#studyblr inspo


Mais do que nunca, estamos precisando de motivação e de ver luz no fim do túnel. Espero que essas frases resgatem seu otimismo e abram luzes em seu pensamento, mesmo em meio à tantas dificuldades.

“A luta em que você está hoje está desenvolvendo a força de que você precisa para amanhã.”

 “Nunca é tarde demais para ser o que você poderia ter sido.”

“Divida cada dificuldade em tantas partes quanto for possível e necessário para resolvê-la.”

“Tudo o que plantamos em nossa mente subconsciente e alimentamos com repetição e emoção um dia se tornará realidade.”

“Muitos dos nossos sonhos, à primeira vista, parecem impossíveis. Então, eles parecem improváveis. E então, quando convocamos a vontade, eles logo se tornam inevitáveis.”

“Sonhe grandes sonhos. Sonhos pequenos não têm magia.”

“Você nunca sabe o quão forte você é até que ser forte é a única escolha que você tem.”

“A vida é uma série de construção, teste, mudança e iteração.”

“O sucesso não é definitivo, o fracasso não é fatal: é a coragem de continuar que conta.”

“Tudo o que é ouro não brilha, nem todos os que vagam estão perdidos; o velho que é forte não murcha, raízes profundas não são atingidas pela geada.”

“Quando você se contenta em ser simplesmente você mesmo e não se compara ou compete, todos te respeitarão.”

“Um amador pratica até conseguir tocar corretamente, um profissional pratica até que não consiga tocar incorretamente”

“Os erros são os portais da descoberta.”

“Se você tem um sonho, não fique aí sentado. Reúna coragem para acreditar que você pode ter sucesso e junte pedra sobre pedra para tornar seu sonho realidade”.

“À medida que você começa a caminhar, o caminho aparece.”

“Desconfie do destino e acredite em você. Gaste mais horas realizando que sonhando, fazendo que planejando, vivendo que esperando porque, embora quem quase morre esteja vivo, quem quase vive já morreu.”

is the momentum (the browser extension) paid version worth it?


— old papers (my cat was right, the pic is way better with her in it) + a snippet from london

~wednesday the 19th of august ~

i’m sorry for the long hiatus- i’ve just been so busy with things not necessarily academically-related, including some big changes to my personal life which took some time to adjust to… overall- this summer has been a big period of change for me, both positivite and, i guess, negative (?), but i feel like i’m ploughing through

tomorrow i will spend the day travelling to see family in italy- which will be so lovely- and i also receive my gcse results :/

i wouldn’t say i’m calm about it, but i don’t feel too panicky or stressed- i just think that the whole fiasco/ outrage surrounding a-levels has made me a lot less hopeful (and i know the algorithm has been scrapped but still idk) and i just feel like i don’t care anymore, they seem irrelevant, and however it goes- i’ve got into the sixth form i want to go to, and i just don’t think they’ll affect much (if anything?)

anyway, rant over lol- i just wanted to say hello to a lot of my new followers! i promise i don’t complain so much usually ahh, but i’m very grateful to have you following me <3 have a lovely day, and good luck to anyone else receiving their gcse results tomorrow!

summer studying challenge!

19th August - How does summer feel in your region? the uk is underwhelmingly cool, although a few days ago there was a period of lovely warm weather!

habibi — bb brunes

09.08.20- day 40/100

sunday the 9th of august

9th August - What was the last movie you watched? sherlock holmes- the one with robert downey jr and jude law- we watched it as a family and it never gets old

low hum - comatose


summer studying challenge

23rd July - What is the worst vacation you have ever been on? oh boy i’ve definitely stayed in my fair share of questionable sardinian hotels, but the one that stands out was somewhere in the south- it had no ac, a lingering smell of sewage, horrendous decor and the cherry on top was the hair in my risotto :’)

24th July - What is your favourite vacation memory? i could simply never chose a favourite! although, the place where i have made some of my favourite memories is northern italy where some of my family live! we always have an amazing time when we visit <3

22.07.20 - day 23/100

wednesday the 22nd

• spent the morning with my aunty (we got coffee from a charming bakery and walked to a park)

• progressed on a future learn course on city migration

• made a start on a future learn course on american foreign policy

• did italian duolingo

• started ‘the picture of dorian gray’

i still have a couple tasks to do this evening (french as work, reading)- and spending time with my aunty took a whole chunk of my day- but i don’t feel guilty because it was worth the lovely time with her

summer studying challenge:

21st July - What is the best vacation you have ever been on? oh this is tricky, but probably last year when we stayed in a beautiful quaint village on lake como in northern italy, otherwise it would be costa smerelda in sardinia!

22nd July - What is your dream vacation? a road trip of italy with my best friend who lives there (we have started to plan it!) we’d go everywhere! from milan to bologna to florence…

dream for dreaming – patrick watson

20 Days of Productivity Challenge | Day 1/20, Tuesday, 2 Nov 2021My last week of full time work is u

20 Days of Productivity Challenge | Day 1/20, Tuesday, 2 Nov 2021

My last week of full time work is upon me, and two weeks of exams are creeping up. So, I’m back, challenging myself to 20 days of productivity. The first task: complete writing up an article for work. Other thingies I need to do: finish a video edit, write up notes for my next video project, follow up on another article for work, start writing up law exam notes, and clean my room!!!!

New video is out, talking non-fiction reads!

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100 Days of Productivity Challenge3 April, 21So we are already four months into 2021?! (My brain is

100 Days of Productivity Challenge

3 April, 21

So we are already four months into 2021?! (My brain is unable to comprehend).

I’ve just finished up at a full time internship (which was just incredible), and am back at university! The last week has been a miscellaneous mess of late night essay writing, podcast editing, bookshelf reorganisation procrastination, and drinking an unhealthy amount of coffee.

Just one more essay to go, and then I’ll be free for the next few weeks! 

(My new YouTube vid is up - check it out!) 


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25/03/20 ♡ Our country has officially gone into lockdown, so I can’t leave the house at all - which

25/03/20 ♡ Our country has officially gone into lockdown, so I can’t leave the house at all - which makes physio a bit hard! Still, I did up my first tracker page for everything I’ve done in March so far. ✨

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