#tokyo rev


Happy Birthday, baby!~

Haitani Ran is one of the few who can pull off cocky and arrogant~


TR Ch. 251


My current phone case and phone charm~

I’m one of those who likes to change phone cases and phone charms every now and then~

P.S. Wakui Ken sensei, you have already taken enough from the fan base, please leave the Haitani brothers alone!!


*my oc’s are available for requests as well! You can find them in the masterlists or in thepicrews.*

Requests for this event are OPEN!


  1. Pick a character and a prompt! Example: Ran x reader Smut #3

2. There are two lists, one is sfw and the other is smut. You must be 18+ to request a smut fic.

3. Each fic will be around 500 words. These will be summer themed!

4. You may choose up to 3 prompts!

5. You may make a request polyamorous. Character x reader x Character or whatever.

6. Kink I will not write: Mommy/Daddy

SFW List// NSFW List

Happy Requesting!


If you have any questions, please drop an ask!

Ch 2

Characters: Nyoko Kokonoi; Sanzu Haruchiyo; Draken; Seishu Inui

Warnings for Series: Drug use, Semi-Dark content, Guns, Gang related activities, murder, general warning for Bonten being Bonten.

♥ Timeline: Bonten

♥ OC summary: The 15 year old daughter of Hajime Kokonoi has a luxurious life, having never wanted for anything in her whole life. She seeks to be recognized by her father, and in doing so, becomes more involved in Bonten’s dark world.

♥ wc: 1.7k

♥ a.n: Chapter 2 is out! Somehow Kokonoi ended up with a second daughter, Hisui. She may eventually get her own story.

An absolute coward.

Himekawa hadn’t returned to school in days, and Nyoko had only gained popularity due to the viral video of her breaking his nose. Many girls approached her, showering her with praise. Deservedly so, but she grew bored with the constant chattering. It might be better if he had beenthere, to hear all the ridicule.

The bell tinkled, announcing her arrival. Motor oil and rusty metal hung in the air, burning her nose with each breath. Honestly, being inside the bike shop made her skin crawl with dirtiness. Nyoko brushed her manicured fingers through her raven hair, frowning as she moved forward.

“Well, if it ain’t the Princess herself. That violent side of yours is gonna land you in trouble.”

Her crimson eyes narrowed at the other owner of the bike shop. She never liked Draken, only tolerating his presence to visit her father’s best friend. Even though their lives had taken different paths, Nyoko admired that they had remained friends.

“I do not have a violent side.” She turned her head away as if he weren’t even worth her gaze. If he couldn’t have more tact, then she certainly wasn’t going to waste any time on him.

But as she passed to go to the back garage, his call only made her angrier.

“A scowl ruins a pretty face, princess." 

Nyoko bit her tongue, choosing to move on instead of responding. He’d probably twist her words to suit him anyways. It was warm in the shop, making her feel sticky. She found Inui sitting on the floor, tinkering with a bike. "Hisui sent me to pick up her game.”

The things she did as a big sister. Her hermit baby sister, Hisui, never left the penthouse unless she had to. She went to school online, even. Not a social bone in her body. This bike shop, however, she came to from time to time. Inui had a calming presence, and next door was the gaming shop that Hisui frequented.

But since Hisui was sick, she’d requested for Nyoko to pick up the latest game she’d purchased.

“It’s on the table.” Inui nodded his head toward the small table with an ashtray of half smoked cigarettes and scattered beer bottles. It looked like they’d just had some visitors before she came.

But he wasn’t about to let her go without saying anything.

“You aren’t a part of Bonten.”

Nyoko tucked the game into her school bag but straightened at his words. Of course, she knewthat. At least, she wasn’t a part yet. “I’m aware. Why is everyone so concerned about me defending myself from a boy who tried to assault me?” He had put his hands on her.

Inui tightened a bolt before setting the wrench down with a clang. “You’re pushing too much. Someone is going to take you as a threat, and as much as you think that you’re safe being Koko’s daughter, you’re making yourself a target.” His friend had voiced his concern for Nyoko more than once. A few self-defense moves were not going to help her in an actual fight.

She was much too stubborn to listen to him.

“I’m not as weak as everyone seems to believe.”

That is not what he said… Inui sighed, giving up on his poor attempt to get through to her. She was far too strong headed. “Just be careful. I don’t want to see you get hurt." 

