


How is proshipping a coping mechanism?

- Provides a sense of control to those with paraphilias

- Allows people to safely handle their intrusive thoughts

- Allows people to project their trauma onto fiction, able to see their favorite characters handle what they have gone through

- Prevents people from acting on negative thoughts

Proshipping is safe and valid.

Here is another informational! This time about Dysgraphia. This is another specific learning disorder that often co-occurs with other disorders like adhd and autism.







Anyway here’s some additions from the Maasai and Kikuyu, two grassy plain-dwelling groups from Eastern Africa that I think count as unfuckwithable

Feel like Poland should be included since we’re literally called “people of the fields” according to the etymology of Poland.

Also look at her GO

I’m Métis, here’s some of ours! You’ll notice it looks remarkably similar to the above.

We also have some less intricate clothing (if it looks a bit Victorian to you - that’s pretty much the right era for most of this!)

Can’t believe no one’s done it yet I will be the person to add the cowboys: Latin American focus.

Here is the Chilean huaso:

Gauchos, from primarily Argentina where they’re a large national symbol close to the level of cowboys in the US. Also gauchos are in Uruguay.  Their pants are called bombachas and the other garment wrapped around them are called chiripas.  They work in grasslands called pampas, known for being really fertile:

While they’re not as dressed up as the others or have as prominent of a culture, for a broader Latin American cowboy context, I feel like also adding llaneros, who are from Colombia and Venezuela, in the llanos region, a type of tropical grassland similar to the pampas, hence the name llanero. Pampas get annual flooding and these guys would go barefoot a lot, and you can see that the stirrup on the horse’s saddle is really different than what you’re probably used to seeing, to accommodate for that, which is what I want to point out as an aspect of plains cultures developing clothing/accessories/tools to suit the environment. 

Cowboy culture happened wherever Spanish colonial influence and grassland biomes came together.  They differ based on the grasslands having different climates (ex tropical in South America), and the local indigenous influence (ex, backtracking to gauchos, they would use this tool called bolas to catch animals, which were basically two balls tied to a string that you threw and it spun around an animals legs, and were an indigenous invention):

I would love to keep posting cowboy dress lol but will stick to the post’s theme of grassland of course.  

Adding to the post, I, hereby, present people of Kalash and Chitral:

Chitral means ‘field’ in the native language Khowar. Both Chitralis and people of Kalash are known to be indigenous people of Asia.


[Image 1 Description:  A Crowd of people, all colored blue, with the label “Interneters” on them. To the left of the crowd a young man stands out. He is a repeat character. We’ll call him “The Interneter.” He has dark brown skin, short light blue dread-locks. He wears a burgundy colored hoodie, a dark teal V-neck shirt, and dark bluish-grey jeans.
The Interneter says “You never told us what a "Spoonie” is.“

To the middle right is Rachel, we can only see to the bottom of her shirt for now. (She has pale white skin, short and messy blonde hair, teal shirt with ferns printed on each side, Maroon shorts, light cyan thigh-high stocking with cut outs of leaves on them, maroon shoes).
Rachel, smiling wearily, looking right at us, holding her index finger up:Well, you could just google it. But hey, what the heck? Why pass up an opportunity to be the first person who tells you what it means?“ 

We see Rachel again on the lower left side, smiling while raising an eyebrow, holding her left hand to her face, and her right hand out towards us: "Ya  ready?” 

The crowd lines the bottom of the image. The Interneter stands in the middle, with a speech bubble above “Yes.”and a speech bubble to his bottom right, “That’s why we asked.”]


[Image 2 Description: There is a lavender square at the top of this image, on it is the text: 
“Spoonie” comes from a disability metaphor first described in a 2003 essay by christine miserandino called “The Spoon Theory” in which she tells the story of trying to explain to a friend what it feels like to have lupus, using spoons as visual representation of her daily energy. She actually handed her friend a bouquet of spoons and said: “

Below Christine, a white woman with long brunette hair, a white headband, purple dress shirt and jeans, holds out a sparkling bouquet of spoons saying "Here you go”

Below this we see her down on one knee. To her right her friend, female, brown skin, long braided dark brunette hair with a reddish tint, blue over-all dress, and teal leggings, sits on a stool holding the spoons Christine handed her.

“You have Lupus.” Christine says, to which her friend nervously responds “Haha, whaaat?…… Please explain.”]


[Image 3 Description:Another lander square fills the top of this image, on it is a quote from Christine's Essay, 
“Most people start  the day with unlimited amounts of possibilities- energy to do whatever they desire…for the most part, they do not need to worry about the effects of their actions…I wanted something for her to actually hold, for me to then take away. If I was in control of taking away the spoons, then she would know what it feels like to have something else being in control.” 

Below Christine sits alone, her legs “criss-cross”. She is smiling at us and holds a giant spoon. Around her are little blurbs in purple text, Might actually own a giant spoon” “Has done awesome advocacy work” “Read more at butyoudontlooksick.com (if you want to)]


[Image 4 Description: a chart titled “How Spoon Theory Works”. A single spoon equals a unit of energy that a person can use safely. On the left is “spoon cost per activities” on the right is icons to show the activities.

