#text post


Now, I COULD make the 100 Hours Hardcore smp angsty. Because, hey, they’re all playing on the repurposed Last Life server, Joel & Scar immediately tried to murder Grian, and if this wasn’t Grian we were talking about, I’d think they had something planned with all of this. Be as it may, the most ‘lore’ I’ve ever seen Grian give that wasn’t just him messing around and making something accidentally was big moon, and that doesn’t count because that was EVERYONES lore. 

So no, I will not be making the 100 Hardcore worlds angsty. I think I will make it a sitcom. Grian’s bitter exes have come back from the dead and teamed up to beat the shit out of him. Mans is just trying to survive a Hardcore world but unfortunately he forgot to add in the ‘till death do us part’ for both of them so sheer pettiness is enough to keep them going. 

We get the Joel and Scar team-up we missed in Last Life. Grian gets to know what it feels like when the hunter becomes the hunted. Scar is barely surviving out of sheer luck he credits to random ‘magical’ items he found. Joel is already amassing an army of wolves and refuses to give them up, and Scar has aquired a Jellie andalso refuses to give her up. Grian is begging for the 100 hours to go by quicker. It’s what they would’ve wanted.

Alright. Hermitcraft AU where 1) it was not a simulation and 2) after they all escaped Moon Big, they wound up in Season 9. But all of them are separated from each other in this big world and they have to figure out where the hell everyone is. It’s literally just a manhunt and they’re all the hunters and the hiders.