Nyoko promised that she would be, because she was always careful. It was the fact that she was cockier than she was careful that tended to put her in unsavory situations.

On her way home, she stopped for a cup of coffee to revive her energy. All these opinions were draining her.

It wasn’t until she moved away from the stand that she caught a glimpse of someone in the alley. Of all fucking people… Nyoko let out a haughty breath. He had some nerve.

"Skulking in the shadows like a common criminal, too scared to show your face at school. It would be truly hard to make you any more pathetic.”

Himekawa shrugged his shoulders, taking a step further back into the alley. “I’m hurt that you’d take such pleasure from hurting me, but I’m willing to forgive you. That’s how deep my affection is for you, Nyoko.”

He could hit all the buttons that made her angry. Nyoko fell right into his trap, forgetting a very important lesson that her father had taught her.

Never forget your surroundings.

If she had been paying a little attention. She’d have seen the man looming nearby. She’d have noticed that he didn’t match the rest of the scenery. Hat covering his eyes, gaze down. Hiding his identity.

The man slipped up behind her, grabbing her arm tightly and pressing the barrel of his gun to the middle of her back. “Scream and I shoot.”

The grin on Himekawa’s face made her nauseous. But she wouldn’t show it on her features. Forced down the alleyway, far enough away that anyone on the street wouldn’t notice their presence.

“Don’t be afraid. I would never let him kill you. And this should prove that I do have a significant amount of money to hire muscle. He’s the best hitman in the country.” Himekawa was incredibly proud of himself, boasting without restraint.

His wording left her with the impression that he would let the man shoot her. Somewhere not fatal. And she should choose her next words wisely.


Did she just laugh out loud?


“I’m sorry, did you just say the best?” Her sides hurt from how much laughter she couldn’t contain. He truly was a lowlife idiot. Nyoko tilted her head, swallowing down the rest of her giggles. “If he was anywhere close to the top, he wouldn’t have a gun pressed into myback.”

What a fool.

“He knows.”


“He knows that you’re princess Nyoko Kokonoi. Multi-billionaire Hajime Kokonoi’s oldest daughter-”

“And he was stupid enough to still show up?” Himekawa was only partially right. He didn’t have resources to dig up the information that her father was an executive in Bonten. If he did, then he’d be holding that information over her. Threatening to cause problems.

In which, he’d likely end up dead.

Nyoko glanced back at the hitman, wanting to get a decent look at his face. She let out a yelp when his fingers entangled in her hair, keeping her head forward.

“I’m sorry he hurt you.” Himekawa stepped close, caressing her cheek. Even with her palm slamming against his chest, he managed to dip down and press his lips against hers.

He tasted like stale beer and poor people. Disgusting. She couldn’t turn her head or pull away. Nyoko bit down hard on his bottom lip, drawing blood and making Himekawa reel back. She spit out the blood, not wanting to ingest his nasty germs.

“You-” He stopped short of name calling. Shaking his head, he waved his hand at the hitman. “I’m sorry for this, but I’ll simply have to teach you a lesson. Do it.”

Hitting the brick wall knocked the air out of her. She surely had some scrapes on her pretty, smooth skin. The grit of pavement dug into her knees as she struggled to catch her breath. This worm had the audacity to harm her perfect body.

“That is no way to treat our princess.”

Nyoko looked up to see Sanzu throw his arm around the hitman’s shoulder like they were old buddies. He gave her a little wink, to reassure her that he would protect her.

“Now,someone has to pay for this. It’s only fair.” Sanzu grinned, the silencer on his gun resting against the man’s temple. It was terrifying how easily he’d slipped into the group without being noticed, and completely taking control.

And then his body slumped, and Sanzu let the corpse crumple to the floor. He scratched his head with his gun, turning his attention to the teenager trembling with shock. “You must be the little prick who thinks he’s good enough for our Nyoko.”

Her nose crinkled at a rancid smell as she stood. Nyoko brushed the debris from her knees and looked to Himekawa.

The boy had pissed himself out of fear.

“Disgusting worm.”

Sanzu let out a dramatic sigh. “Boss said not to kill ya, so scram kid. Before I decide to break a few bones.” He wanted to torture the boy who dared harm his Nyoko. But he had his orders. The kid’s family had something that Mikey wanted.

It wasn’t until he escorted her to the car that Nyoko even registered what had really happened. Sitting on the seat, she watched Sanzu wrap her knees with careful movements. “How did you know where I was?”