1 spoon; Getting out of bed, taking medications, changing clothes. 2 spoons; Watching a tv show, a microwavable meal, using the internet.3 spoons; Enagaing in a small activity like art, cleaning something, making a meal that required stove or oven.4 spoons; Taking a shower, leaving your home, socializing.

Narration text: Why use it? I’ll let this quote by a doctor who was originally using buckets of water (???) with patients explain.
“Using analogies and/or metaphors…can help clinicians and patients’ loved ones get a better understanding of the impact of specific activities on a patient.” (John Hopkins Neurologist Scott Newsome, DO, on the topic of “Spoon Theory”)]


[Image 5 Description: The Interneter is looking worried, sweating. He says to Rachel,

“Oh wait, so I have major depression disorder, insomnia, and ADHD. During my last episode, I was barely able to make it to one class a day, and maybe get one meal. My insomnia felt uncontrollable. I ran out of mental brain power for my classes, but I still attempted as much class work as I could, even if my brain couldn’t fully show up. Don’t get me wrong- I still tried, so hard. Even if I was too depressed to feel things like ‘normal’ I still wanted to be embracing my college life. I feel like spoon theory would have really helped me in times like those. Especially since I haven’t found an antidepressant that works on me yet. I know it’s not like what you go through, like chronic physical illness. I wouldn’t want to make less of your experience or appropriate this term. I’m just wondering if-”

 Rachel, looking calm, finding The Interneter endearing and smiling slightly, “Your experiences are just as valid and the level of impact your depression has absolutely qualifies you as a spoonie.”]


[Image 6 Description: Narration text  “Today  a spoonie is someone with a condition that causes limited amounts of physical and/or cognitive energy, such as chronic illness, mental illness, or disability. It’s also used by neurodivergents who deal with persistent energy limitations.”

Below sits 4 girls all smiling, waving, and looking at us, left to right; The first girl has an average frame, tan skin, long navy blue hair, a maroon hat, faded pink pants, a blue/purple/lavender striped shirt, and cutting scar on her arms. Second girl is Kitt, she was in another comic, she has a plus sized frame, dark brown skin, shoulder length curly/dark brown hair. she wears a teal dress with white strips, a waist long blue jacket, blue shoes, her left left is a purple prosthetic. Third girl, she is Asian, very light but still tan skin, with black hair in cut in a pixie style. She has on a white sweat shirt that has lavender sleeves and a salmon color at the bottom, in the center is the rainbow infinity sign for neurodivergence. She has on mint pants and wear white and salmon colored sneakers. On the floor below them sits Rachel. 

Narrative text "Not all of us are literally measuring out energy in terms of spoons, but having such a metaphor is extremely helpful.“]


[Image 7 Description: Narrative text "Spoon Theory embraces acknowledgment of a condition’s control, which is weirdly liberating because this reminds a person:”

Girl number 3 is on the right is whispering to The Interneter “Lack of control isn’t proof of personal weakness. You don’t have to beat yourself up for experiencing your condition.” 

“I know that…” the interneter says shyly, blushing and smiling.

“Do you though?” Rachel says from the left.

Below her is girl number one. “Do u? I’ve been doing this for 13 years and even I forget sometimes.”]


[Image 8 Description: Narrative text “For young people in particular, spoonie is the first word a person may use when starting to rewrite what their life with their condition could look like.”

The Interneter lays flat on his bed, we see him from the side looking hopeful “Having to live life this way isn’t easy, but I want to make it work.”

Below we see he is centered on his bed holding 1 spoon, “especially since I’m still having that episode of depression.” On the right side his words continue “I didn’t say anything because I was afraid of messing up the flow of the comic.”]


[Image 9 Description: Narrative text “Spoons can be a silly thing to associate with possibly not having enough energy to manage basic survival activities, which is one reason some don’t bother using the term at all. Still, it’s easier to say,

A woman, standing in the center of the image with a long purple dress, short brunette hair, and a purple walking cane, holds a hand to her chest smiling “I’m a spoonie!

To her left is a large man all in red, hand on his hips smiling, “My own experiences of feeling tired helps me empathize with you. You make me feel validated.”

To her right is a little girl colored pink “Spoons are good!”

Next to her is a woman in maroon “Such a cute and positive take!”

At the bottom of the image narrative text says “Rather than bring folk’s moods down with-”]


[Image 10 description:  “My body is disabled! Living an existence with a condition that is unpredictable and invisible sometimes breaks my brain! Please don’t shut me out until I’m "Fixed”. Just respect my limits.“
Rachel says, now in the center of the people instead of the purple-dressed spoonie. She sits in her wheelchair with legs up, holding her arms out, her expression is crying yet smiling

The large man to her left has his arms folded, now very uneasy "How do I tell apart your "disability” from excuses, self pity, and faking stuff? And who sits in a wheelchair like that?“

On the right the little pink girl is crying, her maroon mother bending down to hold her. "Isn’t "Disabled” bad?“ the girl ask.

