#suggestion blog


love to everyone who is struggling with the idea of the new year right now. you have survived another year despite it all and that is all that matters

if your grades slip, you struggle with school or take a break/drop out entirely because of trauma: that’s okay. your wellbeing comes first. academics don’t define your intelligence or worth as a person

stars will light in my eyes as my breath fades away. you stole it from my lips

my hands tremble while i reach for the stars. i wonder if i could go back home and be one of them again, but you’ve stolen my place there, just like you stole it here.

i wish i could no longer see

These tears weren’t meant for you

i’ll never escape your cold fingers around me

my ruined lips scream the words of your demise
you’ve left me with nothing but scars

i cant see my hands anymore

Luv my new bandana frum new local stor that wil b open soon!! Wil giv link when open.. stink will be modul for it!!!!!

Spring fashun shoot!! Hope everyoen hav a good spring! Eating lot of gras and enjoy warm daeys

Stink hav and instagram now!! Folow her heer

Bandana frum calicatsco on Etsy!!!
