#study life

Are you nearsighted, farsighted, or do you have good vision? Personally, I am nearsighted like most

Are you nearsighted, farsighted, or do you have good vision? Personally, I am nearsighted like most people are But my spectacle power is not that high so I can still go through my day without the need of wearing glasses. How about you?

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What’s you favorite highlighter color from Stabilo? Mine’s Lilac Haze I’m sorry it

What’s you favorite highlighter color from Stabilo? Mine’s Lilac Haze I’m sorry it took quite a while before I posted a new photo. I’ve been facing technical issues on the editing and scheduling software that I use If you know any good scheduling and photo editing apps, I’d be happy to check them out if you leave some of them in the comment section. Thank you! 


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I’m really grateful about how our university only holds video conferences once a week because

I’m really grateful about how our university only holds video conferences once a week because our internet connection at home is not that stable. However, it does make me sad how our discussions on lessons have to be fast-pace. It is understandable but I wish we had more time to engage on the topics because all of my subjects for this semester are highly interesting. Would love to hear how are the online classes in your school

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I’ve been watching a lot of The Office lately and it has been great. I’m on Season 7 Wha

I’ve been watching a lot of The Office lately and it has been great. I’m on Season 7 What shows are you currently watching? I’ve been loving Stabilo Pen 68. It’s so helpful for underlining, highlighting, and marking. It’s pigmented and comes in different colors. What I love about it is how it does not bleed through the paper ✨ Highly recommend

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I was skeptical on purchasing Faber Castell’s metallic textliners because the shades look dark but t

I was skeptical on purchasing Faber Castell’s metallic textliners because the shades look dark but the colors look absolutely beautiful in person and on paper! I highly recommend buying them If you want to see how these shades look like up close, I uploaded a haul last month on my Youtube channel with these highlighters! 

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2021 was a year of personal growth. This year, I was given the chance to serve the Optometry community through the student council presidency. In this same year, I met fellow leaders from different walks of life through a national congress. But also in 2021, I have lost the passion for things that I used to care deeply about. I no longer feel the drive to spend hours studying. I started to lose interest in keeping siennanotes up and running. I felt guilty feeling this way as I have built this account centering on learning and productivity. Perhaps it is the fatigue from everything going on with my life. Maybe it’s with how I listen to different stories every day; that I can no longer hear the sound of my own voice.

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❓ Name the last book you read.

‍ Mine’s Persuasion by Jane Austen and I’m so excited because they are slowly announcing the cast for its Netflix movie adaptation. I don’t know what to feel about Dakota Johnson as Anne but I’m looking forward to the film. Persuasion is finally getting the attention it deserves

I decided to go back to my original schedule of uploading new photos here on Sunday mornings. ☀️

Currently reading: How to Read a Book by Mortimer J. Adler

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❓ How do you usually spend your weekends?

Ideally, I rest during the weekends but I have way too much to do and some circumstances are beyond my control so I have no choice but to work

Exciting, but also nerve-wracking, things are happening this week which can possibly change the course of my life in the following months. Wish me luck! Seems like I would really need it.

Currently reading: The Duke & I by Julia Quinn (Bridgerton Book #1)

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❓ Today’s question: Do you prefer breakfast meals or dinner food?

I believe in breakfast meal supremacy. Last week’s wrap up: My body clock is on its way to deterioration again because of an event. I’m not sure if I would intentionally destroy my body clock for this one-month long program. What I know for sure is that I strive better when I have enough sleep

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❓ Where on earth have I been?

I was debating whether I should post this but I think everyone deserves an explanation for my unannounced hiatus.

The past few weeks have been rough as I start to question if I’m still happy with the things that I do (student governance, volunteer work, siennanotes.) The work is fulfilling, don’t get me wrong, but it is also incredibly demanding and draining. After much reflection, I realized I will still continue with all these but I have to strategically plan things out to avoid unwanted burnout.

On my last post, I talked about a possibly life-changing thing and I was referring to qualifying for the most prestigious youth leadership congress in our country. Getting into the program reminded me of the reason why I do what I do: the people. The executives of the host company believed in my potential, my professors & co-officers trusted me with my position, the students I volunteer for look up to me, YouTube viewers await my uploads, and everyone here on Instagram continue to follow me despite my inactivity. Perhaps if I can’t go on for myself, I have to go on for these people.

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Today’s question: Do you prefer watching movies or TV shows?

I have always preferred watching TV shows with around 30 minutes per episode but lately, I’ve been trying to watch more movies.

✏️ Hoping to finish all my readings before this month ends though it seems like an impossible pursuit.

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❓ What have you learned the hard way?

I have learned that college is a game of luck; that it is not enough to be hardworking, talented, or smart. Luck has to be on your side too. You have to be in the right place at the right time.

