#study buddy

hannahbananastudies:-Not my photo- I have found this infographic on the internet and I think it ishannahbananastudies:-Not my photo- I have found this infographic on the internet and I think it ishannahbananastudies:-Not my photo- I have found this infographic on the internet and I think it ishannahbananastudies:-Not my photo- I have found this infographic on the internet and I think it ishannahbananastudies:-Not my photo- I have found this infographic on the internet and I think it ishannahbananastudies:-Not my photo- I have found this infographic on the internet and I think it ishannahbananastudies:-Not my photo- I have found this infographic on the internet and I think it is


-Not my photo- 
I have found this infographic on the internet and I think it is fantastic! If you would like to get a study buddy I would recommend using this. I know that I will definitely show this to some of my friends. 

Post link


Family - 가족

Grandfather - 할아버지

Grandmother - 할머니

Father - 아버지

Mother -어머니

Younger brother - 남동생

Younger sister - 여동생

Son - 아들

Daughter - 딸

Husband - 남편

Wife - 아내

Younger sibling - 동생

(from a male perspective)

Older brother -형

Older sister - 누나

(from a female perspective)

Older brother - 오빠

Older sister - 언니

Interrogative pronouns

Who - 누구

Who - 누가 (누구+가(subject marker))

What - 무슨

Personal pronouns

My - 나의 / 내 /제

Our - 우리


This person - 이분

That person - 그분

That person - 저분

Other helpful vocabulary words:

Company - 회사

To work for / to go to - 다니다

Flower - 꽃

Rose - 장미

Library - 도서관

Morning - 아침

Nurse - 간호사

Counting unit for people - 명

College student - 대학생

To love - 사랑하다

to be right - 맞다

Really - 정말

Photograph - 사진

To be pretty - 예쁘다

To marry - 결혼하다

Last year - 작년


Hi, it’s been a long time since I posted here and decided to be active again. As of the moment, I can’t think of any korean related lesson to post. Any suggestions? :)


The following words are words that are commonly used in a daily conversation. These are helpful and good to know especially to those who are still in a beginner level and to those who are still building up their vocabulary in Korean.

*자주 - frequently / often

*가끔 - sometimes

*거의 - almost

*계속 - continuously

*똑바로 / 바로 - straight

* - please

*가장 - most

*먼저 - ahead / first

*우선 - in the first place

*매우 / 무척 / 아주 - very

*너무 - too / so

*얼마나 - how long/much/many

*정말 - really

* - really / very

*많이 - many

*약간 - a few / little

*전혀 - none / not at all

* - well

*일찍 - early

*이따가 - later

*못 / 안 - not

* - more

*모두 / 다 / 전부 - all / whole

*또 / 다시 - again / once more

*따로 - separately

*주로 - mainly / usually

*간단히 - simply

*갑자기 - suddenly

*빨리 / 어서 - fast / quickly

*천천히 - slowly

*같이 - together

*벌써 - already

* - soon

*새로 - newly

*금방 - soon

*방금 - just now / seconds ago

*늘 / 항상 - always

*조용히 - quietly

*열심히 - eagerly

*언제나 - whenever

*오래 - for a long time

*없이 - without

*아까 / 좀전에 - a while ago

*특히 / 특별히 - especially

*아직 - yet

*미리 - in advance

*바로 - right now

*직접 - directly

*깜빡 - with surprise

* - firmly / just

*아마도 - probably

*별로 - particularly

*그냥 - just

*서로 - with each other


With school starting, here are just a few pieces of advice I’d like to pass on:

