new series and movies as they like, and still nothing will ever truly beat the golden awkwardness of this one shining minute of dialogue.

Someone stop me please

Never. I couldn’t hit “Reblog” fast enough.

Introducing Scooby!

Scooby (she/her) is a 2D animation major who spends most of her time not animating. With an addiction to all things space and gay, she’s most likely to be found in her basement huddled in the corner mumbling “This wouldn’t be happening if I was on the Enterprise.” Her favorite pastime is overposting on her Instagram stories and crying over episodes of Star Trek she’s already seen.

Scooby will be creating a digital drawing for the zine! You can find examples of her work on the Instagram account @scubastranaut and the Tumblr blog @pleasesmenoend. If you like Scooby’s work, consider preordering a copy of the Fanzine in August! LLAP!

Introducing Dux!

Dux is an artist from Florida and is relatively new to the Star Trek community! He started drawing Star Trek fanart and comics several months ago to help cope with the turmoil and stress of current events. Because things have been particularly stressful lately, the amount of Star Trek art he has created has grown considerably. Dux created his Star Trek tumblr @duxduxdux to share these drawings and comics in the hopes that they might also help others find a temporary reprieve from the distressing occurrences of these days (because you work hard and deserve a break sometimes! <3).

Captain Kirk grants Dr. McCoy shore leave for the day, and volunteers to watch over sickbay in his absence. However, Kirk quickly learns first hand the consequences that can arise from stepping outside one’s specialties on the Enterprise!

If you wouldlike to see more examplesofDux’s work,clickhere! Dux can also be found on Instagramas well.

If you like Dux’s work and the work of the other artists and authors, follow @sttermsofservice and turn on post notifications to be notified when pre-orders open in August 2022!

Introducing Marlin!

(Art credit: @sweet-sugarcubbe)

[ID] An image of a white person with short brown hair holding a red crab in their hands. They are smiling down at it and wearing an oversized purple jumper. [End ID]

Marlin is best known for their star trek fancomic “Love Letter to Fandom”. They go by their online handle, marlinspirkhall, or Marlin Halls. They have previously been published in This Simple Feeling Zine edition 6 (2021), and ran the 2021 “Uhura Bang” event, for fanworks focused on Nyota Uhura.

For the Terms Of Service Zine, Marlin has collaborated on a 10 page spirk comic titled “Nocturnal” with Alhe “Sweet-Bolillito”, and will also be writing a Spock/Kirk/Sulu hanahaki fic.

A Million Things To Want:

Members of the Enterprise contract something unusual on an away mission, with unpleasant side-effects. Jim could probably survive it, if only Sulu didn’t love things with thorns.

You can find Marlin’s work on ao3,tumblr,instagramand twitter (@song_trek). Pre-orders for the Terms Of Service zine will open in August 2022. Follow @sttermsofservice on tumblr and turn on post notifications to be notified when preorders open!

Introducing Lizard!

Lizard (@excavatinglizard) woke up in the Star Trek fandom one day and hasn’t been able to leave since. Since then, they’ve drawn increasingly chaotic comics and written at least one fic about chickens.

Lizard will be doing an illustration of the triumvirate for the zine (likely) featuring the ever-present negative space and rim-lighting that can be found in every one of their pieces.

You can find their art and writing on TumblrandAO3.

Keep a lookout for the zine when preorders open in August of 2022!

Introducing Fern!

Fern (@spockats) is a student who lives in Europe with their cat. They like to write, paint, daydream about Star Trek, buy plants, talk to them, and daydream about Star Trek some more.

Fern will be writing an (AOS) City On The Edge Of Forever AU that explores McCoy’s PoV and his struggles to cope with the destiny he needs to fulfill in order to bring everyone back:

“Leonard felt like Spock’s tricorder — shattered by the jump and broken beyond repair, holding everything this universe needed in order to be fixed again yet frozen, fragmented, useless.”

You can find more of their works on ao3. Be sure to keep a lookout for our preorders starting August 2022 if you’re interested in reading more!

I see your “humans are incapable of pronouncing my very alien name” and raise you- humans are actually incredible vocal mimics with uncanny knack for xenolanguage.

In Star Trek and a lot of other franchises that deal with aliens, the aliens are pretty much homogeneous. Same language, culture, whatever. A lot of the time they look like clones of each other.

But humans maintain their diversity. I think it’s more likely that two alien species would have trouble talking to each other, but a human would be able to pick up on both languages relatively easily.

I also think that, since languages also use different rules and sounds, people who know certain human languages do better with certain alien languages.

I saw a headcannon here that people who speak Hebrew would be able to pronounce Vulcan names- but imagine how funny it would be if Vulcan was an easier leap from Hebrew than English is.

I just think that if Spock’s practically Vulcan royalty, he should dress like it!!!
