#teen wolf imagine


You’re the bad guy (T.R Imagine) Pt.3

Recap : Y/N found out that Theo was the one who killed Scott and Theo is now at your house.

You walk downstairs slowly, unsure of whether or not to let Theo in. He was banging continuously on your front door. You take a deep breath and with a shaky hand, you open the door to face Theo.

“Where have you been!?”, he yells as he storms pass you, “I’ve been looking everywhere for you. I tried calling and texting but you didn’t answer so I asked around and no one saw you at school. What happen? Are you okay?”

“You killed Scott”, was all you managed to get out in a rather shaky voice. “What? Who told you that?”, he asked taking a few steps toward you. “So you did kill Scott”, you say stepping away from him, “Why did you do it?” “You don’t understand. I did this for you, for us”, he said reaching out to you.

“You killed Scott for me? How does killing one of my best friends benefit me?”, you say pushing him away from you. “The Dread Doctors wanted Scott’s whole pack dead. I managed to get them to settle for Scott only! Don’t you see I was just protecting you! I’m trying to keep you from getting hurt Y/N!”, he yelled.

“You tearing my pack apart was what hurt me Theo! So if you think in your sick mind that you’re protecting me then you’re highly mistaken”, you say as you start to feel tears forming. Theo remained silent, he was misguided into thinking that he was protecting you all this time.

“Did you even love me or was I just another part of your plan to get to Scott?”, you ask immediately regretting it. Theo head snapped up to your dircetion, unable to process what you had just asked him.

He walked up to you and trapped you between himself and the wall, “Don’t you ever think for a second that what we have means nothing to me! I meant everything! Every word, every action, every moment we had to together.”

“Had.” “What?” “Everything we had”, you say quietly. “What are you trying to say?”, Theo said backing away from you. You take a minute to recover before you speak again, “I’m trying to say that it’s over.” “No… no! You can’t do this!”, Theo says walking over to you and grabbing your shoulders, “You love me. You can’t do this!”

“I love you Theo but you’re the bad guy. I don’t wanna be with the bad guy”, you say and the tears start to flow down your cheeks. “I’m not, I’m not. Y/N please”, Theo says as he wipes your tears away whilst tears start to form in his own eyes.

“Leave”, you say quietly wanting him to leave so you could just fall to the ground and cry. “No. I’m not leaving you”, Theo said firmly. You push him away from you and walk towards the door, “I said leave”, you say more firmly than the previous time.

Theo walks over to you but he didn’t leave, instead he places his own hand over yours and closes the door. “Theo, please go”, you say as you start to sob uncontrollably. He doesn’t say anything, he just wraps his arms around you allowing you crying into his chest.

He places soft kisses on your head and whispers apologies as he tries to comfort you. He can sense the pain he put you through and he can’t bear the fact that he caused you all this pain. He’s never done this before but he leans down and kisses you like it’s the last time he can and he begins to take your pain. At first you were reluctant but eventually you gave in and kiss him back with all the strength you had left.

He pulled back with tears streaming down his face. He placed a kiss on your forehead and mumbled, “I’m sorry, I love you Y/N”, before he opened the door and left.

You slowly closed the door before collapsing against it and breaking down, something you did not wanna do in front of Theo. Little did you know that he was still on the other side of the door listening to you cry. It broke his heart to hear you cry, the only person he ever cared about is in pain because of him.

A/N : Part 4 possibly…

You’re the bad guy (T.R Imagine) Pt.2

You wake up the next morning still cuddled up next to Theo. You smile as you watch him sleep peacefully. How can he look so good even when he’s asleep?

“Stop staring, it’s creepy”, he mumbled. “It’s not creepy, it’s cute”, you say as you kiss his cheek. “I think you missed”, he pouted. You giggled and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

You started to get out of bed when Theo pulled you back in bed. “Theo, I have get ready for school”, you whine and try to wiggle out of his grip. “5 more minutes”, he said nuzzling his head into your neck. “No, I’m gonna be late”, you manage to wiggle out of his grip, “I’ll make it up to you, I promise”, you say as you peck his lips quickly and start getting ready for school.

You checked your phone seeing that you had multiple texts and calls from Mason and Liam. You decided to call Liam and check if everything was okay. “Hey, it’s everything okay?”, you asked as soon as he answered. “Erm, yeah. It’s kinda hard to explain. Where are you? I’ll meet you and I’ll explain everything”, he replied. “No!”, you hesitated, “I mean I’ll meet you in the library.” “Erm, the library?”, Liam hesitated as well, “okay, see you there”, he said as he hung up. Wonder what that was about.

“Do you need a ride to school?”, Theo asked as you were getting your belongings together. “Uh, no. Not today. I have to meet Liam before class about something”, you responded. “Why do you have to meet Liam?, Theo asked as he began to tense up. “I don’t know. He just wanted to talk to me I guess”, you continued to gather your stuff into your backpack until Theo grabbed your wrist. “What does he want Y/N?”, he asked firmly. “Theo, what are you doing? Let go of me”, you try to pull your wrist out of his grip but he was way to strong for you. He finally snapped out of it and let your wrist go. “I’m sorry, I just-… I’m sorry”, he said taking a few steps back. “Look, I don’t know what Liam wants. He just asked me to meet him”, you say rubbing your sore wrist. “I’m gonna go now”, you pick up your backpack and give Theo a peck on the cheek before heading to the school library to meet Liam.

You walk into the library and the first scent to hit your nose is blood. Lots of blood. This is probably what Liam wanted to talk to about. It was probably another chimera.

“Make it quick Dunbar, I have to be in class in a few”, you throw your bag on the desk and take a seat across from Liam and Mason. “Well, I think there’s something you need to know. But you have to promise that you won’t get mad at me”, Liam hesitated. “Fine, I promise”, you roll your eyes knowing that you’re probably gonna get mad anyway. “And you promise you’ll believe everything I tell you”, he said more seriously. “Yes Liam, I promise! No quit stalling and tell me already!”, you say beginning to run out of patience.

“TheokilledScottlastnight!”, he said quickly. “Liam, speak English!” “Okay”, he said taking a deep breath, Theo killed Scott last night.“ "Well, he didn’t kill him like dead. Actually he did but then Melissa managed to revive him but that’s basically the jist of what happen”, Mason added. “What!? That’s impossible. I was with Theo last night”, you stood up ready to walk away but then Mason spoke. “It’s all true Y/N, I was there when it happen. We wouldn’t lie to you about this”, you listened closely to their heart beats and reluctantly sat down again. You placed your head in your hands, trying to regain your emotional state, “tell me everything”, you finally spoke up.

“Theo’s a chimera. He’s the first chimera and he’s been working with the Dread Doctors”, Mason said. “He wants Scott’s power. He used my anger against me cause he knows he can’t take Scott’s power, only I can”, Liam explained as you sat there befuddled, “ he tried to get me to kill Scott so he could take the power from me and when I couldn’t do it, he killed Scott himself. I’m sorry Y/N.” You just sat there motionless, the guy that you trusted and loved was the guy who was trying the tear your pack apart.

Your disappointment and heart break slowly turned into anger and frustration. Feelings of betrayal arose and you feel the urge to confront Theo. The moment you got up from your chair, you were pushed back down by Liam. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to talk to Theo”, he advised you. “I think I can handle it Liam”, you get up again and throw your backpack over your shoulder. “At least give it some time, go home and think things over before you do anything you might regret”, he suggested. “Fine but I will confront Theo about this. I can’t believe he would do this. We trusted him. I trusted him”, your heart breaking a little more every time you think about it. “I’m gonna head home for a while”, you say taking Liam’s advise. “You want me to walk you home?”, Liam offered. “No, I’m good. Besides you probably have class now.”

As soon as you get home, you throw your bag on the floor and run to your room. You slam the door and immediately collapse against it. The tears take over as you pull your knees up to your chest. You let the tear fall on your knees. Why would Theo do this? You thought he was such an amazing guy. The next through that entered your mind was the one that would never leave. Was he just using you as part of his plan to get Scott’s power? Did he really even love you? You slowly pick yourself up off the floor and make your way over to your bed. All the sobbing probably made your body weak and you fell asleep minutes later. Either that or the strong scent left by Theo on your bed sheets helped you fall asleep.

You are woken by a loud banging sound coming from downstairs. Your dad was out of town and your mom was working a double at the hospital so who could be banging at your door. You check your phone, 11 pm with about 50 texts and calls from Theo. Great, wonder whose at the door then, you thought sarcastically.

A/N : So this was supposed to be a 2 part series but this part was too long so I’ve decided to create an extra part to end the series. I also feel like this part was a bit boring but it’s all leading up to part 3. Part 3 coming soon!❤✌

You’re the bad guy (T.R Imagine) Pt.1

A/N : This is my first attempt at a smut so if it turns out a bit sucky, please bare with me✌

Your pack was essentially defeated. Scott found out that Stiles killed Donovan. Malia was planning to kill her mother which you knew the rest of the pack wouldn’t agree to. Lydia was no where to be found. Hayden was dying and the sheriff was currently in the hospital.

You didn’t know what else to do or where to go. You found yourself standing outside your boyfriend’s house, hesitating to ring the door bell but you did anyway. Theo opened the door and greeted you with a charming smile.

“Hey, what are you doing here?”, he asks as you instantly feel guilty for just showing up at his doorstep. “Erm, I didn’t know where else to go. I can leave if you want”, you say quickly. “No no, come in. It’s just, you didn’t tell me you were coming over so I’m abit surprised that’s all”, he informs me. “I’m sorry, I just didn’t know where to go or who to talk to.”

“Hey, you can always come to me for anything. You know that”, Theo says as he takes your hand in his. You smile at him but you can’t help but notice a strong scent coming from him.

“Do you smell that?”, you ask him trying to figure out whether your senses were playing tricks on you. “Erm, no”, he looks at you confused, “what smell?” “I don’t know, it kinda smells like blood”, you say unsure of what it the scent is.

“Oh it’s probably from Hayden”, he says as you notice his heart rate start to pick up abit, “I was helping Scott and Liam take her to the animal clinic.” As he speaks, his heart rate drops and you begin to believe him.

“Do you believe me?”, he asks, “I know you can hear my heart beat. So do you believe me or not?”, he says as he moves closer to you making you heart rate increase. “Y-yes”, you stumble over your words as he continues to move closer to you.

“Good”, he says as he places his hand on you cheek and attaches his lips to yours. You return the kiss and as you pull away, he moves his hand behind your neck and deepens the kiss. You wrap your arms around his neck and tangle your fingers in his hair.

“Jump”, he whispered against your lips and you wrapped your legs around his waist. He kept a firm hold on your thighs as he made his way up to his room and placed you on his bed.

He removed his shirt before he climbed on top of you and reattached his lips to yours. His hands ran down your sides and to your legs, pulling them around his waist as he moved his hips against yours.

He kissed along your jawline and down your neck causing you to moan and tilt your head back, giving him more access. He left wet kisses down the centre of your chest and nipped at the exposed skin of your cleavage.

He nuzzled his head into your cleavage, leaving more love bites when you decided to take off your shirt and allow him more access. He kissed down to your jeans before he stopped and looked up at you.

“Are you sure you wanna do this?”, he asked concerned. “Yes”, was all you managed to say before he continued to remove your jeans. He placed open mouth kisses over your sensitive area causing you groan.

He smiled against you before removing your underwear and replacing it with his mouth. Your hands immediately went to hair as he started to work on you. Using his tongue to tease you before he started to slowly eat you out.

Once he was satisfied with his work, he made his way back up to your lips and began to remove his own jeans. You could immediately feel how hard he was against your thigh causing you to gasp which made way for him to allow his tongue in your mouth.

You reached down between the two of you and began to palm him through his boxes. He groaned in your mouth which was honestly the sexiest thing ever. You used his moment of weakness to flip positions so you were now straddling him.

He looked up at you, admiring the beautiful view. You began to grind down on him. He gripped your hips and pushed it futher down in response. “Stop teasing”, he groaned as your continued to slowly grind against him.

You decided to give in to him when you positioned yourself with him and slowly let him in. It took you some time to get use to used to him but once you did, you started to pick up the pace. He responded by lifting his hips off the bed to meet yours with every thrust.

You were both moaning and mumbling incoherently as the thrusts got sloppy. You began you feel the pressure build up and he removed a hand from your hip and started to rub your clit. You rode out your climaxes as you dug your nails deeper into his chest.

You collapsed on the bed next to him, both of you catching your breathe. “That was amazing”, he says still breathless. “Yeah, it was”, you say as you get up and begin to gather your clothes.

“Where are you going?”, he asks propping himself up on his elbow. “Erm, home”, you say as you put your underwear on. Theo quickly grabs your bra and holds you against him when you try to reach for it. “Stay”, he says sweetly. “Theoooo”, you whine knowing you can’t stay. “Please”, he mumbles and he nuzzles into you neck.

“Fine”, you give in and throw on his shirt before climbing back in bed, cuddling up to Theo’s side as he wraps his arms around you.

Teen Wolf Seasons Ranking

(worsttobest) (just my opinion)

2 - I just didn’t really like the overall plot. Matt was weird and Jackson was just a jerk so it was hard to feel sorry for him but loved the addition of Isaac. Also, Allisons attitude towards the end just pissed me off and I hated how everything just forgave her so easily.

6B - A mess. Loved the idea of the Anuk-ite but it wasn’t done well. It got defeated too easily and they should have “permanently” defeated Monroes army and THEN make 6A the real ending and then the movie could have started with all of them apart and coming together for the next big threat. Too little Stiles. What’s the point of making Stydia canon and then doingnothing with it?

5A - All over the place. I love Theo but idk this season just didn’t do it for me. Besides, they did Stalia so dirty…

1 - Good first season. It gave the characters a solid base to show who they are but leaving them with room for development.

4 - Grea Idea. Poor execution. Loved the Deadpool arc but the reveal about who started it was just anticlimactic. Wish we could have seen more of young Derek, at least a few episodes, before he turned back. But overall I really enjoyed this season, especially bc of STALIA WUHU.

5B - I really enjoyed this season. Love Theo, loved the story. Would have liked more fighting with the beast but overall great.

6A - Theo’s back. Stiles and Peter working together. Melissa and Chris. Theo and Liam working as a team. And the ending would have been the perfect ending for the show.

3A- Loved Scott’s journey of becoming a true alpha. Also, the Sheriff finally finding out and the whole story and style was a HUGE step up from season 2. My favorite episodes were Frayed (e05) and Motel California (e06)

3B - Void Stiles and Dylan’s performance *chef’s kiss* Do I need to say anything else?

Let’s try again!

18+ but prefer 21+

I’m looking for something specific.

Can be fandomless but I’m also looking for TWO fandoms in particular.

For fandomless— I’m looking for someone to make a werewolf OC out of Tyler Hoechlin. I’m looking for a high fantasy, world building forum with this. Against Tyler, I will be playing a female OC.

I prefer to double, so I will gladly play an FC of your choice against whoever you want!

For the Fandoms— I’m looking for the SHOW Superman and Lois, I’m obviously looking for someone to play  canon correct portrayal of Tyler Hoechlins Superman, Clark Kent/Kal-El against my female OC.

I will play whoever you want from that show as well against whoever you decide.

Fandom number two, I’m looking for TEEN WOLF. I’m looking for someone to play as Derek Hale.

Again, I’ll play anyone you want from that show as well.

I like rapid fire, I prefer daily responses, multiple times a day, but I do understand life and getting busy. That’s where communication comes in.

I’m looking for someone not afraid to get dark with some storylines. Someone with little to no limits. Except the obvious, deep pedophilia, bathroom play and incest. I will NOT do those. Other than that, a story doesn’t effect my IRL morals. But I will respect your limits.

LITERATE AND DESCRIPTIVE WRITERS ONLY. I will not accept anything less than 2 lengthy paragraphs.

Please be smut friendly and kink friendly. People of color friendly and lgbtq friendly. Otherwise, don’t hit me up LOL

I also like drama! Every meaning of that word.

If we are in a texting style rp, then one lines at that point are acceptable.

I prefer female partners, I’m a female myself— I’ll make an exception if you can prove you’re not a creepy male.

I roleplay on DISCORD ONLY.

My discord is ToInfinityyy#3748

Sometimes it doesn’t let people add me. I don’t know why. Just comment or private message me your own tag and I’ll add you.


  • Stiles Stilinski x Reader! Half-sibling!Mccall
  • Word count: 3404
  • Warnings: Mentions of  injuries, blood, swearing (always), etc.



My leg bounced up and down. My lower lip seemed to be permanently stuck between my teeth, sometimes the taste of blood invading my senses. My eyes shifted from looking at my old dirty sneakers to the front door of the house, impatiently waiting for Rafe McCall to come back.

As soon as the front door of the McCall house opened, I quickly stood up from where I was sitting, on the last steps of the stairs. Rafe glanced at me while slowly closing the door, then stepping closer to me. “It’s here.” I quickly grabbed the papers that he was gripping in his hands.