  • If you have a mountain of homework and are stuck doing one thing that you either don’t understand or just can’t motivate yourself to do, move on. You’re wasting precious time focusing on this one thing when you could be doing something else. You can always come back to it when you’re more prepared or in a better mindset.
  • EAT. I can’t stress the importance of this enough. I don’t mean fatty foods, either. The healthier the food is, the more energy you’ll get and the better you’ll feel eating it. Try eating apples, especially: they have as much naturalcaffeine as a cup of coffee, and they’re super good for you. Prepack meals the night before if you know you aren’t a morning person. 
  • Always carry granola bars, gum, chapstick, a hair tie, hygiene products, and a bottle of water. These are things you always seem to need when you don’t have them.
  • If you don’t already, set a time every night when you put down all your work. Really. You need sleep, and staying up until 12 in the morning is not the best study tactic (from experience, trust me). Plus, having that set time means you’ll have time to calm down and relax before bed. Your brain needs time for the wheels to stop turning. I know that whenever I try and go to bed after a hard cramming session I’m always too wired up to focus. But now, I know when 8:30 comes around it’s time to put everything up and just relax. It’s hard to force myself to stick to, but if I’m up until 8:30 doing work with more to do, it means I’m pretty stressed already and I need that quiet time.
  • Listen to your body and mind. Find out what mental health resources are available to you, and don’t be afraid to use them.
  • Always remember that it’s going to be okay. If you put in the work and the dedication, you will get over this hard moment. It’s not going to be easy and it’s going to feel like the worst thing ever but, I promise, it’s temporary. All your hard work will pay off.

A new school year is upon us! Take care of yourselves, guys!

motherofunholystakes: ruby-white-rabbit:freddieandersen:inkskinned:HOW TO WRITE 20 PAGES (from





HOW TO WRITE 20 PAGES (from one girl w/mental illness 2 the rest of u, but please keep in mind all of this is just personal Stuff That Worked for me n u might be different):