By the time this is posted, I have finished the 3rd block of this semester. It is, by far, the most toxic month I have experienced in online school. I know education is a privilege and I am immensely grateful for the things I get to do, but the past 5 weeks have been draining and all I want right now is to spend this day resting.

Currently reading: Emma by Jane Austen (hoping to finish it today!)

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It has been a long time since I posted anything here so when I opened the Google Form to my free printables, I was surprised to see how many people were waiting to acquire them. For the past few months, my studyblr game has been really weak. I started pouring my energy to student leadership and siennanotes started to feel like work. I had to peddle back and rethink what it is I want to do. Upon reading the responses for printable forms, I have decided to keep this platform running. I was able to help and reach out to a lot of students through siennanotes. It has opened a lot of opportunities not only for me, but also for the community I was able to build. Now is not the time to hold back. As we embark on another year of distance learning, we need each other to stay sane and keep going. The content will probably shifted a bit and will be inclined towards my advocacies. I still have a lot of photos in stock and will have those published first. Perhaps this is a new era. Thank you for sticking by.

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It has been so long since I posted anything here. Here’s where I have been recently. I sincerely apologize for being MIA.


Mais do que nunca, estamos precisando de motivação e de ver luz no fim do túnel. Espero que essas frases resgatem seu otimismo e abram luzes em seu pensamento, mesmo em meio à tantas dificuldades.

“A luta em que você está hoje está desenvolvendo a força de que você precisa para amanhã.”

 “Nunca é tarde demais para ser o que você poderia ter sido.”

“Divida cada dificuldade em tantas partes quanto for possível e necessário para resolvê-la.”

“Tudo o que plantamos em nossa mente subconsciente e alimentamos com repetição e emoção um dia se tornará realidade.”

“Muitos dos nossos sonhos, à primeira vista, parecem impossíveis. Então, eles parecem improváveis. E então, quando convocamos a vontade, eles logo se tornam inevitáveis.”

“Sonhe grandes sonhos. Sonhos pequenos não têm magia.”

“Você nunca sabe o quão forte você é até que ser forte é a única escolha que você tem.”

“A vida é uma série de construção, teste, mudança e iteração.”

“O sucesso não é definitivo, o fracasso não é fatal: é a coragem de continuar que conta.”

“Tudo o que é ouro não brilha, nem todos os que vagam estão perdidos; o velho que é forte não murcha, raízes profundas não são atingidas pela geada.”

“Quando você se contenta em ser simplesmente você mesmo e não se compara ou compete, todos te respeitarão.”

“Um amador pratica até conseguir tocar corretamente, um profissional pratica até que não consiga tocar incorretamente”

“Os erros são os portais da descoberta.”

“Se você tem um sonho, não fique aí sentado. Reúna coragem para acreditar que você pode ter sucesso e junte pedra sobre pedra para tornar seu sonho realidade”.

“À medida que você começa a caminhar, o caminho aparece.”

“Desconfie do destino e acredite em você. Gaste mais horas realizando que sonhando, fazendo que planejando, vivendo que esperando porque, embora quem quase morre esteja vivo, quem quase vive já morreu.”

In my previous post about how to choose a suitable teacher/tutor on italki, I’ve said that you need to have a certain goal in your head to achieve, right?


So for me it looks like this:
I knew I wanted to go through a textbook with someone
I knew I wanted to learn how to talk about news
I knew I wanted to learn how to open my mouth more because my speaking sucks.

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✨ How do my lessons look like? ✨

Textbook lessons
I have homework to do (each lesson I need to write an essay - with each essay they are getting harder lol)
before the lesson I check all of the new words, I try to learn them, create new sentences with them
I try to understand grammar by myself
I do all exercises in the textbook

at the beginning of class I read my homework and we talk about my mistakes
later I read at loud the text (to work on my tones and pronunciation, reading flow)
after I finish reading the text, I talk with the tutor this text (do I understand, I try to summarise it in Chinese and answer some questions)
we go through exercises - she tells me what kind of mistakes I made
if I don’t understand grammar - I ask for help and we work on it

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News lessons

I got the news/article few days before the lesson, so I can work on it
I read it, find new words and write them down
if there are things I can not find in the dictionary or they are too hard to understand - I colour the text

(currently news/articles are based on my interest)

at the beginning I talk about all my questions and doubts
later - we simply talk about the news (the teacher is preparing the questions or tasks for me to do - each time different, depends on the topic)

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Speaking lessons
I simply got some topics I want to talk with someone in Chinese and I ask 1-2 days before “can we talk about (traveling/photography/fashion)” and we simply talk about the topic I choose

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Chinese studygram (click)
Japanese studygram (click) 