I sighed, my entire body shaking a little. The possibility of Scott McCall not being my brother was there, and it terrified me. My fingers fumbled with the papers, trying to open the envelope. “Ah, fuck,” I mumbled. “I can’t open th-.”

The papers were taken from me by Rafe as he quickly opened the envelope, taking a couple of sheets out. His eyes rapidly moving over it. He gulped, glanced at me then back down. The papers were offered to me.

I didn’t hesitate, gripping them tightly and glancing at all the words written on them, just trying to find what I wanted to know. “Based on testing results obtained from analyses of the DNA loci listed, the probability of paternity is 99.9998%.” I rapidly glanced up at Rafe, seeing him smiling. I couldn’t help but smile back. And even though there were a lot of things unresolved between us, I was happy. I was happy because I was related to Scott McCall. Therefore, without thinking about it, I ended up hugging Rafe for a couple of seconds. Then, I ran upstairs, knowing that Scott and Stiles were there.

My brother’s room was empty, but when I heard both boys speaking in the bathroom, I couldn’t help but run into the room. “Scott!” Both boys quickly turned around to glance at me. “The results came. Rafe McCall is my dad!” I was grinning like a fool.

“Are you serious?” His mouth was agape, trying to fight the biggest grin ever. I nodded my head. “Yes! Oh my god, yes!” He shuffled closer to me, hugging me tightly. My feet weren’t touching the ground as he spun me around. We were siblings. We both were McCalls’.

Other arms were placed around me, and that is when I saw Stiles embracing his two favourite McCalls’. He was probably as excited and happy as us.

Nevertheless, I blinked fastly while my mouth widened. “What the heck is going on?” There was a boy inside the bathtub. It looked like the new kid that attended the lacrosse tryouts and that Scott accidentally injured. “What the-.” His mouth was tapped and his limbs secluded together so he wouldn’t be able to move.

When both boys noticed that I was glancing at the boy, Stiles quickly grabbed the curtain, hiding the boy behind it. “I am as surprised as you.” My boyfriend added as my brother took us to his room.

Scott and Stiles sat down on the bed while I was pacing around. “So you bit him,” I replied after my brother had told us what had happened.


“And you kidnapped him.” Stiles glanced at me as he stated.


“And brought him here.” My boyfriend and I said once again, but this time at the same time.

His gaze shifted from his best friend to me. “I panicked.”

The other boy made some noises with his mouth as he exaggerated his facial expressions. “Yup. This isn’t going to end with us burying the pieces of his body out in the desert, is it?” Before anyone could answer, we heard more muffles coming from the boy, whose name I learnt was Liam. “As a reminder, this is why I always come up with the plans. Your plans suck.” Stiles gestured with his pointy finger.

“I know.” Scott was trying to keep calm. But how could he with a situation like this one? “Which is why I called you. So, what do we do?”

I hoped Stiles would have a normal plan that would take us out of this troublesome situation. But of course, we were talking about Stiles Stilinski, nothing with him could be a normal plan.

Liam was now sitting on a chair, still immobilized so he wouldn’t scream or run away.

“Liam, we’re going to take the tape off your mouth. If you scream, it goes right back on. If you talk quietly, it stays off. Got it? Okay.” The boy nodded his head, even though his eyes had that murderous look. “Okay.” The boy made some gestures to my brother, telling him to rip the tape off Liam’s mouth. However, Scott didn’t seem like he was going to do it. Stiles ended up ripping it, which made Liam grunt painfully. “Okay, Liam, now you’ve seen a lot of confusing things tonight. And more confusing things are going to happen because of the confusing things that happened tonight. Do you understand?” My brother and I glanced at him, confused.

“Not really,” Liam replied, which meant he was as confused as us.

“Good. That’s good.”

“I don’t understand either.” My brother was still staring at his friend as he voiced out his concerns.

“Maybe you should tell him.”

“Tell me what?”

My brother sighed. “Liam…What happened to you, what I did to you, which I had to do in order to save you, it’s going to change you.”

“Unless it kills you.” My boyfriend added as if it wasn’t anything to worry about. I quickly slapped his chest. “Shouldn’t have said that.”

“What?” Liam’s breathing became harsh.

“Oh..oh oh.” Liam glanced down as soon as he heard Stiles’s voice once again. “Is he crying?”

My brother and I immediately kneeled on the ground, trying to comfort him. My hand rested on his arm, and I offered him a tiny smile when he glanced at me. However, he looked away as he didn’t want anyone to see him crying.

“Liam, it’s okay. You’re going to be all right.” The boy ignored my brother as he sobbed harder. “You’re not going to die.”

My boyfriend kneeled too. “Probably not.”

“Stiles,” I groaned while rolling my eyes. “Stop it.”

“Okay, possibly not.”

“Would you just help me untie him?” They both quickly stood up, untying him from the chair. “Liam? Are you okay?”

“We’re sorry about that.” When he stood up, I noticed that the poor boy’s arm was bleeding. “We’re really sorry.” However, Liam grabbed the chair, hitting my brother with it. Scott fell to the ground as the chair had been destroyed when it collapsed with his side.  I gasped as Stiles’s grabbed my hand, pulling me behind him. “Liam, what the hell is your proble-.” Before my boyfriend could question, he was punched in the face.

Both boys quickly got up from the floor as they saw Liam trying to escape. The three of them falling down the stairs while Stiles’s scream that he ‘got Liam’. However, I was standing on top of the stairs, seeing how my boyfriend was grabbing my brother’s leg. Liam had escaped. Stiles’s plans sucked too. And when we find Liam, I would have a chat with him. My brother, no one touched him, even though he kind of deserved it from giving him the bite. However, Stiles wasn’t at fault.


I sighed as I was sitting down on top of Stiles’s bed. Tonight there was going to be a full moon, and we needed to take care of Malia. “So what’s your plan?” I asked my boyfriend as he sat down in front of me, taking a bag from under his bed. “Chains? I hate full moons. Can’t even imagine how they must feel during the full moon.”

“Well, then let’s try and make tonight the last time we have to use these. Besides, we might need them for Liam.” Stiles made a gesture with his hand, He wanted to put the cuffs on me to see if they would be too tight or too big for Malia.

He placed the cuffs around my wrists. “Are you and Scott sure he’s going to turn into a werewolf?”

“We’re not even sure if he’s going to live.” I sighed, hoping that the boy will live. Even if we all haven’t started on good terms. “ Is that too tight?”

“No.” I shook my head.

Hearing steps, I turned around to see Noah glancing at us with confusion and surprise. That is when I noticed that Stiles was cuffing my wrists. “Hey. Um…That’s…This is not what you think at all.”

“I-I don’t even want to know.” He shrugged, turning around and leaving.

“There is nothing to know, 'cause I just…”

I was flustered. “That was embarrassing.” We both chuckled.


“Scott,” I groaned. “You told him the bite was a gift?” I walked between both boys as we were supposed to meet the others where the buses were usually parked. “Why did-.”

“I just didn’t know what to say, okay?” He groaned, and I quickly felt bad as I knew Stiles had probably already talked his ear off. Kira, who was clutching my brother’s hand, squeezed it. “But listen, when he took the bandage off, there was nothing. No blood, no bite. Nothing.”

I sighed. We all knew what that meant.

The school bell rang as we walked towards Malia and Lydia. “I’m not sharing my basement.” Malia groaned as she glanced at me, I offered her a smile, trying to keep her calm.

“Actually, it’s my basement.” Lydia intervened, shrugging as she stared at the girl standing between Stiles and me. “And my mom noticed how you tore it up last time.”

“All right, she’s still learning.” Stiles squeezed her arm while I intertwined my fingers with hers, offering her some reassuring squeezes from time to time.

“But, we’re going to use the boathouse for Liam. It’s got support beams. We can chain him to one of them.”

Kira shifted her gaze to Scott. “But how do we get him out to the lake house if he doesn’t trust us?”

“I say if,” As soon as Stiles’s voice sounded, everyone glanced at him. No one was ever prepared for the crazy things that could come out of his mouth. “If it keeps him from murdering someone we chloroform the little bastard and throw him in the lake.”

“I’m in.” Malia raised her hand.

I let her hand go as I walked to the other side to be able to punch my boyfriend’s arm. He hissed as he glanced at me. “Stop saying things like that! She will end up thinking that’s how we solve problems around here!” I whispered, hoping the girl wouldn’t hear me.

“But…” His face came closer to mine as he whispered back. “Isn’t that how we should problems around here?”

“No.” I huffed.

“Can I get a kiss? Your lips look so good right now.” I could feel all my body becoming hot. And as soon as his lips came in contact with mine, I bit his lower lip. “Ouch, what was that for?”

“Because you were being a bad boy.”

“I-.” His eyes were wide open as he glanced at me. “I kinda liked that. Can you say it aga-.” I slightly slapped the back of his head, trying to make him shut up and pay attention to what everyone else was saying.

“Let’s be smarter,” Lydia spoke. “We tell him there’s a party and invite him.”

“So, you’re going to ask out a freshman?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

“No, I’m done with teenage boys.” She answered back, and I couldn’t help but smile. Perhaps Lydia had her sight on someone older. “But, if we’re playing a trick on someone, we’ll have to use the trickster.”

We all glanced at Kira. “Who? Me? No way. Not me.”

“Yes, you. You know what they call a female fox? A vixen.”

“Me?” We all nodded, smiling at her. Although, she didn’t seem to be convinced by all of this.

“You can do it, Kira. Be a vixen.”


It was already night. We were waiting for Kira and Liam to arrive. The other two girls and I were resting our backs against Roscoe as my brother parked his bike in front of us, getting off it. “I just talked to Kira. She’s on her way. She said it’s all going fine.”

My boyfriend walked closer to my brother, ready to let him know what we had found out about Liam a couple of minutes ago. “It’s not that. I have to tell you something. I asked around about Liam. I know why he got kicked out of his last school.”

“This is going to be bad, isn’t it?”

Stiles sighed while looking through his phone. “He kind of got into it with one of his teachers. And…Uhm. The kid’s got some serious anger issues.”

“How serious?”

“Well, that’s his teacher’s car. After he took a crowbar to it.” He passed his phone to Scott so he would be able to examine the picture. I’ve seen it before and the car was completely destroyed. Windows were shattered, flat tires, and he had carved 'This is your fault’ on one of the sides of the car.

We decided to wait inside Lydia’s lake house. A couple of minutes later, the door was opened and Liam didn’t seem to be happy when he saw all of us waiting for him. Stiles waved at him. Kira stopped him from trying to escape. “Sorry.”

“What the hell is this?”

“Think of it like an intervention. You have a problem, Liam.”

“And we’re the only ones that can help.” My brother added while stepping forward.

“Werewolf? Werecoyote. Banshee. A siren. Fox?” He glanced at every one of us.

“Kitsune. But fox works.”

His arms were crossed over his chest. “What are you?”

“Uh, for a little while, I was possessed by an evil spirit.” He nodded his head while I rolled my eyes, a little smirk decorating my face. “It was very evil.”

“What are you now?”

“Uhm, better.” He glanced around, trying to meet someone’s eyes. His hazel ones met my gaze. “Also her boyfriend. Yea.” He had a proud smile decorating his features, which made me chuckle as I was flustered by his smile and his arm around my waist.

Liam ignored the exchange between the Stilinski boy and me as he glanced at the tale. “Are those for me?” The bag with the cuffs was resting on top of it.

“No, they’re for me.” Malia flashed her blue eyes.

Liam became nervous, staring at every one of us as his breath was laborious. He asked how Malia was able to do that with her eyes, changing their colour and making them flash. “You’ll learn. But first, you need to get through the full moon.” My brother reassured him.

“The moon’s already out.”

Scott smirked. “And you’re starting to feel something, aren’t you?”

“I feel like I’m surrounded b a bunch of psychotic nutjobs.” He spat. “You guys are out of your freaking minds. I don’t know how you did that eye thing and I don’t care.” His yelling became louder. “I’m walking out the door right now! If any of you try to stop me, I swear to God, I’m gonna…” Before he could finish his threat, his hands went up to his head, clutching it as if it was going to explode. He started gasping and screaming, his eyes unfocused and his movements clumsy.

“What’s wrong? Liam?” My brother stepped forward.

“You don’t hear that?” We all looked outside the window. A vehicle was passing by. The lights entering the dark living room.

“Did you tell someone about this?” Lydia asked.

“My friend Mason.” He gasped while kneeling on the ground. We heard multiple voices, not just one. “You said it was a party.”

“Who did Mason invite?”


Liam’s nails were out as he started to scratch the wooden floor. “The floors! Get him off the floors!” The strawberry blonde girl tried to get closer to the younger-looking boy. However, she was met by his fangs and growls. My hand snapped, grabbing Lydia’s arm and placing her next to me, making sure she would be safe.

Kira and Scott grabbed Liam, trying to take him away from the people who were going to ring the bell soon. Malia kneeled on the ground, whispering Stiles’s and my name, when we asked what was wrong, her eyes flashed and her fangs were visible. “Okay, we need to take her to the basement. Right now.” I glimpsed at Stiles, nodding my head.

When Lydia noticed that Stiles and I were going to leave her alone, she quickly glanced at us. “What am I supposed to do with the hordes gathering the door?”

The Stilinski boy sighed. “Lydia, who throws the best parties in Beacon Hills?”

“What? Me, obviously.”

“Okay, then throw a party.”

Malia was having difficulties trying to control her were coyote side. Both the boy and I were worried about her getting hurt with the cuffs more than the possibility of Malia breaking said object and hurting someone else. She was fighting against the restraints, and I noticed the cuffs around her wrists were starting to rip. “But I want to. Uh! I look at your faces and I want to slash at them. I want to tear at them. I want to feel your bones crack between my hands.” She desperately between gritted teeth explained to us why we had to leave her alone in the basement as she was scared of hurting us.

“We won’t leave, Malia,” I whispered, not knowing what more to do or say. I slowly reached my hand to her, intertwining my fingers with some of her locks. She seemed to be shocked by the action as she rapidly stared at me. A soft growl came out of her mouth, making me pull my hand back.

“No,” She whined, trying to get closer to where I was kneeling on the ground. “Do it again.” I glanced back at Stiles, who nodded his head, curious. My fingers started caressing her hair once again, sometimes scratching her scalp. The next time a sound came out of her mouth, it didn’t sound like a growl. It seemed to be mixed with a purr.

However, it didn’t take much time before she was growling once again. I tried to put my hand back, but Stiles’s hand ended up on top of mine, trying to hold me back. He offered me a smile when our gazes met as Malia freed herself from her cuffs, breathing heavily. “I don’t think you’re going to hurt us. And I think maybe you’re so afraid of hurting us because of what you did to your family.” What was he trying to do? “I know what that’s like. I remember everything I did.” Our gazes met, and I knew he still felt guilty for punching me. He felt guilty even if I reminded him that was Void, not him. “And the worst part is I remember liking it. Because I felt powerful. I felt fearless. And most of all, in control. But when I came through it, I learned something else…Control is overrated.”

The Tate girl breathed deeply, placing her arms around us, whispering her thanks as she was back to her human form. We also sighed in relief.

I told Stiles to stay with Malia while I searched for Lydia, knowing she was probably completely mad as we had left her alone there. To my surprise, I found her inside a room, looking completely spaced out. “Lydia?” I closed the door behind me as I slowly stepped closer. “Are you okay?” I noticed a record playing. “What do you hear?”

“The key. The key to break the code.”

The strawberry blonde girl didn’t hesitate to grab her laptop, where we were met with a white screen and random numbers, letters and symbols. She introduced a password, ALLISON. Then, a list started appearing. Names of people, name by name. “What’s this, Lydia?” I gasped a little, not liking the appearance of such a list. Especially when I saw our names.

“It’s a list of supernaturals in Beacon Hills. It’s a dead pool. And we’re all on it.”



TAGLIST:@og-baby-ob14-@savemypostcards-@cas-loves-pizza-@used-avocado-@mvrylee-@bilesxbilinskixlahey-@honeydoll-stark-@arieltheworldisamess-@softpeteparker-@kit-kat-katie99-@thatsuperherosidekick-@bexbetterxthanxwords-@big-galaxy-chaos-@littlemiss-forgotten-@enchantedcruelsummer-@coldfreakeggsexpert-@merla123-@sammypotato67-@weirdowithnobeardo-@maggiesblogsblog-@itskindyl-@bobo-bush-@moongoddesskiana-@multifandxm353-@irwxnhugsx-@xoprincessmel-@iclosetgeek-@andreagf956-@niawoods-@anerroroccurrrrred-@perrytheplatypus11-@trustfundparker-@nmriia-@steve-harringtonnn-@trustfundparker-@brithedemonspawn-@weirdowithnobeardo-@my-soul-is-the-moon-@azayamari-@poguestyle17-@bibliophilewednesday-@10minutesofscreentime-@momentitodebruh-@drikawinchester-@perrytheplatypus11-@my-soul-is-the-moon-@linkpk88-@royalreadery-@sweetest-serpent01-@teenwaywardasgardian-@sadcupofcoffee-@maliyamay-@seninjakitey-@tairisceana-@thegirlwhoimagined-@mackingjj -@daphnen21-@malfoystilinskii05-@caitsymichelle13-@awkwardnesshabitat-@d64d-n0t-sl66p1ng-@bshelley322-@teenwolfharrypotter - @daltonacademia - @mitchloveswriting​ -

People in bold means it doesn’t let me tag them.

