#sweaty selfie


Sweat check! I haven’t danced to the Fitness Marshall is just about a month now, so I finally got back to it and powered through 10 songs! The underside of my hair was so gross and wet and everything about me was warm and sticky but it was so worth it.

Felt really good to run some real distance tonight,I’ve been a bit slack with my running this last month,letting life and distractions get on top of me but I’m back in the game and feeling more motivated than ever

Hello October,I’m about to kick yo ass

Starting with a 10 mile run ‍♀️

Gym session off to a great start - love running in the mornings to really get my day going

2020.Mar.26 Walk

Keeping active and away from people in the ghost town by the beach. I can walk across a 6 lane road without waiting for the light, cos there is no traffic. It’s so weird. There are lots of people walking/running/biking the neighborhood all day long now, even saw one guy doing burpees in his front yard.

2020.Mar.24 Jazzercise On Demand HIIT

So, I buckled down and signed up for the 60 days of free Jazzercise on Demand classes this morning and got one done. It wasn’t bad, though I admit to thinking, ‘is it over yet?’ More than once… maybe more than 10 times during the course of the workout.

It is only about 40 minutes, not an hour like normal classes, but they have 20 minute strength training classes on there too . I thought this one was all cardio, but there were a few strength routines at the end. I didn’t bring my normal weights in from the car so i used my heavier, 13 # weights, which was extra fun.

Anyway, I may try one of the strength workouts later to bring the total up to an hour.

I’m going to have to look and see if there are any with a longer cardio offering.

2020.Mar.23 Walk

Beach closed, trail was open. People were walking down to the water for the sunset, not many, but a few. I didn’t go, stayed on the trail and just concentrated on getting the walk done for the most part. It looks like a ghost town, kind of creepy. Tomorrow, if i get up the gumption, i might try one of the free Jazzercise classes online that they are offering and see how that goes.

2020.Mar.16 Walk

Jazzercise canceled until further notice by Corvid19.

Went for a walk instead. Ended up meeting another Jazzer on the trail and that kept me walking pretty quickly, which was good.

At least the weather is nice! Now i just need to push myself to do upper torso work at home.

2020.March 11 and 12 Jazzercise

Know I’ve been absent for a while. On Jan 27th, my BF had a total knee replacement and that pretty much messed up a good bit of Feb for me, driving back and forth from his place to mine almost daily and taking him to follow up appointments and trying to help him do the PT stuff he was supposed to do. Anyway, back to regular schedule now and trying once again to get my food choices under control and find a way to lose the weight I’ve regained.

My feet are feeling a bit better finally, though still a bit of pain at times. I guess the new shoes finally helped? Not sure, certainly took long enough. Also trying to stretch more often / more diligently including plantar stretching, even though pain is on the outside of my heel under the ankle.

So, anyway, trying to get back to it yet again.