“I can sense when you need me, my princess.”

Bullshit. Nyoko chewed on her lip until the only explanation came to mind. Her fist hit his shoulder with a soft punch. “You were following me?”

He laughed softly, caught. “He was worried about you, and he ordered me to keep an eye on you.”

You didn’t have to listen!” She hit him a second time. There was no force behind it. “Haru you’re the second in command!” A higher rank in the organization. The highest rank outside of Mikey.

“Not when it comes to you! I had no choice. I was forced.” Sanzu hugged her legs, resting his cheek against her knees. He didn’t like when she was angry with him. “But you have to admit, you were in a bad situation. I couldn’t stand by and watch him hurt you.”

His blood boiled just thinking about what their intentions were. Kokonoi would have killed him if she’d been beaten or shot. He stepped in because he loved her. “Please forgive me.”

Nyoko sighed. “I guess I should be angry with my father, not you.” She patted his head. “I forgive you, Haru. And thank you for helping me.”

“Your palace awaits! I think you deserve a nice bubble bath and some champagne. I’ll make sure your wounds are properly wrapped after too-” He was a complete softie for her. She was basically Bonten’s daughter, belonging to everyone. He’d been there for her first steps and was the first name she said after daddy.


Sanzu had nearly shut the door when she spoke. “No?”

“Take me to the office. I want to see daddy.” She needed him to explain why he’d sent Sanzu after her. It was frustrating and there would be no relaxing until she gets to say her piece.

The entire drive to the office was in complete silence, and Sanzu decided to skip his afternoon duties to avoid the wrath of the princess.

“You’re Fucking Dead Now.”

anime:tokyo revengers

character:sano ‘mikey’ manjiro, mitsuya takashi

summary:the true killer of sano emma has stepped forward, and y/n has no intention of letting him off easy.



“Can you aim it right?” 17-year-old Mitsuya questions, leaning against a tree a few feet away. He watches as Y/N examines her gun again, a silencer set right on the barrel. It was her birthday present that she unwrapped yesterday, from Sanzu himself. She rolls it on and checks her mag. “I don’t trust Sanzu to teach you. He just shoots off and hopes for the best.”

A newly 16-year-old Y/N glances to him from the targets set up by Draken. “I can aim just fine, thank you very much.” She retorts, tightening the silencer and holding out her weapon, “And Sanzu said I’m pretty much a pro at this point. You’ve seen me shoot things.”

“Yeah. You nearly shot Hakkai when he interrupted your practice.” He deadpans, tilting his head down to her, “Maybe you should leave the bullets to Sanzu.”

Y/N gives a large sigh, facing the targets on the tree stumps further away from her, “This puts me on the level beneath Mikey. If I have this, then I’m strong.”

Everyone knew how Mitsuya felt about violence. He stands there, arms crossed over his chest and holding onto his arms tightly. He never liked watching his friend be like this, so determined to be stronger than what she was. Y/N’s strength lived in her respect for and from others, and how she never gave up. He’s watched her get thrown to the ground by Draken and Chifuyu multiple times, just for her to get stronger. While she wasn’t strong enough to defeat the Vice, Chifuyu found it harder and harder to contain her. She was… admirable. But he never liked why she did what she did.

It was always Mikey. She had to be better than Mikey. She needed to be better than Mikey. She could never just be herself.

“Alright. Go ahead.” Mitsuya says.

A deep breath. And she shoots. There are seven targets, painted on different cans of empty cat food that Chifuyu kindly gave to them to use. Five of them get knocked over. The last two are dented in the side, slightly sliding in their spot. A click leaves Y/N’s mouth.


“That’s good.” Mitsuya praises, standing by her with a hand on her shoulder, “At least you hit them. You don’t always have to be on target, as long as you do some damage.” He lifts his hand and walks over, examining the still standing cans. “Sometimes it’s better to do less damage.”

Y/N stares at the back of his head and his movement. She shoves her gun back into her holster and stands beside him. “Do you think that Toman is getting better, or worse?” She questions, holding the can in her palm and rubbing her thumb over the dent.

“Better. For sure.” He replies in no time, “You’ve grown the gang, and we’ve filled our Divisions to the max, we’ll have to wither shuffle people around or start a new group. And everyone who has belittled you, now works for you. I think it’s better.”

