#trans discrimination


It’s International Transgender Day of Visibility.

Although this is a festive occasion, it is also a date to protest against the harshness and the violence that our trans sisters and brothers face everyday

Let’s end trans discrimination now!

ACLU: “Attorney general Paxton’s opinion and Governor Abbott’s letter have no legal effect, can’t change Texas law, and can’t override the constitutional rights of Texas families. No court anywhere in the country has ever found that gender-affirming care can be considered child abuse.”



“to parents of trans kids across the country, if i can recommend one thing to work on today (besides hugging your babies harder than ever) it’s to start building a "safe folder”

a safe folder contains important items like your child’s medical and legal records (vaccination records, court documents/passports/etc showing their legal name if it’s been changed).

also include letters from trusted people like neighbors, your child’s principal, clergy, etc that talk about what a wonderful parent you are.

photos (including self portraits your children have drawn!) that document your trans child’s transition are also helpful. if you have a social media account & are considering deleting, download all your pics and posts first to use as evidence of their persistent gender identity.

one year my son drew me the LOVELIEST mother’s day card. he told me how much he loved me & how safe he felt when he was with me. the 1st thing i thought was “this is the sweetest thing he’s ever made me.” the 2nd (heartbreaking) thing i thought is “this goes in the safe folder.”

include report cards, too. medals/awards that they’ve earned from their accomplishments.

i pray you will never need to rely on your safe folder. but if someone calls CPS on you for doing nothing more than loving your transgender child and supporting them in the ways that they need, then you have evidence to back you up that YOU ARE A GOOD PARENT.

it will be okay. hug your babies, vote these douchecanoes out of office, and stay strong. love you.“


Update:response from the ACLU

IMPORTANT THREAD re: new anti-trans order in Texas - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SHARE!!!

“This is horrifying, and I’m going to thread resources below about how you can help in this situation and/or what resources you can use if you’re an affirming parent or educator in Texas right now”


Original post/thread:

“Greg Abbot has officially directed Family and Protective Services to begin investigating all trans children in Texas and prosecuting their parents as child abusers. He has also instructed all teachers, doctors, and caregivers to begin reporting any trans students they see.”

-Erin, Trail Mom-Read thread here

Update:response from the ACLU


So, here’s the thing. Trump’s team does not need to put trans folks in concentration camps to destroy us. It is far, far easier:

1) Bathroom legislation prevents us from moving around. Especially when they are encouraged with bounties to incentivize nabbing cis-passing folks. (Bounties sound ridiculous? Lots of states’ first attempts at these laws included bounties. It is a Real Thing )

2) “1st ammendment / religious freedom” laws prevent us from accessing goods and services.

3) Abolishing Obamacare prevents the poorest among us to access any transition-related healthcare. Pressure on insurers and health providers to drop trans healthcare prevents the rest of us from access.

4) Forbid trans people from changing their legal documents to match their new name and gender. This makes us easier to out.

As a reminder, here is a quote from Ken Blackwell’s org. He is on the Trump transition team:


“There is no rational or compassionate reason to affirm a distorted psychological self-concept that one’s “gender identity” is different from one’s biological sex.

Neither lawmakers nor counselors, pastors, teachers, nor medical professionals should participate in or reinforce the transgender movement’s lies about sexuality–nor should they be required by the government to support such distortion.“


The above 4 strategies drive us deeper into poverty and raises an already staggeringly high (over 40%) suicide attempt rate.

Gender id is not a protected class in most states. Trans people have very, very few legal protections. It is still legal in some states to fire us, evict us, and even use the “trans panic” defense to get out of a murder judgment.

Bathroom laws in schools are the easiest to begin with because the young are our most vulnerable and easiest to control, plus the supreme court has yet to decide if gender identity is protected by Title 9. Pay close, close attention to this case (Gavin Grimm, a trans boy) once it begins, as well as Obama’s initiative to direct public schools to give trans kids their bathroom access. If these fail, our trans youth is going to be the first to fall.

Cisgender and want to know how to help?

1) Your trans friends might need help getting their docs changed before January. They’ll have to do a lot in person, so they may need time off, rides to the courthouse, papers notarized, or even a cash loan.

2) Business owners can ask their insurance to cover trans healthcare now, so 1-time things like surgeries can get scheduled asap.

3) Teachers, parents, etc who can sit on school boards can fight trans panic in the bathroom.

4) We need cis voices to combat transphobia wherever it happens, from “jokes” to legislation. And we need cis voices to openly support us and show us we are not alone.
