#teacher crush family


I don’t know much, K, but I do know:

I know your smile and how it shines when you talk about artwork. I know that you have a red car, a dog, and two sons. I know that you like ships and you don’t like coat hangers. I witnessed the first time you ever used a glue stick and I know that I’d keep it a secret on how bad you were at using it. I know that you are kind and sweet, and that you are good at picking people up when they are down. I know that you are a painter with great skill. I know that you like tea and you drink it out of big mugs. I know that I am one of your favorite students. 

And I know that I love you. I don’t know much, but I do know that. I don’t know very much about you, but I want to get to know you more. I want to love you not only for your kindness, charm, and humor, but for your sad and angry days as well. I want to know all of you. 

I love you.

Also, M told me that he was talking with her and some other students and he said that we could contact him on facebook and that he would add anybody so yeah I’m doing that but I’m not using this account anymore guys so…Thank you everybody for being understanding and supportive. I love y'all. Cya


I saw him. After a year. Exactly a fucking year.

So, today was my friends’s graduation and I was invited so I went there and Y was also there. I was very very nervous and I kept telling M that I was very stressed. When I arrived, M and I went to the graduation room or whatever it’s called and when we were heading to our table, I see Y from far away. My heart fucking stopped beating and I held M by her arm and I kept whispering “ he’s here he’s here he’s fucking here” and she was like “okay calm down, we’ll go talk to him later”. We ended up talking to some of our teachers and then we went up to Y. He was so fucking cute you guys oh my god he was adorable aghh. He got up from his chair and had the brightest and cutest smile. The fucking smile that I’ve been waiting for so long to see. His voice was as sweet as ever and his eyes ♡♡♡♡ So we said hi and he told us “I don’t wanna lie, but I’ve missed you guys a lot” and we said that we did too. I then asked if he’s coming back next year and he laughed and said “No, not anytime soon..” and I laughed back and said “Almost all of our teachers are leaving” and he laughed. I then asked him “how’s everything there? (The place where he left to teach)” and he said “hmmm..it’s normal” and laughed and said “cold?”. He then laughed back and said “well, no not really, I mean we’re in [country] so it’ already cold” and we laughed about it. He then said that he taught kids and I said “kids??” And he was like “yeah, small children” and gestured with his hand like how small they are and he said “[language] isn’t their first so it’s difficult to communicate since they speak a whole new and other language”. M then asked him if he would come to next year’s graduation and he smiled and said “of course, if you invite me” and we said “of course we will”

Later, he was passing by our table and I was standing up so when I saw him I said “Oh, sir you’re already leaving?” And he said “I wanted to, but Mrs.[name] begged me to stay so..I’m just gonna grab some dessert now”. I then said “don’t leave now, please stay” and I think he smiled or idk what he said and then there was a small silence so he shyly said “..I’m gonna go grab dessert now” and smiled.

At the end, when I had to leave, I saw him getting down the stairs with two of my teachers. One of them waved at me when he saw me because I told him “you better not leave without telling me goodbye”. I told them to have a nice summer vacation and they were all like “you too” and then I turned to Y and guyyyyyssss he had this cute fucking smile aaaaah it makes my heart melt. He lowered his head a bit and i swear he’s so timid and fucking shy its so adorable ♡♡♡♡ and I told him “enjoy your vacation!!” and he said “thank you, you too!!” and I said bye.