  • first of all, and probably most importantly, make that paper about something you actually give a shit about. if you can write an essay on how long shakespeare’s dick is when you’re talking to your friends, that’s a good topic. don’t choose something u don’t care about, you will Want To Die
  • “okay but the only topics are ones i don’t care about” talk 2 ur teacher 99% of the time if you’re like “here’s a well-thought-out thesis can i talk about this instead” they’re like “sure lmao i just couldn’t think of other paper topics to suggest”
  • “they said no” cool find the one u hate the least and try to tie it into something u like. for example i really hated this stupid paper i had to write about a stupid book so i ended up writing about the food inside the book and whether or not it was a historically accurate depiction of food. turns out i fucking love talking about food. i also remade some of the old recipes and brought them in as part of the presentation of my project and people went fuckken nuts bc BREAD. basically i thought about “what motivates me? uh food” and followed that. it was a 45-page book about bread and i looked like a really good student when really i just love bread (somewhere, oprah smiles over me)
  • the 20-pagers are the ones you Actually Cannot Do the night before. i know we all got real fuckken cocky back in hs when we learned how to do 5 pages in one night w/out trying too hard but 1. as a teacher now i can tell u for sure that teachers do know you rushed it, we just Don’t Care bc We’re Not Paid Enough and 2. twenty pages is not the same thing. you need to actually take the time to do it. this is the actual version of “you’re not in hs anymore” DONT lie to yourself and think “it’s fine i’ll do it in one day” you will !! Regret it!!!! 
  • “raquel. raquel. listen to me. do you actually believe i’m capable of time management. raquel i have depression i barely manage to exist.” same. but the truth is that when i started like?? actually following the rules of timelines and taking my time etc it actually really helps mental illness. you don’t feel pressured all the time by a deadline, so your anxiety chills a little bit. small progress being acceptable means that on depression days, you don’t have to worry you’re fucking it all up. when it’s 15 minutes every day (even if it’s only 1 word a day) it feels a lot better.
  • ask the teacher what timeline they’d recommend. they actually Know.
  • always ask if it’s informal or formal (if you can use “I” statements or not). informal essays can rely on personal feelings and are so much easier and trust me if you find out on the day it’s due that you could have written 12 pages about your feelings instead of 12 pages of research, you will Be Very Upset
  • i lie to myself all the time and move the deadline up. i write it in my agenda as at least 2 days before it’s due. surprise!!! i tricked u, self!!! you can’t procrastinate!! 
  • agendas/planners need to be what actually works for you. i liked to prioritize w/colors + keep lists. i really love crossing things off lists. it’s like… a balm. for me, i usually say i have to finish the first 2 things, start the 3rd thing, and “touch” at least half the list. if i finish the whole list i get a prize. also i get to cross off everything which is so satisfying i’m sure it’s someone’s idea of a rush. there’s so many “how to” documents on these that i won’t get into it but frankly?? if you don’t write it down you will not remember it. “yes i will” no you won’t greg. just do it. write it down. write it where u can see it. not there, greg. greg, somewhere good. my friend is smart af and uses a post-it on her laptop. that doesn’t work for me bc i can just? use my hand to cover the anxiety? so choose somewhere good greg.
  • nervous system, skeleton, meat, skin. nervous system is the thesis. skeleton is quotes/data. meat is the analysis of that data. skin is the fancy transitions + beautification.  meat goes on both sides of bone, and skin goes all around. nervous system has to touch everything. do what your teachers have been begging u to do since 3rd grade and start w/an outline. do this while you read/research. i usually have a starter thesis like “lady macbeth is a feminist ICON” then take the quotes i think fit. but if while you’re reading u realize u wanna talk about the use of feminine language and how shakespeare parallels daintiness w/sharpness, u still have a bunch of quotes you can use or not use. this works also w/research papers. just pull what u think is something u wanna talk about. copy-paste it but leave a link to where u got it. then put a bullet point under that says roughly why u mention it
  • if you just write the outline like you’re keeping notes to yourself you’d be amazed how quickly you write the essay bc we get stuck in academic language but it’s easier to translate “this is why bees are the #bomb” into a paragraph. i mean you just rewrite your notes to yourself in academic speech. “The above passage illustrates the growing necessity of pollinators such as bees in an agricultural environment.”
  • keep track of your sources + label them. don’t just write “(SOURCE)” instead if you’re using multiple sources use the lazygirl way which is (SA1) or whatever shorthand u have for each source. then when you need to finish your sources you go to your little source document, find the one labelled SA1 and then “Find+replace” w/the actual source.
  • integrate quotes so it reads w/clarity which means don’t do this but if you’re running late on it and don’t have time to look up the quote u want to fit this situation, technically you can “use any” word you want (56). so yeah “there is” a moral question about it but you “can” make up quotes (79, 90). don’t “actually” do this unless you’re seriously in a crunch. which u shouldn’t be, bc u managed ur time, right?
  • running late part 2 (which again would never happen bc you followed my advice and made a little time table for yourself but anyway if it does somehow magically happen) i really recommend using school computers to do your work. ur surrounded by people who will hold u accountable + u will focus
  • running late pt3 on the day of it being due, around 5 PM, be honest w/yourself and see where you are. if you’re like “it needs 2 more hours” okay. but if you’re like “this is……… not started” email the teacher. they’ll be so much more receptive the earlier you do this in the process. it looks like “i’m genuinely struggling and i hope to finish this on time but i’m worried i won’t” instead of “i started this at 11:58PM and am asking for an extension”. please also just… be honest? 
  • “my teacher won’t accept late work!” they all say that, he probably will, particularly if you have a note from the school therapist being like “lmao she’s got so many mental illnesses idek how to help her”
  • “no he really doesn’t, he doesn’t care” you can file for disability if you have mental illness, and, in fact, you should if it’s something that often stops you from completing work on time. i didn’t bc i found that it just let me procrastinate for a longer time, but having that on file means you can go to the dean.
  • “no!!! raquel you’re not listening i have 2 pages and he doesn’t take late work!!!!!!!!!”  okay. yeah that’s bad. but nerves, skeleton, meat, skin. what is it that you’re struggling with? is it that your can’t find any quotes to back up your thesis? impossible, tbh, you need to be more willing to purposefully misuse quotes (don’t do that). but the better option is to just change the thesis. 
  • “i don’t even have that!!” did you. do the reading? if you even just watched the movie, you probably have an opinion on something even if it’s “this is bad.” you can use that. use why you didn’t like it to write a hate-fueled examination on how whiny the main character is and why u think the author is trying to point out how miserable cis white boys are to deal with. 
  • “i don’t have enough sources!!!” go to wikipedia’s page about it and look @ the sources. try to like actually read some if you have time but frankly in a hurry a student (me) might be compelled to just slap the source in there. 
  • “how the fuck do i analyze this”. u know how ppl agonize over why an actor breathed in a scene. melt into that kind of thinking. you can literally force the words to mean whatever you want. i’ve talked about word choice so specific that i based a 12-page essay on three separate uses of the words “my dear”. i talked about the possessive “my” and how it developed for like 5 of those pages. and always repeat the thesis like a million times. after every analysis you should talk about how it links to the thesis. that is like a free 3 sentences every paragraph.
  • “i did all that and it’s still 3 pages too short” quick ways to Beef Him Up: definitions are great in research papers + essays bc you can talk about either word choice or like the definition of every process used in getting the data. also make the conclusion hella informative (it should answer “what does this mean moving forwards” most of the time, tie it into modern life or into the past). thicken ur intro with “here’s a quote from this guy about it and what he personally felt about acid-base titrations”, use a paragraph to talk about the history of the data/book, use a paragraph to talk about the modern reception of the data/book. also look for where you can use two words instead of one even tho like grammatically don’t do that.
  • worst comes to worst, brevity is the soul of wit. most teachers prefer concise over rambling and all over the place. if you choose to scoot under the page limit, tho, your writing etc needs to be exceptionally clean. frankly i’ve only done this once and it was terrifying
  • make computer read it aloud 2 u before u submit. “raquel….. i can’t look at it anymore”. you’re not looking @ it, you’re discovering you wrote “breath” not “breathe” and u need to change it
  • tutoring centers exist, i worked in one, and this is how i know they actually Help and have Good Ideas
  • ask about extra credit and do it tbh
  • good luck…. breathe. and remember u are astronomically more important than a grade could ever be.
  • do you have trouble writing words on paper but you know what you want to say? because that’s my personal form of useless perfectionism.
  • like, you can tell your friend all about what you’re planning on writing, and talk about it for like 20 minutes straight?
  • make notes for imaginary slides for an imaginary presentation on the topic
  • oops you have an outline now! your imaginary slides? paragraphs (or if ur paper is long af, each imaginary bullet point is a paragraph and each imaginary slide is a couple pages)
  • credit for this tip goes to my therapist. thanks amy. u solved paper writing for me and at least seven of my friends