Chapter 11

S2 Episode 12

SUMMARY: Y/N risks her life to get Stiles back and realizes how much damage it causes. The pack cures Jackson and summer vacation begins


TW: sexually suggestive language, violence, cursing, and fucking be prepared to cry bc i sure did. also the last TFFAF episode until fall :(

(A/N: I’M SO SORRY! I had this scheduled to post last night and I guess it glitched and didn’t! PLEASE ENJOY IM SORRY IM SORRYYYY)

“What? What is it?” Scott asks, noticing your eyes have wandered to the locker room door.

“Something’s wrong, isn’t it?” Isaac stepped forward. Your gaze didn’t meet theirs.

“Not something,” You shook your head. “Someone. Multiple people. Stiles is hurt. I think Erika and Boyd are in trouble but..” You hesitated, remembering the odd reaction Scott had last time brought up the topic. “Peter.. Scott, I think he’s back.”

“Who’s Peter?” Isaac asked Scott.

“What? That’s impossible,” He shook his head, ignoring the boy’s question. Your stomach sank as you felt a pull behind you. “What? What are you looking at?”

“He’s here,” You said cautiously, not yet seeing him but feeling his presence. It felt like the calm before the storm.

“He’s dead!” Scott argued.

“Not exactly,” Peter’s voice echoed through the locker room. You both froze as he stepped out with Derek. “Surprise. Y/N, that witchy sense of yours-.. It really is something else. Very impressive.”

“What the hell is this?” Scott questioned, stepping in front of you as a sort of first defense.

“You know, I thought the same thing when I saw you talking to Gerard at the Sheriff’s Station,” Derek bit back.

“Sorry, but I don’t think you get to be the one asking the questions. Not when the fucken antichrist over there has risen. Explain. Now,” You moved out from Scott’s shadow and stepped forward. Your voice was ice cold, everyone in the room felt the room’s temperature drop slightly as you spoke.

“Wha- Who is this guy?” Isaac questioned.

“He’s Peter. Derek’s uncle. Little while back, he tried to kill us all, and then we set him on fire and Derek slashed his throat,” Scott responded.

“Hi,” Peter waved. Isaac forced a smile.

“That’s good to know.”

“Why is he alive?” You narrowed your eyes. “And how?”

“Look, the short version is that he knows how to stop Jackson. Maybe how to save him,” Derek explained.

“Well, that’s very helpful except Jackson’s dead,” Isaac shrugged.

“What?” Derek blinked.

“Yeah, Jackson’s dead. It just happened on the field,” Scott confirmed, you all watched as the men’s faces dropped.

“Okay, why is no one taking this as good news?” Isaac asked.

“Because if Jackson’s dead, it didn’t just happen,” Peter began, careful to avoid your piercing gaze. “Gerard wanted it to happen.”

“But why?” His nephew spoke up.

“Well, that’s exactly what we need to figure out,” He stepped forward, now face to face with you. You flashed your green eyes in caution as if to say do not get any closer. He abided, face entertained by your fearlessness. “And something tells me the window of opportunity is closing. Quickly.”

“I don’t have time for this. I need to find Stiles,” You muttered. You shoved past him as you walked towards the building’s exit, ignoring the boys as they called after you.

You knew where your boyfriend was. More accurately, you knew who it was that was keeping him captive. As you broke through the school’s doors, you dialed a familiar number on your phone before pressing it up to your ear. You were halfway to your car by the time it stopped ringing.

“What do you want?” Allison’s cold voice answered.

“I couldn’t give less of a fuck about what Gerard does to Boyd or Erica. They aren’t my problem. I want Stiles,” You spoke with authority. “Give him back.”

“It’s out of my control.”

“Don’t give me that bullshit,” You snapped before pausing to take a breath before you got into your car. “Fuck.. I’m sorry. Look, Al. I know you’re mad at me. But you’re still one of my best friends, okay? I don’t want to hurt you or your family-“

“Don’t want to hurt my family, huh?” She scoffed. “That’s rich.”

“But I will,” The words soaked through her like acid. “I won’t hesitate to do what is necessary to save him.”

“Your treading on thin ice, Y/N. My grandfather will kill you if you-“

“You have ten minutes. If he isn’t on the porch by then, I will come inside and get him myself. And trust me, you don’t want that,” You interrupted, hanging up as you started your engine. It roared to life and you shifted it to drive, stopping as a figure ran in front and slammed his hands on your hood.

“Wait!” Isaac shouted. He ran towards the passenger’s seat and hopped in. “You could use some backup. What’s the plan?”

“I don’t need your help. Get out,” You scoffed. “I’m not going for your little pack. I’m saving my boyfriend. No more. No less. Get out.”

He protested by buckling in.

“Isaac, out,” You ordered.

“Ooh, I like the way my name sounds falling from your lips,” He smirked.

“Cute. Now get the fuck out.”

“Look, I’m not here to interfere. I’m here to watch your back,” He rolled his eyes. “I’m not here to save Derek’s pack. Or your boyfriend for that matter. I’m here for you. And you could use all the help you can get. So just fucking drive!”

“Fine,” You muttered after a moment. “But flirt with me again and I will choke you.”

“Oh?” He raised a brow.

“To death.”



You both stood in front of the Argent residence, only one minute left on your timer.

“So what’s the plan if they don’t bring him out in ten minutes?” He asked.

“I didn’t really think it through. You think burning their house down would be too dramatic?” You asked, earning a chuckle.

“Maybe a tad,” He smiled. “I’d opt for making their heads explode instead.”

“That’s so much more dramatic,” You shook your head, trying to hide your own smile.

“Maybe. But it’s more effective,” He smirked for only a moment before his face fell. You followed his gaze and saw the culprit appear.

“You are much braver than I ever pegged you for,” An old frail voice called as the front door swung open. Allison and Stiles followed close behind.

“Right on time,” You smirked, stepping forward. Your heart was racing at light speed, palms sweaty. Yet, you didn’t show an ounce of fear. A skill you’ve nearly perfected in the past school year.

“We’ll gladly give him to you,” Gerard began. “If you show us that green magic of yours.”

You narrowed your eyes and studied the old, wrinkly face. It was some sort of set up, you could sense it.

“Just a flash of the eyes will do, sweetheart,” He cooed, making your face scrunch up in disgust. “You wouldn’t be so ballsy if you didn’t have magic on your side. How you managed to hide it when we checked your blood is beyond me. That was a neat trick. But we need to see it now.”

You glanced at your boyfriend who shook his head, advising against it. But that’s when you got the first good glimpse of him. His left cheek was swollen and bloodied, the result of a repeated and hard swing. His lip was fat and eye was already beginning to darken from the impact. Your stomach sank, hard.

You couldn’t help it; green began to radiate from your eyes and hands, illuminating the dark around you. You felt the hairs on the back of your neck raise from the sheer power coursing through your veins.

“You see, Allison?” Gerard grinned. “She’s worse than a werewolf. More dangerous. Greedy. Explosive. She is a Sorcières Verte.”

Her neutral facial expression melted into one of pure anger.

“She had the power to save your mother. She knew she was dying hours before it happened. And she refused,” Gerard twisted up the story, only making you glow brighter. “Derek might’ve bit her. But Y/N made sure the job was seen through.”

“If you’re going to turn your granddaughter against me, at least tell the truth,” Your voice stabbed through the air like sharp daggers. “You kidnapped me and threatened to sacrifice me to save her life. Your little blood experiment didn’t work so you let me go. You threatened to kill Scott if I told anyone-“

“Look at that green magic, Allison. It’s beautiful,” He ignored. “Out of all of the monsters we hunt, I have to say, the Sorcières Verte has always been my favorite. They are the most dangerous of them all. They weasel themselves into your heart, and make it hard for you to kill them. Which is why it makes it so satisfying when you finally kill them.”

“Leave, Y/N!” Stiles finally broke his silence. “Go! Run!”

“Shut up! Now, Allison!” Gerard shouted. Her face was now emotionless as she held up a small crossbow. “Shoot!”

Her hands trembled as she aimed at your throat. You paused, wondering if she could actually go through with it, if she truly believed her grandfather. As soon as her finger twitched on the trigger, you snapped the string with your mind, preventing any further danger. Your eyes shot to Gerard before you held out your hand and blasted him ten feet back into the tree behind him.

“Come on!” Quickly, you grabbed Stiles’ hand as a group of men rushed out of the house. You held your hand out, causing them to reach for their throats, desperate for the air you deprived them of.

Allison stood still, watching as you took down their militia before you all ran back to your car.

“Are you killing them?” Stiles gasped

“No, just holding them back. Don’t look back. Keep running!” You responded as you watched Isaac start the car.

A gunshot rang through the quiet neighborhood, and it seemed as though time froze. Stiles and Isaac looked at you in horror before you finally felt it; the burning at your side. Blood quickly covered your shirt. Your hand went to your wound before you looked up to see Gerard holding a pistol.

“Can’t outrun a gun,” He chuckled. “Especially not one covered in mountain ash.”

“Something tells me you’ve never actually killed a Sorcières Verte,” You smirked.

Your eyes began to glow brighter. You hovered your hand above the bullet hole, cauterizing the wound. You had no clue how you’d done it. When in this state, you still relied on magic to control you. Though it was easier to remain conscious of what it did, it still scared you to allow such a mysterious force take over you. Before you knew it, your mind took control of his arm. His eyes flashed with fear as his hand brought the gun up to his temple.

“I could kill you,” You smirked. “I could make you kill your granddaughter. I could turn your brain to mush. You are in my complete control, Gerard. I am capable of so much more than you know.”

“DO IT!” He shouted. “You do not have the guts!”

Your eyes narrowed in consideration. You’d be doing the world a favor, ridding it of this evil man. But you knew it was not your place to kill him in front of Allison, not when she’s suffered through the deaths of her aunt and mother. You waited a few more seconds, taunting him as you began moving his trigger finger. His eyes clenched shut in fear before you made him bring down and unload the gun. Your eyes now back to their normal color.

“I am not the monster you say I am,” You shook your head. “I will not kill you. Not here. Not in front of her. But if you ever so much as touch me or my friends again, I will murder you in cold blood. Slowly and painfully. And I will make sure my face of content is the last one you ever see.”

“Is that a threat?” His frail voice questioned with amusement.

“It’s a promise,” You corrected before walking back to the car.

You climbed in the backseat with Stiles, waiting until the car was out of sight to groan from the pain.

“Fuck! You even scared me with that threat,” Isaac chuckled. “He definitely won’t be coming near us again.”

“I wouldn’t be too sure. He’s still the Kanima’s master,” You hissed as you adjusted in the seat. “God, I have no idea how I played that off. This shit hurts.”

“I thought you healed?” Stiles breathed, lifting your shirt to see the gaping hole left in your side from the bullet. “Never mind. That’s disgusting. I think I’m gonna be sick.”

“It’s not bleeding anymore, is it?” You groaned.

“I don’t wanna look again,” He shook his head.

“Stiles! I need to make sure it’s not bleeding!” You snapped. “Please!”

“Fuck! Okay, uh.. I’ll just lift your shirt again to check and- EW!” He gagged for a few seconds before speaking again. “No, no, uh.. it’s not like actively bleeding. But there’s still a gaping hole.”

“Maybe you need some Neosporin and a bandaid?” Isaac chimed in.

“You’re gonna need a big ass bandaid,” Stiles breathed out, trying hard not to gag again.

“I just need Scott’s blood to heal,” You let out a breath of relief before taking a look at his face. Your brows furrowed as your hand raised up to his cheek. He quickly pulled away and sat back in his seat. “Shit.. What did they do to you in there, Sti?”

“Oh, we just had a big therapy session and talked about our feelings. What do you think happened?” He rolled his eyes. “And while we’re on the topic, what you did was really stupid, you know that? You could’ve gotten killed.”

“You were in danger! What did you expect me to do? Wait for them to bring you back?” You argued, a little hurt by the way he was speaking to you. “They kidnapped me before too, Stiles. They’re cruel. I wasn’t going to leave you there.”

“You keep doing this, Y/N! You keep risking your life to save everyone else’s!” He huffed.

“Are we really having this conversation again?” You scoffed. “I save your life and I get a lecture instead of a thank you.”

“They were going to return me! You didn’t have to do all of that.”

“Hey, man. She was just trying to help. She’s been worried about you since you disappeared-“ Isaac began.

“Why did you even bring him?” Stiles interrupted. “Of all people, you chose the guy that is trying to get into your pants? No offense, man.”

“None taken,” Isaac shrugged.

“Why are you being so fucking rude?” You snapped.

“Because I-” Stiles stopped to take a breath, and corrected his loud tone. “You know what? Isaac, take me home please. I’m right around the corner. Take a left at the next street.”

“Stiles,” You blinked, not quite believing the way he was acting. The car took a sharp turn down his street, making you wince a bit. “Look, I can’t even begin to imagine the night you had. But can we just talk?”

“This is a conversation we need to have in private,” He shook his head, keeping his gaze averted on the road. The following thirty seconds felt like an eternity with the silent tension. He got out of the car as soon as Isaac put it in park and made a beeline to his house.

“I’ll be right back, Isaac. Stiles!” You called as you got out of the car. “Why are you so mad at me?! Can you please tell me what’s going on here?”

“What’s going on is that you have a death wish, Y/N!” He shouted. “Breaking the barrier, the thing at the Sheriff’s Station, and you got kidnapped?! You never even told me about that! And now this?!“

“A fucking thank you would be nice!” You threw your hands up in frustration.

“Yes, thank you for blindly risking your life for like the tenth time! Thank you. Stop trying to be the fucking hero here! Do you even realize that you’re the most important person in my life? Not even just mine! Think about your dad! Scott! Lydia! Your fucking mom!” His eyes widened as your face dropped. “Fuck. I didn’t mean- I just meant to say-“

“Don’t bring her into this!” You interrupted. “And you think I like being the hero? Always being the one to save everyone from the fucking bad guys?! No, Stiles! It sucks. But I can’t help it. Not when it comes to the people I love. I took a fucking bullet for you. And guess what? I’d gladly do it again if it means getting you home safe!”

“Fuck! But that’s the thing!” He said before sighing and running his hand through his short hair. “You aren’t even in the wrong here! I just hate that you keep-“

“Y/N, is that you? Oh my god! You found him!” You both heard as the front door swung open. Noah sighed in relief as he saw Stiles. He ran up to him before catching a glimpse of his bloodied face.

“It’s okay. Dad, it’s okay,” Stiles warned as if to calm his father down from the meltdown that was bound to ensue.

“Who did it?” Noah grabbed his face.

“It’s okay! It was just a couple kids from the other team. You know, they were pissed about losing and I was.. I was mouthing off. Next thing I know-“

“Y/N, did you see anyone?” The sheriff looked at you with the eyes of a hawk.

“No clue. I was driving around and I saw him walking on the side of a street,” You shrugged.

“Dad, I don’t know. I didn’t even see them really,” Stiles’ voice came out with frustration.

“I want descriptions!”

“Look, Dad, come on! It’s not even that bad!”

“I’m calling that school! I’m calling them and I’ll personally go down there, and I’m gonna pistol-whip these little bastards!”

“DAD! I just-“ Stiles’ voice finally broke as his eyes filled with tears. “I said I was okay!”

You felt a knot form in your throat when Noah pulled his son into a tight hug. You watched as the two cried and held on as if their lives depended on it.

“I, uh..” You cleared your throat. “I’ll leave you guys to it. I’ll catch you later.”

“Y/N?” Noah pulled away from his son and engulfed you in a quick hug as well. “Thank you for finding him.”

You resisted the urge to hiss in pain, not wanting to draw more attention to the matter at hand. Regardless, you smiled softly and melted into his embrace for a moment before he patted your back gently and pulled away.

“I owe you, kiddo,” He chuckled, wiping a tear from his cheek. “I really do.”

“You have no clue,” Stiles muttered, keeping his eyes on your wound.

“Oh, no, no. It was no problem. But uh.. I really need to get home so..” Your smile faltered, looking at your boyfriend whose gaze was now on the ground. You turned around and walked back to your car.

“I let Scott know we found Stiles,” Isaac spoke softly. You nodded. “You alright?”

