#tw coronavirus


Australia is doing very, very well. We might escape this in ways I know many won’t and still people will die and I am sorry for that. I’m sorry for the countries that won’t escape this as well. I know I have no grounds to complain. On comparison.

But… I live alone with a six month old pup. My parents live together, my sisters both live with partners. I lack friends.

And they will not take the hint that I need some face time (Skype, Houseparty, etc.). Or they don’t care.

I can do this for a bit longer but not 6 months. Eefgggggfff

What’s up tumblr. I see I have not been here for… over six months. Times are strange though and I am feeling utterly alone and not handling it. I live with my 6 month old pup in a regional Australian city where I have failed to make any sort of friends. 

Over the last two and a half weeks I’ve tried really hard to stay isolated (because I could). I spent the first weekend at my parents to try to convince them similar. I spent a day and a half at my university campus to grab what I needed and turn my nose up at everyone else who wasn’t working from home (they could have been). I drove all the way to Melbourne (2.5 hours) to give my one friend a lift to the airport because he’s legit just packed up and moved to Japan because he had a job lined up and figured why not. 

I have had a mid-level falling out with part of my extended family. I can’t be bothered rehashing but they are putting my grandparents at significant risk, they are asking everyone else for money to pay for what the rest of us would do for free, and they are basically just assholes. Everyone agrees with me, but no one will do anything about it. And, at the end of the day, the way they’re positioning themselves (to be able to inherit more of my grandparents’ estate) is putting my granny and pop at a much higher level of risk than they need to be. 

I have a neighbor who lives in one of the houses over the back of me. Never seen them, don’t know exactly which house, but it’s a woman and a man that have screaming matches 2-3 times a week. He’s the aggressor, she mostly just screams and begs. I’ve never heard evidence that it’s physical but I would bet it often is. I’ve called the local cops twice. Today I called emergency. 

My income is pretty safe, I think. I live with a rambunctious but reasonably lovely pup. I can actual work a bit from home. I have savings and get afford my rent, my bills, anything I desire. But I am struggling a bit and being an introverted loner, I’m utterly without a soul to talk to. I tried my family and it made it worse. Even the friend now in Japan definitely thinks I’m going a bit nuts. This all just hammers home the reality I faced years ago which was that I ultimately wasn’t getting much out of life and my continued existence was really just a nice thing to do for my family. 

So I’m back, at least to post this very maudlin update. Sighhhhhhhh. 


if this quarantine has taught me anything it’s that my ability to go for long periods of time with zero human contact without completely losing my mind actually is an outlier


It’s a bit difficult for me to understand people who are losing their minds because they won’t be able to socialize for weeks or even months.

I’m autistic, I’ve never been able to socialize, I would be happy if it was only a few months. For me isolation will never end.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s sad to see neurotypicals suffering and I don’t wish them harm but I really can’t understand

yeah, i feel like this as well

it’s also weird how people are talking so much about how their life has changed so much in the last weeks because of all the things they can’t do anymore and my life is currently still pretty much the same as before. It makes the whole situation very hard to judge



i feel like everyone’s forgotten some Covid basics so please let me remind you:

  • Your mask protects others more than it protects you
  • You can still spread covid even if you’re vaccinated or not showing any symptoms
  • The more this spreads around, the more mutated variants of the virus will appear and they WILL be stronger than the original

so like maybe stop being a little bitch and endangering others because you really, really needed to go out to dinner or get fucked up at a bar instead of in your home like a respectable person

My mom is one of those idiots who never stopped going to the bar and because of it, she hasn’t seen me or her grandkids in over a year. Today I almost left a local store when aide from me, there was only two people wearing masks. My anxiety is through the roof at people who are acting like it’s all over or it didn’t really happen.

Reporting in from New Orleans. I’m still alive and healthy, and my husband and kids are, too, for now. But we’re the lucky ones. We have friends and family members who are sick, literally almost everyone in this city and state is out of work, you can’t find basic food supplies anywhere… it’s about as dire here as you’re reading (maybe moreso, unless you’re reading The Advocate/Times-Picayune)

Every day I think that there’s no need to wait for the end of the world. It’s already here.

Not me having an anti vaccer/microchip idiot in my inbox right now. Yes I got the covid vaccine. Yes I got the microchip deluxe package with bluetooth, 5G and a Spotify premium subscription smh

moonwatcher13: tatsutahimet:c-dentello:andy-the-anon:When you remember the anti-vax movement





When you remember the anti-vax movement

I first reblogged this in January, and here my ass is in March 2020 self-quarantined at home.

To the meme archeologists reading this in 2120, be warned. 100 years brings the plague

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This week has shown that every post-apocalyptic grocery store filled with shelves of items in movies is now one of the most unbelievable story points.

Episode 142 was made in early April and of course this news was announced the week it scheduled to pEpisode 142 was made in early April and of course this news was announced the week it scheduled to p

Episode 142 was made in early April and of course this news was announced the week it scheduled to post. That’s show biz. 

Congratulations to Frozen on Broadway for a fantastic run that ended too soon.

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Hello, pause for a sec.

Many places are removing masking requirements. And I’m here to ask, if you are young and able-bodied, please keep wearing a mask anyways. We’ve known for two years that masks protect othersmore than they protect yourself, and that masks work when most people are wearing them. If only at-risk individuals are masking, they’re moreat risk.

Protect others. Help disabled people exist safely in public. Wear a mask.


Take a second and pat yourself on the back. You’ve made it through pridefall! You’ve made it through murder hornets, and through this pandemic so far, and through all the years of your life before that.

You’re doing great. Keep!!! Going!!!

It doesn’t matter how few people are dying because of COVID, people are still dying!!!

Stay at home if you can!

Stay as safe as you can!

Stay clean, stay healthy, and thank you if you’re out there on the front lines!

Do your part, everybody. The goal here isn’t to stop something that’s already taken over. It’s to keep it from taking over in the first place.

You’re doing amazing.





So a few years ago another person in the M*A*S*H fandom (@4077th​ I think it was you) made this pattSo a few years ago another person in the M*A*S*H fandom (@4077th​ I think it was you) made this patt

So a few years ago another person in the M*A*S*H fandom (@4077th​ I think it was you) made this pattern of M*A*S*H icons and I convinced her to put it on Spoonflower, where I then bought two yards of organic knit cotton with that print. And then for personal reasons she took it down, so I believe I’m the only person ever who owns any of this fabric.

 A few days ago a friend of mine who knows my love for all things M*A*S*H, joked that I needed an Army green mask for wearing in public during our current pandemic. I sent her a picture of my fabric and said it’d have to do, not truly intending to make a mask of it. Yet at her encouragement, I did indeed. I present to you my one of a kind, custom printed M*A*S*H mask with actual muslin on the reverse side and ties made from organic bamboo knit fabric because I’ve given away all my elastic and ribbon to someone who has now made over 300 masks for our community.

When I posted a picture of this on my Facebook page, another friend made a single word comment - M*A*S*K.

(And no, I don’t know why tumblr is being trash and posting pics sideways.)

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