#street lights

Chicago(Francis Miller. 1958?)


(Francis Miller. 1958?)

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《 Crimson 》(08MAR2022)【 I wish to go away from here 】 ✿ 【 my links 】

《 Crimson 》(08MAR2022)

【 I wish to go away from here 】 ✿ 【 my links

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Snow falls on city streets. Snapped this in March, when it began snowing huge clusters in downtown D

Snow falls on city streets.

Snapped this in March, when it began snowing huge clusters in downtown Denver.

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Interviewer: Describe your most recent leadership role.

Bakugou: This morning, the fucking green light wouldn’t turn red so I can cross the street so I just started to jaywalk. Shitty Deku followed me.


Bakugou: Yeah. He was fucking screaming. Don’t know why though, there weren’t any shitty cars coming.

Taken 31/01/2013 at the top of the Eiffel Tower. An experiment I tried out using my lens and a slowe

Taken 31/01/2013 at the top of the Eiffel Tower. An experiment I tried out using my lens and a slower shutter speed. 

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Rainy Night Walk, Slaithwaite, West Yorkshire, England, 1984. Michael Kenna. Toned gelatin silver pr

Rainy Night Walk, Slaithwaite, West Yorkshire, England, 1984. Michael Kenna. Toned gelatin silver print.

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