#text post


I’m really disappointed

#dank meme    #dank memes    #humorous    #dankest memes    #reddit    #twitter    #funny memes    #text post    #offensive    #tumblr    #textpost    #stock images    #cursed image    #stockphotos    #cursed meme    #cursed    #cursed memes    #cursed images    

Saw this and thought, “tumblr will love this one”

#dank memes    #dank meme    #reddit    #twitter    #humorous    #funny memes    #dankest memes    #offensive    #text post    #tumblr    #textpost    #stock images    #stockphotos    #cursed image    #cursed    #cursed meme    #cursed memes    #cursed images    

Woah did I just post?

#dank memes    #dank meme    #twitter    #humorous    #dankest memes    #reddit    #funny memes    #text post    #offensive    #tumblr    #textpost    #stock images    #stockphotos    #cursed image    #cursed    #cursed meme    #cursed memes    #cursed images    

Go like it dudes and dudettes

#dank memes    #dank meme    #reddit    #twitter    #humorous    #funny memes    #dankest memes    #offensive    #text post    #textpost    #tumblr    #stock images    #stockphotos    #cursed image    #cursed    #cursed meme    #cursed memes    #cursed images    

I wanted to make a post on where you can purchase Doujinshi and books  that Range contributes to. Books that aren’t self published are not to hard to access. I recently purchased the second volume of 138° E , which murata contributed a short one shot entitled The Planetarium in Midsummer (written by Yumi Tada) from Otakumode.com. I’ve used this site twice now, and have had excellent service both times. Shipping is quite expensive but they frequently have free shipping promotions and they are currently opening a warehouse in the United states. So shipping will eventually be much cheaper. Previously published books like the Robot anthology can be purchased from amazon. The first five have been translated and the others have not. Ebay is also another option, though the stuff form there can be very overpriced. I have used ebay quite a bit for doujinshi since using a site like yahoo auctions and mandrake can end up just as expensive. Mandarake is a great site since the cost of the items are usually cheap, but shipping can raise the price up quite a bit. I would recommend  mandarake if you are ordering multiple items. The final place is toranoana. I’ve only seen Murata’s work on toranoana a few times and it seems to sell pretty fast. Toranoana is a very well known Doujinshi site so I don’t think I need to say anything about them.

So here is a quick list of sites:

-Amazon.com (no need to a proxy or buying service depending in your country. Here is a guide on how to buy from amazon.jp ) 
-Otakumode.com ( Shipping is pricey but they frequently do free shipping promotions, though not every many of Range murata’s work.)
-Ebay.com (Can be overpriced but its convent and easy to use.)

Sites that need a proxy or buying service:

-auctions.yahoo.co.jp (They now offer a buying service directly on the site. I’ve used it once and had no issue.
The fees are standard  for any buying service:

  • Item price
  • commission fee
  • domestic shipping
  • bank transfer fees
  • international shipping

I have heard mix reviews about buyee but I had a positive experience with them. They allow real time bids which is great. If you have a buying service you like, you can always use them instead. The fee breakdown is all on the site if you use buyee.

Mandarake.co.jp ( no need for a buying service, they take paypal and credit (no debit) items are cheap, but shipping can be pricey.)
Toranoana.jp ( Occasionally has Murata’s Doujinshi up for sale. They are very well known but need a buying service. Recently they paired with with Tenso and are offering the service. I haven’t used Tenso ever so I can’t tell you about their service, fess ext. But most buying services will purchase from here, so you use whatever buying service you are comfortable with.)

Right now there is no way to directly purchase Doujinshi from Range Murata himself, unless he is attending a convention. But you can still support the artist by buying published work like art books and anthologies. So please give your support to artist you admirer. Avoid downloading scans and buy their works, even if you have to get a second hand copy.  

#range murata    #doujinshi    #artbook    #text post    

I’ve got 45 new pics of what I just ordered from Adore Me. Selling them without my face. If you want my face it’s going to cost more because I don’t give out photos with my face. OR you can pay a bit more and watch me put them on live.

Let me know if you’re interested in buying

#text post    #adore me    #selling nudes    #selling    #message me for more fun    #message me    #cashapp    #cash app    #paypal    

I got that cashapp if anyone wants to send me money so that I can buy lingerie and toys. Inbox me for more info

#text post    #please    #cash app    #im broke    

Since tumblr sUVKS ASS RN, if you would like to keep in touch with me for some reason. Just send me a message.



