#this world


This is so breathtaking… I wonder if this is how God sees us… If, maybe, when we step outside the little box of our craziness and pause, if we would see this beautiful world which is so much bigger than any one person. We make it together.

And yes, we build the cities, we build the roads, we live the moments. But what a gracious God we have to give us the space to live our lives and build our dreams. To give us such a big world, though we are such small, limited beings.

I can only marvel that He would at all.

We live in a place that is a lot like hell. We long for a better place but when we try to get there and fail we are told we are giving in. Maybe we are or maybe we are desperate for a better place.

1 John 3:1 (NLT) - See how very much our Father loves us, for He calls us His children, and that is

1 John 3:1 (NLT) -
See how very much our Father loves us, for He calls us His children, and that is what we are! But the people who belong to this world don’t recognize that we are God’s children because they don’t know Him.

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Astrophotographer, in Idaho, captures falling meteor fireball.

i beg your FUCKING pardon

oh my

so i’m a department manager at a pet store, we just hired someone last month and today they let us know they don’t go by their birth name or she pronouns. They use they/them and go by a different name

cool no prob!

it’s 2018 and well, i didn’t realize my other coworkers have all been living under fucking rocks the past ten years

beginning of my shift today i had to explain a lot about gender to them in detail because somehow they were all confused as fuck and.. basically I had to defend this poor new hires fucking right to be comfortable at work like

my one employee was saying something dumb and I said “Mkay, you know, there’s more than 2 genders..” and her response was “Well i have a problem with that.” and then started laughing


who died and made you the queen????

I was actually really happy to help them understand at first but do not fuck with peoples human right to be comfortable, we will respect anyone’s reasonable wishes idgaf

another thing, I do not care if you don’t understand “this new gender thing” or trans or nonbinary terms, etc etc educate yourself because it’s been around for a damn long while it’s time to accept it and move on