She puts the cans down as Mitsuya does, walking back to their spot as new targets take place. She lifts her gun. “But they’d rather work for Mikey than for his ex-girlfriend.”

One, two, three, four, five, six targets down. One hit.

“If I don’t get more valuable, then I’ll die out like he did.”

One, two, three, four, five, six targets down. One miss.

“I can’t let them down.”

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven down.

Mitsuya puts the damaged cans in the trash bag, seeing Y/N rolling off the silencer. It’s been an hour of practice. She puts her things away and makes her way with Mitsuya to their bikes.

“You know.” He begins, turning his bike on, “You remind me of Shinichiro.”

She feels her heart pick up when the name is mentioned.

“He was a weak king, but never gave up.” Mitsuya claims, seeing Y/N trace the tiger on her bike, “But the difference between you and him, is that you are trying to be Mikey. He was himself.”

Sometimes, Y/N hated how right Mitsuya was.

She found him staring and watching her, all the time. Almost like a constant analysation of his Commander. Even when she shut herself in after that Halloween, he was there to see how she was doing. Y/N could hate him, more like she wanted to hate him, just because he was so observant. She hated all of it.

Y/N shakes her keys in her hands.

“I’m going to visit Kazutora, I’ll meet you at home.” She says, driving in the opposite way as Mitsuya was.

17-year-old Hanemiya Y/N’s gun is smoking from the barrel. Yells have stopped as Kisaki Tetta falls to the ground. Hanma slowly turns to the person laying slightly behind him, watching as the blood pools around his body. Part of him is speechless, and the other part feels his heart beating faster than ever.

His eyes land on Y/N, who is wide eyed, watching Kisaki. Her gun is still aimed at him, not letting up just in case he would still move. Hanma grits his teeth, fists clenched.

“What an idiot…” He mumbles to himself.

“HANMA!” Draken shouts loudly, charging towards him almost immediately as the realisation falls upon him. Hanma steps back only for Draken to throw a punch to to his face. He grabs Hanma’s shirt, repeatedly punching his cheek. “YOU FUCKING BASTARD! I’LL KILL YOU!”

Y/N’s eyes stay on Kisaki, palms hot against the handle.

Lemaire has his eyes on her as she stands in front of him, shoulders strong and gun still aimed at the body on the floor. He has never killed anyone himself, actually. It had always been someone else’s actions that he just so happened to be behind. Lèmeiux was older than Lemaire, and being Lemaire’s brother’s right-hand man, he was more experienced when it came to dealing with traitors and punishing them.

But killing someone with the blood on his hands?

Lemaire had no idea.

Lèmeiux is kneeling beside his Commander, being free of Draken’s hold. He places a gentle hand onto his shoulder. “Are you alright?” He mutters, facing him fully, “Merde… your nose is definitely broken.”

Lemaire waves him away, wiping the blood from his chin. “Who the Hell are those two?” He questions, nodding towards Hanma and Kisaki. He had no clue what they were up to, but he already did not like them at all. They seemed to be the reason why Y/N was going crazy. “I have never seen them before.”

“I don’t know, but I got a feeling that they got something to do with the two guys from the Second Unit.” Lèmeiux states, standing with his boss and looking at Draken currently tackling Hanma to the ground, and Y/N’s aim continuing to be on Kisaki. He was referring to the incident within Clair de Lune where two members from the Second Unit were sent to the hospital with their uniforms stolen. It leaves a bad taste on his tongue. “Toman is full of snakes, it seems.”

“It’s just them two.” Lemaire responds, his broken face turning serious, “Without them, Toman would be perfect.”

He’s never known about the civil wars in Toman. Kisaki and Hanma, they flew under their radar. Everyone’s radar. Except for Toman. How the Hell did two people seem to be so invisible? Either the two of them were incredible smart and sneaky, or they mattered too little for anyone else to notice. Lemaire had a feeling it was the first.

Mitsuya and Mikey are in the front of the crowd. Neither of them can believe what was going on. The sound of gasps all around them had rung out, along with the sound of the shot itself. But they can’t utter a single word, Y/N doesn’t waver. She still looks ready to go, but she’s holding herself back. Kisaki would have to be six feet under for her to stop.

“You asshole!” Draken shouts, drawing another punch with his already bloodied fists, “I fucking hope you survive after this, so that I can you the fuck up all over again. You’ll regret ever being born.”

