#text post


when i saw the leaks i was so convinced that wasnt it. i was like “theres no way that dragon form is legit, there’s no fucking way. it has to be an early model or something, a place holder”

no blizzard entertainment tm is actually just delivering this upon us. im. at a loss.

I want another fallout rpg right now and i dont want bethesda to make it because clearly they cannot be trusted with the ip. Give it to me instead

the bf just messaged me “baby they added a new jar to elden ring and its a little kid”

What the absolute fuck does any of that mean??

i have all the drive to create and none of the confidence

constantly seeking that high that boyfriend to death gave me after playing thru all of Strade’s endings


what a complete embarrassment of a COMMENT. why in any world would fucking arthas need a redemption arc


what is a trait that you give way too many of your ocs



Tell me an inside joke between you and a friend, without context.

I beg of everyone to read the tags to this post, as they are all random and hilarious and read kind of like a poem, if the poem was written by someone who was on a lot of drugs.


i still can’t believe rastakhans “but do not make promises your body cannot keep” line was an actual real life thing that was put into the game. thats canon. it feels like its fake but its real. how

idk which bitch needs to hear this but in 2022 please put yourself first for once. spend money on yourself, on therapy, on things that bring you joy. treat yourself like you would treat a family member or friend. if you think something is too expensive to spend on yourself, consider if you’d hesitate to buy it for anyone else. give yourself the time that you keep giving to others. be less available. make yourself a priority.

what i really love about heartstopper is that none of the characters’ queerness was ever used as comedic relief. so much media takes cheap shots at queer characters to hint that they’re weird or awkward or abnormal and heartstopper never did that. the audience was never made to feel that these kids were lesser for their queerness and casual homophobia was shown as real homophobia and it was never allowed to be funny. i just love this show and the actors and the writers so much


In case anyone cares/something happens to my blog, I have a Twitter over at @goldennglorious ! It’s been sitting unused forever but I’m probably gonna try to use it more!

Oh yeah, not to worry, I’m not deleting my blogs. f one gets deleted, it was because of staff. They’re all over at @goldenandglorious , this one, @arcsilva@spongebob–screenshotsand@inkbrush-enthusiast


liberating women today by going out looking like absolute shit


biggest betrayal is when it’s supposed to thunderstorm and it doesn’t


I discovered Tumblr about a year ago. It turned from a guilty pleasure to an addiction to a conduit for my own brainwashing. I don’t know if it was the hypnosis files or just the constant bombardment of images as I scrolled and scrolled and scrolled. Either way, I cannot deny now that my whole way of thinking, my entire sense of self, has been rewritten.

The difficult part: I am married with kids. And he is not interested in any of this. Even subtle suggestions have been rebuffed. He’s a nice man, but he is interested only in the woman I used to be and pretend to still be.

I’m not sure where to go from here. I’ve tried giving this up and going back to who I used to be. And it works sometimes, for a while, at least. I’ll be away for a few days, maybe even a few weeks. But then I come back. I cannot help myself. And each time it just gets stronger…

If you know my blog, you know that I love bimbos. I don’t think that every girl should be a bimbo but I do think the world would be a much better and happier place if it had more bimbos in it and if it was friendlier and more welcoming for bimbos.

Having said that this next part might sound strange, but I have some hard truths for you. Your first priority MUST be your kids! Most of the time I believe that a Husband’s and wife’s first priorities must be to each other, children being a close second, but if you leave your Husband even though He might be devastated, He is an adult and would be able to take care of Himself. He might even find a new wife some day. But you are the only mom your kids will ever have. They depend on you. I do believe that it is possible to be a good mom and to be a bimbo. It’s a tricky balance to find but it is doable. It is a lot easier of course if you have a supportive partner, but even as a single bimbo I think that you could make it work. You might not be able to be as bimboey as you would like all the time but you could do it. But your first and last priority HAS to be your kids. Whatever decision you make, you need to make it in such a way that the kids are cared for and feel safe and loved.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Let’s not dump your Husband just yet. It sounds like you have only given Him hints of what you want and how you want to be. Is that right? Have you told Him explicitly what you want and the type of life that you want to live? I have noticed that most people never tell their partner exactly what they want, they drop a few hints, without explaining how important it is to them, the partner responds less than enthusiastically and then they get depressed and give up.

If that sounds like a difficult conversation to have then get some help. I suggest finding a kink friendly marriage counselor.

Psychology Today: Find a Sex-positive, Kink Allied Therapist

(Disclaimer: Not all kink friendly therapists are created equal. some may be comfortable counseling you on kinky scenes in the bedroom but may not have experience with 24/7 power exchanges, or you may find one that has dozens of Master/slave clients but is totally weirded out by this whole bimbo thing. So you may need to shop around to find someone who is the right fit.)

Have a few sessions solo with your therapist and discuss developing a plan for talking to your Husband.

