
Oh gosh! I did it! My first TimBer fanart!I’m so pround/happy for you Timbo 

Oh gosh! I did it! My first TimBer fanart!
I’m so pround/happy for you Timbo 

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I wanna hold your hand | Batman: Wayne Family Adventures #41

everyone talks about how sleep deprived and 3-coffees-away-from-becoming-the-walking-dead tim is but i want this energy for bernard too

i want him up at buttfuck in the morning reading about soy grand theory and how the soyification of the world is part of the domino effect that caused movements like we are robin

i want him crouched over a screen with his eyes wide like (O_O) as he pours over hollow earth theories and how hollow earth houses all of the shadow government’s failed experiments to create metas

i want him red-eyed and clutching a can of redbull as he opens another page of how weather control isn’t done by secret towers placed around the world but by ex-members of the justice league who are mind controlled by the illuminati

and most importantly i want him and tim to stumble into each other in the middle of the night like this:

based on this postandthis post, writing something about that damn hoodie has been bugging me since the ep was released and if someone else decides for me maybe i can actually write it lol

so choose!

  1. make the fic focus only on timber, no kon on the side
  2. add a side of pining kon
  3. add a side of endgame timberkon
  4. write both options 2 & 3 as separate fics with the same beginning but alternate endings

kk pls help me thank u<3

DC Pride 2022- Timber Spoilers

I fucking *loved* this. All the little details about Tim’s feelings and his thought process, his emotions… beautiful. I loved the mentions of their other dates (tho i wish we got to actually see them in the comics too and not just a single panel in this one comic)  and their journey to this point. 


Tim baking the cake was so cute, and them being so comfortable with each other was just… *chefs kiss*. I love how it maintains the theme of Bernard making him feel safe and happy, they are so fucking adorable together.  i really hope they get to kiss in tim’s special that’s coming out next week iirc. i also really hope tim tells him that he’s robin/bernard finds out.


Overall this is an absolute 10/10, I really loved it.

Also, anyone else catch that Silverblade reference?? Jonathan Lord aka Silverblade is a horror movie actor within the dc comics universe. So Tim and Bernard are horror movie gays confirmed lol

Okok so Tim, Kon and Bart meet in Young Justice, Tim and Bernard meet in school, Kon and Bernie meet on a superhero conspiracy fan forum- how do Bart n Bernard meet?

My vote is a post-relationship au where everyone is already together and knows eachother EXPECT Bart n Bernie, so Tim and Kon pull a bunch of shenanigans to try and get them together.

Jon n Tim bonding over accidentally gaining their respective harems is hilarious to me


everyone in the tim drake tag congratulating him for not falling asleep on a roller coaster date again, so true besties <3


*Sheds a tear* my god these bitches bi,,,, good for themBonus:Jason has rights. Rights to shoot you

*Sheds a tear* my god these bitches bi,,,, good for them


Jason has rights. Rights to shoot you if you’re homophobic.

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Alt er love but make it Timber

My twitter friend dared me to draw it so… here it is

A reporter is getting too close to uncovering the Batfam secret so they need a distraction fast.

Tim has an idea, next morning all people talk about is Bernard Dowd, boyfriend of one Timothy Drake, seen on a date with a woman, later identified as Caroline Hill! Is there perhaps problems in paradise?! Who is this home-wrecker?! What will happen with the most popular queer couple of Gotham now?!

Meanwhile Tim is still flustered because Bernard would not stop complimenting how he looked on his dress.


emt bernard is my favorite thing ever. like okay imagine bernard is kinda like leslie in the whole personal doctor to heros or whatever but while leslie is idk doing important things bernard handles all the bullshit the batfam gets themselves into.

bonus points if he still doesnt know their civilian identities

red robin: *doing some absolute bullshit while bernard is doing emt stuff™*
bernard: yk this feels like something my boyfriend would try to do
red robin:
red robin:
your boyfriend sounds cool. anyways i think im bleeding agai-


bernard: love is a five letter word


bernard: because it’s incomplete without u

tim, screaming internally from happiness:


Having a crisis at the mall because of assigned kink by ex.