Hanma laughs in his face, blocking a punch and kneeing Draken in the stomach, “Oh please, I’m living my fucking life so I don’t have to regret it.” The smile on his face makes Draken fume. He pulls back, hands burning. “You couldn’t fuck me up even if you tried, Ken.”

Draken throws his knuckles at Hanma’s jaw. “Don’t fucking call me that.” He scowls, lifting him up from his collar. Hanma falls a little at the sudden and harsh action, slipping on his hands and knees. “You took Emma from me. I’ll never forgive you or Kisaki. You two can burn in Hell for all I care.”

And he gives another smirk. Hanma pushes against Draken’s shoulders, hard. “You sending me off to see her for you?” He chuckles.

Draken swears that he is a good man, but Hanma… he is testing that.

“He’s gonna’ kill him.” Chifuyu mentions, his chest heaving as his body calms down from the fighting.

“Y/N might shoot if we move.” Takemichi says, gesturing to the leader in front of them, “She’s… angry.” There’s this feeling of fear that emits from him.

Last time Y/N looked this upset, it was because someone in her club ruined her nearly finished project. Instead of taking it out on them, she asked to fight Mitsuya and was so close to winning if it wasn’t for the fact that Mitsuya realised she was being serious.

“She won’t shoot us.” Mitsuya states, “She’s got good enough aim. And she’s only angry at Hanma and Kisaki.”

Still, that doesn’t make them feel any better. Mitsuya himself is scared. He doesn’t like how Y/N is still holding her weapon, or the fact that she brought it at all. It was this precaution that she always thought of, and always carried around with her where she needed. He hated that thing.

Mikey is keeping his eyes on Draken. While Y/N was in no way hurt, his best friend was in danger. Hanma was a sneaky little shit, and he always had something up his sleeve. Kisaki would tell him to have a plan B, C, D and everything after that. He didn’t trust those two one bit.

Y/N begins to take her step towards Kisaki as Draken launches another flurry of punches to his opponent. With a deep breath, she lowers her gun and walks over to him.

“I’ve always hated you, Kisaki.” She mutters out, pistol held tightly in her hand. She knits her brows as she glares down at him on the floor. Pathetic and unmoving. It makes her sick. “Ever since you became a part of Toman all those years ago, I’ve hated you. And I don’t hate a lot of people.”

She lifts her boot and shoves it into Kisaki’s chest. He lets out a bloodied cough. She looks disappointed.

“Fuck you.” She sighs, leaning onto the foot heaving into his body, “I wish I didn’t miss. Your heart is just a few inches away.”

Kisaki places a hand on around her ankle, weak and trying. He’s unable to push her off, the pain is too much. He can’t manage to get his breathing under control, and he is getting no mercy from the girl above him.


He should’ve killed Y/N like Hanma said to do. He said that if they just eliminated Y/N, then they could take over Toman themselves. Hanma or Kisaki could’ve killed her whenever they saw her at school. She had no people around to protect her, no gun, no motorcycle to escape with. She was alone. And she was vulnerable. There were so many chances he could’ve taken. He should’ve shot her and Draken in the back of their heads while they waited for Emma. That girl wouldn’t have done a thing.

Killing Emma might’ve been a start, but Y/N was going to end him now.

Y/N leans down, grabbing a handful of his hair and tugging him up harshly. He winces as she lowers her voice. “Emma is better than the both of us, you didn’t deserve to even breath the same air as her. How dare you do this?” She scowls, lifting her gun. With a quick movement, she bashes the bottom of her handle against Kisaki’s jaw. “Pray for your life and apologise. Beg for me to let you live, even though I will never do that. Go out with some sense of respect.”

He’s heaving to get a decent breath, but the way her heel digs into his chest and her fingers wringing his hair is making it hard. Kisaki can’t think of anything. Anything to get him out of this alive. He looks to the side. Hanma is practically passed out with Draken kicking him in the stomach repeatedly. The two of them are beat.

Kisaki looks back to Y/N, who could kill him with that gaze. He sends a glare back. “You didn’t deserve everything you got after Mikey left.” He states, “Everything you were handed, you were just given all the power because Mikey had a thing for you. You… You are nothing without him. You’ll never be anything more than his ex.”

Everyone can hear them. And for anyone who didn’t know Kisaki before, they know what he can be like now. This manipulative, whining liar who never gets his way. And Hanma, his lap dog. But with everything they’ve heard about Y/N, there’s never been a worse thing to say to her.

