#ukraine war


The Ukraine Government is corrupt and it is run by Nazis. If you’re truly Anti-Nazi, then you should oppose the Ukraine Government.


I’m doing this tag just to make you know that I’m alive. Just mentally exhausted. Alas! The war’s still lasting. Here’s 5 Ukrainian music tracks I’ve listened a lot lately. 

Thanks@fuzzygranola for tagging me! I tag: @its-adrienpastel,@aniraklova,@goamazons,@glammoose and everyone else who wants to share their music list. 

I just want to say that if you’ll see in a near future Russians in your country - don’t be cruel or rude to them, please. If they are not billionaires or politicians – they most likely just fled from the regime, just like I myself try to do right now. People that are supporting this government – will stay. They like it here. Can’t imagine why.

A lot of people don’t like this regime but they can’t risk their life to destroy it – they have families, dreams, plans. If you think that we just need to protest a lot and beat up the police – no. It’s not that easy, unfortunately. I think we should protest, but just for the… I don’t know. We just can’t sit silently – a lot of people are doing what they can, the best of us, most honest and fine – are going to the protest and risking. Some are making anti-war posters. Some are spreading info and donating.

Maybe someone will see it and change their opinion on this government. And maybe one day something will change, but I’m not sure if it would now. I could write a whole essay on why is that – but I don’t think that I have an energy to do it right now.

Just know that if you’ll see some Russians that fled to you – just know – they are dissidents.

(real) Russian culture at its core, I think, is about internal resistance to the russian “history”, lets call it that. Almost every great russian culture figures – are the one that always against the regime, and first of all, they are not letting it destroy them from the inside. And sometimes – to save yourself, as human, as a being – you need to go away from the your home. One of my favorite poets – Joseph Brodsky did that in 1972. He never stopped loving his culture and home, but to have an ability to speak and do something against the Soviet regime – he had to leave. And probably that is what will happen to a lot of us right now.