Remain an enigma, talk less about yourself. In social situations, make it a game, even if you are a rather social person, to shroud yourself in mystery. If others show interest in you, answer vaguely. Disappear at specific times. Reveal little of your background. When you do speak, speak in riddles or quotes. That isn’t to say you should never speak up in class or in debates, have opinions and remain socially active; however, keep people guessing a lot of the time, and, if you’re really into it, only speak when spoken to.


Thank you Osaka Orix Theatre for your hard work on the first day, the first live in 2 years!
As the members mentioned, I was nervous too.
Even if you’re prepared for the live you can’t really feel the atmosphere and the tension until you’re there, but the tension that appears is the proof that we are alive and that’s what we were looking for during a live, so it was an unbelievable feeling.

And most of all, I could feel the unspoken feelings and emotions towards the band pouring out onto the stage, it struck me that there was something so piercing, no doubt those of you who couldn’t make it felt the same way.
I think it’s a miracle that we are able to do lives from now on, it was a precious day to be able to think so.
There’s a bit of time left until Nagoya, so everyone please stay healthy, it’s the day after the live and my body is cracking. lol



me, after every concert i’ve ever been to: this was honestly the best night of my life

#i felt this    #text post    


dancing alone in your room is as close as you’ll get to self care without actually fixing your life


a decade ago, 20 children and 6 staff members were shot and killed in the tragic sandy hook elementary school shooting. today, a decade later, 14 children and 1 teacher had their lives taken at robb elementary school in texas. it’s been a decade, and there has been nothing done to prevent this from ever happening again. may they all rest in peace.

#text post    


“#MeToo has cancelled a list of actors” are those actors in the room with us right now? 

#text post    

I had a dream last night that I was house sitting in France for a lovely lady named Molly while she was out on holiday with her kids. She had a vintage mint colored muscle car that she parked outside of her house that I was admiring while looking out her front window and as I did, a tall man pulled behind it and parked his car, then proceeded to walk by and whistled at the muscle car. I poked my head out the window and said “Sir, can I help you???” but he ignored me. 

He then said to himself “I bet I can open this up real easy.” took out something in his pocket, jiggled with the door lock and proceeded to just hop in the car and drove off??? I ran out and kind of stood there as he peeled around the corner in shock. I thought about calling the owner but thought TIME WAS OF THE ESSENCE and called the police instead.

The french operator on the other line was very patient with me and I explained that I was a foreigner housesitting and that my client’s car was just stolen and she responded with “SACRE BLEU! We must fix this at once, time is of the essence!” and I was like THATS WHAT I THOUGHT!! and I think I fell in love with her a little.

Anyway the guy’s car that he abandoned for the Muscle car was still there and I read the license plate and all the info I could find on it for the operator. I guess this is where a gap forms in the dream as some dreams do as maybe during that detective montage I left the house and sleuthed around and then came back to find that owner had returned!! And that the car was also sitting innocently back in in front of her house.

The operator lady was still on the phone with me this entire time and she was just as confused as I was. When I ran inside the house looked like it was ransacked, with broken glass all over that I distinctly remembered sidestepping. I thought someone had robbed the house, but Molly, the owner came flouncing out as if nothing was wrong. I asked her what happened and how did she get her stolen car back. But she was really dismissive like I was crazy and said there was a note in the car that explained everything. The operator on the other side listening was very suspicious at this point and was like ‘maybe that carnapper was her husband, mon dieu.’ and that this was all some elaborate test or setup to see how good I was of a house sitter.

Anyway, I woke up trying to find that note that explained why the fuck any of this happened. Sorry for wasting like five mins of your morning for this mildly unsolved mystery. But shoutout to that French operator who was my detective partner that entire dream.


if somebody held their arms out to me and softly told me “c’mere” i would simply break down

#text post    

who else also watched To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before and feels like writing 5 letters for your younger sib to send out to increase your chances

i asked my friend what a tinder (but for cars) app should be called and he said “car me maybe” with no hesitation


Congratulations to Europe for winning Eurovision, well done ✌️

#we did it    #esc2016    #eurovision    #text post    


is there anything on earth more anxiety inducing than being given unclear instructions and then put under time pressure
