#skin care tips


More skin care tips:

- Excersize daily

- eat lots of fruits and veggies

- limit caffeine

-stay hydrated

- look for clay masks with witch hazel in them

- Tea Tree oil helps with acne scars, you can get some for your face from Burt’s bees.

- NEVER get one size fits all face wash/moisturizer. Get the appropriate ones for your skin types.

- Keep your skin care routine consistent.

- Don’t use pore strips it’s bad for your skin.

- Buy natural makeup.

Hope these were helpful. Good luck❤️


What Makes You Beautiful?

Everyone is uniquely beautiful. It’s in the shape of your eyes, the nose you inherited from your mom, the smile you and your dad share. But wouldn’t it be nice to know exactly how your unique features come together to make you beautiful?

Anatomy Beauty offers affordable, customized, researched-backed beauty advice based on an analysis of your face. Anatomy Beauty will provide you with a Face Report so you’ll know what makes you, you. Their customized makeup and hair advice is perfect for beginners and anyone looking to change up their look. I post a lot of beauty advice on this blog but ultimately Anatomy Beauty provides in-depth personal advice that is impossible for me to provide.

If you’re interested in their service use my code torontoe for 20% off! Their website is linked in this post or you can search Anatomy Beauty on Google.

Much love,



2018 Essentials

I know this is late, I’m sorry y'all. Here are some things to focus on/do in 2018.

1. Do a mini workout before you shower. 25 squats, 10 push ups, 30 sec plank, 20 leg raises, 25 lunges, etc etc. Start small, and keep it as long or as concise as you please. But set a few mins aside before your shower to get some exercise in.

2. Stretch every morning when you wake up and every night before bed. Your body and posture will thank you.

3. Do a face mask at least twice a month.

4. Take at least one selfie every day. It can be makeup free, clothes free, whatever you want. But become familiar with how you look and your best angles. Experiment with lighting, setting, wardrobe, poses, angles, etc.

5. Take a social media cleanse. Delete tumblr, twitter, ig, snapchat, etc for a week to break away from all the internet garbage and focus on yourself more.

6. Make a date night for yourself every month. Nobody else, just you. Go to a movie, get a massage, grab some lunch, go window shopping, whatever you wanna do. But have at least one day a month to spend some time with yourself.

7. Keep a water bottle with you at all times. Stay hydrated, y'all.

8. Invest yourself in schoolwork. Keep that GPA high.

9. Have a planner. Write down any big events, work/school schedules, deadlines, appointments, get-togethers, etc. Keep track of where you’re going, and what/who you’re investing time into.

10. Adopt this motto: Life is too short. Life is too short to obsess over your weight, life is too short to be in love with a fuckboy, life is too short to have toxic relationships, and life is too short to not do things you love.

11. If you are religious, invest more into your faith. Set time aside every day to say a prayer, thank God (or whomever you may worship) for everything you have, and for everything that is to come, volunteer at any Church/Temple Outreach programs.

12. Make time for your loved ones. Set up a date with a friend/family member, remind them how much they mean to you from time to time, be a loyal and reliable person for them. Put effort into your relationships in 2018.

13. Educate yourself on a topic you don’t quite understand or want to learn more about. Maybe it’s how cars work, or what’s going on in the Middle East, or how our economy is structured, or how to repair an appliance at home, or how to knit. Research useful skills and information, and learn about it. If you do one topic per month, you’ll end up adopting 12 new skills/pieces of outside knowledge by the end of the year.
