#sweet memes


Some things I wanna do to get my life together in 2020:

•I wanna clean out and decorate my room. It’s literally just a bed and mirror right now. I wanna get rid off the popcorn ceiling and add some cool decorations and plants to make it aesthetically pleasing.

•I wanna get my wardrobe together and put together a fashion sense. I’ve sort of been wearing whatever’s comfortable and I can’t dress like Billie Eilish Walmart Version forever. I’d probably be more confident in my looks if I dressed better.

•Get a skin care routine. I know I posted skin tips but I never took my advice and I sort of let myself go. I’m thinking of looking into curology but honestly I just wanna treat my skin well again (I’ve literally only been using water rip)

•Stop sleeping so much so I can get everything done and have more energy.

•learn to do some makeup! Not to cover up but to express myself and gain more art skills!! (Might come in handy for photos too)

This list might sound dumb to some but it really does make a big difference in your life. I’m posting this just to hold myself accountable and maybe inspire anyone reading this. If anyone makes their own list good luck!

If you scroll through tumblr when your an anxious mess like me stop scrolling and take a moment to breath.

More skin care tips:

- Excersize daily

- eat lots of fruits and veggies

- limit caffeine

-stay hydrated

- look for clay masks with witch hazel in them

- Tea Tree oil helps with acne scars, you can get some for your face from Burt’s bees.

- NEVER get one size fits all face wash/moisturizer. Get the appropriate ones for your skin types.

- Keep your skin care routine consistent.

- Don’t use pore strips it’s bad for your skin.

- Buy natural makeup.

Hope these were helpful. Good luck❤️

I’m 25% Asian so maybe it counts? Happy Asian American month! (When telling people about this I almost called it Asian awareness month lol)

I’m getting close to a thousand followers so I might do a Q/A. Thoughts?
