#uni studyspo




i’m so behind oops. Also, thank you guys so much for 1k followers! I’ll try to be more active on here since it makes me motivated seeing that people enjoy my content! 

week 14/15 of#2020 quarantine challenge 

✨saturday jun. 27, 2020✨

Q: Amusement Park or Day at the Beach?

amusement park>

✨sunday jun. 28, 2020✨

Q: Pen or Pencil?

I prefer to write my notes in pen cause I think it looks neater

✨monday jun. 29, 2020✨

Q: What website do you visit most often?

I feel like I visit youtube and netflix the same amount

✨tuesday jun. 30, 2020✨

Q: What takes up too much of your time?

school work

✨wednesday jul. 1, 2020✨

Q: What do you wish you knew more about?

knowledge that’s useful throughout life like taxes, savings, and anything that deals with money in general

✨thursday jul. 2, 2020✨

Q: What’s the best way to start the day?

I like to read in the mornings so that I get in a more productive mood for the day 

✨friday jul. 3, 2020✨

Q: What are some things you’ve had to unlearn?

Rejection is inevitable but don’t let it get in the way of your goals 


1/100 days of productivity ||I decided I should begin with this challenge since I just started university in order to (hopefully) beat procrastination and study for real. on the other hand, this subject is so weird??? I have no comments I just want to cry. [click for HQ bc tumblr is a bitch]

16/03/2018 Studyblr gets real: Aesthetics™️ don’t matter anymore when the test is in 10 hours and it16/03/2018 Studyblr gets real: Aesthetics™️ don’t matter anymore when the test is in 10 hours and it

Studyblr gets real: Aesthetics™️ don’t matter anymore when the test is in 10 hours and it’s midnight lmao

Post link

22 February 2021 // took a short walk to the zoology building to watch the film crew of ‘tetris’ at work! only slightly off putting that my uni is being used as a USSR location 

THIS WEEK // played in the snow. saw the neighbor’s cat. went to the library. made bibimpap.

14 December 2021 // i’m back home for the holidays but the grind doesn’t stop

29 November 2021 // wow this month has really flown by! almost all of my classes are finished and i’ve just got essays left to finish


Guys, gals and all followers of my academic and general journey since summer of 2019. From today this blog is technically no longer a study blog, because I did it. I graduated (class of 2020 but due to covid officially in 2022)! I started this blog after coming a click away from dropping out after my second year but being convinced otherwise. I started it as a way of documenting my progress , keeping myself accountable, keeping myself excited about academia and being able to put it all behind me if I hung on a little longer. I have cried SOOOO much in the past year in the past three years.

This has been a safe space. It’s held deep thoughts and many feelings that I won’t be deleting but continuing to document as I figure out what else life has in store just like I have been doing even after I finished in 2020.

Thank you for being a part of this journey. I hope you’ll stick around.


10.1.22 | 4 - 8 / 100 Days of Productivity

I had a very productive few days but not all of it was academic. My partner and I entered a dancesport comp in Blackpool and so we had to learn a new routine (Covid and Christmas messed up our lesson plan) and then competed with it less than 24hrs later. We danced a category up from what we compete at on the uni circuit and weren’t expecting to do too well but we made the finals of both ballroom and latin!

Now I’m back at my flat and about to start a 48hr stats exam. Looks like I’ll be working from home a bit more but sadly without the wonderful views I had last year
