#the occult


“Holistic Tarot: An Integrative Approach to Using Tarot for Personal Growth”byBenebell Wen

“Folk Witchcraft: A Guide to Lore, Land, and the Familiar Spirit for the Solitary Practitioner”byRoger J. Horne

“The Art of Magick: The Mystery of Deep Magick & Divine Rituals”,“The Art of Mysticism: Practical Guide to Mysticism & Spiritual Meditations”, and “The Art of Occultism: The Secrets of High Occultism & Inner Exploration”byGabriyell Sarom

“DMT: The Spirit Molecule” byRick Strassman, M.D.

“Weave the Liminal: Living Modern Traditional Witchcraft”and“Sigil Witchery: A Witch’s Guide to Crafting Magick Symbols”byLaura Tempest Zakroff

“Six Ways: Approaches & Entries for Practical Magic”and
“Weaving Fate: Hypersigils, Changing the Past & Telling True Lies”byAidan Wachter

“High Magick: A Guide to Cannabis in Ritual and Mysticism”byPhilip H. Farber

“Angel Tech: A Modern Shaman’s Guide to Reality Selection”byAntero Alli

“Financial Sorcery: Magical Strategies to Create Real and Lasting Wealth”,“Protection & Reversal Magick”, and “The Sorcerer’s Secrets”byJason Miller

“Touched by Fire”,“Two Worlds & Inbetween”, and “Walking Between the Worlds”by Phil Hine

“The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles”byStephen Pressfield

“You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life”byJen Sincero

“Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking”byMalcolm Gladwell

“Healing your Emotional Self: A Powerful Program to Help you Raise your Self-Esteem, Quiet your Inner Critic, and Overcome your Shame”byBeverly Engel

“Quantum Psychology”byRobert Anton Wilson

“The Essential Skills of Magick”byBenjamin Rowe

“The Psychonaut’s Field Manual”byBluefluke

“Lucid Dreaming: A Beginner’s Guide On How To Control Your Dreams With Different Techniques”byAustin Knight

“Creating the Person You Want to Be: NLP: The Essential Guide to Neuro-Linguistic Programming”byTom Hoobyar, Tom Dotz,andSusan Sanders

“Owning Your Own Shadow: Understanding the Dark Side of the Psyche”byRobert A. Johnson


This post is not entirely completed but it is a rough outline of how I would go about setting up this system. It will be added to as I find more information.

This is a general guide for magick based on my understandings and practices and what I have found to be helpful at each level of development. This scale starts at absolute no knowledge, and goes up to an individual with a practice that can now expand outwards learning everything. This is not done with any other form of tradition rather than mine, and is based on the general understanding of magick, and is to better help with understanding the question of where do I start. you do not need to finish everything in one stage before moving onto another one. what is recommended that you finish as much as possible, because one stage feeds on to the next one. This post is also broken up into my categories of magic. These being Pyrosophic, geosophic, hydrosophic, and aerosophic.


Pyrosophic is associated to the element of fire. Pyrosophic forms of magick, and understanding are fundamental, and active. They are sources that emanate outwards, and act as axioms, and supports for other knowledge, and practices. They are simple, but effective, and are the first things I believe a practitioner should know when they are starting out learning magick. Pyrosophic is very knowledge-based, and energetically based, and it is the foundation that we build upon all other knowledge. It is the first emanation of any particular knowledge, before it incorporates any other advanced features. It contains a lot of beginner information, and energy work.


Geosophic is associated to the element of earth. Geosophic are things that are a little bit more complicated, and work off the understandings that are figured out in pyrosophic. It takes the fundamental understandings, and gives you tools in order to advance what you already have. Geosophic builds upon the foundation that was solidified by pyrosophic, and makes it a little bit more complicated bringing in object, symbols, and correspondences to work with. A lot of forms of folk magic, and thaumaturgy are going to be here in this category, because of its incorporation of tools, and symbols to manifest it’s desires.


Hydrosophic is associated to the element of water. Hydrosophic focuses on internal knowledge through the acts of meditation, and altered states of consciousness. It allows you to learn more about yourself, and the inner workings of you through the practices, and understandings that it holds. This encompasses everything that takes place within, and that interacts with the inner being that is you.


Aerosophic is associated to the element of air. Aerosophic encompasses understandings, and the practices of theurgy, and the higher knowledge of the universe, and source. It is focused on understanding the outer world beyond the practitioner. This encompasses everything that takes place without, and looks for the higher meaning in the whole of reality.

Once you reach the final level of adept you are able to go out, and begin staying in learning even more knowing that you have the foundations of a practice. Other things you may also want to learn about that may help you on your path are Philosophy, Science, History, Psychology, Religious Studies, language, and culture.

There are three stages to this process, and they are known as seekers, student, and adapt.

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