Partial credit is better than no credit at all. Only have 5 pages the day it’s due? TURN IT IN. It’s better than a zero if the teacher won’t work with you on an extension or late work

for college friends

Post link


  1. be up front and honest about the things you do not know
  2. acknowledge the intrinsic value of others’ knowledge bases, even if they do not seem important to you from your institutional context
  3. do not feign mastery where you have none
  4. respect the gaps in others’ knowledge bases
  5. be generous, not only with others
  6. but also with yourself
  7. you overwork yourself at the risk of legitimizing a culture of overwork 
  8. privilege voices and perspectives that have historically been left out of the academy
  9. nothing is ever neutral or apolitical
  10. support the progress of other scholars
  11. collaboration over competition
hellyeahscarleteen: nationalsave: May is Mental Health Month! Here are some mental health tips from



May is Mental Health Month! Here are some mental health tips from Shine Text! You can also check out their website here https://www.shinetext.com/?r=sms

YaySelf care!

Post link


respect your body when it’s asking for a break. respect your mind it’s seeking to rest. honor yourself when you need a moment.


Friendly reminder - you’re not a full time professional athlete. you’re not a fashion icon. you’re not supposed to be perfect. Shitty grades happen and it doesn’t mean you’re not smart. So if you’re trying to balance studying, working, volunteering, exercising, learning languages, and expect to be a perfect multilingual Victoria Secret model with straight As, a job, and volunteer time, as well as being a good friend and making time for yourself, you’re gonna have a massive breakdown and fail. You don’t have to be perfect. Navigating into academia is hard. Nobody is asking you to be perfect. Results matter, sure, but effort is important and valuable as well. You’re learning. 


Just a little note of encouragement to say that you do NOT have to follow a straight and narrow path in your education in order to succeed. I fucking hate when people look down on others who have dropped out, are taking a break, are coming back after a while, or are on other non-traditional paths. Like, if you’re getting your GED? Good for you! If you’re older and are in classes with people half your age? I commend your resilience! If you can’t handle any sort of school right now for whatever reason? That’s perfectly okay! The idea that education should be cookie-cutter and that everyone can and should finish in the same amount of time is unhealthy, and frankly… wrong. Do not shame people for where they are on their academic journey. We already feel enough of that internally. Just cheer us on. If this applies to you, I love you and I’m proud of you. Keep going. 

This has been said before in a few different ways, but it’s something I’ve been thinking about: “you have to study in the way that works for you” is a true statement, but it’s also true if you add on the end “and it doesn’t have to make sense to anyone else”.

I’ve been working on my PhD thesis forever for a long while and I distinctly remember being very pleased about getting to the end of a redraft of a chapter and saying to someone that it had a lot of formatting to sort out as well as notes on it to add things or change things, but I was pleased and moving on to the next chapter; and she said (quite politely) that wouldn’t it be better if I got all of that done in one go, then that chapter would be completely finished and I wouldn’t have to go back to it?