Her mother responding ”Nothing we need to worry about, sweetie. There are plenty of programs that think of the disabled so we don’t have to.

Narrative text, ”Yes. Spoonie can at times feel detached just enough from harsh reality to ease people’s discomforts.“


[Image 11 Description: Narrative text:” Perhaps detached enough for misguided normies to think,”

A young woman standing in the center with one hand on her hip and one raised with her index finger pointed upwards says "Hey! I feel like I have limited energy to! I like this "spoons” idea. It will help me be mindful and proactive with my energy! I’m a spoonie now!“

She is white woman with tanned skin, long bleach blonde hair in a pony-tail, wearing grey yoga pants and a green tang top.  On her tang top are the words "Has no condition is just human”.  

To her left Girl number 3, Kitt, and Rachel are huddled looking at the woman.“Don’t-”says girl number 3. “Oh no, wait-” says Kitt. “You’re not one now, but hey, you’ll be one of us eventually. No need to rush.” says Rachel.

On the left is a young hipster male all in orange “You’re just a product of obsessive online health trends.” He calls out. 

Narrative text “Let’s hope it doesn’t turn into the 'snuggie’ of disability lingo.]


[Image 12 description: Narrative Text: ”Now, being disabled by a condition, especially it’s fatigue aspect, doesn’t mix well with the 'hyper-productive’ narrative that today’s society puts out.“ 

A Pinkish-maroon leg with the words 'society that doesn’t fully realize the systemic harm of it’s ableism’ on it, kicks a stick figure of the Interneter high up into the air in a Team Rocket fashion.

 ”Looks like having problems with my human body is causing me to be considered less of a human agaaiinn!!!“ The interneter says, surrounded by anime sparkles. 

Narrative Text ”Still, being active, productive, and accepted by some form of community, lay the foundations for self-confidence and a sense of worth. Contributing online is one way even the most debilitated amount us have managed a version of that foundation.“]


[Image 13 Description: Narrative text: ”Disabled communities are sources of support, love, guidance, and empowerment built upon collaboration, inclusion, and knowledge. They help bring together people with a willingness to listen, because they all know the value in feeling heard.“

Two horizontal rows of a diverse group of people with disabilities, drawn to show them all in bed,  all interacting with each other like the would if the were together in person. Below each person is an awareness ribbon to indicate the condition(s)they have.

 From left to right, top row; A young woman with very dark brown skin, black hair in a bun, is looking concerned and reaching for a young man in the row below her. He is black with slightly lighter skin, very short hair, a 5 o'clock shadow, wearing glasses. He is reach towards her with is left arm, his right arm is curled due to his medical condition. 
Next in the top row, a  Young woman with curly brown hair, tan skin, glasses, and cutting parts on her arms is smiling and being handed a book by a young white male with Downs-Syndrome, he hair short light brown hair and glasses. 
A young woman with tan skin, glasses, wearing a hijab, has a pink prosthetic arm holding a piece of paper, and is using her other arm to hold hands with the person she is smiling/talking with- a thin non-binary with short blue pixie hair and braces on her elbows and right arm. This person is also holding a piece of paper, eyes shut from laughing, with happy tears coming from their eyes.

Bottom row; Next to the young man with dark skin, is a plus-sized woman with white skin, her hair is deep violet in a pixie cut. She is holding a yellow ribbon, looking concerned and speaking a ”?“ as she taps the should of the girl next to her. This girl is Asian with black hair in a short ponytail, she looks back at the woman with the ribbon, her arms are on the back of the next woman, whom she is comforting. This woman has medium dark skin, half her head is shaved, the other is short navy blue dreadlocks. She is curled up and crying, below her is a yellow ribbon next to a purple one. The young man on her left has his left arm around her, and has a sympathetic expression, talking with the woman to try and provide comforting. He has tan skin and short curly brown hair, with short curly brown facial hair. 

Narrative text: ”Spoonies are just one part of this collective, their efforts displaying that a condition’s control isn’t proof of weakness, as if can exist even along side massive amounts of inner strength.“]

whatthefauna: A baby pangolin is born quite helpless, other than the ability to suckle and cling. Unwhatthefauna: A baby pangolin is born quite helpless, other than the ability to suckle and cling. Un


A baby pangolin is born quite helpless, other than the ability to suckle and cling. Until the baby is big enough to travel on its on, a mother pangolin will tote it around on her tail.

Images:Firdia Lisnawati

Post link

Some red flags I’ve seen when reading posts here on Tumblr have been really common. Some posts are rather suspicious. I’m not saying all of these beings are bad or fake, but there’s a higher chance for these types of beings to be kinnies and not actual otherkin. I don’t know someone elses identity and I don’t claim to either. These are just some common misrepresentations I’ve seen flying around everywhere…

1. Kinning, kins, and being a kinnie for fun. Otherkin and therian isn’t a choice. It is not a trend, a fashion style, a fetish, or any of that nonsense. Not petplay, not pet regression… oh hunny no. It’s an identity, not a hobby. It is not a coping mechanism either, same thing as having fun or escaping reality. Otherkin is reality. You might want to look into the “furry fandom” or other fandoms if you think it is for fun.