“Honestly? I don’t even know at this point,” You sighed, looking back to see the Stilinskis walking back inside. “What did Scott say?”

“He needs me to meet up with him at the hospital. His mom wants us to check out Jackson’s body. Apparently some weird shit is going on,” He responded.

“Okay, let’s go,” You nodded. He stayed silent for a moment before taking a breath in.

“Fuck. Okay, you know I like you so this isn’t going to be easy to say but..” He drew in another breath before facing you. “I think you should stay. Fix things with Stiles. He needs you more than Scott does right now. Even if you don’t talk to him, I think it would do you both some good just to be with each other.”

“I think that’s the last thing he wants right now,” You shook your head.

“I heard the whole conversation and I disagree. Go. I told Scott to pick me up so you’d have your car just in case you need to leave and meet us at the hospital or something,” Isaac protested, taking the keys out of the ignition and handing them to you. You smiled and looked over at him in awe, making him chuckle. “Go!”

“Okay, okay, going!” You laughed, reaching for the door. Before you got out, you looked back again. “Thank you, Isaac. You’re a really good guy.”

“Take it back. With the exception of this, we’re still transitioning from enemies to lovers. Don’t get mushy on me now,” He frowned, making you shake your head as you chuckled. “We have a plot to follow.”

“Well, then, with the exception of this, we’re back on track,” You reached out and hugged him. “Thanks. For everything. Asshole.”

“That’s more like it,” You felt him smile against your neck before pulling away. “Go make up with your first love. Just remember; the sooner you break up with him, the sooner you’ll be able to get into a relationship with your last love.”

“Oh, and is that you?” You rolled your eyes.

“If not your last love, then at least the best sex of your life,” He shrugged, making you scoff and open the door. “I’m just saying! Think about it!”

“Oh my God. Bye, Lahey!” You laughed before making your way back to the front door. You hesitantly knocked before the door opened only a few seconds later.

“Y/N? I thought you needed to be home?” Noah frowned. “Is something wrong?”

“No, no. Everything’s fine. I just wanted to talk to him,” You explained. He smiled.

“Yeah, I thought you’d be back,” He chuckled. “He’s in his room.”

“Thanks, Mr. Stilinski,” You smiled, grabbing an ice pack from their freezer and making your way up to your boyfriend’s room to knock.

“Dad, I said I’m fine!” You heard from inside the room. You knocked again, hearing his footsteps and grumbled approach before the door swung open. He froze when he saw you standing in front of him.

“Hi,” You muttered.

“Hi,” He blinked.

“Your dad let me in,” You explained softly.

“He did?” Stiles asked a little too quickly. Your face dropped as you finally caught a good glimpse of his bruised face. “Yeah, of course he did.”

“God, it looks so much worse in the light,” You scrunched your nose, holding up the frozen pack of peas. He chuckled, taking them out of your hands gently.

“You wanna come in and talk?” He asked after a moment. You nodded and walked in. “I’m sorry.”

“What?” You turned to look at his regretful eyes.

“For yelling. And for not thanking you for, uh.. well, for saving my life. I felt bad as soon as I stepped away,” He sighed , looking down to play with his fingers for a moment before looking back into your eyes. “I don’t know how to do this, Y/N. I have no clue how to just.. allow myself to love you this deeply knowing that it’s a very real possibility that I’m going to lose you.”

“Sti..” You shook your head. “I’m sorry. I wish I could be more careful for you. But I think this is a habit I can’t break. I will always defend the people I love.”

“At what cost?” He furrowed his brows. “You got shot tonight.”

“It barely scraped me,” You rolled your eyes. “I’m fine! And honestly? It was a low price to pay to get you back.”

“That’s the problem. You don’t care about getting hurt!” He huffed. “But you know how I’ll feel? I’ll be devastated. And if you die, I will literally go out of my fucking mind. See, death doesn’t happen to you, Y/N. It happens to everyone around you, okay? To all the people left standing at your funeral, trying to figure out how they’re gonna live the rest of their lives now without you in it? Huh? And look at my face, huh?! Come on, you actually think this was meant to hurt me?!”

You pursed your lips, not quite knowing how to respond to that, opting to take a seat on his bed that was still warm. You kept an emotionless expression as you studied the carpet, deep in thought.

He was right. You were reckless when it came to your life. You, on some level, knew that if you didn’t change, it would lead to your downfall. You, above all, were a ticking time bomb. He was constantly

Stiles shifted. The anger left his body as he watched your eyes flutter as you tried not to cry.

“Oh shit.. Y/N,” He sighed before falling at your feet, placing his hands on your thighs. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

“The roles reversed in a sense,” You mumbled as you played with the silver ring on your finger, careful to avoid his gaze. “Remember that one time you and Scott decided to climb onto the roof and see if you could float down to the trampoline using a big umbrella? God, you idiots used to give me a heart attack daily with your stupid stunts.”

“How could I forget?” He chuckled softly, his eyes never leaving your own. “I broke my tailbone and had to sit on that donut pillow that was made for hemorrhoids for like a month. You called me Hemie for the rest of the school year.”

“I forgot I called you Hemie,” You let out a breathy chuckle of your own, finally looking at him. “I used to always be worried about you. I was the one that always stopped you guys from getting hurt. And the one that had to clean up your messes and wounds when our parents were gone. I mean, if that was hard, I can’t even imagine how hard this is for you.”

He blinked, not expecting the empathetic turnaround.

“I wish I could change, Stiles. I don’t like how impulsive I can be when it comes to the people I love,” You shook your head, placing your left hand on his right cheek and rubbing softly at it with your thumb. He closed in eyes and leaned into your touch. “I’d love to blame it on the magic, but this is on me. I just don’t think I have it in me to play it safe. Not when it comes to you.”

“Fuck,” He breathed, rubbing his palms on your hips. “I don’t know what to do, Y/N.”

“My dad offered to send me to Salem for the summer to learn how to really control my magic,” You began, his gaze snapped back to your face, searching for answers as to where you were going with this. “I can’t change. But I can get better at fighting. You won’t have to worry much about me if I get this thing under control.”

“As in Salem, Massachusetts? As in the other side of the country?” He blinked. You nodded. “The whole summer, huh? That’s a long time.”

“I think we both need the break. It’ll save you from worrying and save us both from having the same argument over and over again,” You said softly.

“A break? What do you mean by that?” His brows furrowed and his thumbs stopped rubbing small circles on your hips as he watched your gaze fall to your lap. “Y/N, look at me. What do you mean by that?”

“I think we need to take the summer and rethink everything,” Your voice was shaking now.

“No. No! Look, if you’re mad about me yelling or bringing up the same argument again, I’m sorry. But we don’t have to break up! We can just talk this through and-“

“No, Stiles. It’s not that,” You shook your head before he lifted your chin to see the tears running down your cheeks. His head tilted as a sense of hopelessness washed over him.

“Stop. Don’t. Don’t do this, Y/N,” His voice cracked as tears began filling his own eyes. His hands grabbed your arms firmly, as if you could disappear at any second. “We’re so good together. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted. Whatever the problem is, we can fix it. Please!”

“The problem is,” You took a deep breath, looking up to find the strength to finish the sentence that every molecule of your body disapproved of. “I don’t want to hate you. I don’t want you to hate me-“

“I could never-“

“Let me finish,” You smiled sadly, wiping his stray tears. “I could live the rest of eternity in your presence and it still wouldn’t be enough for me. It’s not that I don’t want this anymore because trust me, I do.. I just-” He shook his head, dropping it to your thighs. The sight of him softly sobbing into your legs hurt you worse than anything ever has in your life. You felt a sob come out before you continued. “I just don’t think now is our time. I feel like if we continue with the relationship, we’ll inevitably have a messy breakup, and I can’t take the risk of never talking to you again.” He shook his head and gripped your waist as you continued, careful to avoid your wound. “Let’s take a break for the summer, okay? No more worrying or fighting or risking us drifting apart. God.. I love you so much. I need you to know that. But before anything else, you are my best friend. And I need to put that before our relationship right now, okay?”

He shook his head, not wanting to look up. You wiped your tears before running a hand through his buzz cut hair.

“I hate this,” He finally said, sniffling as he looked up with his bloodshot eyes. “But if it’s what you think is best for us, then okay.”

“I am so in love with you it hurts,” You whispered, making his lips curl up ever so slightly. His gaze was piercing, as if it was committing your face to memory. His eyes scanned you, making sure to wipe any stray tears as they looked between your eyes and your mouth.

“So when does this whole breakup thing start?” He asked, now only looking at your lips as he licked his own.

“The second the plane’s tires stop touching California ground,” You muttered.

“So, since we’re still dating, do I have permission to kiss you?” He asked, looking into your eyes for permission. You smiled and he softly mirrored your expression. You nodded. He leaned forward and kissed you softly. “Can I do it again?” He whispered, lips all but still connected to your own.

“Yes,” You reached forward and grabbed his face, pulling it in, drinking in the sensation of his soft lips on your own.

“Ah,” He winced, pulling away and touching his busted lip.

“Are you okay? We can stop if you want,” You laughed.

“Yeah, we probably should,” He nodded, gaze slowly wandering down to your neck, to your chest, and back up to your eyes. “It’s the responsible thing to do. You know, us being injured and all.”

“Totally,” You agreed. “We’re hurt. Probably a bad idea anyway. Kissing.”

“Such a bad idea,” He muttered, leaning a bit closer again.

“The worst,” You whispered as you felt his hot breath dance across your top lip. He grazed his lips on your own and watched as your eyelids fluttered shut. He liked that he still had that effect on you.

“Oh, fuck it,” He shook his head, breathing you in before he crashed his lips on your own once again.

You were almost completely unclothed by the time the door knocked.

“We’re doing a school project, Dad! We’ll be right down!” Stiles parted from your breasts for a split second before taking you back into his mouth. Your head rolled back in ecstasy as he began rolling his hips back into you, repeatedly hitting the spot that makes you go crazy. The door knocked again.

“We should probably open it,” You whispered into his hair.

“If it’s important, he’ll yell,” Stiles protested, pushing in deep and watching your mouth drop open. He took the opportunity to put two fingers in your mouth, watching as your pretty lips began to suck. “Shh, shh. Keep quiet.”

“Stiles?” Lydia’s voice echoed through the room. You both gave each other a look of confusion before hopping off of one another and quickly getting dressed.

“What the fuck is she doing here?” You whispered as you pulled on your shirt.

“Beats me! I didn’t even think she remembered my name,” Stiles shrugged, hopping into his sweatpants.

“Y/N, open the door! I know you’re both in there!” She whined.

“Wait!” Stiles stopped you, you looked back before he fixed your hair. “Sorry, you have sex hair.. Okay, you’re good.”

“Lydia?” You asked as you opened the door, seeing the tears in her eyes. “Woah, hey. What’s wrong? How did you find me?”

“I tried swinging by your place but didn’t find your car, so I thought you’d be here,” Her voice quivered before she looked up at you. “They won’t let me see him.”

Your heart sunk before you pulled her into an embrace.

“I’m supposed to give him something,” She sobbed softly. “He kept asking for it back.”

“You got any tissues?” You whispered to Stiles. He frantically looked around before running out of the room and returning with toilet paper. “What is this?”

“I don’t have tissues!” He shrugged, placing it in your hand as Lydia pulled away.

“I tried calling Allison but she’s been distant since her mom died and I just really needed someone to talk to,” Lydia sniffled as you gave her the toilet paper. “Even if you guys do have your shirts on backwards and don’t have any tissues.”

You both blushed before looking down to see that she was right. She chuckled, wiping at her tears before sitting on the bed.

“I know,” She stated before looking up at you both. “I know about werewolves and I saw Jackson turn into that weird lizard. I also know about you, Y/N. Don’t worry, I won’t say anything. But I need your help.”

“Wh- How much do you know about this stuff?” Stiles blinked.

“Pieces,” Lydia said softly.

“Oh yeah? Well the other half is like a fucking nightmare!” Stiles scoffed, earning a glare from you.

“Half of it’s like a dream. But I can help him. I can help Jackson.”

“How?” You asked.

“Wait, Scott just texted me,” Stiles paused, looking up. “She’s right.”

“Of course I am!” She scoffed.

“Lydia, you need to come with us, alright?” Stiles said quickly as he fixed his shirt and grabbed a jacket for you. “We need to go. Now. I’ll explain in the Jeep.”



“A VERY BAD IDEA!” Lydia squealed as she held on to her seat.

“HOLD ON!” Stiles shouted as the Jeep rammed into the wall of the building. You all screamed and closed your eyes as he hit the Kanima and sent it flying back. “DID I GET HIM!?”

You all stayed silent as you looked over at Scott before the Kanima hopped onto the hood of the Jeep, making you all jump and scream.

“Out! Out! Out! GET OUT!” Stiles squeaked as he ran out of the car with you hot on his heels. You both ran over to Scott. He caught your arm and pulled you into him.

“Thank God you two are safe,” he breathed.

“Let me go! I wanna watch!” You fought against his strength.

“No, you don’t,” He shook his head.

“Wait! Where’s Lydia?!” You were now pushing with all your force to no avail. It all fell to silence before Scott let you go. You turned around to see the Kanima entranced by the key Lydia held up.

You all watched as Jackson turned back into his human form, stepping back. You sensed a change in the energy, subconsciously reaching out to Stiles and grabbing his arm as Derek and Peter both impaled Jackson with their claws. Lydia gasped and caught him as he fell to the ground.

“Do you-.. Do you still..” Jackson stuttered.

“I do,” Lydia sobbed, looking deep into his eyes. “I do still love you. I do, I do still love you.”

Your eyes filled with tears before you turned to Stiles and felt him pull you into his arms.

“I got you,” He whispered into your hair. “It’s okay. You’re okay, I got you.”

You pulled away when you heard scratching and looked up just in time to see Jackson stand up and powerfully howl in full werewolf mode before returning to his human form. Lydia ran into his arms and they hugged for dear life.

You looked at Allison and Scott’s intertwined hands as Stiles snaked his own around your waist.

Suddenly, it all felt different. An end of an era. The beginning of a chapter. The most popular couple hugged for what might be the last time. The sweetest couple you knew held hands as if they didn’t want to ever let go. And Stiles gripped your hip as if it was the last breath of fresh air before he had to go underwater.

You all parted and went your own ways after that.

Allison broke up with Scott. She decided to spend the summer away from Beacon Hills, apologizing to you before she left and promising to call you weekly. Scott was still in denial about the breakup, claiming wolves mated for life. And his soulmate was Allison. Oddly, you believed him.

Stiles spent the rest of the week by your side. Hanging out with you and your father in the mornings as you rewatched the original Star Wars trilogy. Making you practice with him and Scott every afternoon. And reserving alone time for the two of you every evening, taking you out on picnic and kayaking dates.

“You don’t have to go, you know,” Stiles muttered as he unloaded your suitcase from the Jeep.

“Yeah, he’s right,” Scott agreed. “We’re safe! It’s all done now. We can just live out a normal summer.”

“We thought we were safe after killing Peter and he’s alive again. Trust me, guys. I don’t want to go. But it really is for the best,” You sighed, looking down at your suitcase.

“Hey, you know what I just realized?” Scott asked, earning both of your attentions. “We’re right back to where we started.”

“What do you mean?” Stiles asked.

“I mean no popularity. No lacrosse. No danger. No relationships. Nothing! We get a fresh start. Well, you’ll get one when you get back,” Scott shrugged. You laughed and pushed him away. “Give me a hug before you go!”

“I’m gonna miss you, big guy,” You mumbled into his shoulder.

“Me too. I don’t think I’ve ever been apart from you for this long. Who’s going to stop us from doing stupid shit?” He asked, pulling away.

“I left Stiles a list of things you can’t do. And another one of things you probably shouldn’t do, but I’d do too,” You grinned, making him laugh.

“Call me every week,” Scott stuck out his pinkie. “I will come find you if you don’t.”

“Promise,” You giggled. He gave you one last hug before hopping back in the Jeep.

“So,” Stiles spoke up. “This is it, huh?”

“You’re free of me for the summer,” You joked. He didn’t smile. “Oh, come on! You get to do all of the stupid shit you’ve always wanted to without me looking over your shoulder.”

“I’d gladly give that up for just another week with you,” He sighed, making your face drop.

“Yeah, me too,” You muttered. “I’ll call you every week too.”

“You better,” He warned, making you laugh. “Come here.”

You walked into his arms and soaked in his familiar scent for the last time.

“Please don’t get a boyfriend when you’re there. I’m planning on winning you back when you come home. That would complicate things,” He mumbled into your hair, making you giggle again. “I’ve kinda got a thing against home-wrecking.”

“Same goes for you,” You smiled. “God, I miss you already.”

“Every week, you got it? I expect a full run down of every week on Friday afternoons!” He pulled away. His eyes scanned your face one last time before leaning in and kissing you gently. “Fuck, I love you. Stay safe. I’m only a phone call away so don’t hesitate to call if you need anything. Even if we are back to the just-friends label.”