Y/N stares at him.

Who the Hell did he think he was?

Who the Hell did he think he was talking to?

She stands up, tugging him up as she lifts her foot off of him. Kisaki grunts as he gets pulled to his knees. Y/N stands in front of him blood sprayed across her uniform from her run-in with Lemaire. He looks up at her, hand pressing against his shoulder and trying to stop the pain.

“You’ll be nothing more than the dirt beneath my shoe.” She responds, “You’re a follower, you think that having Hanma means that you’re invincible. You don’t do shit, and you aren’t shit. Don’t talk down to me like you’re better. I can be ten times the man you think you are.”

Without another word, she brings the end of her gun to his forehead. Kisaki holds his breath, staring right back at her, as if to challenge the girl. Y/N is having none of it.

The gun rotates until the barrel is in her palm. And she draws back her hand, striking his face with the gun as if it was a bat. She goes back and forth, swinging with all her might. Kisaki has no time to think, too little strength to stop. His glasses are broken on the floor beside him.

Mikey can feel some flashbacks coming through. The sight of Y/N and Kisaki, is the exact same one as Kazutora and himself.

It goes for a few more minutes before Draken finally lays his eyes on his Commander. Y/N is seeing red, this… dark impulse surrounds her. And he’s knocked back into reality, the fact that he can’t allow her to go on. He lifts himself up from Hanma, giving him one last scowl before walking towards Y/N.

His footsteps are heard from where she stands. “You want a couple hits before we end him?” She questions, voice without hesitation. She doesn’t think twice about what she implies. “I want him to suffer.”

She gets one last hit before her wrist is stopped, held by Draken behind her. She doesn’t say anything, looking over her shoulder to him, Kisaki still in front of her with his head hung low. Y/N’s expression doesn’t change, she still looks furious, fingers tight around the barrel. Nobody dares to breathe louder than the rest of the crowd. It’s too intense, with all eyes on Y/N.

“Let go of me.” She orders. She’s never used that tone before, and her wrist is straining against Draken’s hand. Her handle is bloodied and dropping with red from Kisaki’s face. Nothing can satisfy her thirst for revenge.

He shakes his head. “Stop that. Look at what you’re doing.” He retorts. The blood trickles down his wrist as well.

“Are you saying I shouldn’t kill this bastard?” She says, holding tighter onto her gifted weapon, “Why does he deserve to live? I have every right to split his skull open right now.”

A kick pulls back and launches against the side of Kisaki’s head.

“Stop to fucking think for a second, Y/N.” Draken demands, getting more frustrated by the second. Because she is right, they have every right to be mad at him and want him gone. He himself was ready to throw that guy in a dumpster fire. “He’s done. Emma… didn’t want this for you.”

She’s glaring at the top of Kisaki’s head. “Don’t tell me what Emma wanted.” She huffs back, pulling her hand out of his grasp, “She told me all of that. And none of it is gonna’ happen because this asshole took her away from us.” She places her boot against Kisaki’s shoulder and shoves him back. “You ruined my life, so I’ll take yours.”

“Y/N—” Draken begins, loud.

“What?” She shouts back, turning around with her gun barrel held tightly in her palms.

But as she lands her gaze on her Second-in-Command, her eyes widen and her tighten fists loosen that little bit.

Draken holds his breath, a sharp pain in his lower back. Once a second passes, he feels something get pulled out of his skin.

“Fuck…” Hanma chitters, dropping the bloodied knife to the floor as he takes a few steps back, “That was easier than I thought.”

Draken turns around, throwing an arm out and knocking Hanma onto his rear. A great huff comes from him, “I’ll fucking kill you!”

“You can’t do that if you’re already dead yourself, Ken.” Hanma retorts, laying on his back and looking to the sky.

“DRAKEN!” Toman yells, voices loud and booming across the area.

“Kenny…” Mikey says, pushing passed Mitsuya and gradually jogging towards his best friend.

Mitsuya stands still for a few seconds. “What the Hell….?” He mumbles to himself, “What is this…?” He walks towards him as well, soon picking up speed and running.

The Vice Commander scowls, shivers going up his spine as the pain surges through his body. A fall to his knee is what makes Y/N run step towards him.

“Draken?” She mutters out, gun back in its holster and placing her hands on his shoulders. The guy is coughing blood onto the floor, making her heart beat faster with anxiety.

