
[ 鄉 ]沒有楓葉, 但有銀合歡樹。 沒有寺廟, 但有祠堂。沒有特色咖啡, 但有豆漿與豆腐花。同一天空下, 一樣有藍天白雲、青草樹木, 用多20%功力去想像, 彷彿身處於外地一樣, 感官無限放大, 香[ 鄉 ]沒有楓葉, 但有銀合歡樹。 沒有寺廟, 但有祠堂。沒有特色咖啡, 但有豆漿與豆腐花。同一天空下, 一樣有藍天白雲、青草樹木, 用多20%功力去想像, 彷彿身處於外地一樣, 感官無限放大, 香[ 鄉 ]沒有楓葉, 但有銀合歡樹。 沒有寺廟, 但有祠堂。沒有特色咖啡, 但有豆漿與豆腐花。同一天空下, 一樣有藍天白雲、青草樹木, 用多20%功力去想像, 彷彿身處於外地一樣, 感官無限放大, 香[ 鄉 ]沒有楓葉, 但有銀合歡樹。 沒有寺廟, 但有祠堂。沒有特色咖啡, 但有豆漿與豆腐花。同一天空下, 一樣有藍天白雲、青草樹木, 用多20%功力去想像, 彷彿身處於外地一樣, 感官無限放大, 香[ 鄉 ]沒有楓葉, 但有銀合歡樹。 沒有寺廟, 但有祠堂。沒有特色咖啡, 但有豆漿與豆腐花。同一天空下, 一樣有藍天白雲、青草樹木, 用多20%功力去想像, 彷彿身處於外地一樣, 感官無限放大, 香[ 鄉 ]沒有楓葉, 但有銀合歡樹。 沒有寺廟, 但有祠堂。沒有特色咖啡, 但有豆漿與豆腐花。同一天空下, 一樣有藍天白雲、青草樹木, 用多20%功力去想像, 彷彿身處於外地一樣, 感官無限放大, 香[ 鄉 ]沒有楓葉, 但有銀合歡樹。 沒有寺廟, 但有祠堂。沒有特色咖啡, 但有豆漿與豆腐花。同一天空下, 一樣有藍天白雲、青草樹木, 用多20%功力去想像, 彷彿身處於外地一樣, 感官無限放大, 香[ 鄉 ]沒有楓葉, 但有銀合歡樹。 沒有寺廟, 但有祠堂。沒有特色咖啡, 但有豆漿與豆腐花。同一天空下, 一樣有藍天白雲、青草樹木, 用多20%功力去想像, 彷彿身處於外地一樣, 感官無限放大, 香[ 鄉 ]沒有楓葉, 但有銀合歡樹。 沒有寺廟, 但有祠堂。沒有特色咖啡, 但有豆漿與豆腐花。同一天空下, 一樣有藍天白雲、青草樹木, 用多20%功力去想像, 彷彿身處於外地一樣, 感官無限放大, 香

[ 鄉 ]

沒有楓葉, 但有銀合歡樹。 沒有寺廟, 但有祠堂。沒有特色咖啡, 但有豆漿與豆腐花。

同一天空下, 一樣有藍天白雲、青草樹木, 用多20%功力去想像, 彷彿身處於外地一樣, 感官無限放大, 香港的不一樣就可以從眼中呈現出來。



我會以後者來看待現況,抱著一個有希望的心情來迎接每一件事。 事情不如預期的時候只好把它當成一種磨練的過程,懂得放開,然後重新出發。

河上鄉位於上水郊區,港島人要花上一個半小時才到達。 或許我太耐未遊走鄉郊,這個地方的確有一個很本地的風味,這種風味令我聯想起我到過的日本京都市區。 其實我們地方是有的,只要以欣賞的心情靜心去感受身邊一草一木,修練身心,生活是可以很簡單的。

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Garlinghouse Artistic Homes (1950) - No. 30

Garlinghouse Artistic Homes (1950) - No. 30

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my cousins, in Colorado (c. 1990)

my cousins, in Colorado (c. 1990)

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Outskirt of Tashkent city. Watercolours sketch. Окраина Ташкента. Набросок акварелью.

Outskirt of Tashkent city. Watercolours sketch.

Окраина Ташкента. Набросок акварелью.

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-There are stray cats everywhere. Their screams sound a lot like children.

- The vines are dragging the buildings back into the earth.

- The only radio stations that come in clear are rap and country, and occasionally polka on Sundays.

- Church bells ring, but every church is empty.

- Chip bags and leaves skitter across the empty street. No wind blows.

- The fountain in the town square broke in 2005. People still throw pennies in. No one dares take any out.

- The train yard is closed down, with train cars abandoned, motionless on the tracks. You still hear the train whistle, but only on rainy nights.

-The feeling of a gray sky is always there, trapped in the shadows of buildings, even on sunny days.

- Hollow factories with boarded windows and broken glass. It’s too cold for spiders, but something is crawling on the wall.

- Stop signs with bullet holes.

- Everything is gray, red and brown, with the only color coming from the occasional orange traffic cone.

- You see your own items for sale in an antique store. You’re not sure how they got there, but decide against buying them back. Their secrets are someone else’s problem now.

- Faded billboards from when bread was 10 cents.

- Fireworks get set off in backyards without warning, regardless of time of year. You hope that it’s fireworks, but lock your door anyways.

- Victorian houses with a junkyard of faded toys in the backyard.

- The only ones who walk the street are groups of teenagers and senior citizens. If you ask them for help they are the nicest people, but if they approach you first, run. You are about to be involved in a horrible experience. 

- There is that one lake where the police always go to look for discarded weapons and bodies. They always find something.

- There is a couch in the middle of the woods. Somebody was sitting there not too long ago, and they won’t be happy to see you when they come back.

- Lots of sirens, but no police cars.

- The man with the briefcase is more dangerous than the kid with a gun.

- Downtown’s Christmas decorations stay up all year long. Nobody wants to put forth the effort of taking them down.

- It’s 2 a.m. You think you are the only one awake. You gaze out the window into the street filled with houses and quiet cars. The streetlight flickers. A raccoon walks down the middle of the road. It minds it’s own business, you mind yours.

- Your neighbors house got torn down. You didn’t notice. 

Feel free to add more! 

Melbourne CBD Skyline From Bill Lawry Oval, NorthcotePhoto by Philip Mallis.This picture was taken i

Melbourne CBD Skyline From Bill Lawry Oval, Northcote

Photoby Philip Mallis.

This picture was taken in Westgarth, Australia (Google Maps).

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Am späten Nachmittag erreichten wir aus Richtung Stadt her den Vorort (Coming From the City We Reach

Am späten Nachmittag erreichten wir aus Richtung Stadt her den Vorort (Coming From the City We Reached the Suburb in the Late Afternoon), 2022 by J.G.Wind

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STAMP-Bucky Fuller by x-ray delta one https://flic.kr/p/7fnJkJ

STAMP-Bucky Fuller by x-ray delta one https://flic.kr/p/7fnJkJ

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Picturesque cobblestone street in the affluent suburb of Karen just south of Nairobi, Kenya.Picturesque cobblestone street in the affluent suburb of Karen just south of Nairobi, Kenya.

Picturesque cobblestone street in the affluent suburb of Karen just south of Nairobi, Kenya.

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