#ts creativity


Honey, you should see me in a crown.

Yo, some more fanart for @thatsthat24 and this time it’s Roman! :^0

Also! Speedpaint ! https://youtu.be/P16SMrxlLQM

This War of Mine (TWOM) Sanders Sides AU

Featuring the angstiest of angst boys where some are soldiers, rebels or civilians dragged into the hell called war.

Me and @hamiltonian-operator came up with this idea based on the game This War of Mine, and even a whole storyline, just to fuel ourselves with the angst we are deprived of. This may be turned into a comic, mayhaps not at the moment… but this drawing technically is spoilers for the whole story

Though do let me know if any of you areinterested in a comic for this.

Please do not repost or use without permission!

I finished this at 12am but thought “It’s too late to post it”, so have it now

I really wanted to make him look like the Disney prince he is

Part 1 of a commission I was allowed to post! I liked working on it!


{group chat}

Remus: who the fuck added me to the fucking group chat?

Patton: >:o language

Logan: yeah watch your fucking language


Janus: ‘The fuck word’

Roman: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time

Janus: oh my god he censored it

Logan: just say fuck, Roman

Virgil: do it, Roman. Say fuck

Smol Theory Time: Ok, there’s one thing that always stuck with me in SvS, when Deceit calls Logan to the stand, and Logan asks why didn’t they get him in the first place, it’s a courtroom scenario? Deceit lies and says ‘Patton insisted we leave you alone’ and in that SPLIT SECOND Logan actually believes him! He turns to Patton with surprise on his face, but why? Logan should be smarter than that to believe Deceit?

What if that means that one of Logan’s fears is being rejected by Patton because he takes Patton’s morality seriously, even if he doesn’t act like he likes Patton most of the time. Logan can usually call falsehood on Deceit, but this one time? Yikes.

I think that Logan is Deceit’s biggest obstacle in his plan to do whatever it is he’s going to do in the season finale. If Deceit can isolate Logan and possibly tell him a lie that would cause him to step away (duck out), it would leave Virgil, Roman and Patton exposed and vulnerable to Remus’ suggestions.

For instance, a lie might be Patton saying he ‘doesn’t trust Logan’s logic.’ Logan respects Patton’s opinion above all else. Because of Thomas’ moral way of living. So if ‘Patton’ tells Logan that he’s not making sense anymore, and with Remus encouraging Logan with ‘who do you really wanna scream…at?’, Logan might get fed up and leave.

So it’s possible that Deceit’s next move will be to appear as Patton again. I think Patton is the key to Deceit dismantling the light side hierarchy. If Deceit (as Patton) can convince Logan he’s not needed and unimportant, and Roman that he’s not creative or useful, Virgil might be the only hope left to see through the BS.
