#todoroki touya



“Where’s Dabi?”

Shigaraki doesn’t even spare you a glance from his console, both pinkies held up out of habit even with his gloves on, thumbs clicking frantically at the buttons as he completes another combo. “Not my problem. I don’t care where he goes as long as he’s back tonight,” he mumbles offhandedly.

The others aren’t much help either, though Toga does point you in the direction of the fire escape, mentioning that he skulked through there around an hour ago for some air. You push the door open, frowning at the weight of it and making sure to close it carefully before you begin to search the alley.

It isn’t long before you hear his voice. You know it’s him and yet, it sounds completely different to the man you’re used to — gentle and low, coaxing almost. As you come up to a sharp turn you press your back against the wall, slowly peeking round, not wanting to be caught. You were so used to his monotony, always quick to irritability and adept at sarcasm, that you wanted to know what could make him so tender.

There, crouched in front of a large dumpster, Dabi held his hand out towards a very scrawny looking ginger cat, a finger slightly extended to let it smell him while also maintaining distance. “I know I look scary but I promise I’m not,” you hear him say, “you’re pretty cute though aren’t ya?”

At that the cat leans heavily into his touch, almost flopping forwards with enthusiasm. His laugh, though quiet and barely audible from where you stand, has warmth kindling in your chest. A part of you felt guilty for intruding on something clearly private, for seeing him so unguarded and content, but you just couldn’t look away from his barely there smile.

“Probably hard for you out here too, huh?” he continues to pet the cat as he leans forward onto the balls of his feet to look beneath their tail “such a good… boy. Good boy”.

You listen to the feline reply, pitched high and melodic. Perhaps it was still a kitten. The sound only pulls Dabi’s lips wider, grinning softly, though not enough to strain the sutures in his cheeks. You watch then as he meets the cat’s eyes and blinks, purposefully slow, and you have to tuck yourself away against the wall to cover the small coo of affection building in your chest.

To your relief he doesn’t hear you, and eventually exits the alley with the cat at his heels. If he knew you’d witnessed such a sweet moment he’d surely snap out of embarrassment, but the secrecy suited you just fine. This part of him that you’d never seen before — you wanted to keep it for yourself. Atleast for now.


tags: suggestive fluff, domestic touya, i found out one of his aliases is sleepyhead and then this happened

“Get up, sleepyhead.”

Touya stirs, cracking his eyes open at the sound of your voice.

“M'awake,” he lies–the slurred croak of his words only half as damning as the way his eyelids almost immediately threaten to droop closed once more.

You hum, crawling across the bed towards him until you pull yourself up to straddle his side. With great effort he turns himself over so that you can sit astride him properly, resting your weight flush against him with the warm blankets in between you.

You brush his messy white hair back from his face, pursing your lips in an unhappy little pout.

“It’s almost noon.”

He doesn’t care, to be honest. Touya knows that if it weren’t for you and your insistence, he could easily sleep for another six hours. Maybe even longer. But now there’s something more pressing on his mind.

Namely the way your hips are resting against his, and the pressure of your ass against his half-hard cock.

Keep reading

My Hero Academia Chapter 350 “All it Takes is 3 Very Bad Years and 1 Bad Day”

Let’s skip over the lovely opening sequence of Touya immolating himself and get right to the horror movie training ground for Noomu victims. Boy this chapter JUST STARTED.

Cutie. And damn he needs a hug.

OOH another important point! TAKE NOTE BONES. When this gets animated in a thousand years or whatever you’re gonna have to get a VERY diff voice for young Touya.

CONFIRMED! WTF. Anyway Mr Sleepyhead is Dabi’s new official nickname.


Lots of AFO exposition about Toya’s body state.

YES TOUYA YOU TELL HIM. You and Tomura need to form a “My parents were abusive and AFO gaslit me as a kid into evil” support group. With Shoto. Deku and Kacchan can be your therapists.


My god I see! He saw Shoto Todoroki Origin and it traumatized him as much as the rest of us. But he missed the final sequence with the “it’s your power isn’t it” part. (You’ve learn from the best Shoto! Now it’s your turn!)