“I love you too, Stiles,” You smiled sadly before placing another kiss on his lips. “I left a few naked pictures under your pillow.”

“I’m pretty sure just-friends don’t do that,” He smirked.

“Throw them away then,” You shrugged, grabbing your suitcase. “I’ll call you on Friday!”

“One more kiss!” He whined, making you laugh. You leaned back in, feeling him press a passionate kiss against your lips.

The second you both pulled away, the smiles both turned into sad frowns.

“Take care of yourself, okay?” You whispered. “I love you.”

“I love you more,” He pressed his forehead against your own. “Now go. You’ll miss your flight.”

You kissed one last time before you walked into LAX, turning back to see the boys waving from the Jeep and wiping their tears. You blinked back your own before walking in.

The end of an era indeed.


As always, please let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list! I love to hear your feedback so please feel welcome to leave a comment below. Don’t forget to likeandreblog, it really helps me out!

A/N:STOPPPP IM LITERALLY SO SAD. i love writing this series so much!! also i really wanted to make a more dramatic breakup but i thought it would be out of character for Stiles and Y/N. yanno, with the level of love and respect they have for one another, a “i hate you and i never wanna see you again” break would simply not be something they’d do. DO NOT FRET, MY LOVES!! I have a lot of angst and drama prepared for next season mwahaha!!

Also please let me know if you’d like to see any other fandoms!! I’m looking for new movies and shows so feel free to send me your recommendations!!

I just wanted to say thank you all for following along with this series!! You have all been so patient and supportive and I genuinely love you all so much. Ugh, I just hope you all have the best summer of your lives! I might be posting cut out scenes from TFFAF (post break up, magic boot camp, childhood memories, etc etc etc) later in the summer. Please DM me if you’d like to be added to the tag list!!


Chapter 10

Episode 11

SUMMARY: Y/N’s father is back in town. They have a chat about what happened the week before with her mother and what to expect from summer break. Y/N goes to work and finally begins talking to the boys again. The finals game is tonight and the pack has to fight off Gerard and his tactics.


TW: none besides like lowkey violence and the fact that i didn’t edit it hehe

You sat at your father’s counter, eating a box of stale cereal. You couldn’t seem to wipe the look of your mother’s face out of your mind.

She hasn’t spoken to you since it all happened. Not since she coldly ordered you to pack your things as you waited for your father to arrive into town to take full custody of you. You sat on the living room couch that night, teary eyed as your father angrily yelled at your mother, saying parents don’t have the option of simply giving up when things get difficult, that they had a daughter to prioritize over hurt feelings. You walked out angrily after your mother responded, ‘You call that monster our daughter? Do you not remember what happened to your sister?! No, no, no. As far as I’m concerned, I no longer have a daughter’.

You cried the whole way back to your father’s apartment.

“Morning, squirt! Give me some noggin, duuuude,” Your father gently head butted you before going around the counter to pour himself a coffee. “Want some?”

“Sure,” You responded without so much as a smile.

“What’s the magic word?”


“No, the other one.”

“Oh my god,” You rolled your eyes. “Can I please have a cup of coffee..” He raised his eyebrows expectedly. “Duude..”

“Only because you said dude,” He responded in the same accent the turtles used in Finding Nemo. He knew how you liked your coffee; oat milk with a splash of vanilla sweetener, just like him. ”Here ya go, sweetheart.”

“Thanks,” You mumbled, taking a sip as your mind began to wander again. He furrowed his brows, not used to seeing you so emotionless and aloof.

“You wanna talk about it?” He asked, leaning on the counter behind him as he sipped on his own cup.

“About what part?” You chuckled dryly. ”My best friend being a werewolf? Or maybe I can talk about the secret I’ve been keeping from you for months? Or finding out that I’m a Sorcières Verte? No, better yet, maybe we can talk about how all of this resulted in Mom disowning me and tossing me out like a stray cat.”

“Man, and I thought my life sucked,” He joked. You frowned. “Sorry. Good joke, bad timing. That’s on me. Look, I’m sure all of this will pass. She’ll come around, kiddo. Give her some time.”

“Doubt it,” You grumbled before taking a sip of your coffee. “She’s the biggest pain in the ass I’ve ever met so I wouldn’t even be that mad if she never spoke to me again.”

“Hey, she’s still your mom, Y/N. I hate her just as much as you do right now but I don’t like to hear you talk about her like that… Even if she is the biggest pain in the ass to graze this planet,” He rolled his eyes, finally making you smile. “Ah, there’s that smile! Tell you what. If you want to get out of here for the summer, my mother trains witches just like you out in Salem, Massachusetts. We can send you out there this summer so you can get the much needed training. Plus, it might do you some good to get out of this town.”

“Salem, Massachusetts? That’s, like, all the way across the country!” You shook your head. “What about my friends? No, they’re one of the only things keeping me sane right now. Isn’t there a way you could teach me instead?”

“I don’t have magic. But… I mean, I helped my mom train my younger siblings. I guess I can get her to send over some books. I don’t mind trying but.. Y/N, you’d be a lot better off with your grandmother. She can teach you how to control your powers in the matter of three months!”

“But then I’d have to be away from everyone I love for three months,” You pursed your lips. “I don’t wanna leave you behind. Or Scott. Or Stiles.”

“Speaking of which, have you spoken to them yet? I might do you some good to-“

“One lecture at a time, Dad,” You huffed.

You’ve made yourself almost completely unavailable to the boys. You called Stiles crying about your mother the night she kicked you out. He came over and held you in his arms until you fell asleep. After that,though you still talk to him every day, you couldn’t help but to be aloof. You weren’t ready to talk about your feelings, let alone go back to normal.

You barely spoke to Scott either, only about the things you needed to talk about; Jackson, Matt’s death, Derek.

The issue was that none of you wanted to talk about you were all going through or even casually hang out. Not when your mother disowned you. Not when Scott’s mom refused to speak to him. And certainly not when there was an awkward drift between Stiles and his father. For the first time ever, you all didn’t know how to go about talking to one another after that night.

“Right. Look, I’m not going to force you to go for the whole summer. I do want you to go, though. She can teach you more about control than I can, seeing as she’s a Sorcières Verte herself. So how about you go for the first week of every month? Three months of summer vacation. That means you’d only be there for a total of three weeks.”

“I can live with that,” You nodded, taking another few bites of your breakfast. He sat quietly before muttering under his breath.

“But I mean, the whole summer there would probably-“

“Dad,” You interrupted, finally looking up from your cereal. “I don’t wanna go across the country for the whole summer.”

“Okay! Okay! It was just an idea!” He says, holding his hands up in defense. He watches you as you take another bite of your cereal, taking a moment before hesitantly speaking up again. “Why didn’t you tell me, squirt?”

Squirt. He was trying to lighten up the subject by referencing Nemo. Somehow, it only made you feel worse.

“Why didn’t you ever tell me that magic ran in our family?” You shrugged. “I guess we were both afraid of the other one being mad or thinking we were crazy.”

“I wouldn’t have been mad at you. I hope you know that,” He sighed before continuing. “Look, I know I’ve spoken to you about my older sister- your Aunt Louise. I told you she died in a car accident with my dad when she was 16. Kiddo, it wasn’t the car accident that killed them. She..” He pursed his lips and looked down at his fidgety hands, as if trying to suppress the memories of her. He did this every time he spoke of her.

“I was nine so I don’t remember much besides that my father believed that she was a Sorcières Verte too. She refused to break a Mountain Ash barrier. Rightfully so too; she just didn’t want to go insane. She had everything going on for her at that point; head cheerleader, lacrosse-captain boyfriend, she was popular and loved.. I don’t want to get into the details but he put us in a situation where she was forced to break the barrier. He had this vision of being a family full of Sorcières Verte witches. Needless to say that he was compensating for not having magic of his own.

”Not even a day later, she had black blood coming out of her eyes and she was screaming at our father, telling him he was the one that did this to her all because he wanted the fame and glory of a Sorcières Verte for a daughter. She wasn’t wrong. But then.. She, uh.. she cast a spell that froze me and my siblings..” He inhaled deeply, as if he was questioning telling me what followed. He looked up at you for a moment before he finished his story. It wasn’t hard to tell that he was holding back tears.

“We watched as Louise killed our father. She said she was going to kill us to save us from the agony that came with magic. Just as she was about to kill us, we watched as my mother killed her oldest daughter. She was never the same after that. Ever since then, my mom’s dedicated her life to teaching witches how to control their powers. She’s damn good at it too because she never wants someone to go through the pain of watching their child go crazy. So.. Just think about it. Okay?”

Your lips parted and you nodded your head. He smiled sadly, patting your back as he grabbed his suitcase to leave.

“Dad, I’m so sorry,” You finally said. “I can’t imagine how hard that must’ve been for you. And I’m sorry for almost making you go through it again. I guess I didn’t tell you because.. I was afraid you might react like Mom did.”

“Sweetheart, I have never loved anything or anyone nearly as much as I love you. I knew from the moment I first held you that there was nothing you could do to change that. You never have to be afraid to tell me anything. I’m in your corner. Always,” He smiled, blinking away his tears before pressing a kiss on the top of your head. “Oh! And before I forget, here.”

He placed a set of keys in your hand. You looked up in confusion, making him laugh.

“I got you a car, squirt. I made a big deal with a company in Japan and they gave it to me for free. It’s all yours,” He grinned. “It’s the white Toyota Camry parked where Stiles usually-“

“OH MY GOD! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!” You screamed, practically tackling him as you engulfed him in a hug. He let out a loud laugh. “YOU’RE THE BEST DAD EVER!”

“I know,” He shrugged, pulling away. “I really have to go! But just know, if you crash that car, you aren’t getting another one. Got it?”

You interrupted him with another squeal.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” He laughed. “See you tonight! I’m making Honey Dijon Chicken if you wanna eat dinner after the game! Invite Stiles! Love you!”

And with that, the door shut behind him. You smiled down at your keys before quickly getting ready for school and darting out of the building to see the car sat front and center.


“Whose car is that?” Scott asked as you prepped the syringe for the next surgery. You looked up at him and saw him petting the dog to keep him calm.

“Mine,” You grinned. “My dad made a deal with some Japanese company and they gave it to him. So he gave it to me.”

“God, I wish my dad was more like yours,” He grumbled.

“Diddo. But with our moms,” You chuckled softly. “How is she? Your mom, I mean.”

“She has barely spoken to me since it all went down but, uh..” He hesitated, making sure Doc was nowhere to be seen. He lowered his voice anyway. “I was meaning to tell you this all day. Gerard broke into my house last night and-“

“WHAT?!” Your eyes widened as he covered your mouth.

“Shh! Listen,” He scolded before whispering again. “He’s the kanima’s new master. He broke in while I was showering. I heard a hiss and walked into my room to see Jackson holding my mom up by her neck. Gerard was threatening me. He wants to know where Derek’s pack is.”

“But the Kanima is used for vengeance and..” Your voice trailed off as it clicked. “Oh.. He wants to kill them to avenge Kate..”

“Bingo,” He nodded.

“I know you both are seeing other people. But for just friends, you two spend an awful lot of time whispering nonsense only mere inches from each other’s faces,” Doc smirked. You both looked at one another, only then realizing just how close you were. You both chuckled awkwardly and stepped away from one another before getting back to work.


“I think I forgot my phone in my car,” You smiled before excusing yourself. “I’ll be right back.”

As you opened the door, you felt yourself run into a tall figure. His hands grabbed your shoulders protectively, preventing you from stumbling over.

“I’m sorry! I just-… Isaac?” You furrowed your eyebrows. “What are you doing here? You need to be in hiding!”

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you sound concerned,” He smirked. You rolled your eyes, but he caught the smile you bit back. You looked up at his eyes, resisting the urge to squirm under his intense stare.

“Good thing you know better then,” You returned the same smirk. “Now go inside. You can’t be seen out here.”

“But I need to talk to you and Scott-“

“I’ll be in a second. Go,” You softened your voice.

“I like it when you talk to me like that,” He smiled softly.

“Go!” You scoffed, pushing him away as you continued to walk towards your car. He chuckled and did as told. You reached in and grabbed your phone, calling Stiles.

“Hey, you alright?” His worried tone rang through your ear.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” You chuckled. “Are you?”

“Yeah. I mean, I was just asking because you haven’t really talked to me in a couple of days. So I just figured if you were calling, it had to mean you were hurt or something. I don’t know!” He spoke quickly, an anxious habit. “Not that I’m mad that you haven’t spoken to me! I get it. You need space after everything that happened with your mom- Y/N, why aren’t you interrupting me already? I’m rambling!”

“I’m okay. We’re okay,” You laughed, hearing him breathe out a relieved sigh. “I was wondering if Scott told you what happened with Melissa and Gerard last night.”

“Yeah, he called me after it happened,” He responded. “It’s fucking ridiculous. It’s like as soon as we feel like we might’ve won one battle, a bigger one comes our way.”

“That’s exactly how I feel about it too,” You sighed.

“Did you really call me to tell me about Scott’s encounter last night?” He asked after a moment of silence.

“Not really. I kind of just wanted to hear your voice,” You admitted, making him chuckle. “I miss you.”

“God, I miss you so much,” He breathed. “I just wanted to give you space after everything that happened. I’m sorry I haven’t really reached out. Things have been a little awkward at my house too.”

“No, it was actually just what I needed. I’m the one that should be sorry for not reaching out. But thank you for that. I really appreciate you,” You smiled, hearing his breathy chuckle on the other end of the line along with the sound of papers moving. “I have to go back in but I wanted to ask if you maybe wanted to come home with me after the game? My dad’s making this honey dijon chicken dish. Then you and I can watch a movie or just talk about all of the stupid shit that happened with week-“

“I would love that,” You could tell by the way he spoke that he was smiling. Hard.

“My dad got me a car,” You grinned.

“NO WAY! HE GOT YOU A CAR?!” He shouted. “What kind?”

“I’ll show you after the game tonight!”

“You can’t just drop the my-dad-got-me-a-car bomb and then not tell me what kind it is!” He whined.

“It’s a surprise!” You laughed.

“You’re such a tease,” He grumbled. “But fine! I’ll let you get back to work. I’ll see you at the game tonight. I love you.”

“I love you more.”

“Yeah, okay. Keep dreaming,” He said before the call ended. You smiled before tossing your phone in your pocket and heading back in the building. You walked in, pausing at the doorway as you watched Isaac place his hand in Deaton’s. You furrowed your brows and looked at Scott who smiled back at you.

You walked in further and saw Isaac’s veins turn dark as he touched the sick dog on the table.

“What’d I do?” He breathed.

“You took some of his pain away,” You smiled, he looked over at you with teary eyes. At that moment, he looked so innocent. So far from the boy who constantly flirted with and taunted you. You couldn’t help but place a reassuring hand on his arm and smile softly at him.

“Only a little. But sometimes a little can make quite a difference,” Doc spoke up. Isaac shied away from you as he wiped a tear.

“It’s okay,” Scott told him. “The first time he showed me, I cried too.”

Isaac looked up at all of you and laughed. Doc ushered the dog away, leaving you all alone in the room. You began cleaning up before Isaac spoke up again.

“They’re leaving tonight, during the game,” He said.

“So why are you telling us?” Scott asked.

“I’m not telling you. I’m asking you. I’m asking for your advice,” Isaac corrected. You froze before turning around.

“From us? Why?” You furrowed your brows.

“Because I trust you,” He said casually. “Both of you.”

“Why?” You asked again.

“Well, I’m bonded to you. So I guess that’s what brought me out here in the first place. And because you always seem to want to do the right thing,” He responded as more of a question.

“I almost killed you, Isaac,” You let out a breathy chuckle.

“And I usually have no idea what I’m doing,” Scott shook his head before looking over at you. “Actually, I always have no idea what I’m doing.”

“Do you want to let me know what you’re doing right now?” Isaac asked.

“We’re not going anywhere, if that’s what you mean,” Scott shrugged. You felt an odd pang in your stomach as he said that, almost as if your magic was disagreeing. “I have too many people here who need me.”

“Well, I guess that makes me lucky ‘cause, uh… ‘Cause I don’t have anyone, so..” Isaac looked down before getting up to walk out.

“Are you gonna go with them?” You asked a little too eagerly.

“Yeah,” He nodded before looking over at you. Your doe-eyed gaze almost melted him on the spot. He could tell you didn’t want him to. “Yeah, I think I will.. But, uh, good luck with the game tonight, Scott.”

“Well, thanks, but I’m not going either. Can’t even think about playing some.. meaningless game right now.”

“You weren’t at practice last week, were you?” Isaac asked.

“No, I skipped it. Why?”

“And you didn’t hear?”

“Hear what?” Scott questioned. You stepped forward.

“Jackson was there,” Isaac blinked.

“What do you mean there? Like he was-“ You began.