more under the cut

  • After Grian realized the world was literally actually ending, he figured “yeah, there’s no way everyone made it off in time” and went into Watcher Mode to yeet all the remaining Hermits onto the new world, but he kind of fucked it up a bit bc 1) my mans does not like using his Watcher powers all that often he’s out of practice and 2) he was just trying to get them Off The Planet Being Destroyed he didn’t really care where they ended up, he had to skedaddle back to the Void w Boatem as fast he could after he teleported them all away
  • So everyone who woke up in this new world completely alone are: Bdubs, Keralis, xB, Iskall, Stress, Hypno, Zed, Beef, Etho, Wels, & TFC. As to be expected, this all went in very different ways.
  • Bdubs just straight-up thinks he’s dead. Guy thinks this is what the afterlife looks like. He woke up in a field with Squakers and is now just roaming around thinking that death is really fun but also quite lonely.
  • Keralis is freaking out. Very on edge, is expecting to look up and suddenly see the moon is twenty times it’s size completely overnight. Always thinking something is gonna go wrong but it never does. Someone help him.
  • xB is so confused. He thinks that he must have awoken from his bunker and the world wasn’t destroyed, and maybe someone was playing a joke on them? Maybe the moon just passed right by the earth? He doesn’t know, and he can’t find his bunker. Guy is just looking to find Hypno or Jevin.
  • Iskall is going a little nuts being completely alone tbh. Can be found running around going “Etho where the FUCK ARE YOU” at the sky. Usually sticks to the mountains so he can survey the land and try and find anyone.
  • Stress is vibing in the arctic with the polar bears and rabbits. She’s very confused but she’s not going to question it, she’s going to start living her best life and once she’s got a functional home, she will see if anyone is around.
  • Hypno just spawned right next to the deep dark. You can imagine how well thats going.
  • Zed is just hitchhiking across the world. He has no idea how he got here or why the moon is normal again and he’s questioningeverything.Mans is paranoid as hell and jumps at every little noise. Grabs horse by the face and asks it to explain wtf is going on
  • Beef woke up in a mesa, stared at nothing for a bit, then went “well. guess a new season started” and refuses to acknowledge anything that happened in season 8. Moon Big? Never happened. Shared hallucination. It’s fine. He’s just gonna wander around and get lost for a while.
  • Etho appeared in a forest and has not left. Guy barely acknowledged the moon was big he just looked up, went, “oh thats not normal” and then he woke up here. Was it a dream? He thinks it was a dream. Is Iskall around here? Nobody knows. He’s just reverting back to the single-player mentality and becoming one with the bees.
  • Wels woke tf up and immediately decided to go on a quest to find everyone. He remembers Hermit seasons where everyone just split off n didn’t bother with introductions but he misses people :( he wants to go save his friends.
  • TFC hasn’t noticed literally anything out of the ordinary. Guy woke up, saw that his mines and farms were gone, went “oh. guess there was a server wipe or something” and went straight back to doing his old things. 
  • All of Boatem got spat out into the darkest depths of the world, where a small hole in bedrock met the Void and they all crawled out. They all stuck together as they hurriedly tried to make their way back to the surface. They somehow completely miss Hypno becoming a cryptid in the deep dark as they try to find sunlight.
  • Gem popped out into the new world with her portal and is totally fine. She looked around at this world, went “well. sure hope my friends are here” and like Etho, reverted back to single-player mindset. She’s got a lot of cats.
  • Cub crash-landed in the ocean and is just kinda. stuck there. he’s got no boat, so he just swims out for a little bit gathering materials before going back to the crash site, which landed on a bunch of coral. Someone please get him out of there
  • Tango drifted around in space with Adequate for a while before also crashing in the new world. Thinks it’s a completely foreign planet and is prepared to find aliens around every corner with the poor horse having to put up with this.
  • Ren and Doc had an actual normal landing on the planet. They surveyed the land for a minute, went “well. guess we should make a beacon” and started building a tall skyscraper building in the hopes their friends would see it and come check it out. Unaware that half of these people would see a demonic structure on this world they are completely unfamiliar with and immediately go the other direction.
  • Xisuma is still in the Nether. He’s afraid to leave and see the destruction, but is also scared out of his mind for his Hermits. Sure, the Big Moon hid the fact he created cryptocurrency, but STILL. His admin powers have fizzled and glitched, and every day its a “will he won’t he” on leaving the Nether.
  • False found the world with her giant eagle and is now just traveling around on it. Thinks she’s the only one on the world, thinks the rest of her friends got scattered onto other servers. Still has MCC on the brain and wonders if she’ll still be able to make it to the next event.
  • Joe left on an elytra but also just. Appeared on this new world. That’s how he works, he’s just There. Currently grinding to find an end portal so he can go get Cleo.
  • Cleo, meanwhile, is still in the End. She’s got a little farm going for her, and since Grian killed the Enderdragon, all she has to worry about are the endermen. She doesn’t really like it there, but she’s alive. Knows that Joe will find her eventually.
  • Jevin half-landed half-crashed and is pissing off the local villagers by taking refuge in their homes and perching on roofs as if he’ll see anyone. Puts a bunch of SOS in the ground and flags on the roofs that the villagers keep trying to take down. The iron golem is very close to kicking him out.
  • Now it’s just a game of chasing and finding. Which is exceptionally hard when a decent amount of them don’t know they should be looking for others, or trying to be found. Place your bets now on who’s found first!
  • Yes, there will be giant ass buildings these lunatics create in their searching. The land is just LITTERED with structures from the Hermits travels, some half-made, some past the treeline. It’s all very odd

I just wanted to thank any of you guys who have been amazing and stepped up to find a source of an image for me when I could not. I try to never post without a source but when the image has been re-posted by others who did not credit a source, or one of those “top 10 this living room” websites, it can be hard to track down the original posters personal Instagram or website. Currently, I just try to find first-hand content or use resources like Tineye to find the oldest source on the internet of the image. As for linking:

How I Credit

I will almost always link the person’s link, and not the actual images link. I do this only because if the image was to be taken down, or removed for some reason, I would still want the actual PERSON who took the image to get their due credit. This usually applies to images that come off Instagram, which I find seems to be the source of a lot of internet images today. So rather than providing a link right to the picture on Instagram, I provide a link to their entire Instagram page, so you can go and discover more of their work or content they have provided, and see the person who is due the credit for the image. 

Final Note

I have seen some people commenting “Well you should just hold onto the image till you know for certain its source” and you’re right I could do that. Just please understand I am a 20-year-old college kid who just started this blog to share content I thought was beautiful. I have not and never will claim content that is not my own as my own. If you see your content and want it taken down, or you do know the original source shoot me a message, I’m on every day. In all honesty, I didn’ t even know anyone saw this blog until last week, I just assumed I was talking to myself, so the fact that people care enough to make comments about what I should and should not do is funny to me! Thanks a lot you guys and if there’s ever anything ya’ll want to ask or would like to see you know where “virtually that is” to find me. 

