#the fugees

the fugeesthe fugeesthe fugees
the fugees

Lauryn Hill at 18 as the elevator operator in Steven Soderbergh’s King of the Hill (1993) young gifted and black actress

“All the joy in my world….”“All the joy in my world….”

“All the joy in my world….”

Post link

I love this man endlessly.

Today’s 1990s Music Video of the Day is:
Fu-Ge-La by The Fugees, 1996

#fu-gee-la    #the fugees    #90s music    

Beef squashed! So as some of you may know Hot 97’s Rosenberg basically bashed Nicki Minaj’s song “starships ” not to say he didn’t like it just felt as a HIP HOP artist she was not living up to her roots and was selling out. This was an interview months overdue. Watch as Nicki basically goes in on Rosenberg’s “Resume”. Pretty much as to say “who the fuck are you”. But then again as Flex talks I understand and see what Rosenberg was talking about. Take a look as they speak on Nicki Minaj as our generations “Lauryn Hill” do you guys Agree or Disagree?


#poetic-trendz    #prison love    #passion    #hip hop    #dope blog    #urban blog    #nicki minaj    #hot 97    #lil wayne    #the fugees    #lauryn hill    #young money    #star ships    