“As if nothing had happened,” Isaac confirmed.

“Wh-.. That means.. The game tonight?” Scott stuttered.

“Yeah,” Isaac nodded. “He’s playing.”


“Stiles!” You stopped him as he walked out of the locker room. “I’ve been trying to call you! I was-“

“Scott told me already,” He nodded, pulling you aside before lowering his voice. “Gerard is making Coach bench him tonight.”

“What? He’s trying to bench Scott?” You blinked. “B-But Jackson-“

“I know, I know. Look, I need you to sit beside my dad and Melissa tonight. I need you to protect them if something happens.”

“What about you? No way, I need to sit close to the bench!”

“I have Scott. They need you. Please,” He pleaded.

“Stiles, I don’t think Melissa wants me near her. She’s my mom’s best friend and..” You sighed. His face fell, knowing exactly where you were going with this. “She probably wants nothing to do with me either.”

“That’s not true,” You heard a voice from behind you. You turned around to see Melissa smiling at you. “Sweetie, she might be my best friend but that doesn’t mean I agree with what she did. I’d love to have you sit next to me. I also wouldn’t mind your protection.”

You looked back at Stiles with wide eyes. He smiled and kissed your forehead. “Go. I’ll be fine. I can’t wait to see your new car after the game.”

Considerate Stiles. Never forgets a word you tell him.

You nodded before walking towards the stands with Melissa.

“I’m sorry to hear about your mom,” She began. “I tried talking to her about it but..”

“She’s as stubborn as a mule. I know. I appreciate you trying though,” You forced a smile. “Besides, I don’t think I ever want to talk to her again. Not after the way she acted when I needed her the most.”

“I don’t blame you,” She sighed. “It’s okay to be mad. Hell, I’m mad at her too. But don’t let that anger turn to hatred because the only person that’ll hurt more than anyone will be you. Even if she is a heartless bitch sometimes.”

You chuckled as you scooted in beside her and Mr. Stilinski.

“Hey, kiddo! How’s your dad?” He grinned.

“Great! He got me a car,” You smiled. They both looked over at you and congratulated you before they took off into a conversation of their own. You could sense Melissa’s nervousness as she spoke to the sheriff. Seeing Gerard surely caught her off guard after what happened the previous night. You took her hand into yours and squeezed reassuringly. She smiled over at you and placed her other hand on top of your own as the game started.


“Your dad comin?” Scott asked Stiles.

“Yeah, he’s already here. He’s sitting next to Melissa and Y/N,” He nodded, looking back at you to see you nervously biting your lip as you looked over at Gerard and Jackson.

“You seen Allison?”

“No, you seen Lydia?”

“Not yet.”

“You know what’s going on?” Stiles asked lightly.

“Not yet.”

“Oh,” He nodded before hesitantly continuing. “It’s going to be bad, isn’t it? I mean, like people screaming, running for their lives, blood, killing, maiming kind of bad?”

Scott looked over sympathetically. “Looks like it.”

Stiles sighed, blinking back his tears as he remembered the events that happened a week ago.

“Scott, the other night seeing my dad get hit over the head by Matt, watching as Y/N threw me aside as she prepared herself to take a bullet for me, while I’m just lying there and I can’t even move, it just..” He paused, keeping his eyes on the field even though he could sense Scott’s gaze. “I want to help, you know, but I can’t do the things you guys can do. I can’t..”

“It’s okay,” Scott said softly as his best friend finally looked over at him.

“We’re losing, dude,” Stiles shook his head sadly.

“The hell are you talking about? Game hasn’t even started. Now put in your helmet and get out there. You’re in for Greenberg!” Coach ordered.

“What?! What happened to Greenberg?” Stiles sat up.

“What happened to Greenberg? He sucks! You suck slightly less.”

“I’m playing? On the field?! With the team?!” Stiles widened his eyes as he looked back at his teammates.

“Yes, unless you’d rather play with yourself.”

“I already did that today, twice,” Stiles said without thinking.

“Get the hell out there!”

“Alright!” Stiles flailed around before running to the field.


“Oh, no. Why is my son running on the field?” Noah grumbled to you and Melissa.

“What?!” You gasped, grinning as you looked over at your boyfriend.

“Because he’s on the team?” Melissa said sarcastically.

“He is.. He’s on the team. He’s on the field! MY SON IS ON THE FIELD!” Mr. Stilinski shouted as he stood up. He looked around, blushing as he realized he gained the attention of everyone around him.

“WOOO! THAT’S MY BOYFRIEND!!” You shouted even louder, to take the eyes off of him. You stood up and jumped around. “GO STILES!!”

“Oh dear god..” Stiles muttered.

“You’re a godsend, you know that?” Noah chuckled at you.

“I’ve been told once or twice,” You smirked, making them laugh.

“I could hear you from the other side of the stands,” Lydia smiled as she walked up to you. Your eyes lit up as you scooted over.

“You made it!” You grinned, hugging her as she sat down next to you, almost forgetting about the events that were going to happen tonight.

“Yeah, I figured Jackson needed the support,” She nodded, snapping you back to reality. Your smile fell as the whistle blew. “You okay?”

“Huh? Oh, yeah. Headache,” You smiled half heartedly as you turned towards the game.

You gasped as Stiles caught the ball, about to stand up and cheer as he instantly got tackled. The whole crowd groaned.

“He’s probably just warming up,” Melissa said. He went for another ball before he got tackled again, harder than the last time. Not a single person in the crowd refrained from wincing.

“He’s just a little nervous. Plenty of time to turn it around,” Lydia took your hand.

A ball to the face. Another tackle. Then he tripped over his own feet.

“Is that Isaac?” Lydia asked. “We’re saved!”

You looked over at the field to see Isaac already looking back at you. You furrowed your brows as he winked before he got into position.

“… Did he just-“ Lydia looked over at you with a raised brow.

“I think he likes you,” You interrupted.

“I don’t think that was for me,” She muttered before shrugging. “He’s cute. And athletic. And popular. Maybe you should-“

“GO STILES!!” You interrupted again, not wanting to hear the next sentence.

You all watched as Isaac tackled teammate after teammate, trying to get enough people injured so that Scott could play. You chuckled as Isaac looked over at you and shrugged. It wasn’t until Jackson tackled him and he stayed on the ground that Melissa quickly got up, grabbing your arm and dragging you onto the field.

“Something’s happening, isn’t it?” She asked the two of you. “Something more than a lacrosse game?”

“You should go,” Scott told her.

“Oh, I’m not going anywhere. But everything that I said before, forget it. All of it. Okay?” She said. “If you can do something to help, then you do it. You have to.”

“I will,” Scott nodded.

“I got your back,” You said. He smiled down at you. “You attack, I’m right there with you.”

“I know,” He chuckled, placing a hand on your arm. “Go sit down. And maybe use some of that magic of yours to help us win.”

“You got it!” You said as you jogged back with Melissa.

You only had a moment to watch the game peacefully before you felt a familiar pull towards the locker room. You looked around and realized Gerard was gone too. Isaac was in trouble, you felt it.

Without an explanation, you shot to your feet and began running, ignoring the questions from the group you sat with. Your legs ran at full speed as you burst into the building. The pull directed you to the locker room. You slowed down, careful not to make any noise as you walked up to the door.

“This would be so much more poetic if it were halftime,” You heard Gerard speak as he dragged a sword towards Isaac. The boy’s eyes shot to you before he smirked. Gerard looked in the mirror before seeing two sets of glowing eyes staring back at him in the mirror; green and gold.

The crowd began to go crazy and you both fought against the hunters. You held your hands out, blasting them into the walls behind them as Scott threw them around like rag dolls. After the room fell to nothing more than the sound of their groans, you both looked around and realized you’d lost Gerard.

“Where is he?!” Scott asked Isaac. He looked around again and saw you were gone too. “Y/N?!”

“GOTTA GO!” You shouted from the hallway as you ran back to the field, not registering the fact that you’d lost the old man. You barely caught your boyfriend’s winning shot just in time from the distance, almost not believing your eyes as you watched number 24 shoot the ball directly into the goal. Your feet didn’t stop running, not even when they touched the field, not when the referee shouted at you, not until you ran into the arms of your boyfriend in the midst of his teammates’ blissful chaos.

“YOU DID IT!” You shouted as he spun you around. “I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!”

“I DID IT! DID YOU SEE ME SCORE ALL THOSE GOALS?!” He cried, pulling off his helmet to place a kiss onto your lips.

“Hey, get her off the field!” A ref called before Stiles rolled his eyes.

“I think your troublemaker boyfriend is rubbing off on you,” Stiles chuckled. “Go! I’ll catch you in a couple minutes.”

You nodded before jogging back towards Scott.


You looked at him as he looked around like a deer in headlights; that’s when it clicked. It all seemed to move in a haze-induced slow motion. Gerard was smirking on the sidelines. Jackson stood near the goal with slitted pupils. The lights went out. Suddenly, the crowd’s cheerful screams melted into cries of terror as they stampeded around you; mothers carrying their children as they ran, teenagers sprinting as fast as they could to their vehicles, teachers and policemen asking everyone to remain calm.

“Y/N, did you hear her?! Somebody’s down on the field!” Scott grabbed your shoulders, snapping you out of the odd haze. “Come on!”

“Stiles,” You breathed, feeling that something was off. You both jogged into the field to see that Jackson laid lifelessly on the ground.

“JACKSON! JACKSON! Oh my god! There’s blood!” Lydia cried as she ran up next to you.

You felt paralyzed, as if time was moving through you instead of you through it. Your eyes scanned the crowd as you looked for your boyfriend. You saw the sheriff, your friends, strangers, but no sight of Stiles.

“Woah, woah, woah! Your eyes,” You felt Isaac harm your shoulders and pull you into him . “Hey, your eyes are glowing. We need to get you out of here.”

“Stiles,” You breathed rapidly. “Something’s wrong, Isaac. Where is he?!”

“We need to get you out of here,” He repeated as he shook his head and he guided you away from the crowd. “Keep your head down.”

“I can’t.. I can’t breathe- I think these are Stiles’ emotions. I think he-he’s in trouble,” You choked out as your eyes filled with tears. You kept your head down until he opened your car door for you. Suddenly your mind was filled with visions from your boyfriend’s perspective; scoring a series of goals, scoring the final goal, you running into his arms, the lights going out, watching as Gerard blindfolded him before throwing into a van.

“Gerard has him,” You opened your eyes to show that it was no longer just your irises that were glowing. Your whole eye was filled with the luminescent green light as well as your hands. Isaac stepped back, afraid of your next action. “I’m going to kill him.”

Chapter 11 ->


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ONE MORE CHAPTER BEFORE SUMMER BREAK!! omg buckle in, darlings. the next chapter is going to be a doozy NAH BUT LIKE I LOVE Y/N’S DAD SO FUCKING MUCH BRO LIKE HE IS SIMPLY PHIL DUNPHY. thank you guys so much for the patience! i’m officially done with spring semester so there shouldn’t be any more delays for next week’s chapter! i am, however, taking summer classes just to catch it up lol so no promises :,)


Chapter 9

Episode 10

SUMMARY: Stiles and Y/N make up before the pack tells the Sheriff about Matt. They all go to the station to be confronted by Matt and later deal with the Argents.


TW: SMUT ISH LANGUAGE 18+ BAHAHA SORRY I DIDN’T THINK I’D DO THIS AGAIN BUT I JUST HAD TO / also i didn’t feel like editing this so i apologize for grammatical errors n shi

A/N: Y/M/N -> your mother’s name, Y/F/N -> your full name

You awoke as the stillness of the night began melting into bird calls, watching as the sunset began to tease the sky. The window was left open, allowing the soft gust of spring’s winds to move your sheer curtains in the same way the moon moves the ocean’s waves. The serene morning was accompanied with the faint snores of the sleepy boy next to you; his arm wrapped lazily around your waist, nose nuzzled deep into your neck.

Yet all you could bring yourself to think was how there was still an unspoken tension between the two of you. Though it was his innate instinct to cuddle up next to you before dawn, you knew that if you did not talk through everything that had happened, you’d only continue to be greeted with aloof hellos and awkward goodbyes.

Your wandering mind came to a halt as your fingers gently traced the freckles on his upper arm. If you knew anything, you knew that you loved this boy deeply, with each and every molecule in your body. You knew that you needed to hear his feelings and sentiments over the previous week’s events. Although you hated confrontation and scary conversations such as the one you’d soon have, it needed to be done to keep him in your life. For however long you stayed sane, that is.

You drew in a breath, reminding yourself that this wasn’t just some boy. It was Stiles; your Stiles. As stubborn and sarcastic as he could be, he was always understanding and forgiving. Especially when it came to you.

“Mm, only you can look this good in the mornings,” He muttered, placing a kiss onto your collarbone. You smiled down at him, happy you see his sleepy honey-colored eyes looking back at you. “Don’t you dare return the compliment or say ‘whatever’. Accept it.”

“You’re so cute,” You giggled, making him roll his eyes playfully. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it. Thank you… But you look better.”

“I missed waking up next to you,” He smiled, kissing behind your ear. “Is your mom home?”

“No, why?” You chuckled, knowing where this was leading to.

“Oh, no reason,” He smirked, hovering his face above your own, finally pressing a sweet kiss onto your lips. “Just curious.”

“Sti,” You giggled, pulling away to speak only to have his lips follow yours.

“Mm, no talking. Just kissing,” He said between kisses.

“I feel like.. we should talk about everything that happened,” You shook your head, trying to escape the wrath of his never ending pecks. He groaned, nuzzling his head back into the space between your neck and collarbone.

“Whyyy?” He whined before deciding to press a sloppy kiss on your chest with every sentence. “We could just ignore everything that happened and enjoy the morning. We have the house to ourselves. All alone. The things we could do right now.”

“Stiles,” You breathed as he dragged his tongue up your neck slowly, almost making you forget what you were nagging on about to begin with. “We can’t keep fucking to avoid the conversation.”

“I could make you feel so good,” He whispered, his warm breath against your jaw sent shivers down your spine. He smiled at the way your eyes closed, loving the effect he had on you. “I could hear your pretty moans without worrying about being too loud.”

You let him worship your jaw, neck, and chest for a while longer before you flipped him over, now hovering above him. You placed sensual kisses behind his ear before whispering, “Do I have your attention now?”

“You really want to talk about it, don’t you?” He sighed.

“Mhm,” You smiled, nibbling on his earlobe, reaching down to toy with the waistband of his sweatpants. “But I would hate this leave you so hot and bothered. I want you to talk to me about everything that happened these past couple of days. I’ll keep going if you do.”

“What do you mean you’ll keep going if I- Ohh,” Your hand made it’s way down his sweatpants, rubbing over his boxers. His voice quivered as he continued to talk. “I was mad you for breaking the barrier.. Fuck, that feels good.. And then I, u-uh.. I realized that you were right to do what you did. I wasn’t mad anymore I was- oh my god, just like that. I was just hurt and worried. I still am but- ohh, fuck..”

In the time he spoke, your hands toyed with his cock. You’d pulled his pants down, making eye contact as he spoke, watching him throw his head back as you wrapped your lips around the tip and sucking softly.

“Keep going, baby,” You hummed.

“I was distancing myself because I didn’t want to lose you. I don’t know how to lose you… Mm, you look so pretty when you bob your head like that. Fuck, what was I saying?” He moaned, wrapping his hand in your hair. “Oh yeah. I, uh.. Selfishly, I didn’t want to.. see you slowly lose your mind so I- shit, baby.. distanced myself. I guess I’m just scared.”

“I know you are,” You nodded, taking him into your hands as you spoke. “It’s okay to be afraid. If you need more space then I totally get it-“

No, no- I realized I’d rather stick around and see it through with you,” He said before throwing his head back as you swiped your thumb over his head. “I want as much time with you as I can have. God, especially if you keep doing this. That’s all I have to talk about, baby. I think it’s your turn.”

“So we’re good?” You asked as he placed two fingers under your chin and pulled you back up to kiss you.

“So fucking good,” He let out a breathy chuckle before flipping you on your back.

He was in the midst of leaving sloppy kissing down your breasts when you felt your stomach twist- something was wrong. You quickly sat up and looked out the window.

“Is everything okay?” He paused, pulling away and looking at you with concern.

“I think my mom’s home,” Your brows furrowed. He looked at you with wide eyes before you quickly hopped out of bed, throwing his belongings under your bed. “You need to hide.”

He quickly pulled on his boxers before running to the closet. You hopped back in bed mere seconds before you heard your door open. You pretended to be asleep as her footsteps approached before hearing the window shut. A few seconds later, your mother placed a small kiss on the top of your head before walking back out and closing your bedroom door softly, careful not to wake you. You waited a moment before you let him out of the closet with a smile, only to see him staring at you with a frown.

“How did you know she was home? I didn’t hear anything,” He whispered.