Side note: A lot of times in situations like this I see people offer advice along the lines of trying to secretly get their partner hooked on the same stuff that they are into. I’m not a big fan of that approach. Having more sex is almost always good. And it will be helpful when you have your talk with your Husband if He has a per-existing frame of reference to what you are talking about, and even better if He has a positive association with them. BUT you really can’t change the way that people feel about things at their core. Even with hypnosis it always works best with their enthusiastic consent and participation. Don’t try to sneak your kinks on your partner.

Also don’t kid yourself, as alluring as the bimbo life might seem it’s not a sucking on Cocks and lollypops. the bimbo kink, really any kink, can be very isolating if you don’t have someone to share it with, and finding that someone can be very hard.

For example, let’s say that there are 10,000 eligible bachelors in your city, and maybe 1,000 of those that you would actually want to date, when you add a kink on top of that the number might drop to 50-20, and if it is a niche kink like bimboisim and hypnosis then you might be lucky to find two or three in your entire city who shared that kink.

And while some bimbos love the single girl bimbo life, a lot find it super challenging to be a bimbo without a Man to depend on, to please, to focus their sexual energy on, and who can do the big thinking for them. I suspect it is why you see so many bimbo blogs fade out. Without an active and supportive partner it is really hard to keep it going.

I don’t want to completely scare you off from what you enjoy. My whole mission here in Tumblr is to help and support bimbos. If this is truly the only way that you can be happy you should go into it with your eyes open.

Which brings up one last point, is this really the only way that you could be happy? If despite your best efforts you just can’t get your Husband on board, if you decide that you don’t want to leave Him, can you see any other kind of life where you are happy? If that’s the case then I would be happy to offer you some advice and suggestions on how you might pursue that too.

Those are my thoughts, but if any of my followers have thoughts or advice for @trophytoy I know that she would appreciate the help, or even just words of support.

(This post has been compiled from a DM conversation with @trophytoy with her full knowledge and consent to re-post.)


We’ve all seen some version of this. But here’s how I write it, with the most important at the top:

submissive needs
Dominant needs
Dominant wants
Dominant whims
submissive wants

Submissives First
In my mind, this is the only way it works. The submissive’s needs have to be managed first. Without those met, the submissive cannot let go and submit. When submissives have to devote energy to managing their needs and their Dominants’ needs and wants, it’s too much. Submissives have a tendency to put their Dominants first (and often, everyone else). So in the end, they suffer. They cannot do it all. And when they try, they wilt. Dominants must understand and work to fulfill their submissives’ needs. Or the whole hierarchy falls apart. 

But submissives have responsibilities here, too. First, they need to know what they need. Not want, but need. Second, they need to communicate about their needs—to help their Dominants check the gauges and rebalance when necessary. If you don’t truly know what you need, you can’t expect your partner to know. 

…But Dominants First, Too
The other thing is that I don’t think submissives should see their needs as coming first. In an ideal relationship, submissives put faith in their Dominants to care for their needs, and they focus on their Dominants’ needs. If you can’t let go of putting your needs first, then you aren’t really giving up power. Communicate. Share your needs, and have meta discussions about them. Then let go. Trust. Lean in with your submission by putting your Dominant’s needs first. Focus on what they need. Let that guide you at all times. With submissive and Dominant both putting one another’s needs first, the dynamic flourishes. It deepens, and it takes you places you never knew existed. 

Why Whims
Why do Dominants’ whims come before submissives’ wants? Why are they on there at all? At least for me, explicitly putting my Dominant’s whims above my wants is a reminder of what it means to be owned. And I need to feel it sometimes. I need to know that my Dominant has no need to justify decisions. I plug my ass in the middle of the workday when told. I drop what I’m doing to complete a task. I deny my orgasms at the last minute. That is what it means to be owned. No other reason required. I need to know that my needs come first, but I also need to know that my desires come last. Very, very last. This is what my slave heart needs—not just in theory, but I need to see it.  

For me, this is the fundamental structure of a D/s relationship. Different relationships may structure it differently. M/s will likely be different from DDlg, and the hierarchy may shift as two people build their dynamic. But the hierarchy makes a big impact on the dynamic. It’s not just the stated hierarchy; it’s the hierarchy reflected in your actions. How do your actions reflect your priorities? And does that create a dynamic where both partners can thrive?

It is rare that I find a written piece from someone else that I agree with 100%. At best, there is usually 20% to 5% that I nit pick about or have personal taste differences. But this is pretty much SPOT ON! I have nothing to add.

Issa a no for me

  • Beep me when we can save apartments as lots.
  • Anybody fancy a Sim Dump?
  • I stress/impulse bought new glasses and I love them.


true tumblr behaviour to put up a huge fucking banner on the dashboard and not make it work..like so true guys we’re keeping the spirit alive