She kneels in front of him, holding his shoulders up. He can’t sit up straight. Mikey comes to his side soon enough, panicked and not knowing what to do. Mitsuya is behind Draken, examining the stab wound. It’s deep, too deep. The kind of wound that you’d expect someone to pass out from because of all the pain. But Draken is here, awake. Slightly.

Mitsuya looks towards Mikey, a solemn expression. Mikey clenches his jaw and grips harder onto Draken’s sleeve.

“It’s fine, it’s fine, we’ll take you to the hospital, it’s fine. You’re fine. You’ll be okay.” Y/N states, looking him dead in the eye with her voice shaking. Draken stares back at her, blank, with blood dripping from his mouth. Y/N can’t help the way her eyes are burning, or how her chest tightens at the scene. “You’re listening to me, right?”

“Y/N.” He replies, lifting a heavy hand up to her. She furrows her brows with a frown, his palm now resting on top of her head. “It’s okay.”

“This is not okay! Emma’s not coming back, so you have to!” She retorts, shaking his shoulders frantically.

Mikey leans back in his spot. “Kenny.” He calls. Draken turns to his childhood friend. “I’m sorry.”

The taller man holds his laboured breath for a moment. And then smiles, letting out a chuckle, “You ass, waiting up until this point to tell me.” Mikey doesn’t say anything to that. In return, Draken tilts his head down. “I forgave you once I saw Emma hug you. You can rest easy now.”

Mikey lets out a long sigh, nodding his head once.

“Mitsuya.” Draken speaks up, making the 19-year-old behind him turn his head. The lavender-haired boy gives a short hum in acknowledgement. “Thanks for saving Y/N. Please continue to help her.”

“I will.” Replies Mitsuya, who wipes his cheeks from tears.


“Shut up.” She responds, punching a fist into the hard concrete beneath her. Tears pool in her eyes and she glares towards Draken. “I don’t want to hear it from you. I… fuck.”

Draken grunts, bonking the top of her head, “Listen to me, idiot. Emma’s funeral speech… Could you read mine for me?” Her expression softens, until her lips are parted and her brows are lifted. “It would mean a lot. To me, and to Emma.”

She can’t decline his request. If she did, it’d haunt her for the rest of her life. Y/N only takes his fist off of her head and responds, “I will.”

“Thank you—” Draken is interrupted by a fit of coughs. He covers it with his hand, now covering the skin with red. He doesn’t look regretful or panicked, not how Y/N, Mikey and Mitsuya look right at this second.

Draken only lays his hands on his lap, staring at his bloodied palms and knuckles. He wouldn’t want to leave any other way. His friends are beside him, and he will be seeing Baji, Kazutora… and most importantly, he’ll be with her.

“I’m on my way, Emma.”




Y/N holds her breath. And stands up.

Her tears are now dried along her cheeks, anything still wet being wiped off her face with the back of her hand.

She doesn’t look sad anymore.

Draken is cold and he sits there, blood etching from his back onto the ground around him. He can’t say anything to Y/N anymore. No more 'think before you act’, or 'at least look presentable’. Draken is gone now.

She doesn’t know what to do.

If the people she cares about are dropping one by one, then who will be the last person?

Next thing she knows, it might be Mikey, or Mitsuya, or Hina, or Takemichi, or Chifuyu… They could all be next.

“You’re fucking dead now.” She spits out venomously, sliding her handgun out from her holster. She walks towards Kisaki, who had sit up to watch the whole thing play out. Throughout their many years of planning and trying to gain control of Toman, they had never managed to kill any of the Commanders. Not even when Takemichi was a Commander. Y/N kicks him upside the chin, making Kisaki yelp and fall back. Her gun is aimed at his head. “I’d kill you with my bear hands, but I don’t want to get infected by a piece of shit like you.”

“Go throw yourself onto the highway.” Kisaki scowls back, scornful expression on his face. His glasses as sitting a few feet away, broken and bent. He doesn’t bother reaching for them.

Y/N squints at him. And lifts her gun to check her magazine. Half-empty. With a satisfied overlook, she clicks the mag back into her weapon.

“Your mother made the mistake of having you.” She tells Kisaki. He grits his teeth. Seething. “I’ll fix it for her.”

And just as she’s about to squeeze the trigger, a hand falls on top of her shoulder. Her finger relaxes, unwillingly.

“Wait.” He says beside her, “Just wait a second.”