That’s when it dawned on you. You hadn’t felt that familiar feeling since before you’d broken the Mountain Ash barrier. Your mind flashed back to the millions of times you felt that feeing in your stomach; your stomach dropping as a warning. Your eyes widened as your breathing picked up in pace.

“Oh my god,” You muttered, checking your hands to see if there was any hint of black mist. But nothing was there. “You need to go.”


“Shh!” You covered his mouth. “I need to get dressed and wake Scott up. God, how could I have been so reckless? I shouldn’t be around you alone. We need him with us.”

“Wait, what? Why?” He asked, grabbing your shoulders. “Can you please explain what’s going on?”

“That twisty gut feeling I get as a warning, it’s back. Stiles.. If my magic comes back, I need someone there that’s strong enough to control me. Scott is the only one that has been able to snap me out of the black misted rage and…” You shook your head, looking up at your boyfriend. “Sti, I think I feel my magic coming back. I thought it was gone but the last thing I want to do is hurt you.”

“Look, I’m not leaving your side, okay?” He shook his head. “Let’s get dressed and grab Scott, alright? We can all go back to my house. We have to explain everything we found out to my dad anyway. We’ll just be getting a head start on the day, right?”

“Yeah, okay,” You nodded.

“But uh, I need to use your bathroom first,” He stuttered.

“Huh?.. Oh, yeah. Yeah, go ahead. I’ll get ready real quick and talk to my mom. I can distract her so you can sneak out. I’ll meet you at Scott’s,” You nodded. He smiled, pressing a quick kiss to your lips.


“So this kid is a real killer?” Mr Stilinski asked, looking down at the open yearbook on his son’s desk. You’d all spent the day at Scott’s house, figuring out ways to explain the situation to the sheriff. Time had slipped by, you hadn’t gotten back to the Stilinskis house until nightfall.

“Yeah,” Stiles nodded. His father kept his eyes on the book for a moment before responding.


“.. Yes!” Stiles bit back.

“No,” Noah crossed his arms. Stiles shot up from his chair.

“Dad, come on. Everybody knows that the police looks for ways to connect victims in a murder, okay?” He began. You and Scott shifted your weight awkwardly as he spoke to his father. “So all you have to do is, like, look through their transcripts and figure out which class they all had in common.”

“Yeah, except for the fact that the rave promoter, Kara, wasn’t in Harris’s class,” He protested.

“All right, okay, you’re right. Sorry. Then I guess they dropped the chargers against him?” Your boyfriend raised his brows. You loved seeing how quick witted he was when it came to debates and looked down to hide your smile.

“No, you know what? They’re not dropping the charges. But that doesn’t prove anything,” Mr Stilinski said, making his son squirm with frustration. “Scott, do you believe this?”

“It’s really hard to explain how we know this but you just gotta trust us,” Scott spoke with confidence yet kept his voice soft. “We know it’s Matt.”

“Yeah, he took Harris’s car, okay?” Stiles butt in.

“Y/N?” The sheriff looked up at you, knowing that though his son possessed the brain and Scott possessed the heart to solve this mystery, you had both. “Can I trust them?”

He held a special place in his heart for you, seeing as he witnessed you grow up before his very eyes. Not to mention that he had a big influence on who you were today, something he took pride in.

He remembered vividly when you finally grew as close to him as you were with Claudia. You were an outgoing kid, always smiling and striking up a conversation with him when Claudia sent you with lemonade or a snack for him. One day, he was out in the garage changing the oil on his old truck. You skipped in, handing him a bottle of water and asked him to teach you how to do it. For once, you sat quietly, observing his every move closely. Claudia had spoken of how impressed she was of how your mind worked. When she taught you new recipes, you’d quiet down and focus wholeheartedly on everything she did. Then next time she’d cook the same recipe, you’d correct her on her measurements and how long to leave the dish in the oven.

He tested the waters by teaching you the name of every tool he used before starting up again. When he reached out asking for a specific tool, he was surprised to see your little hand place exactly the one he asked for on his palm. You only needed to be told once for you to remember and only needed to be asked once to do as told, something he was not quite used to with his own hyperactive child. He was only reminded of your age when he accidentally got splashed with the oil and you threw your head back in a fit of uncontrollable giggles, showing off your missing front teeth. Without being asked, you helped him clean up afterwards. You’ve always been caring, responsible, and one of the smartest kids he’d ever met (excluding the intelligence of his own son). It was no wonder Claudia took such a liking to you; you were just like her. After that day, if you caught him sneaking off to the garage, you’d grab him a lite beer and a juice box for yourself before following suit.

So when it came to his son’s schemes, he knew he could count on you to tell it how it was.

“Though I’d advice against it on most days, yeah. You can trust them; they’re telling the truth. It’s Matt,” You nodded.

“Look, he knew that if a cop found tire tracks at one of the murders, and that if enough of the victims were in Harris’s class, that they’d arrest him!” Stiles finished.

“Alright, fine! I’ll allow the remote possibility, but you have to give me a motive. I meant why would this kid want most of the 2006 swim team and it’s coach dead?”

“Isn’t it obvious?!” Stiles held out his arms. “Our swim team sucks! They- haven’t won in like six years! Okay, we don’t have a motive yet.”

You snorted before covering your mouth with your hand and clearing your throat. “Sorry, allergies.”

“Mhm,” Noah deadpanned.

“I mean, come on, does Harris have one?” Stiles ignored, wanting to bring his point home.

“What do you want me to do?” Noah finally nodded. Stiles looked back at you, knowing his father would be more prone to say yes if you asked.

“We need to look at the evidence,” You pursed your lips, afraid of his reaction.

“Yeah that would be in the station, where I no longer work,” He said, unamused, exactly the reaction you anticipated.

“Trust me, they’ll let you in!” Stiles responded.

“Trustyou?” His father raised his brows.

“Trust… Trust Y/N?” Stiles asked, pulling you forward by your waist and placing his hands on your shoulders as if you present you to his father. You grinned.

“Y/N, I trust,” Noah nodded before driving you all out to the station.


“We’ll look at the hospital stuff first, okay?” Stiles whispered, taking your hand in his as his father spoke to the officer behind the front desk.

“Why?” Scott questioned.

“Because all of the murdered were commuted by Jackson, except for one, you remember?” He replied.

“The pregnant girl, Jessica,” Scott nodded.

“Yeah,” Stiles confirmed. “Since Matt had to kill her himself, somebody from the hospital could’ve seen him.”

You all followed the Sheriff to his office and looked at the hospital footage from the night Jessica died for half an hour, no sight of Matt anywhere.

“That’s him! That’s Matt!” Stiles said, pausing the video.

“All I see is the back of someone’s head,” Noah frowned.

“Matt’s head, yeah. I sit behind him in history. He’s got a very distinct cranium, it’s weird,” Stiles explained.

“Are you crazy?”

“All right, fine, then look at his jacket, huh? How many people do you know wear black jackets?”

“Millions, literally,” his father responded.

“No, yeah, I wear one too,” You nodded making your boyfriend roll his eyes. “What? They’re cool.”

“You’re right. That’s one thing I’m glad never went out of style. You know, I still have the one that Claudia gave me in the 90s and I-“

“CAN WE STOP TALKING ABOUT LEATHER JACKETS?” He flailed his arms dramatically, making you laugh. “God! Focus, people!”

“Okay, can we scroll forward? There’s gotta be a shot of him coming at one of the cameras,” Scott pointed at the screen.

“Right there! Stop! Stop! See? There he is again,” Stiles yelped.

“You mean there’s the back of his head again!” Noah huffed.

“Okay, but look. He’s talking to a couple of people.”

“Scott,” You warned, leaning in. “I think that’s-“

“Our moms,” He finished.

“Okay, uh, what time is it?” You asked looking over at the wall clock. “They we’re both working the graveyard shift tonight. They carpooled and should be on the way home by now.”

“I’ll call my mom,” Scott nodded, dialing and putting his phone on speaker.

“One second, Y/M/N,” Melissa huffed. “Scott, I told you not to go out tonight! Is Y/N with you? Her mother is looking for her. If you two don’t get your asses home right now-“

“Melissa!” You interrupted. “We need both of you to come to the station. We’re here with Sheriff Stilinski and-“

“DID YOU GET ARRESTED?!” Your mother gasped taking the phone. “Y/F/N, I swear to god if-“

“Why are you two eager to get us in trouble tonight?” Scott rolled his eyes, looking up at you. You shook your head, not approving of the way he was poking the two scariest bears you knew. “Listen, we’re not in trouble. We’re working with the sheriff to solve the murder cases and we think we found something. Do you remember talking to Matt on the night the pregnant woman got killed?”

“Kids, do you know how many people we deal with in a day?” Melissa asked sarcastically.

“This one’s 16. He’s got dark hair, looks like a normal teenager-“ Scott began.

“He looks EVIL!” Stiles chimed in.

“Scott, we already talked to the police about this.”

“Okay, Mom, I’m gonna take a picture and send it to you,” You spoke up, doing as told. “Did you get it?”

“Yeah,” She responded. “Mel, look at this. Is this the guy you stopped because he was tracking mud in the hall?”

“Yeah, that’s the one,” Her best friend responded. “Scott, what’s going on?”

“It’s nothing, Mom. We’ll explain later. Gotta go,” He said, hanging up before she could protest. You could only imagine their reactions to that.

“Okay, we’ve got shoe prints alongside the tire tracks at the trailer site,” Noah said, flipping through his evidence book.

“And if they match, that puts Matt at the scene of three murders,” Stiles began. “The trailer, the hospital, and the rave.”

“Actually four,” His father corrected. “A credit card receipt for an oil change was signed by Matt at the garage where the mechanic was killed.”

“When?” You asked.

“A couple hours before you got there,” He looked at his son.

“Alright, Dad, if one’s an incident, two’s a coincidence, and there’s a pattern, what’s four?” Stiles questioned.

“Four’s enough for a warrant,” He told him. Stiles cheered, holding out his hand for a high five which you gladly accepted. “Scott, Y/N, call your mothers back. See how quick they can get here. If I can get an official ID, I can get a search warrant. Stiles, go to the front desk. Tell them to let them in when they get here.”

You felt the familiar sensation you felt that same morning; your stomach sank and twisted as the words spilled out of the sheriff’s mouth.

“On it!” Stiles said, speeding out.

“Sti! Wait!” You called after him, grabbing his wrist and pulling him into the hall, closing the door behind you.

“What? Hold on, can this wait? I need to-“

“You know that funny feeling I told you about? The one I had this morning?”


“It’s back. Something’s wrong. I don’t think we should go out there,” You explained, looking around before feeling it again.

“I’m sure it’s just because of what we found out-“

No, Stiles, it’s something worse. A lot worse,” You argued before a sharp pain stabbed against your skull, you winced and gasped, grabbing at your head.

“Y/N? Y/N, are you alright?!” Stiles asked, grabbing onto your arms for support. “Scott!”

“Derek. Something’s wrong with Derek and.. Peter?” You breathed as Scott came out of Noah’s office. You kept getting flashes of their faces in your mind; Peter covered in dirt, Derek talking to Doc. The boys looked at each other in concern, afraid that this was finally it.

“Peter’s dead, Y/N, remember?” Scott asked, motioning Stiles to go to the front desk. “I got this.”

“You sure?” Stiles furrowed his brows, looking at you as you doubled over and gasped again from the pain.

“Yeah. Go,” Scott nodded before sitting you down in a nearby chair. “What’s going on?”

“I don’t think we should tell our moms to come, Scott. Something is wrong. I think Matt knows that we’re on to him! Derek’s in trouble and-“

“I already texted them- oh shit… Your magic really is coming back, isn’t it?” Scott frowned, trying to hide the fear in his eyes. “It’s okay, Y/N. Just breathe. Keep your thoughts-“

Scott! I’m not going fucking crazy!” You huffed. “Tell them not to come! Matt’s here!”

“No, he’s not,” Scott blinked. “Listen to me-“

“Stiles..” Your voice trailed off as your stomach twisted once again. Your mind silenced and the pain subsided as you felt a magnetic pull towards the front desk. You looked up at Scott before taking off running.

“Y/N! What are you doing?!” He called before running after you. You paused as your eyes settled on the situation unfolding in the front room; your boyfriend was held at gun point.

“Oh fuck..” Scott breathed behind you.

“That’s impressive. That little trick you do,” Matt laughed, looking over at you. “Too bad that instinct kicked in a little too late this time. Walk back to the office.”

You all stood frozen in place.

“NOW!” Matt shouted. You did as told, as he herded you back to the sheriff. His face dropped when he saw you all walk in followed by the boy holding the gun.

“Matt?” Noah spoke up, holding his hand up. “It’s Matt, right? Matt, whatever’s going on, I guarantee you there’s a solution that doesn’t involve a gun.”

“You know, it’s funny you say that,” The boy smirked. “Because I don’t think you’re aware of just how right you are.”

“-I know you don’t wanna hurt people.”

“Actually, I wanna hurt a lot of people,” Matt said casually. “You four weren’t on my list, but I could be persuaded. And one way is to try dialing somebody on your cell phone like McCall is doing.”

You all turned to your best friend to see his eyes close in frustration.

“That could definitely get someone hurt,” He finished. “Everyone. Phones. NOW!”

You all hesitated, looking over at the sheriff. He nodded before you all set your phones on the desk. Before you knew it, Stiles was being forced to handcuff both you and his father to the prison cell’s wall.

“Tighter,” Matt ordered, causing your boyfriend’s eyes to roll.

“Do what he says, Stiles,” Noah nodded. He did as told before the boys were led out of the room.

“Mr Stilinski, our moms are-“

“I know. I know,” He breathed. “Do you have any idea how to unlock these things?”

“Keys,” You responded.

“Okay, smart ass. I meant any other way!” He huffed. You sat in thought for a moment before your eyes lit up. You looked down at your cuffs.

“I have bobby pins in my hair. Can you use your free hand to give me one?” You whispered. He nodded, doing as told. “This might take a while. We have to be quiet. He’ll kill us if he knows what we’re up to.”

You fiddled around with the bobby pin for about half an hour, hearing all sort of noises coming from the boys. As time went on, your head began to pound harder and hands began to shake from the nerves.

“You alright there, kiddo? Hey, hey, look at me,” Noah said, placing a hand over your own. You looked up, beads of sweat now rolled down your forehead. He noticed your pale features, hoping this was nothing more than a panic attack. “Hey, you’re okay. We’re okay. There hasn’t been a gunshot yet, alright? The boys are fine. You have time, just breathe and relax. You won’t be able to get anything done when you’re freaking out, alright? Here, take a deep breath with me, come on. In… all the way in.. And out.. Again. In… and out.”

“So that’s where Stiles got it from,” You let out a breathy chuckle after a few moments of breathing. His father smiled.

“No, actually, I got that from his mom,” He admitted. “You alright?”

“Yeah,” You nodded. “My head is pounding but I-“

A gunshot echoed through the empty halls followed by the screams of women.

“MOM?!” You shouted, snapping your head towards the sound.

“SCOTT! STILES!” Noah stood up. “WHAT HAPPENED?!”

“Back! Get back!” You heard Matt shout. You felt tears begin to form.

“Noah,” You breathed.

“It’s okay, sweetheart. Keep breathing and stop messing with the cuffs. I have a feeling we won’t be alone for very long,” He placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. “Matt! Matt, listen to me!”


Within a few moments, you saw Scott enter the room with a bloodied abdomen followed your mothers. Their faces dropped when they saw you and the sheriff locked to the wall.

“Y/N,” Your mom breathed, trying to walk over to you before Matt shoved her back towards the cell.

“GET IN!” Matt ordered. The women quickly shuffled in, tears running down their faces as he locked the door.

“Please, he needs to see a doctor,” Melissa begged.

“You think so?” Matt whispered.

“Hey, hey! You listen to me-“ Stilinski shouted.

“It’s all right! I’m okay!” Scott interrupted.

“No, honey, you’re not okay,” Melissa sobbed, breaking your heart.

“It doesn’t hurt, Mom,” Scott reassured.

“‘Cause that’s the adrenaline, okay?” She breathed.

“Please, let me.. Let me just take a look at him, okay? I mean, I can help stop the bleeding,” Your mom spoke up. “I’m an ER nurse practitioner. I deal with this stuff all of the-“

“They have no idea, do they?” Matt asked you.

“Please just let us take a quick look-“

“Shut up. Shut up! SHUT UP!” Matt growled. “Ladies, if you keep talking, I’m gonna put them next two bullets though their heads.”

“Okay, okay,” They whispered before your mother wrapped her arms protectively around her best friend.

“Back to the front, McCall!”

And with that, the boys disappeared again.

“Y/N, what is going on?” Your mother questioned.

“Be quiet, Mom. If they hear us talking, they might kill us. Okay?” You whispered, now collecting your emotions to calm her down. “Matt’s the killer. He’s behind all of the murders, alright? He knows we know. But I have no clue what he wants.”

