#stay at home wife


SFW Patriarchy, Male Lead Household server. Not kink related, No bdsm allowed. Non misogyny.

Come get support, meet new friends and share inspiration in being the best female homemaker you can be. Men are welcome, come share your advice and support. The focus of this server is for traditional gender roles and female homemakers.

Homemaker or a Career Woman? Pros and Cons

This post was based on a question I received on my thoughts on stay-at-home moms & wives.Click here to read.

Ladies, it is essentialto know the lifestyle you want to live. If your main priority is to take care of your kids and enjoy leisure time. Then, you may prefer to be a stay-at-parent. If being a boss babe and having independence is important to you, you may prefer being an entrepreneur or having a career.

Perks of being a Career Woman

Financial Independence:

  • When you make your own money, YOUcall the shots! If financial independence is important to you and gives you peace of mind a career might be for you.
  • You may like the status and recognition that comes with earning your own money.

Larger social pool:

  • Most stay-at-home moms hang out with their families and other stay-at-home moms. If you enjoy socializing in corporate functions a career is a better option.
  • When you have a career that takes you places and into settings with a variety of people, it can be more rewarding for your career or business.

Purpose beyond family life:

  • Although being a mother and wife is rewarding, some may want a life surpassing home.
  • If you feel your calling is beyond being a mother and wife a career you are passionate about you fulfill that need.
  • You don’t want to look back and wish you did more. Find a life that is worth living, and that includes working.. so be it.

Perks of being a Homemaker

You never miss a moment:

  • When you stay at home you can be there for every moment of your kid’s childhood.
  • From ballet practice to graduations to prom. You won’t miss a beat! (My mom was a stay-at-home mom for 15 years. she was there for my sibling through everything.)

Rest in your femininity:

  • Feminine energy is receptive and less active than masculine energy. When you stay home and are able to live more leisurely you can rest in your femininity.
  • Allows your partner to work hard for you and your family while you focus on making the house a home.

Freedom (more or less):

  • You can spend the day as you wish with no other obligation than taking care of the kids, possibly making meals and maintaining the home.
  • Attending meetups with other stay-at-home moms.
  • picking up a profitable hobby like blogging or painting.

Disclaimer: You can be a successful ambitious woman and a stay-at-home mom, but remember: it can be very difficult to do it all at once! This can eventually lead to burnout.