2. Choosing a kintype / theriotype. This is simply not possible. Just because you think lions are badass or raccoons are cute and quirky, doesn’t mean you get to pick it yourself and pretend to be one. It is an identity, not a choice.

3. Kintype / theriotype appearance and separate beings. There is a difference between “this is my theriotype” and “Oh this pic looks like me.” You don’t get to customize what your theriotype looks like. Sorry, but no, you aren’t a pure white wolf fox cat hybrid with four wings and neon blue eyes with magical powers named Luna. Kintype don’t have names. It is you! You can have a nickname like anyone else, but not your kintype. Your kintype is a general species, not an individual who’s separate from yourself!!

Oh goodness, I’ve gotten carried away ranting but these are some of the biggest things that bother me. There’s many more things that are misrepresentitive, like “kin is just quadrobics” or “I’m an angry animal who wants to kill every human ever” or “kin is just extreme furries” which is all false for many reasons… but that’s for another day. Let me rest before I handle those ones next.

Image by https://unsplash.com/@danny_lincoln

Specific Areas of Healing

The following will address certain areas of healing and the best scents and oils to help you. This being said these are ASSISTS, if you are suffering from a condition these may help but you should never neglect professional medication prescribed by doctors. For a good portion of my life I’ve suffered from Insomnia, lavender and citrus oils helped for awhile but as time grew on and my condition got worse I had to get prescribed Melatonin. It never makes you less of a witch to use prescribed or un-prescribed medication.

“When you start working with essential oils to address health issues, begin with just one symptom or issue you would like to heal. Focusing on that, limit your selection to only a few essential oils. Once you have all the basics down, you can create your own wonderful oil blends and also determine which are best used as perfumes, in bath salts, or added to melted candle wax at the base of a candle (never add while the candle is lit).” - The Good Witch’s Guide by Shawn Robbins and Charity Bedell


Several essential oils can be effective for relieving stress. Stress often has side effects, including anxiety, upset stomach, and rapid breathing. One essential oil that works well on stress and anxiety is peppermint. It relaxes the mind and body and helps with digestion. Lavender is another good choice, as it relaxes muscles and the vapors can help regulate breathing.

Pain and Muscle Tension

Muscle tension is something many of us deal with. When using essential oils for pain relief from muscle tension, the best approach is to create a massage oil to rub into the affected area. If you are trying to relax muscles and ease pain, allspice is an excellent choice. Geranium essential oil is a good alternative - it reduces inflammation and muscle tension and provides stress relief.

Chest Congestion

The common cold, the flu, and seasonal allergies can all result in chest congestion, so this ailment can happen at any time of year. To use essential oils to relieve chest congestion, apply a few drops of diluted oil across the chest and massage them into the skin. The best oil for congestion relief is eucalyptus oil, which can break up congestion from coughs, colds, flu and allergies and helps restore proper breathing. Thyme oil is another excellent choice for relieving congestion.

Concentration and Focus

Everyone sometimes has difficulties with concentration and focus. This can result from a lack of sleep, stress, anxiety, depression, or a reaction to life events. To use essential oils for help with focus and concentration, apply a few drops to the temples, middle of the forehead, and base of the neck. Rosemary is an excellent oil when you need to focus intently or commit things to memory. Spearmint helps relax and calm the mind, which promotes mental clarity.


Many people feel exhausted at the end of the day even if they think they’re getting enough sleep. The best way to use essential oils for issues related to energy and fatigue is to apply a few drops to your wrists and rub them in. Lemon or lime oil work great here. Both of them uplift mood, relieve fatigue, and provide mental clarity and focus. Lemon also helps balance the nervous system.


Many people just can’t seem to fall asleep. Apply a few drops of essential oil to your forehead and at the base of the neck and see if the soothing scents relax your mind and body. Lemon balm is an excellent oil for this, as it addresses anxiety and stress and promotes restful sleep. Ylang-ylang oil can also help you sleep, and it relieves muscle pain that may be getting in the way of a good night’s sleep.


This is a horrible issue that involves the physical and mental body. Physical symptoms many include anxiety or panic attacks, asthma attacks, feelings of paralysis, and tremors. Nonphysical symptoms many include clouded thoughts, racing mind, feelings of confusion, and a sense of being disconnected. To treat anxiety with essential oils, apply one drop each to the forehead, base of the neck, wrists, and along the collarbone or upper chest. Chamomile, lavender, and lemon balm are excellent oils for relieving anxiety and relaxing the body.

Crafting Your Own Oil Blends

“The thing to remember about essential oils is that a little goes a long way. They are concentrated forms of the essence of plants, so you need very little to accomplish much. Less is more! One undiluted bottle of an essential oil should allow you to create several blends and treatments. 