“Sheriff, can you get us out of here?” Melissa sobbed quietly. “My son is dying.”

“Any luck on those cuffs?” He turned to you. “You get them off, maybe I can sneak behind him and shoot him.”

Your heart sank. You knew that would surely get him killed. Stiles already lost his mom, you couldn’t have him lose his father too.

“I’ll keep trying,” You whispered, knowing you couldn’t unlock his as well. “We have to keep quiet.”

You worked for a few more minutes before you felt another sharp pain attack your skull.

“Y/N!” The adults gasped as they saw you drop the bobby pin and grab your face.

“What’s going on- are you okay?” The sheriff asked. “She keeps getting these pains, Y/M/N. I have no idea why.”

“I’m fine. Can you grab another bobby pin?” You shook your head. He hesitated but reached up nonetheless before handing you the small metal piece.

Within sheer moments, the lights went out, causing everyone to gasp before the warning lights and sirens began to wail.

“WHAT’S HAPPENING?! WHAT’S GOING ON?!” Matt shouted before the sounds of rapid gunfire made the loud siren sound faint in comparison. The room you sat in erupted into shouts as everyone covered their ears as smoke began to seep through the doorway.

You continued to blindly mess with the cuffs for a few more minutes, listening to gunshots, snarls and screams. Finally, you felt the cuffs loosen and smiled.

“I got it!” You chuckled.

“Atta girl! Okay, now, you see those keys?” Stilinski began, noticing your gaze was set on the door. “Y/N? You listening?”

“I’m sorry, Mr Stilinski, but Stiles already lost one parent. I can’t let him lose you too,” You said as you took off your cuffs.

“Y/N,” He warned. “Unlock these cuffs. Do not try to be the hero.”

“Y/N, listen to Noah!” Your mother ordered. You looked up at them with guilty eyes. “Y/F/N, DO NOT WALK OUT OF THAT DOOR!”

“Y/N!” Melissa shouted.

“I’m sorry!” You shouted, grabbing a nearby gun and handing it to the sheriff. “Protect them. I’ll be back.”

“Y/N!” They all shouted as you ran out of the room. You knew this office like the back of your hand; you’d grown up here. Despite the darkness, you flawlessly moved through the hallways, searching for the boys. You looked through the rooms before you bumped into someone’s shoulder. It wasn’t until the warning lights lit up that you realized it was Jackson.

“Oh shit!” You gasped, closing the door and running the other way. You continued to follow your instinct, turning left and right as the familiar magnetic pull drew you towards your next destination.

“OW! FUCK!” You heard your boyfriend yell as you felt your foot step on something.

“Stiles?” You breathed, crouching down to see him and Derek lying on the floor.

“Y/N!” Scott called from the doorway, crouching down next to you and slinging your boyfriend’s arm over his shoulder. “Help me pick them up! We need to get them away from Jackson!”

“Just take Stiles! I got it from here,” Derek protested.

You nodded, taking your boyfriend’s other arm. You both began leading him away from the room before you felt your stomach drop.

“Other way! Other way!” You choked out as Jackson appeared from the dark. You all gasped before turning around and running through a series of doors, shutting them behind you only so they could be torn down within seconds by the Kanima. You got to the final room, waiting anxiously for it to be torn open once again. But nothing came besides a distant shriek.

“Y/N, stay with Stiles! I’ll be back,” Scott ordered as you both sat him down on a chair.

“You’re kidding, right?” You scoffed. “We’re better in a group! I can’t protect him without my powers- Scott!”

“Stay here!” He ignored, opening the door and leaving. You scoffed in disbelief before looking over at Stiles.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

“You’re the one that’s paralyzed,” You replied, making him roll his eyes. “Yeah, I’m fine. So are our parents but I think we should go check on them.”

“But Scott said to stay put.”

“When have you ever been one to listen to orders?” You smiled, taking his arm and draping it over your shoulder again. “Too many windows here anyway.”

“Good point,” He nodded. You cautiously and quietly opened the door, checking to make sure the coast was clear before you carried him towards the holding cell.

“God, you’re heavy,” You groaned, slowing down as you continued to walk.

“Maybe you’re just weak!” He argued, making you chuckle.

“Don’t make me laugh. I need my strength,” You groaned again as you readjusted him on your shoulder. The closer you got to the cell, the more you heard the sheriff’s screams. Adrenaline kicked in and you picked up your pace.

As you finally turned around the corner, you saw him break free from the wall, tearing off the piece of metal he was cuffed to. Your mother and Melissa cheered before their faces dropped. You followed their gaze to see Matt rushing towards Stilinski, hitting him the back of the head and knocking him out cold.

“DA-“ Your hand slapped over Stiles’ mouth. You tossed your boyfriend behind the wall as Matt turned to face you. “Y/N, what the fuck?!”

“You really aren’t as smart as people led me on to believe,” Matt smiled at you, his eyes remaining completely emotionless.

“Look, I’ll do whatever you want, Matt. Just leave them alone,” You held your hands out, showing you came without a weapon.

“Please, as if you could offer me anything I don’t already have,” He scoffed, raising his gun.

NO! SHOOT ME! SHOOT ME INSTEAD! SHE’S JUST A KID!” Your mother screamed, rattling the cage.

“Now there’s an idea,” He chuckled before you all heard a snarl in the corner. You looked over to see Derek standing in one entrance before Jackson appeared at the other. You gasped before watching them have at it, throwing punches and each other against the wall. Matt began to run away, you innately stepped forward before he pointed his gun at you.

“You watching Stiles?” He laughed. “WHAT ABOUT YOU, MRS Y/L/N?!”

Your mother fell to her knees, screaming and begging for him to take her life instead of your own. Stiles pleaded for him to put down the gun. Then suddenly, everything fell silent. You looked around and realized everything around you began moving in slow motion as something inside of you snapped. You could no longer have this sociopath take any more lives.

A blinding green light illuminated the hallway; it came from you. Matt turned around quickly and shot at you, only to see the bullets had no effect and simply dropped as they hit you. His eyes widened before he took off running. You almost chased after him before you heard your name being called from the cell beside you.

You turned to see the Kanima standing on the holding cell, looking at Melissa and your mother with a hunger to kill. You held out your hand, feeling your hair blow back as you sent a blast into the beast. It slammed into the metal bars before falling back into the floor with a large thud.

Though you stunned it for a moment, it snapped back into all fours; its gaze set on you. Derek groaned on the floor, trying to get back up to help you but continued to fall back onto his stomach. You maintained eye contact with the monster, ready for it to strike at any moment, when you saw something out of the corner of your eyes launch into it, growling and it sliced through its back.

Scott now stood in full werewolf mode on its other side and Derek began to stand up, coming out of his daze. The Kanima looked around before rushing off into the hallway with Derek hot on its heels.

“Scott! Scott, are you okay?!” Melissa sobbed. Your mother stayed silent as she saw the green light illuminate from your eyes and hands. You both slowly looked their way, wishing you hadn’t when you saw the looks on their faces twist from concern to utter disappointment. Your mother wrapped a protective arm around Melissa as they stepped back from you both.

“No,” Melissa choked out before she sobbed quietly into your mother’s shoulder. Her eyes never left you, not even after the green light fades away.

“Mom, I-“ You began.

“Don’t,” She stopped you, making your heart sink. “Just.. don’t.”

“Get them out of here,” Scott turned to you. “You have your powers back. Make sure they make it to their car before you come back in and help me, alright?”

You nodded, barely being able to look away from your mother to acknowledge his order. The green light that once illuminated the room fizzled into nothing as your heart sank. It was as if you were looking at two different women; their motherly gazes of love and adoration now melted into nothing.

“Hey, you still have me,” He whispered, seeing the tears form in your eyes.

“You have me too,” You responded as you blinked away the tears. “Don’t worry about me, go.”

You looked over at the women in the cell before grabbing the keys and unlocking it for them. They simply stayed put, looking at you in a mixture of horror and anger.

“I’m not gonna hurt you, okay? I just want to make sure you get out of here safely. Help me drag Stiles in here so I can make sure these guys are safe before I walk you back out to your car,” You explained. They nodded, walking out, grabbing both of your boyfriend’s arms, and dragging him beside his father.

“Y/N,” He began, looking at you in concern.

“You okay on your own?” You crouched down, giving him a halfhearted smile.

“Areyou?” He asked hesitantly, looking at your hands. “Your powers are back, Y/N. Are you sure you want to be alone with them?”

“Sti, my powers are honestly the last thing I’m worried about. I’ll come back for you, okay?” You brushed off. “I’ll be fine.”

“WAIT THAT DIDN’T SOUND TOO CONVINCING!” He called after you as you left the room. “Y/N!?”

“What is going on, young lady?” Melissa hissed as you grabbed her arm, leading the way.

“Long story,” You whispered, checking to make sure the coast was clear before you continued to walk through the dark hallways.

“No. Absolutely not. You are going to explain everything to me! Why were you glowing?! Why is my son..” Her voice trailed off as she swallowed a knot.

“Look, Mel. I know you deserve an explanation. A really good one. But right now, I just need to get you both out of here and-“

“We are not going anywhere!” She protested, looking over at your silent mother. “Why aren’t you saying anything?”

Please, we have to be quiet in order for me to get us out alive,” You finally grabbed her shoulders, looking into her eyes. “Scott and I will explain it all soon, okay? I need you to be quiet. Our lives depend on it. Just.. Trust me.”

Trust you?” Her eyes widened with anger. “You’ve been lying to us and you expect us to trust you?”

“Okay, that’s fair. At the very least, just stay quiet and let me get out out of here alive,” You whispered. “Let me save you.”

She scoffed, pulled away from you before holding out her hand as if to say ‘lead the way’. You took a deep breath, looking over at your mother to see her emotionless expression before you led them through the halls.

You closed your eyes, focusing on where your magic led you, turning left and right when you felt it was correct. At one point, you held your arm out and pressed a finger against your lips as you all pressed against the wall. Jackson hissed before running past the three of you with Derek close behind him.

You continued to navigate through the bloodied halls before you finally got to the exit. You looked around before jogging over to your mother’s car, opening the passenger’s door for Melissa before looking into your mother’s expressionless eyes.

“Mom, I-“

“I know,” She nodded as Melissa got in. “Your father, he-.. I thought he was crazy until I saw his mother show me the very same magic you just used.. I’m disappointed in you for not telling us sooner.”

“I-..” Your voice trailed off, flinching as another round of gunshots and snarls echoed behind you. “Can we talk about this at home?”

She looked at you in a way that almost made her unrecognizable. It hurt to see that the adoration that normally decorated her features were gone; it was as if she was looking at a stranger.

“I’m calling your father. Talk it through with him. I don’t want you coming anywhere near my house anymore,” She shook her head before climbing into the car. Your lips parted as she drove off without hesitation.

You get your eyes fill with tears as you watched the women leave the premises. You stood in disbelief, feeling stray tears fall into your cheeks.

Your own mother didn’t want you anymore. Never in your sixteen years of existence had she looked at or spoke to you in that way. This was the woman who birthed you- raised you. And she simply kicked you out like a dog.

“Y/N!” You heard a familiar voice call from behind. You quickly wiped your stray tears before turning to face Scott who carried your boyfriend. “We need to go! Grab Stiles’ keys and.. Wait, what just happened? Are you-“

“I’m fine,” You interrupted. “Let’s go.”

Chapter 10 ->


As always, please let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list! I love to hear your feedback so please feel welcome to leave a comment below. Don’t forget to like and reblog, it really helps me out!

UM OKAY I WAS REALLY FEELING THIS SMUTTY (ish) INTRO BAHAHA!! no but like i know just how choppy this chapter was IM SORRY!! the episode was really awkward and none of the characters had much screen time so i was fighting for my LIFE trying to write this chapter lmaooo



❥ header is not mine


  • Theo Raeken

Could You Lasso the Moon for Me?- Falling in love with Theo and being Liam‘s sister…



Teen Wolf Requests are Open!

Could You Lasso The Moon For Me?

Requested By: @fives-cup-of-coffee

Warnings: Spoilers for season 5&6 of teen wolf.

Falling in love with Theo Raeken and being Liam‘s sister would look something like this…

  • You hated Theo Raeken with a burning passion.
  • Surprisingly, it wasn’t due to the fact that he had almost killed Scott and manipulated your brother into doing it for him. No, everyone had moved past that once he helped you guys fight off Gerard and the hunters.
  • You hated Theo Raeken because he was a cocky little shit.
  • Despite claiming you had moved on and forgave him, you would not willingly be nice to Theo and that frustrated him to no end.
  • I mean if he was going to attend Beacon Hills full time for his senior year he might as well befriend the only person he knew in the class.
  • But you were adamant on not befriending Theo.
  • The universe had other plans.
  • It all started in AP Bio when you forgot a pencil which wasn’t a big deal. It actually didn’t frustrate you in the slightest. It was when you got up to ask someone for one and Theo was turned around from the seat in front of you with a pencil outstretched in his hand.
  • You sort of just stared at it in confusion and he stared back softly and replied. “You need a pencil?”
  • Reluctantly, you took it because you couldn’t just refuse him being nice but it bothered you severely. This was your idea of him being a cocky shit…. him simply being nice was part of an elaborate scheme.
  • And poor Theo just wanted to be in your good graces. He was confused as to why your brother treated him like a friend and you were to keen on not doing the same.
  • His eyes subconsciously laid on you during class because he wondered how you were behind that stony exterior you put forth. There were things you did, small things, that he liked about you. He liked the way your pen lifted upwards instead of down and how you paid attention in class so thoroughly that it seemed like no one could disturb your concentration.
  • He tried little by little to get to know you and the occasion he finally did just so happened to be because of your little brother, Liam.
  • The two boys tended to study together along with Mason and Corey after school in the library. Theo was usually quiet when he worked because a). He sucked at math and b). He wasn’t necessarily friends with any of them.
  • And then you showed up to help Liam with his English paper and he took the opportunity to talk to you.
  • It took him a bit to talk to you because to be honest… you were pretty intimidating.
  • “Can you help me?” he asked quietly. You turned to him with a glare. “With my math homework?”
  • And then that glare softened because there he was embarrassed to ask you for help and you just couldn’t say no.
  • So for once without complaining you sat beside him and explained the problems, rambling as you did so which he found cute.
  • “I’m sorry.” you said, an embarrassed smile on your face. “I’m horrible at explaining things and I don’t know when something makes sense to me it just makes sense and I always feel bad-“
  • “It’s fine.” he interrupted, smiling. “No, you did a really good job.”
  • Literally everyone else saw what was happening but no one said anything except Mason who smirked and sent a sharp jab at Liam’s shoulder.
  • You agreed to be Theo’s math tutor and slowly, without you even noticing, you guys became “friends”.
  • Unfortunately the term could not define how Theo felt towards you at all. Each day he spent with you he fell more in love with your laugh, your smile, the way you teased him.
  • That cocky shit you once thought he was turned into a flustered mess.
  • “Why are you staring at me?”
  • “What?”
  • “You’re staring at me.”
  • “Uh, you’re just really pretty.”
  • He tried. He really did and his efforts were beautiful. Theo took you out in his truck and drove to the peak of Beacon Hill at midnight.
  • Nothing scared him and whenever you nervously glanced out the window he’d tease you relentlessly.
  • “I’ll protect you from any werewolves or coyotes, you know.”
  • “What scares me isn’t the animals what scares me is that I would need protection from you.”
  • The two of you would lay in the bed of his truck and stare at the stars and while you leaned into his touch unknowingly he was aware of every movement you made.
  • “Hey, Theo?”
  • “Yeah.”
  • “Could you lasso the moon for me?”
  • He grinned stupidly. “Like George Bailey?”
  • “Exactly like George Bailey!”
  • “Sure.” he responded. “Would you like the stars too?”
  • “You’d do that for me?”
  • He smiled. “Of course I would.”
  • “Why?” you asked. “I don’t think I’ve been nice enough to earn the stars let alone the moon.”
  • Theo leaned closer, his hand tucking a piece of hair behind your ear and you froze, staring at him as he treated you so gently. “Well, I like you and if I say you deserve the moon, I’ll get you the moon.”
  • The next second your lips were on his and he was shocked that you were the one who initiated it but he reciprocated at once because holy shit Y/N Dunbar was kissing him and that had seemed like an impossible feat a few months ago and now his hands were running through your hair and you were willingly watching stars with him and he could think of another million reasons why you shouldn’t have been kissing him but you were.
  • Enter Liam becoming the captain of the ship.
  • Liam giving Theo the little brother talk and Theo actually taking it very serious because… Liam… anger issues… yeah.
  • He may not have lassoed you the moon but he poured every romantic thing he knew into you and you didn’t think you could be anymore lucky.
  • Theo would try a million times for you and he didn’t regret a single minute.

No tag list because this is my first teen wolf piece but like let me know if you want to see more?