What does it say about me that the first thought that comes into my head upon meeting someone attractive is either “I want to eat your ass for days” or “Pee on me”


Wish me luck.

I’ve been receiving so many snapchats lately. Cock and ass and jockstraps galore.

I kinda want to post them.


I think I’m going to have a permaboner until they arrive.

Shove my face in your sweaty crotch and force me to breathe in your musk.

Any takers?

Take your briefs off after wearing them all day and shove them in my face. Pouch over my nose, you force me to inhale your sweat and piss and precum stains.

Rub my nose in your musk and mark me as yours.

I frequent a park in my hometown. Usually just to enjoy the quiet, take pictures of wildlife, and chill. But it’s a rather cruisy park too. I’ve never done anything but I’ve seen plenty of men jerking off before. Today I was sitting in my car and I notice this older gentleman hanging around his suv near me. He’d come to the back of it, look around, then go back to standing next to his open door. At some point I look over and see his right arm moving so that I can tell he’s jerking off. He’s looking straight at me. So I said fuck it. Get out of my car, lock it up, and start strolling. Once I’m in line with his suv I look over and yep, his cock and balls are out of his suit pants and he’s jerking off. It’s uncut, incredibly hard and I can see the head glistening with precum. Walking over to him watching his cock twitch he invites me closer. I’m shaking at this point but so turned on. I reach him and wrap my hand around his cock. Slowly jerking him off, periodically grabbing his balls, he starts to moan. A couple times we have to stop for cars driving by but eventually I’m back at it. His hands are all over my body, grabbing my ass and my crotch. He reaches under my shorts and grabs my balls and tugs on them as I increase my grip on his throbbing cock and I start pumping it. We look at each other in the eyes and I see his light up. “I’m about to cum oh god” he said. I dropped to my haunches and took his cock in my mouth just as the first volley of cum hits the back of my throat. He’s groaning, whispering “oh fuck” as I suck the load out of him. Hot and salty and thick cum fills my mouth and I swallow it. One last lick of his spent cockhead and he smiles. “Thank you. Fuck. Thank you man” he says, audibly drained. I stand up and lick my hand and my lips. “Thank you. I was hungry. See you around” I say with a grin as I walk back to my car. I’m sure I’ll see him again. I can’t wait to swallow his load again. The taste of his cum lingers on my lips as I write this. I’m hard and leaking in my shorts.

I’ve been wearing cum and piss stained tighty whities all day. It was 82 degrees in Florida today. When I just now dropped my briefs on my bedroom floor the scent that wafted up was boner inducing.

I’m a pig.

And I texted my best friend and told him I wanted his dick. Which normally would be the end of my being able to show my face again but he was cool with it.

In fact he pretty much knew my confession of lust would happen some day.

And pretty much has told me it will happen at some point.

But now he’s just teasing me. Texting me when he’s jerking off. Telling me about his dick. Tonight he sent me a picture of his pants where he accidentally came while blowing some rando. Like total fresh wet cum and I’m like fuuck me.

“If you’re gonna suck this cock, you’re gonna have deal with the teases first”

Shit son.

I like where this is going.

Back to your porn.

I couldn’t keep my eyes off it.

His ass was looking fine too.

Goddamn I want him so bad.

Just got notification that a jock I bought on naughty bids has shipped and I’m so ficking excited I’m hard and leaking already.

I can’t wait for it to arrive.

You’re gorgeous shirtless and I couldn’t stop staring at the semi you were sporting in your shorts.

Mmf feed me.

Telling your friends about your kinks and fetishes is so weird


“Yup. I like sniffing dirty cum stained underwear. Really makes me bust hard. See you at work tomorrow!”

Thank god it’s not awkward.

He throat fucked me, I tongued his hairy hole, and then he bred me raw.

Waking up SUCKED.

This boy.

I swear this boy is going to be the death of me.

I watched his lips for a long time, wishing I could kiss him.

If only.