You don't need much in the way of supplies to make your own essential oil blends. You need a mason jar with a lid, a carrier oil, and essential oils. Vitamin E oil can also be added to many blends as a stabilizer and preservative. If you do not have all the essential oils for a particular remedy, you can substitute herbs. When making oil blends with essential herbs and oils, additional supplies you will need include a scale, herbs, a grinder, and cheesecloth.

As before, when you are making your essential oils, use 1/8 cups (30ml) of carrier oil to 10 drops of essential oil. When adding herbs, use ½ a cup (120ml) of carrier oil instead of the 1/8 cups. The additional oil is there to absorb the scent and natural oils of the dried herbs.

Making oil blends is fairly simple. Start by cleaning your mason jar inside and out. If using, put the weighed and ground herbal ingredients into the jar. Add half the carrier oil. Next, add the essential oils. Add the remaining carrier oil. Cover the jar with a lid, shake the jar twice daily. After four weeks, strain a small portion of the oil into a small glass to test the scent. If it has the aroma you were trying for, transfer the strained test oil into a new mason jar, and then strain the rest of the oil into the new jar. If it’s not as strong as you would like, return the strained portion of the oil to the original jar. Add a few more drops of each essential oil. Shake twice daily. Wait two more weeks, and repeat the strain test.

WARNING: This post addresses Aromatherapy as a healing assistant, you cannot compromise vaccines with scents.

Today we will be looking at Aromatherapy and the magick of scents.

“The sense of smell is arguably the most underestimated sense we have, as it can actually be one of our most powerful healing allies. Aromas can trigger pleasant memories - from the smell of cookies baking in the oven to the scent of a loved one’s perfume to the fragrance of a flower - as well as unpleasant reminiscences. Aromatherapy is the art of using the power of scent to heal the body, mind, and spirit.

Aromatherapy and the use of scent in healing rituals, magick, and spirituality is not a new thing. Humans have always enjoyed the scent of flowers and have long observed the different effects plant odors have on the human mind and body. In the ancient world, the use of the aromatic properties of herbs in healing, magick, and ritual was well known. The ancients understood the connection between the mind and body in health, happiness, and well-being. The ancient Egyptians honored their gods using a variety of incenses and oils, the preparations of which were very ritualized and held deep spiritual meaning. Native American peoples used herbs for spiritual purposes as well as for healing and health. Many cultures still use fragrant herbs in healing rituals and to honor the dead, the spirits of nature, and the divine.

Today, the practice of aromatherapy is once again widespread, and the use of scented candles, bath salts, and potpourris have become particularly popular. Health-food stores carry lines of essential oils and oil blends. Even department stores carry synthetic oils and scented candles. Aromatherapy is accessible to everyone, and it is an effective and simple way to make positive changes to your health in mind, body, and spirit” -The Good Witch’s Guide by Shawn Robbins and Charity Bedell

Essential Oils

The simplest way to work with aromatherapy is by using individual essential oils. The oils are unique, and many of them have multiple uses. By learning the different uses of essential oil, you can focus your work on the oils that have the most beneficial effect on your health. While working with individual essential oils, you will discover that some are too strong for you, and others may even produce a negative reaction.

Essential Oil Associations;