And I had to explain that, well, yes, that would be a lovely idea, but it isn’t practical for me.

For almost exactly the same reasons, I abruptly changed my plans this summer to do a 1k-a-day push for a set number of weeks until I had reached my wordcount goal (or decided to adjust my plans). I got to my goal, and told someone in a multi-person conversation how many thousands of words I’d got to. And someone else said, “And are they good words?”

And I fumbled a little and said something like “well, that wasn’t really the point of the exercise” and changed the subject, feeling a tad hurt.

I am a perfectionist. When I write, I want it to be perfect. I am not capable of making it perfect, so I don’t write.

The solution to this is to forgive myself. To deliberately write rough drafts. To say “formatting is for later”. To allow myself to leave notes in my work that say “expand here” or “find quote” or “citation???” and come back to them, so that I don’t spiral into getting it perfect now and end up, four hours later, only one sentence complete if that. To say the words “you can’t edit a blank page” over and over to myself as I refuse to look back at the work that I’ve done and see the mistakes until I’ve got a chunk of emotional distance from it.

If I could pick how I worked, I would do all the formatting and citing and expansions as I went along, building a beautifully chronologically-written thesis and always knowing that, when I have finished a section, it is completely finished (at least for that draft). 

But that isn’t how I work. I work in a hodgepodge, in a series of variably desperate attempts to get myself to focus and concentrate, to just do something it’s okay it doesn’t have to be everything it can be anything and I won’t even use the word “enough” except very, very carefully because it’s the kind of word that can come back to bite me (next time, perhaps, when my maximum capacity is much lower). 

I will get this thesis finished this way.

It’s not going to be pretty, but my job isn’t to make it pretty.

It’s not going to be easy, but I’m already doing everything I can to make it easier.

It’s not going to be the same every day because some days I need to not leave my house and some days I really need to leave my house and some days I chug through nearly two thousand words and others I get to a hundred and then stop with a sense of immense relief and sometimes I wander off and write about the process on tumblr until I feel like I’ve got a grip on it again.

But I will get this thesis finished this way. 

Because this is my work, and I can only do it my way.

And if you work the same way as me or in one of the hundreds of other, totally different ways, it’s important that you know that your method of working is for your benefit, not the approval or aesthetics of others. 

Yesterday I studied. Today I am studying. I will be studying next week and the week after and the month after that and next year. 

And I will get my thesis finished.


pro tip: set realistic goals!!!!!!!

i’ve noticed that i always include so many unrealistic goals in my daily to-do list. while it would be ideal to accomplish so many goals at once, sometimes it’s just not possible to do all of these at once. and even if i already did my best to accomplish a lot and some extra tasks are not really due for the day, i would still end up disappointed and mad at myself. that’s why it’s important to really consider all of your tasks. know your priorities. don’t take up too much that you can’t handle. don’t ever forget to give yourself a pat on the back for finishing even just one task.reward yourself, i’m proud of you!


What NOT to do in freshers week

so a lot of you will be starting uni or college soon! here are a few things NOT to do in your first few weeks:

  • Don’t hide in your room - this one is obvious but it needs to be said! As soon as you’ve moved in and anyone that came with you has left then get out of your room and meet new people!
  • Do not miss intro lectures. I know you don’t actually learn anything in a lot of these type of lectures, but they’re a great chance to socialise and meet the people on your course for the first time. 
  • Don’t think you have to be best mates with people you meet in freshers - friendships change a lot and that is 100% normal!
  • Don’t be that person on the night out - aka don’t go get blackout drunk and need looking after. In freshers week you don’t really know people, so you want to stay in control and aware in order to stay safe and have fun!
  • Don’t get deep into your overdraft in freshers (if you can help it), it can be tempting to buy everything and anything - but really try and get used to budgeting early on in term.
  • Don’t stress about work - in my freshers week I was given some essay titles and a huge reading list before the term had officially started. My advice is to just ignore all of it and enjoy yourself until lectures properly start.
  • Don’t say yes to everything. It can be tempting to say yes to every social engagement/offer, club or society, night out etc. While it is important to get stuck in and involved in extra-curriculars and making friends, it is important not to go mad on this. Take time for yourself too, as you have to get through an entire term of uni after freshers - so don’t burn out in the first week (although you’ll probably get freshers flu regardless!) Saying no to some things can also save you some money (as nights out and costs for societies can add up to a lot!)
  • Don’t worry about who to live with in 2nd year during freshers! At a lot of unis you move out of halls after first year, and people generally start looking for houses towards the end of first term (Nov/Dec). This seems very soon, but don’t panic and rush it. 
  • Don’t buy books brand new - a lot of older students sell second hand books cheap, and a lot of uni libraries are well stocked. Ask older students what they think it’s worth buying and what to not bother with.
  • Do not forget to register with a GP in your uni town - you never know when you might need to go to the doctors!
  • Don’t forget to register to VOTE in your new city. Students can be registered at their home address and in their uni town (as long as you only vote once in each election). This is very important with the threat of a general election in the UK at the moment (eek!)
  • Don’t think you are the only one who is homesick. Everyone is in the same boat and missing home. It is so common for people to think they’re the only one and put up a front of being totally fine. Give someone at home a call, have a catch up and a bit of a cry.
  • And last but not least, don’t steal milk - it’s never nice to have a milk thief in your flat or halls, so don’t take it (or any other food or cooking equipment without asking!!)

is the momentum (the browser extension) paid version worth it?


here are some unusually neat maths notes + my even prettier breakfast that i had at 1 in the afternoon

♫ : from the ritz to the rubble - arctic monkeys

take care and make a tea xx


— old papers (my cat was right, the pic is way better with her in it) + a snippet from london

~wednesday the 19th of august ~

i’m sorry for the long hiatus- i’ve just been so busy with things not necessarily academically-related, including some big changes to my personal life which took some time to adjust to… overall- this summer has been a big period of change for me, both positivite and, i guess, negative (?), but i feel like i’m ploughing through

tomorrow i will spend the day travelling to see family in italy- which will be so lovely- and i also receive my gcse results :/

i wouldn’t say i’m calm about it, but i don’t feel too panicky or stressed- i just think that the whole fiasco/ outrage surrounding a-levels has made me a lot less hopeful (and i know the algorithm has been scrapped but still idk) and i just feel like i don’t care anymore, they seem irrelevant, and however it goes- i’ve got into the sixth form i want to go to, and i just don’t think they’ll affect much (if anything?)

anyway, rant over lol- i just wanted to say hello to a lot of my new followers! i promise i don’t complain so much usually ahh, but i’m very grateful to have you following me <3 have a lovely day, and good luck to anyone else receiving their gcse results tomorrow!

summer studying challenge!

19th August - How does summer feel in your region? the uk is underwhelmingly cool, although a few days ago there was a period of lovely warm weather!

habibi — bb brunes

09.08.20- day 40/100

sunday the 9th of august

9th August - What was the last movie you watched? sherlock holmes- the one with robert downey jr and jude law- we watched it as a family and it never gets old

low hum - comatose


summer studying challenge

23rd July - What is the worst vacation you have ever been on? oh boy i’ve definitely stayed in my fair share of questionable sardinian hotels, but the one that stands out was somewhere in the south- it had no ac, a lingering smell of sewage, horrendous decor and the cherry on top was the hair in my risotto :’)

24th July - What is your favourite vacation memory? i could simply never chose a favourite! although, the place where i have made some of my favourite memories is northern italy where some of my family live! we always have an amazing time when we visit <3

22.07.20 - day 23/100

wednesday the 22nd

• spent the morning with my aunty (we got coffee from a charming bakery and walked to a park)

• progressed on a future learn course on city migration

• made a start on a future learn course on american foreign policy

• did italian duolingo

• started ‘the picture of dorian gray’

i still have a couple tasks to do this evening (french as work, reading)- and spending time with my aunty took a whole chunk of my day- but i don’t feel guilty because it was worth the lovely time with her

summer studying challenge:

21st July - What is the best vacation you have ever been on? oh this is tricky, but probably last year when we stayed in a beautiful quaint village on lake como in northern italy, otherwise it would be costa smerelda in sardinia!

22nd July - What is your dream vacation? a road trip of italy with my best friend who lives there (we have started to plan it!) we’d go everywhere! from milan to bologna to florence…

dream for dreaming – patrick watson
