#trauma positivity


The phrase “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” is misleading af.

Your trauma doesn’t get the credit for making you stronger.

You were the one who made the decision to recover and put the work in to get there. You were the one who rose from your own ashes. You were the one who put yourself back together again like smashed pottery repaired with veins of gold. You are the flowers that sprouted through the cracks in the tarmac. You stuck around and you fought and you learned and you grew.

The thing that nearly killed you shouldn’t get the credit for making you stronger - you did that.

love to everyone who is struggling with the idea of the new year right now. you have survived another year despite it all and that is all that matters

if your grades slip, you struggle with school or take a break/drop out entirely because of trauma: that’s okay. your wellbeing comes first. academics don’t define your intelligence or worth as a person