  • Allspice- Reduces stress, calms, relaxes tight muscles, uplifts mood, improves digestion, naturally disinfects
  • Basil- Calms, relieves pain, relieves fatigue, improves mental clarity, purifies the body
  • Cardamom - Relieves pain, uplifts mood, improves digestion, improves mental clarity and memory
  • Catnip- Anti-dirrheal, relieves indigestion, relieves anxiety, uplifts mood
  • Chamomile- Reduces anxiety, promotes restful sleep and relaxation, relieves pain
  • Cinnamon- Relieves pain, uplifts mood, relieves fatigue, naturally disinfects, improves digestion, increases appetite
  • Clove- Relieves pain, uplifts mood, improves mental clarity, improves digestion, naturally disinfects
  • Coriander- Relieves pain, relieves fatigue, improves digestion, improves mental clarity and memory
  • Eucalyptus- Breaks up congestion, relieves pain, naturally disinfects, vapors help with breathing
  • Frankincense- Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, diuretic, improves digestion, expectorant, sedative
  • Geranium- Relieves stress and tension, uplifts mood, anti-inflammatory, soothes itchy skin
  • Ginger- Relieves pain, uplifts mood, relieves fatigue, improves digestion, increases appetite
  • Juniper Berries - Relieve pain, energize, improve mental clarity and memory, anti-inflammatory, repel insects, soothe insect bites
  • Lavender- Relieves stress and anxiety, promotes restful sleep, uplifts mood, balances mood swings, vapors help with breathing, improves digestion, naturally disinfects, breaks up congestion
  • Lemon- Balances the nervous system, uplifts mood, relieves fatigue, improves mental clarity and memory, naturally disinfects
  • Lemon Balm - Relieves anxiety and stress, promotes restful sleep
  • Lemongrass- Calms, balances nervous system, uplifts mood, anti-inflammatory, vapors help with breathing, improves digestion, naturally disinfects, repels insects
  • Lime- Relieves fatigue, uplifts mood, naturally disinfects, improves mental clarity and memory
  • Mandarin- Reduces stress and tension, calms, uplifts mood
  • Myrrh- Helpful in meditation, uplifts mood, anti-inflammatory, aids in healing skin
  • Neroli and Orange Blossom (both come from blossoms of the bitter orange tree) - Remove nervous tension, promotes restful sleep
  • Nutmeg- Relaxes tight muscles, relieves pain, improves digestion
  • Palmarosa(a lemon grass genus) - Relaxes tight muscles, relieves pain, uplifts mood, helps regenerate skin, anti-inflammatory
  • Peppermint- Relieves pain, uplifts mood, relieves fatigue, breaks up congestion, anti-inflammatory, vapors help with breathing, improves digestion, increases appetite, soothes itchy skin, improves mental clarity and memory
  • Petitgrain(from leaves and twigs of the bitter orange tree) - Reduces anxiety and stress, promotes restful sleep, uplifts mood, improves mental clarity and memory
  • Pine- Lessens pain, uplifts mood, relieves fatigue, breaks up congestion, naturally disinfects, improves mental clarity and memory
  • Rose- Relieves pain, uplifts mood, anti-inflammatory, aids in healing skin
  • Rosemary- Relieves pain, stimulates nerves, relieves fatigue, vapors help with breathing, improves digestion, improves mental clarity and memory, naturally disinfects, repels insects
  • Spearmint- Relieves pain, uplifts mood, relieves fatigue, breaks up congestion, anti-inflammatory, vapors help with breathing, improves digestion, improves appetite, improves mental clarity and memory, soothes itchy skin
  • Tea Tree - Relieves pain, naturally disinfects, aids in healing skin, vapors help with breathing
  • Thyme- Relaxes tight muscles, relieves pain, uplifts mood, breaks up congestion, anti-inflammatory, improves digestion, increases appetite, improves mental clarity and memory, naturally disinfects
  • Ylang-Ylang- Relaxes tight muscles, relieves pain, promotes restful sleep, uplifts mood, naturally disinfects