LOL yeah and now Dabi’s apparently burned off what skin was left on his face to use flashfire fist. Damn poor Horikoshi, he’s made it so much harder to draw him now. Maybe it’s his personal challenge to himself. I wonder what that’s meant to symbolize, his flaying off skin? maybe the way life constantly shits on him and burns awy his defenses?

Shoto why do you make saving someone’s life sound like a death threat?


Hello there! You must be the aspiring new recruit for the League the boss mentioned. 
My name is… well, you don’t need to know that.
…not yet, at least.
Call me Dabi.
This world is inhabited by all kind of worthless trash, such as those fakes that call themselves “heroes”, the sheep that blindly worship them, and “villains” with no sense of purpose nor ambition in mind.
Then there are creatures Pokémon.
For some people, Pokémon are pets. Other use them for fights.
As for myself… 
I’m sure you can guess by taking a look behind me.
With their help, I aspire to cleanse the world of such scum and make Stain’s dream a reality.
But enough talking: it’s time for you to prove yourself to be a fine asset for our cause
…or burntrying, just like the ones that came before you.

[Dabi made with The Sims 4 and Blender, edited with Photoshop.]

All this buzz about Pokemon Legends: Arceus made me nostalgic.

I chose Houndoom as his signature Pokemon because according to the Pokedex “Its red claws and the tips of its tail are melting from high internal temperatures that are painful to Houndoom itself”, a damaging side-effect not too different from Dabi’s. It’s also a dark type and it’s cool.

This is one of the fastest edit I’ve eved made.

Kudos to you if you get the reference from the quotes above and for reading this far.

CC credit and b/a below the cut:


CC credits:

Dabi, from My Hero Academia. A portrait made with The Sims 4 and Blender

Dabifrom “My Hero Academia” made with The Sims 4, rendered in Blender and  edited with Photoshop.

CC list andBefore edit below the cut:

CC used:



The Bonds We Share

*Spoiler Alert* ummm… so this recent chapter punched me in the feels hard …

so here’s a little redraw of these cinnamon rolls to help me heal lol…
Prints Avialable On My Etsy
(Link In Bio)


All for One sounds genuinely angry here it’s interesting to see how angry he sound about Endeavour “making” Shoto fight. I suppose it could be opening old wounds for him, having brothers fight each other would no doubt remind him of his situation. But he Also seems like he’s angry at Endeavour for “neglecting” his children and choosing to be a hero over being a father. There’s Also his mind games behind this words, like hawks said, he’s trying to rile Enji up/ break his spirit. So there is the fact if the worst guy in the world is angry at your choices in parenting does make you think.

We as the audience knows that Shoto chose to fight Dabi, even though Endeavour didn’t want him to, which is something AFO doesn’t know.

But Should DFO be true this moment would be very ironic, the fact that AFO is calling out endeavour for neglecting his responsibilities as a father to instead be a hero. All while he’d literally be doing the same with Izuku and even worse. I do wonder if Hori parred up Endeavour with AFO, instead of with Dabi for a reason.

Because under the eyes of DFO unlike with All might which was a fight between mentors, this would be a fight between fathers.

There is also the point that Endeavor chose to look at Shouto, but not at Touya, who wanted his attention. That is, from Afo’s side - here can see the neglect of the child, the firstborn. And in the case of the DFO, this is really ironic also because if Afo was close to his child before certain events, after the battle with All Might he lost the opportunity to be near and look at his son. And Afo continued to stay away from his family, from his son, because that’s what he’s protecting.

Ironic: the Hero, who had the opportunity to spend time normally with his family and children, but did not take advantage of this opportunity, preferring to be away from his family for work; and the Villain, who lost this opportunity, forced to be away from his family and child, literally - not to see them.

So! Betting: Will Hawks get another scary secret and then burn his wings (steal the quirk) or not?

After all, last time Hawks made the mistake of not focusing on Dabi. And this time… they think that Afo doesn’t have something very important to strongly feel hatred for.

Is the Top 3’s judgment wrong? How will it play out this time!

Time will tell. We wait.

Dear@silentjo , I’m your SECRET SHIGADABI VALENTINE for the @shigadabivalentineexchange!

As you can see, Shigaraki and Dabi are having an off-day from the League enjoying their time together

Hope you’ll like it! Happy Valentine’s day!