He didn’t need this right now Steph, how could you point the obvious to him like this??? Now he is not going to be able to ignore it.

Isnpired by this hilarious fic Twelve Magpies by 061828

In where Tim is low-key Bernard’s sugar daddy and he never realizes it, but we all know, oh we all know.


Dick: Tim where are you???

Tim having yet another bi panic: Yeah uhhh… sorry guys I think I’m going to have to skip this one…

Jason: Are you fucking kidding me?!?! Get your ass here NOW!!


When your civilian boyfriend “saves” you from a Rogue attack.

Listen Tim’s bi awakening was partially watching Bernard kick ass, so you cannot tell me he wouldn’t be into this.

Bernard is just happy all that training paid off.


Can’t believe Timber is the disgustingly romantic couple that shares milkshakes, I love them Inspired by the DC Pride 2022 comic

Tim Drake in the Robin suit blushing while holding a sleeping Bernard Dowd by his side. they're very close to the edge of a buildingALT

happy pride from your local bisexual disaster couple :)

A comic. On the first panel Tim Drake and Bernard Dowd are facing each other. Tim reluctantly says "Bern, we... we need to talk." The next panel Tim is rambling "I don't really know how to say this and I'm sorry it took so long to find the courage but it wasn't my secret to tell." Tim inhales, opens his sweater revealing a uniform underneath and says "I'm Robin." Bernard stares at him, then starts laughing. In the middle of laughter, Bernard says "I almost fell for that! That was a great April Fools prank! You looked so earnest"ALT
Tim thinking: "april... fools...". The next panel he grabs Bernard and frantically asks "we're in July??". Bernard answers "Uh. No. April first."ALT

Bernard: you’re ROBIN?? I’m dating ROBIN???

Tim: it’s APRIL?? Like the MONTH of APRIL???

lantaniel: TimBer week 2021 day 2 and 5 - first kiss + identity revealTim: huh… that went better tha


TimBer week 2021 day 2 and 5 - first kiss + identity reveal

Tim: huh… that went better than expected

Bernard: the boy I like…. is the other boy I like???

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Tim doing purposely shoddy looking cartwheels to try and impress Bernard without showing off too much Robin skill for the sake of keeping suspicion down. But does a very good hand stand.

Then Bernard does a near flawless backflip and Tim is floored because he had no idea Bernard could do that.

Even though Tim and Bernard haven’t been together for a long time so far, it’s already my favorite romance Tim has had, because it’s the first time I feel like he was in a relationship where both partners truly feel in love equally, and they genuinely get along. Proper love.

And how Timmy who always stresses out over saving everyone, finally found someone who makes HIM feel safe and secure in their arms. Is just so good. It’s like Bernard is exactly what the doctor ordered. Someone that makes Tim feel protected as himself, even though he’s the crime-fighter.

It’s so soft and nice that way. It feels so pure, even though Bernard is high-key h*rny for Timmy’s step-mom.

That final panel of Tim leaning on Bernard is my favorite panel of them so far. It’s nice seeing the crime-fighter feel safe with their partner. Even though we all know in the long run it’s really going to be Tim saving him more often, most likely lmao


I really like Travis Moore’s Bernard, because he remembers he’s the taller one, and he captures Bernard’s sort of smug-ish look on his face. Like he understands Bernard’s vibe really well. That sort of feeling he emanates.


And even his face looks a little closer. His hairs messier than neat. But overall, when an artist can do a little extra thing to capture the energy of a character, then it makes it extra good to me.

I haven’t read the pride issue. But I saw this, and it’s making me all mushy and teary eyed. It’s so soft, and I really love that outfit on Timmy. And how in love they look, with Timmy’s crummy cake.

For me I was scared what would be in it, but this makes it worth it. It has me all soft inside, and I can’t express myself clearly enough.

Happy pride ️‍✨