Other Associations for Incenses

  • African Violet - Burned for protection and to promote spirituality within the home
  • Amber Love - Comfort, happiness and healing
  • Ambergris- Dreams, aphrodisiac
  • Angelica- Protection, harmony, integration, insight, understanding, stability and meditation
  • Anise- Emotional balance
  • Allspice- Money, passion, swift moving or urgent matters
  • Apple Blossom -Happiness, love and friendship
  • Basil- Fidelity, prosperity, protection, fear of flying, concentration, assertiveness, decisiveness, trust, integrity, enthusiasm, mental clarity, cheerfulness, confidence, love, good luck, sympathy, wealth, cleansing bad influences, harmony
  • Bay - facilitate psychic powers, promote prophetic dreams
  • Bayberry- Protection, prosperity, happiness, control and attract money
  • Benzoin- Astral projection, purification, clears negative energy, emotional balance, eases sadness, depression, weariness, grief, anger and anxiety
  • Bergamot- Money, prosperity, uplifting of spirits, joy, protection, concentration, alertness, confidence, balance, strength, courage, motivation and assertiveness
  • Blue Berry - Keeping unwanted influences away from your home and property
  • Cardamom- Mental clarity, concentration, confidence, courage, enthusiasm and motivation
  • Carnation- Protection, strength, healing, love and lust, traditionally used for healing
  • Cedar/Cedarwood- Purification, stimulate and strengthen psychic powers, attract love, prevent nightmares, healing, purification, protection, money, balance, grounding, clarity, insight and wisdom
  • Chamomile- Healing, babies, children, animals, reversing bad luck, attracts money, helpful in family matters, harmony, peace, calm, spiritual, inner peace
  • Cherry- Attract and stimulate love
  • Cinnamon- Stimulation, wealth, prosperity, business success, strength, lust, healing, attract money, stimulate healing powers, passion, regaining lost memory, psychic awareness
  • Citron- Healing rituals and strengthening psychic powers
  • Citronella- Cleansing, warding off, healing 
  • Clove- Pain relief, intellectual stimulation, business success, wealth, prosperity, divination, exorcism, protection, eases fear, improves memory and focus
  • Coconut- Protection and purification
  • Copal - Love, purification, uplifting spirits, protection, spirituality, attract love
  • Cypress- Strength, comfort, healing, eases anxiety and stress, self-assurance, confidence, physical vitality, willpower and concentration
  • Damiana- Facilitate psychic visions
  • Dittany of Crete - Astral projection and divination
  • Dragon’s Blood - Protection, purification, courage, dispel negativity, attract love, enhance psychic awareness, fierce, anti-curse, male potency
  • Elecampane- Strengthens clairvoyant powers and scrying abilities
  • Eucalyptus- Healing, purification, protection
  • Frankincense- Spirituality, astral strength, protection, consecration courage, dispel negativity, aid meditation, induce psychic visions, good luck, wealth, joy, travel
  • Frangipani- Friendship, love, home
  • Fennel - Travel, house sales, moves, banish harm
  • Gardenia- Peace, love, healing
  • Ginger- Wealth, lust and love
  • Hyssop- Love commitment, healing, spirituality, protection, cleansing artifacts
  • Hibiscus- Divination, love and lust to attract love
  • Honeysuckle- Money, happiness, friendship, healing, good health, luck, psychic power
  • Hyacinth- Happiness and protection
  • Jasmine- Love, money, dreams, purification, wisdom, skills, astral projection, attract love, attract money, general luck, luck in love
  • Juniper- Calming, protection, healing, increase psychic powers, break curses and hexes, purifies homes, male potency
  • Lavender - Cleansing, healing, love, happiness, relaxation, sleep and rest, attract love
  • Lemon and Lemongrass - Repels spite/malice and gossip, helps psychic awareness and travel, mental clarity, healing, love, purification
  • Lemon Verbena - Breaking bad luck, protection against negativity, protection from evil eye
  • Lilac- Soothing, increases psychic powers, attracts harmony
  • Lotus- Elevates mood, protection, spirituality, healing, meditation for inner peace and outer harmony, opening the third eye
  • Mace- Stimulates and increases psychic powers
  • Mint and Peppermint - Increases sexual desire, attracts money, energy, mental stimulant, healing, drives away negativity, success
  • Musk - Aphrodisiac, prosperity, courage, creates a sensual atmosphere, courage and vitality, heightens sensual passion
  • Myrrh- Spirituality, meditation, healing, concentration, ancient incense for protection, healing, purification and spirituality, peace, overcoming grief
  • Myrtle- Lasting marriage, mature love, domestic happiness, property and security
  • Nutmeg- Aids meditation, increases psychic powers and attracts prosperity
  • Oakmoss - Attracts money
  • Orange- Divination, love, luck, money
  • Patchouli- Money, growth, love, mastery, sensuality, attracts money and love, promotes fertility.
  • Passionflower- Peace of mind, soothes sleeplessness
  • Pine- Grounding, strength, cleansing, healing, attracts money, drives away harm from home and family, guarding properties, immortality
  • Poppy Seeds - Promotes female fertility, attracts love, good luck, money
  • Rose- Love, house blessing, fertility, healing, courage, induce prophetic dreams, attract love, return calmness
  • Rosemary- Remembrance, memory, energy, healing to purify, prevent nightmares, preserve youthfulness, dispel depression, learning, love, fidelity, prosperity
  • Rue- Helps restore health
  • Sage- Wisdom, clarity, purification, longevity, good health, examinations, interviews, tests, protection of home and family
  • Sandalwood- Spirituality, healing, protection, astral projection, heal, protect, purification, spiritual awareness, leadership, justice, compensation, sexuality
  • Strawberry- Love, luck, friendship
  • Sweet Pea - Friendship, love, courage
  • Tangerine- Attracts prosperity
  • Tarragon- Courage, anti-bullying, shedding of old burdens like guilt, fears and destructive relationships
  • Thyme- Psychic cleansing of land and possessions, health, memories of past worlds/lives, drives away night terrors
  • Vanilla- Lust, mental alertness, stimulate amorous appetites, enhance memory, calming, soothing, vitalizes energy, happy and healthy environments, good fortune
  • Vetivert - Money, peace, love, breaking bad luck, protection from theft and negativity
  • Violet- Wisdom, luck, love, protection, healing
  • Yarrow- Courage
  • Ylang-Ylang- Love, harmony, euphoria






richard -> dick so obviously we should start the charles -> cock process

how the fuck do you get cock from charles

you ask him nicely

The Richard-dick naming situation actually comes from a fad that existed back in I think it was the 17th or 18th century, can’t remember which. But the naming fad/convention of the time was for rhyming secondary nicknames for names that already had a 4 letter nickname. Ie: William-will-bill, Richard-rick-dick

so it’d be Charles-chuck-fuck



There’s a post with two gifs showing ASL signs for abortion going around, unfortunately while correct the second sign and information along with it was added by a terf.

So here’s the original video by glassmenagerie on TikTok where they explain the two signs for abortion, the issues with one, and go over the signs for immigration as well because there’s a similar right vs left wing sign difference.

Spaces added for readability

Person on screen: Did you know that in ASL certain topics have different signs depending on your political viewpoint? Let’s talk about it.

Fair warning the signs I’m covering are for abortion and immigration. If that’s triggering or you don’t wanna know: just scroll.

So first up, let’s talk about immigration. Specifically the signs used in regards to immigration. So, the correct sign is (right hand holding up four fingers, spread apart, and waving up and down from the left to the right of the screen) immigration, right? However if you’re signing with somebody who is very conservative or anti-immigration you’ll instead see this (signs the same sign with four fingers waving from left to right but with the other hand held parallel to the floor above the waving hand). Technically this (signs second option again) only refers to undocumented immigration. However there is a subsection of people who are so anti-immigration they use this (signs second option) for all of it.

