

yikes, i havent been active!  im sorry.  im busy with school lately.

just a reminder to say that youre loved!  please take your meds, drink some water, and dont forget to eat something!  people over 13 need over 2000 calories a day!

making a positivity post for everyone and accepting there are people who disagree with you: ✔️

making a positivity post but blocking all transmeds who reblog it: ❌

drew a carrot gorl and fig!! they were fun!

hi i love u

pls take your meds

eat something!!

drink water to stay hydrated

take a shower and stay clean

get at least 8hrs of sleep!!

thank u for reading this


hate will get u blocked!! ^^

i love cis transmeds

youre very valid

you are nottransphobic

keep it up!

take ur meds

eat something

drink water.

have a good day!!


hate will get u blocked! ^^

i dont give a fuck about your views

i dont care if youre a transmed or a tucute, or even neither

but i hope you have a great day

i hope you took your medication

i hope you have a good day

and i love u


hate will get u blocked ^^