And now for my favorite example. There are several signs for abortion. There’s the full neutral just finger spelling or the more scientific definition which can also be viewed as left-leaning - which would be pregnancy (holds right hand over stomach, domed slightly and pulls it towards the camera away from the stomach) remove (left hand held up perpendicular to the floor with the palm angled towards the body, with thumb and fingers slightly spread, right hand makes a claw like shape and swipes at the top of the left hand towards the floor).

(through a grimace) and then there’s the conservative and/or christian sign choice.

This one can be genuinely triggering so this is an actual warning. Are you ready? (holds up both hands with forefinger and second finger crossed in the sign for ‘R’ and moves them from the center of the body to the outside) The conservative and/or christian sign choice for abortion is baby (stacks hands palms up and makes a rocking motion) throw away (makes loose fists with both hands, opening them both as they move upwards towards the right shoulder).

As awful as that is it presents us with an interesting phenomenon that is absolutely fascinating in terms of linguistics. Talking about these topics in particular tends to be very polarizing within the deaf community. I mean, they’re polarizing everywhere but when signing about these topics the words you use are different. The vocabulary is entirely different. It’s not “abortion sparkle emoji” versus “abortion angry face.” It’s “removing a pregnancy” and “throwing away a baby.”

Do conservatives occasionally call it baby murder in English? Yes, that does happen. The word, the label, at the center of the topic is the same. Whereas in ASL that’s not necessarily the case.


I’ve been pretty active on Twitter trying to help people access JJWXC and other Chinese sites from overseas, I figured I should also compile a list of resources here for people following me from this side! The resources below should be decently comprehensive, but feel free to contact me if you need any help.


Alipay Tour Pass - requires a passport, but will allow you to pay on most of the below sites if it is accessible from your country


Video guide to creating an account, topping up through PayPal, and purchasing novels on desktop

Comprehensive PDF guide to desktop and mobile app features, regularly updated

Quick visual guide to creating an account

Quick visual guide to setting up PayPal

JJWXC takes payments through PayPal (must top-up in units of $17 USD), Alipay Tour Pass (allows smaller top-ups), or Taobao (allows smaller top-ups and debit/credit card checkout on the intl app). Debit/credit card guest checkout for PayPal is available. Note that novels are cheaper on the app, so you can save some money if you take the time to figure out the mobile app!


Guide to purchasing novels on Gongzicp

Gongzicp takes payments through Alipay and Wechat Pay (as of 2019, not sure if this has changed)

Missevan (audio dramas)

Guide to registering a Missevan account - I am collaborating with a few other people to make a comprehensive Missevan guide, I will update when that is complete. This document contains the completed registration section for the most current Missevan UI

Guide to purchasing off Missevan (iOS) - Disregard the registration section and info for non-iOS users, the info is out of date

Guide to purchasing off Missevan (Android and desktop) - Disregard the registration instructions, they link to out of date info

Guide to tipping on Missevan

Rela Listen (GL/baihe audio dramas)

Guide to Rela Listen

Rela Listen only takes Wechat Pay, so unfortunately most international fans can only support by listening to free episodes and liking series


I’ve been pretty active on Twitter trying to help people access JJWXC and other Chinese sites from overseas, I figured I should also compile a list of resources here for people following me from this side! The resources below should be decently comprehensive, but feel free to contact me if you need any help.


Alipay Tour Pass - requires a passport, but will allow you to pay on most of the below sites if it is accessible from your country


Video guide to creating an account, topping up through PayPal, and purchasing novels on desktop

Comprehensive PDF guide to desktop and mobile app features, regularly updated

Quick visual guide to creating an account

Quick visual guide to setting up PayPal

JJWXC takes payments through PayPal (must top-up in units of $17 USD), Alipay Tour Pass (allows smaller top-ups), or Taobao (allows smaller top-ups and debit/credit card checkout on the intl app). Debit/credit card guest checkout for PayPal is available. Note that novels are cheaper on the app, so you can save some money if you take the time to figure out the mobile app!


Guide to purchasing novels on Gongzicp

Gongzicp takes payments through Alipay and Wechat Pay (as of 2019, not sure if this has changed)

Missevan (audio dramas)

Guide to registering a Missevan account - I am collaborating with a few other people to make a comprehensive Missevan guide, I will update when that is complete. This document contains the completed registration section for the most current Missevan UI

Guide to purchasing off Missevan (iOS) - Disregard the registration section and info for non-iOS users, the info is out of date

Guide to purchasing off Missevan (Android and desktop) - Disregard the registration instructions, they link to out of date info

Guide to tipping on Missevan

Rela Listen (GL/baihe audio dramas)

Guide to Rela Listen

Rela Listen only takes Wechat Pay, so unfortunately most international fans can only support by listening to free episodes and liking series
